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В Большом театре началась предварительная продажа билетов на балет <<Нуреев>>

В Большом театре началась предварительная продажа билетов на балет «Нуреев»
2018-03-24 09:45
Купить их можно в кассах до 29 марта.

«Индустрия кино»: Кролик Питер и Синяя птица
2018-03-24 09:50
В новом выпуске «Индустрии кино»: рассказываем про самые интересные будущие проекты от лидеров киноиндустрии, про шоу «Синяя птица» и сюрприз от создателей шоу и фильма «Последний богатырь», а также говорим с Доналом Глисоном про фильм «Кролик Питер».

Switzerland: Egypt, Portugal talk World Cup following friendly match
2018-03-24 11:11
Egypt and Portugal faced off in a friendly game in Zurich on Friday, only months ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. After the match, each team held a press conference. Egyptian Team Captain and Goal-Keeper Essam El-Hadary commented on his team's performance. «The players today, with their skill, and spirit and strategy, were able to have a great game. In my opinion, we benefited a lot and all the players gained experience», he said. Portuguese coach Fernando Santos said that while the skill of the players led to opportune conditions in which to score, his team also had improvements to make in regards to offensive aspects. Portuguese goalie Beto praised football legend Cristiano Ronaldo for his two goals and also his teammates for their joint efforts. «This is a collective victory, it comes from the effort, suffering, the work of all. It gives a good morale at this stage of the team», he said. The match ended 2-1 to Portugal, who managed to score both points in the final minutes of the game.

France: Police officer who swapped himself for hostage dies in hospital
2018-03-24 11:40
French police officer Arnaud Beltrame has died in hospital, Saturday, after swapping himself for a hostage at a Trebes supermarket a day earlier. Footage shows a number of armed police officers near the supermarket the following day, as the security operation is underway. On Friday, a gunman killed one person while stealing a vehicle from Carcassonne. The gunman then reportedly drove to the nearby town of Trebes, where he took hostages at a Super U store. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim known for minor delinquencies, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris.

Russia: Huge TV tower is demolished is Ekaterinburg
2018-03-24 12:17
An unfinished TV tower reaching over 220-metres in height (720ft) was demolished in the city of Ekaterinburg on Saturday. The structure was caved in, causing part of the tower to collapse onto a specially designed «pillow». The rest of the tower is set to be dismantled over the next two weeks. The construction of a tower expected to be 361-metre-high (1,184ft) began in the late 1980s. However, the project was frozen in 1991 after funding was stopped. After the demolition of the TV tower, a new ice rink will reportedly be constructed in its place.

France: Mourners lay flowers outside Carcassonne Gendarmerie Nationale to honour killed officer
2018-03-24 12:47
Mourners laid flowers outside Carcassonne's Gendarmerie Nationale on Saturday to honour French police officer Arnaud Beltrame who was killed after swapping himself for a hostage at a Trebes supermarket a day earlier. On Friday, a gunman killed one person while stealing a vehicle from Carcassonne. The gunman then reportedly drove to the nearby town of Trebes, where he took hostages at a Super U store. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim known for minor delinquencies, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» «It's a shame!» said Gilbert, a local who also has a son in the police. «We have to let them do their job,» he added. The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris.

Вести. Эфир от 24.03.2018 (11:00)
2018-03-24 13:05
Сдают оружие, чтобы вернуться к мирной жизни: Восточную Гуту покинули 5 тысяч боевиков и членов их семей. Министерство обороны России публикует новые кадры. 60 тысяч болельщиков, в том числе и послы стран-участниц чемпионата мира по футболу. В Лужниках состоялся товарищеский матч Россия-Бразилия. В МХТ новый руководитель. Преемником великого Олега Табакова стал Сергей Женовач.

Переломный год: доверенные лица Путина — об изменениях в стране
2018-03-24 13:20
Приглашение в штаб Путина, которое было в день выборов на руках у его доверенных лиц, — любопытный и теперь исторический документ. А не они, доверенные лица, осуществляли связь своего кандидата с тем действительно рекордным числом избирателей, которые и вручили Путину мандат на обновление?

В Барселоне протестующие сожгли портреты короля Испании
2018-03-24 13:26
Испанию сотрясают массовые протесты. В Барселоне более двух десятков человек пострадали в столкновениях с полицией.

Скрытая война: сирийскими террористами управляют из-за рубежа
2018-03-24 13:29
Главная особенность конфликта в Сирии заключается в том, что государства-противники ведут против нее скрытые действия, не втягиваясь в прямой военный конфликт. Об этом заявил начальник Генштаба ВС РФ Валерий Герасимов.

Грудинин все же сбрил усы
2018-03-24 13:34
Участник президентской гонки Павел Грудинин выполнил обещание и сбрил усы. Фотографию он выложил в Инстаграм.

Евгений Спицын. «История СССР. Первый Берлинский кризис, создание НАТО и конституирование ФРГ и ГДР»
2018-03-24 14:00
Сто двадцать третья лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная первому Берлинскому кризису, созданию НАТО, конституированию ФРГ и ГДР. Уважаемые друзья! На сайте издательства «Концептуал» можно приобрести пятитомник «История России» Е.Ю. Спицына без торговой наценки: https://konzeptual.ru/spicyn-eju-istorija-rossii-komplekt-iz-5-tomov?utm_source=dentv_youtube #ДеньТВ #Спицын #историяРоссии #СССР #Берлинскийкризис #созданиеНАТО #ФРГ #ГДР #США #Сталин #Молотов #внешняяполитика #дипломатия #Холоднаявойна

Встреча поколений: благодаря врачам 90-летняя женщина прозрела и увидела правнучку
2018-03-24 14:01
Вновь увидеть мир в 90 лет смогла жительница Тюмени. Пожилой пациентке вернули зрение местные врачи. На сложнейшую операцию пенсионерка решилась после рождения правнучки — очень захотелось увидеть девочку.

Кинопремьеры Голливуда: «Тихоокеанский рубеж», «Полночное солнце», «Незнакомцы: Жестокие игры» и «Тебя никогда здесь не было»
2018-03-24 14:01
Егери против Кайдзю. Сын Шварценеггера попробовал себя в кинодраме. Садисты в масках возвращаются на экраны. Бородатый Хоакин Фэникс спасает дочь сенатора.

Сергей Женовач — новый худрук МХТ имени Чехова
2018-03-24 14:02
Вчера на совещании в Министерстве культуры было принято решение о назначении на пост художественного руководителя МХТ имени Чехова режиссера Сергея Женовача. На новое место работы он выйдет 23 апреля. На заседании присутствовали ведущие театральные деятели Москвы и Петербурга.

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 24.03.2018 (11:20)
2018-03-24 14:06
Крупный пожар на Ярославском шоссе. Загорелись более тысячи квадратных метров складов. Три станции фиолетовой ветки временно закрыты. Схема движения на Юго-Востоке изменена. Чем будет удивлять культурная жизнь столицы в эти выходные? Впереди ночь театров.

«Агитпроп»: Недоволен — значит, враг
2018-03-24 14:13
Чем сложнее международная обстановка, тем проще накидывать платок на любой раскрытый роток в делах домашних. Миф о «русских троллях», которые стравливают американских пользователей Интернета, так глубоко проник в сознание граждан США, что уже никого не удивляет обвинение русских в низких зарплатах полицейских и учителей.

Губерниев исполняет хит «Арии»
2018-03-24 15:16
Нужно отметить, что Тюмени творческие вечера комментатора не менее популярны, чем сами гонки.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 24.03.2018 (11:20)
2018-03-24 15:16
Сегодня — Всемирный день борьбы с туберкулезом. Какие сюрпризы приготовил рязанцам Белорусский музыкальный театр?

Москвичей ждет культурная бессонница
2018-03-24 15:16
В столице пройдет очередная акция «Ночь театров». На этот раз к ней присоединятся более 60 театральных коллективов. А еще можно отправиться на массовую зарядку в парк, на выставки или стать участником экологической акции «Час земли».

Александр Волков: слушаю только одну музыкальную группу
2018-03-24 15:22
Боец в эфире «СЭ» рассказал о своих пристрастиях.

Павел Грудинин выполнил свое обещание Юрию Дудю и сбрил усы
2018-03-24 15:51
В Инстаграме выложено фото в новом образе.

Сотни мероприятий пройдут в Москве в рамках «Ночи театров»
2018-03-24 15:57
Горожане смогут бесплатно попасть на спектакли, открытые репетиции, творческие вечера, видеопоказы, мастер-классы и экскурсии.

Итоги недели: окончательные результаты выборов президента РФ
2018-03-24 16:09
Главным политическим событием недели, безусловно, стали результаты выборов президента. Они были 18 марта, и Свердловская область вошла в число регионов-лидеров по явке. Кроме того, поставила личный рекорд. На Среднем Урале проголосовали почти 63% жителей. Это почти на 4% больше, чем на предыдущих выборах главы государства в 2012 году.

Обзор за неделю: Миллионы для детей и подготовка к паводку
2018-03-24 16:13
А теперь поговорим и о других важных событиях, которые произошли в Свердловской области на этой неделе.

Итоги недели: визит секретаря Совбеза Николая Патрушева на Средний Урал
2018-03-24 16:14
Вместе с губернатором Евгением Куйвашевым и генеральным директором УГМК Андреем Козицыным он осмотрел производство, обсудив вопросы импортозамещения. На «Уралэлектромеди» сейчас строят вторую очередь цеха электролиза, который позволит удвоить выпуск безосновных катодов, использующихся в производстве импортозамещающей кабельной продукции.

Итоги недели: голосование в Свердловской области на выборах президента
2018-03-24 16:17
В Свердловской области 18 марта работали 2,5 тысячи избирательных участков. Явка составила 62,35%. В некоторых городах с крупными промышленными предприятиям пункты для голосования открылись в 6 утра.

France: Flag-bearers of Carcassonne honour fallen officer in Trebes attack
2018-03-24 16:17
Representatives of the association of flag-bearers of Carcassonne laid flowers at the memorial of Arnaud Beltrame on Saturday, after he was killed during an incident treated as terrorist attack in Carcassonne one day earlier. «A big man for us, a man of honour, a man of courage and the proof is here,» said Regis Burger, a flag-bearer of the association. For a local resident who went to honour Beltrame, «this is the minimum we could do», it was «a small gesture from us to he who gave his life.» On Friday, a gunman killed one person while stealing a vehicle from Carcassonne. The gunman then reportedly drove to the nearby town of Trebes, where he took hostages at a Super U store. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim from Morocco, known for minor delinquencies, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris.

Итоги недели: Обращение Владимира Путина по итогам президентских выборов
2018-03-24 16:23
После того, как в России официально завершилось голосование, Владимир Путин поблагодарил сторонников за поддержку. А накануне, когда ЦИК огласил окончательные итоги выборов, глава государства обратился к гражданам.

«Дороги к свободе»: Уроки гибридной войны
2018-03-24 16:33
Какие уроки Украина и Европа извлекли из гибридной войны? Виталий Портников расспрашивает исполнительного директора Института мировой политики, автора книги «Гибридная агрессия России: уроки для мира» Евгения Магду.

В Москве прошел митинг в поддержку Надежды Савченко
2018-03-24 16:34
Дмитрий Песков назвал чушью сообщения о связи депутата Верховной рады Надежды Савченко с Кремлем. Песков также в шутку предположил, что такую версию могли выдвинуть британские власти. Ранее на Украине суд санкционировал арест Савченко на 59 суток — она будет отбывать это время в следственном изоляторе СБУ. Народный депутат посчитала решение о своем задержании «политическим» и объявила голодовку.

«Погода 24»: В Северном полушарии планеты началась астрономическая весна
2018-03-24 16:41
«Персиковый» снег в Сочи, первые наводнения в Сибири и возвращение зверя с востока. Тайные спонсоры: экс-президента Франции обвиняют в том, что он избрался на деньги ливийцев. Жители Волгоградской области проголосовали за возвращение в зону самарского времени. Чем их не устроило время московское?

Страны ЕС примут новые меры против России из-за отравления Скрипаля
2018-03-24 16:47
Страны Европейского союза договорились в ближайшие дни принять дополнительные санкции против России в связи с отравлением бывшего агента ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля в Великобритании. Среди стран, которые призывают принять меры, — Франция и Германия. Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон на встрече с канцлером ФРГ Ангелой Меркель заявил, что Париж и Берлин рассматривают высылку российских дипломатов. Источники агентства Reuters утверждают, что европейские страны рассматривают и иные меры, при этом о новых экономических санкциях речи не идет. О возможной высылке российских дипломатов также заявил премьер-министр Чехии Андрей Бабиш. 22 марта лидеры стран ЕС на саммите в Брюсселе договорились отозвать своего представителя в России. Представители европейских государств поддержали доводы Великобритании о том, что ответственность за покушение на Сергея Скрипаля в Солсбери несет Россия. В Москве назвали совместное заявление Евросоюза бездоказательным обвинением.

Все же сдержал слово: Шевченко выложил видео с бреющимся Грудининым
2018-03-24 17:44
Участник президентской гонки Павел Грудинин сбрил усы, проиграв спор с видеоблогером Юрием Дудем. Об этом сообщил глава пресс-службы партии и избирательного штаба Грудинина Александр Ющенко.

Нового главу МХТ называют совестью театрального мира
2018-03-24 17:45
Труппа МХТ имени Чехова приехала к полудню на экстренный сбор. Познакомиться с новым художественным руководителем. Преемником всенародно любимого Олега Табакова стал режиссер Сергей Женовач. Официально он вступит в должность 23 апреля — на 40-й день после смерти Табакова. Как актеры встретили нового руководителя? И какие перемены ждут МХТ?

«Признаки жизни»: «Конец величайшей кампании». Наблюдатели Петербурга
2018-03-24 17:52
Выборы президента России глазами петербургских активистов. Фильм Евгении Марченко.

Egypt: Police units on the scene after deadly explosion in Alexandria
2018-03-24 18:00
Police inspected the site of an explosion in Alexandria on Saturday, after a car bomb detonated in the vicinity of Alexandria security chief Mostafa al-Nemr's motorcade, killing two and injured at least four others. According to reports, the bomb was targeting Alexandria's security chief Major General Mostafa Al Nemr. The explosion took place as the motorcade made its way through the city's Roshdi district. The blast comes two days ahead of Egypt's presidential elections.

USA: 'March For Our Lives' — hundreds of thousands demand action on gun violence in D.C.
2018-03-24 19:01
Journalist: «So you don't feel safe in school these days?» Hollis O'Connor: «No everyone looks around the room now and says, where is the easiest place to get out and hide.» Journalist: «What do you want the President and government to do?» Hollis O'Connor: «I want them to see the sides of the students and I want them to take action on that and imagine their own kids in that place.» Journalist: «What do you want your government to do, the President and congress.» Kavachik: «That's interesting. As far as the president, I don't trust him, I did not vote for him, can't believe a word he says, Congress, however, needs to get off their butts, do their jobs, and take a lead on this because no one else is going to do it, and if they're not going to do it, we're going to do it. At the voting booth and everywhere possible.» Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Washington D.C. on Saturday, to demand action on gun violence in the wake of the Parkland school shooting in Florida. Hollis O'Connor, a student who came from Hartford Connecticut to attend the rally, stated «School should be a place of learning and making lifelong friendships, not going there and having the feeling of fear all the time». O'Connor also described how students now look around a classroom to see «where is the easiest place to get out and hide». Another attendee, Jennifer Kavachik from Maryland, said that the NRA (National Rifle Association) should be «running scared because no one challenged them before» but now they faced the frustration of students across the country. «The NRA today, and tomorrow, is going to get the message: we've had it,» Kavachik said. The March For Our Lives in Washington DC and its 846 sister rallies around the world were led and planned by student organisers in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Everytown for Gun Safety.

Germany: AfD rally against construction of mosque in Regensburg
2018-03-24 19:23
The German party Alternative for Germany (AfD) demonstrated on Saturday against the planned construction of a mosque by the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB) in southern Germany's Regensburg. An estimated 350 AfD supporters turned out to the protest, and were met with around 500 counter-demonstrators at the cathedral square in the city centre. Around 250 police officers were deployed to keep the two sides apart. Placards reading «Islam doesn't belong to Germany» and «We see black for Europe» could be seen during the demonstration. DITIB said the construction project costing 2.5 million euros will still start in the spring as planned.

Belgium: Thousands gather in Brussels for national demonstration against racism
2018-03-24 19:56
Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Brussels to hold a demonstration against racism, discrimination and equality on Saturday. Footage shows the demonstrators as they chanted slogans and marched through the streets carrying placards and banners. One demonstrator, Will, gave his reasons for attending the rally; «I am here today to demonstrate against racism in Belgium and in the world, against the Federal Government that takes racist measures against refugees». The demonstration was organised by several social groups and left-wing parties.

France: Montreuil honour fallen officer Beltrame with minute of silence
2018-03-24 20:45
A minute of silence for French police officer Arnaud Beltrame was observed at the Palais des Congres Paris-Est in Montreuil on Saturday. Beltrame died as a result of injuries sustained after a hostage swap in Trebes supermarket a day earlier. On Friday, a gunman killed one person while stealing a vehicle from Carcassonne. The gunman then reportedly drove to the nearby town of Trebes, where he took hostages at a Super U store. Beltrame was among the officers who rushed to the scene when the attacker stormed the supermarket. The gunman, who has been identified as 26-year old Redouane Lakdim known for minor delinquencies, was shot dead after the police raided the supermarket. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris.

Syria: 'Militants tortured us and our children' –E.Ghouta civilians await evacuation
2018-03-24 20:52
Journalist (Arabic): «The militants didn't let you go?» Civilian (Arabic): «They didn't let us go. We had been willing to escape for a long time but they didn't let us go. People are being killed there. Our children are still so young.» Civilians waiting to be evacuated from Syria's Harasta in Eastern Ghouta received humanitarian aid from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent on Saturday. One of the civilians said that he «suffered a lot» from the militants in Eastern Ghouta since people «had to stay there for a long time» and escape was not possible. Another woman said «they'd been killing us, starving us, torturing us and our children.» «We had been willing to escape for a long time but they didn't let us go,» she added. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reportedly reached a deal which allows some 6,000 people, including 1,500 militants to flee.

Russia: IS terrorist killed in counter-terrorist operation in Dagestan
2018-03-24 21:03
A terrorist connected to the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) was killed during a counter-terrorist operation in the Botlikh region of Dagestan on Saturday. The special forces of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia with the support of National Guard of the Russian Federation and the internal affairs agencies surrounded the house where the terrorist was hiding. The suspect refused to lay down his arms and surrender to the authorities. He was then neutralised during the gunfire exchange. A sniper rifle with ammunition, a grenade, a radio station and a thermal imager have been found on the scene. According to National Guard of the Russian Federation, there were no victims among the special forces or civilian population.

Netherlands: England supporters brawl with Dutch police after match victory
2018-03-24 21:15
Police in Amsterdam confirmed on Saturday that a total of 90 England fans were arrested after drunken clashes with Dutch police following a 1-0 victory over the Netherlands on Friday. A further 25 England supporters were detained before the match began, on Thursday night. Dutch authorities deployed riot police in order to control the English supporters in the city centre after they threw beer bottles at officers and tourists. The National Police Chiefs' Council condemned the behaviour.

UK: Demonstrators gather to commemorate fallen British YPJ fighter Anna Campbell
2018-03-24 21:47
Hundreds marched through the streets of central London on Saturday in solidarity with the family of Anna Campbell, a British woman who died fighting with all-female Kurdish YPJ forces in Northern Syria. The protesters demanded that the UK government cease trade with Turkey and urged tourists to boycott Turkey as a holiday destination. Anna Campbell's father was among the demonstrators, carrying a banner of his daughter, demanding that her remains be brought home. The 26-year-old travelled to Syria to fight against the so-called Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS, ISIL) forces, but died fighting to defend Afrin in Northern Syria after Turkish forces launched an air offensive.

Germany: Thousand rally against far-right NPD in Wetzlar
2018-03-24 22:30
Around 1,200 people demonstrated against the far-right, ultranationalist National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) in Wetzlar on Saturday, after the NPD planned to hold an election campaign event in the city hall. However, the meeting never took place as the city of Wetzlar decided to forbid the event on Friday evening. One protester named Moritz Schaefer explained: «We are here today because we hate the idolism of the Nazi culture and we want to demonstrate against it. We want to make a statement of peace that we are all humans, that we are all one unity. We need to unite together.»

Germany: At least one injured during right-wing demo commemorating Mia V.
2018-03-24 23:00
A right-wing protest and counter-protest left at least one injured in the small town of Kandel on Saturday. Thousands marched under the slogan of «We are Kandel», to commemorate Mia V. who was stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend, an asylum-seeker. The protesters also called for immigration policies and were met by left-wing counter demonstrators. Both protests were heavily monitored by the police as they pushed back participants to avoid clashes between the two marches. Protester Boris Huebner criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her immigration policies saying, «When we resist that illegal immigration which is forced by Chancellor Merkel, we get called Nazis and racists.» The small Rhineland-Palatinate town has been disrupted by protests since the murder of 15-year-old Mia V. who was killed by her Afghan ex, Abdul D. in December 2017.

France: Trebes establishes framework for psychological support in wake of terror attack
2018-03-24 23:07
Alain Thirion, the prefect of the Aude department, announced several measures that have been put in place to assist the victims of the recent terror attack in Trebes. Thirion stated that «several systems have been put in place» to assist both the victims and their families with psychological help. He also confirmed that they had so far received over 100 people in over two days. Thirion also informed the press that he was working in collaboration with France Victimes, a victim support association, in order to support victims and their families «not just from the psychological but also from the practical angle, material» for the long term. According to French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the incident «appears to be a terrorist act.» The self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the attack. An investigation has reportedly been launched by the anti-terrorist division of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Paris.

Russia: Moscow's big switch-off for Earth Hour
2018-03-24 23:26
Lights were switched off in more than 1,900 buildings, including the Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theatre, the State Duma, the Federation Council and Moscow International Business Centre in support of the Earth Hour from 20:30 to 21:30 (local time) in Moscow on Saturday. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the action was designed to draw attention to the need for responsible attitude to nature and limited earth resources. The Moscow Zoo and a number of railway stations, hotels and cultural facilities were also among those participating. This marks the tenth time Russia participated in the Earth Hour action.

Germany: Berlin's Kurds march for World Afrin Day protest
2018-03-25 00:27
According to local police, around 600 Kurdish supporters marched under the motto 'World Afrin Day' in Berlin on Saturday, to protest the Turkish military operation 'Olive Branch' in Afrin. Tensions between Turkish supporters waving flags from their flats and demonstrators flared up as they were passing by Kreuzberg, a neighbourhood with a large Turkish population. Another incident occurred as a Turkish youngster tried to disrupt the protest. Protesters were holding Kurdish flags and chanting against the Turkish military intervention in Afrin and calling for Turkish military to be withdrawn, chanting slogans including «German money out of Afrin» and «Erdogan fascist.»

Syria: Eastern Ghouta evacuations continue via Harasta corridor
2018-03-25 00:57
Buses carrying evacuees left Eastern Ghouta through the Harasta humanitarian corridor, footage showed on Saturday. The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reportedly reached a deal with militants which allow some 6,000 people, including 1,500 militants to flee. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, as a result of the agreement, militants of the armed group Ahrar al-Sham from the Harasta al-Basal settlement would be evacuated under the control of the Russian Reconciliation Centre for Syria. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, 4,120 militants and their families were evacuated from the enclave in the last two days. Footage shows bags being loaded onto waiting coaches as military personnel and members of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent aided the process. All evacuees will be brought to the settlement of Qalaat al-Madiq, in the Idlib de-escalation zone, the Ministry of Defence said.

Serbia: Anti-NATO rally marks 19 years since NATO war against Yugoslavia
2018-03-25 01:08
About 500 demonstrators gathered in front of the Serbian Parliament in Belgrade, Saturday, to commemorate the 19th anniversary of NATO's intervention in Yugoslavia. Protesters waved flags and lit flares, while other held banners with messages against NATO written on them. The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was a military operation against the Serbian people and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) during the Kosovo War. It was the first time that the organisation used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council. The air strikes lasted from March 24 to June 10, 1999.

«Формула власти»: Илир Мета
2018-03-25 01:30
«Формула власти» предоставит своим зрителям уникальную возможность познакомиться с новым президентом Албании. Илир Мета вступил в должность в июле 2017 года. Он баллотировался от правящей партии, его кандидатура была безальтернативной. Политик сравнительно молодой, в марте этого года ему исполнится 49 лет. При избрании Илир Мета обещал продолжить курс на демократизацию Албании и ее интеграцию в ЕС, также отметил важность сотрудничества страны и НАТО.

Italy: Generazione Identitaria hosts second 'sports day in defense of homeland'
2018-03-25 01:33
The far-right youth organisation Generazione Identitaria (Generation Identity) hosted its «second sports day in defense of homeland» in a secret gym in Rome, Friday. Footage shows the participants of the event as they train in martial arts and self-defense. Eleonora, the spokesperson for Generazione Identitaria in Rome, spoke of the need for learning self defense, «above all for women, who are the first victims of our cities' deterioration» Generazione Identitaria was founded in 2012, and is the Italian faction of Generation Identity, a far right youth movement that began in France and has chapters across Europe.

USA: 'March For Our Lives' — Survivors and activists speak up at Parkland rally
2018-03-25 01:52
Thousands of people participated in the 'March For Our Lives' rally in Parkland on Saturday, rallying for gun reform and measures to make schools safer in the same town where seventeen people were shot and killed at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School a month earlier. One of the speakers at the rally, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School junior Samantha Mayor, was shot in the knee during the incident that occurred on February 14. «I was taking notes in my psychology classroom when horrid sound of gunshots echoed the walls of the twelve-hundred building,» Mayor said. «My classmates and I laid helplessly on the floor hearing and feeling rapid gunfire. As I’m aware of the horrific tape that replays in my head will never be rewinded, I’m also aware that the need for change is overdue.» Also pleading for change was Max Schachter, whose son Alex Schachter was among one of those victims. After the rally, students led the way for a one-mile march to the school. The event in Parkland was one among a thousand taking place across the nation and around the world on Saturday.

Israel: Tens of thousands rally against deportation of African refugees in Tel Aviv
2018-03-25 02:15
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv, Saturday, to protest against the planned deportation of mainly African refugees and migrants. «There are tens of thousands of people saying no to the deportation of refugees, and this is really amazing and we think that the public pressure really can effect this situation and we are going to win this fight,» stated activist Dror Sadot.

Argentina: Thousands protest 'dictatorship' on 42nd anniv. of military coup
2018-03-25 04:07
Thousands of people took to the streets of Buenos Aires on Saturday, to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of former military leader Jorge Rafael Videla's rise to power following a coup. The protest saw the participation of numerous leftist organisation members and leaders from all across the country, who all reached the Argentine capital to voice their opposition to «dictatorship.» Taty Almeida, Member of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, an association of mothers whose children disappeared during Videla's reign, said that the protesters marched «for adjustment, the repression and the impunity, for a democracy without prisoners and political prisoners like [leader of Tupac Amaru movement] Milagro Sala.» Videla came to power in 1976 after staging a coup against Isabel Martinez de Peron's government. He remained in power until March 29, 1981, when he was succeeded by Roberto Eduardo Viola. Videla died in 2013.

USA: Hundreds of thousands march against gun violence in DC
2018-03-25 04:42
Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Washington DC, on Saturday, to demand action against gun violence in the wake of the Parkland school shooting in Florida, which killed 17. One of the protesters said that the lawmakers «have to be afraid at this point and have to realise that it's not even ... it's not just guns, it's poverty and it's suffering children.» The 'March For Our Lives' in Washington DC and its 846 sister rallies around the world were led and planned by student organisers in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Everytown for Gun Safety.

USA: 'Second Amendment is a God-given right' — 'March For Our Guns' hits Helena
2018-03-25 05:39
About 150 pro-gun rights demonstrators gathered in front of Montana's State Capital in Helena, Saturday taking part in the 'March For Our Guns' rally, organised in opposition to the 'March For Our Lives' rallies ,which took place the same day. According to the march organiser Brent Webber, March for Our Guns was meant to represent «the voice of the youth in Montana.» Montana State Representative from the Republican Party Seth Bergle spoke at the event, saying that the basis for the second amendment was «a God-given right to self-defence.» Some of the speakers called for better training and ammunition for the school teachers. At the same time, hundreds of people took part in the March For Our Lives event, which was held at Helena's Memorial Park and at hundreds of locations around the world.

Почему власти Белоруссии поддержали митинг в честь БНР
2018-03-25 06:00
Власти Беларуси впервые за 20 лет поддержали организацию националистического митинга в честь Белорусской Народной Республики. 100 лет назад в Минске Рада Белорусской Народной Республики провозгласила полную независимость этнически белорусских земель.

Serbia: Joining NATO 'too salty for our wounds' — Vucic marks NATO war anniversary
2018-03-25 06:13
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic took part in an official commemoration for the 19th anniversary of the NATO intervention into Yugoslavia in Belgrade, Saturday. Vucic spoke about the relationship with NATO, saying that Serbia wanted to have a partnership with the alliance despite the intervention. «We want from the enemy to become friends, just do not make us forget that you killed us or blame our country for it,» added Vucic. He claimed that Serbia would not join NATO, saying that «it would be too salty for our wounds.» The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was a military operation against the Serbian people and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) during the Kosovo War. It was the first time that the organisation used military force without the approval of the UN Security Council. The air strikes lasted from March 24 to June 10, 1999.

Croatia: Thousands march against EC Convention combating domestic violence
2018-03-25 06:58
Thousands of people took to the streets of Zagreb, Saturday, to demonstrate against the ratification of the Council of Europe's Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention. The protesters with national flags and banners staged a rally in front of the headquarters of the Croatian Democratic Union, calling on the government not to ratify the convention. One of the main opponents of the convention, Vice John Batarelo said that the document would have «bad consequences for children.» «People came today to save their children and we are arguing for the Christian Democratic and conservative Government to not sign the Istanbul convention,» he added. The Istanbul Convention, which is aimed at victim protection and domestic violence prevention, has been ratified by 28 countries and signed by 45 countries.

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