<<Новости США за 60 секунд>>: Эфир от 10 марта 2018 года
«Новости США за 60 секунд»: Эфир от 10 марта 2018 года 2018-03-10 23:14 Власти Калифорнии подтвердили гибель трех сотрудников Дома ветеранов. Флорида ужесточила правила оборота оружия. Президент Трамп помиловал бывшего подводника Кристиана Соусера. «Формула власти». Россия — Болгария: традиции дружбы 2018-03-11 00:19 «Формула власти» встретилась в Софии с президентом Болгарии. С Руменом Радевым мы говорим о значении русско-турецкой войны 1877-78 годов, о традициях дружбы двух славянских народов, о нынешнем состоянии двусторонних связей и перспективах их развития. Мы расскажем и о самом Румене Радеве, пятом президенте Болгарии, перфекционисте и летчике-истребителе. USA: Anti-facist protesters crash Trump Unity rally in Phoenix 2018-03-11 05:14 Anti-fascist protesters booed and heckled speakers at The Trump Unity Rally — MAGA in the Park event in Phoenix on Saturday. Trump supporters had gathered in downtown Phoenix to listen to speakers and share their appreciation for US President Donald Trump, when a group of protesters set up anti-fascist banners and started catcalling. Former Sheriff and Senate candidate Joe Arpaio attended the event, where he spoke about his upcoming bid for a seat in the November 2018 US Senate midterm election. Вайра Вике-Фрейберга: главное препятствие гендерного равенства — промывание мозгов 2018-03-11 05:31 Первой женщиной-президентом на постсоветском пространстве была Вайра Вике-Фрейберга. Она возглавила Латвию в 1999-м году. После отставки Вике-Фрейберга вернулась к преподаванию: выступает с лекциями по всему миру. USA: Trump expects 'tremendous success' with N. Korea meeting 2018-03-11 05:42 US President Donald Trump told journalists he was optimistic about the upcoming meeting with North Korea and that the DPRK was looking to 'de-nuke', speaking from Washington DC on Saturday. Trump said that the North Koreans «promised they wouldn't be shooting off missiles» and are looking to «de-nuke». «I think North Korea is going to go very well. I think we are going to have tremendous success. It's going to be something very special», he said. Last Thursday, Trump surprised the world by accepting an invitation for a meeting from North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un. The talks meeting be the first of its kind between an American president and the leader of North Korea. Morocco: Scuffles as protesters demand release of anti-mining activists in Jerada 2018-03-11 05:50 Thousands of people protested the arrest of three anti-mining activists in the north-eastern city of Jerada in Morocco on Friday. Protesters who were demanding the release of the three detained activists marched through the streets, managing to break through police blockades. Demonstrators have been campaigning against the economic policy of the government, which encourages people to dig abandoned mines in dangerous conditions. The Jerada mine used to employ over 9,000 people before it closed in 1990. Despite the mine being shuttered, impoverished young people continue to brave the pits — dubbed «the mines of death» — to extract coal by hand to sell to local traders. «Оно вам надо?»: Ядерное кимчи председателя Кима 2018-03-11 06:51 Как северокорейский лидер склонил к переговорам американского президента. Киев готов закрыть 18 марта избирательные участки на территории Украины. Месторождение — как место смерти. За что в Сирии погибают российские военнослужащие. Greece: Riots continue overnight as anarchists clash with police in Thessaloniki 2018-03-11 08:33 Anarchist groups and riot police clashed in Thessaloniki all through the night on Saturday after some 2,000 left-wing activists from all over Greece and the Balkans held a rally against racism. Dozens of masked protesters threw petrol bombs and projectiles at the police, who responded with tear gas. The skirmish continued for hours and only stopped about 04:00am Sunday local time (02:00 Sun GMT). No arrests have yet been reported. According to reports, the gathering of Balkan anarchists was organised after far-right wing nationalists allegedly burnt down an Antifa-occupied building in Thessaloniki in January. South Korea: IPC says that Russia still has two criteria to meet 2018-03-11 09:39 The International Paralympic Committee spoke about the ongoing Paralympic Games and what lays ahead for its relationship with Russia during a press conference in Pyeongchang on Sunday. On the second day of the competition at a press conference with IPC spokesperson Craig Spence and POCOG Spokesperson Sung Back-you, there were positive comments about the first days, the opening ceremony and ticketing. Also, Spence mentioned Russia and its suspension from the IPC. He said that the Russian Paralympic Committee still has to meet the right criteria in order to have the suspension revoked. Spence also commented on how the IPC and IOC diverged on the issue: «At the end of the day we are two different organisations with two different blue books.» The Paralympics in Pyeongchang will last until March 18. «Музей неудач» открылся в Лос-Анджелесе 2018-03-11 10:00 Не все новинки именитых брендов становились успешными. Были в истории и те, которые с треском провалились. Именно им и посвятили целый музей в Лос-Анджелесе. Он так и называется: «Музей неудач». В нём около сотни экспонатов. Еврокомиссар: мы не потерпим американские пошлины на металл 2018-03-11 10:01 Европа не будет терпеть новые американские пошлины на импорт металлов и обещает ответные контрмеры. Об этом заявила европейский комиссар по вопросам конкуренции Еврокомиссии Маргрет Вестагер. 27 лет трезвости благодаря искусству 2018-03-11 10:02 Жительница штата Мэриленд Робин Гиллиам помогает реабилитации бывших наркоманов и жертв насилия при помощи арт-терапии. Жизнь самой Робин далека от идеала: она стала жертвой изнасилования, употребляла тяжелые наркотики, ее муж чуть не погиб от передозировки опиоидами Коренным народам Севера будут помогать врачи мобильных медкомплексов 2018-03-11 10:03 Жители отдаленных районов Севера теперь могут пройти обследование в новых мобильных медицинских комплексах. Это удобно, не надо далеко ехать. Наоборот, врачи — в том числе узкопрофильные — приезжают к своим пациентам сами. Юг Московской области присоединился к «мусорному протесту» 2018-03-11 10:12 Активисты экологи сообщают о мероприятиях на юге области в поддержку протестующих против «мусорной политики» областного правительства жителей. Из Наро-Фоминского района активисты сообщают о задержании стражами порядка в поселке Селятино полутора десятков человек за протест против мусоросжигательного завода в Наро-Фоминске,. Сообщается, что люди стояли с одиночными пикетами вдоль Киевского шоссе. Официального подтверждения информация пока не получила. Экологи Серпухова, в свою очередь напомнили о полигонах «Лесная», «Павловка», «Жерновка» и «Съяново-1». Ситуация с «вывозом мусора» в регионе признана критической на уровне местных властей. Еще 7 ноября прошлого года глава района Александр Шестун обратился к председателю СК России Александру Бастрыкину и генеральному прокурору России Юрии Чайке с сообщением о преступлении. В нем отмечается, что в планах Минэкологии — увеличение мощности полигона на улице Лесная до 1 млн. тонн мусора. В этой ситуации планировать новую дорогу к свалке просто немыслимо. Как сообщил в своем письме в дирекцию дорожного строительства заместитель руководителя администрации Серпуховского района Данила Ильин, «увеличение транспортного потока, связанного с увеличением мощности полигона ТБО «Лесная», … повлечет увеличение количества автопоездов, груженных отходами… от 30000 до 50000» в год. В разы ухудшится экологическая ситуация, увеличатся выбросы в атмосферу загрязняющих веществ, поднимется уровень шума в ночное время. Региональным столоначальникам напоминается, что проект дороги должен пройти экологическую экспертизу и — «все стадии согласования проектной документации, в том числе и общественные обсуждения». На видео глава Серпуховского района Александр Шестун с активистами экологами проводит контрольный рейд на трассу ведущую к полигону ТБО «Лесная». Бывший сотрудник Белого дома рассказал о подготовке масштабных кибератак на Россию 2018-03-11 10:17 Бывший координатор Белого дома по вопросам кибербезопасности Майкл Дэниел рассказал о подготовке масштабных кибератак против российских бизнесменов, СМИ и лично против президента Владимира Путина. Сирийские боевики хотят применить химическое оружие в Восточной Гуте 2018-03-11 10:21 Боевики в Восточной Гуте планируют инсценировать химическую атаку и обвинить в этом власти Сирии. Об этом заявил заместитель главы сирийского МИД Фейсал Мекдад. Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 11.03.2018 2018-03-11 10:56 Снега мало не бывает: коммунальщики Калуги вновь устраняют последствия циклона, а МЧС готовится к паводку. Урок финансовой грамотности дает министр: главный финансист страны Антон Силуанов заглянул в гости к калужским школьникам. Вести. Эфир от 11.03.2018 2018-03-11 11:00 Главная цель - нейтрализация российских информационных сайтов: зачем команда Барака Обамы готовила кибератаки на российские СМИ? Истребить двуязычие: латвийский сейм принимает жесткий закон. Вести-Москва. Эфир от 11.03.2018 2018-03-11 11:03 Не лечите мне: схему обмана, обкатанную в салонах красоты, теперь используют в частных медцентрах. Водители-агрессоры: кто они, и почему наказание их не пугает? Стирая историю: на Покровке закрыта старейшая в столице булочная. О медицине и не только: мэр Москвы о самой горячей теме этой зимы и комфортной среде. Эпическая поэма, в которой картины заменяют главы: Василий Верещагин в Третьяковке. Курт Волкер: Киев и Тбилиси не готовы к вступлению в НАТО 2018-03-11 11:24 Ни Киев, ни Тбилиси не готовы к вступлению в НАТО. Об этом заявил спецпредставитель американского Госдепа Курт Волкер. Italy: Massive fire breaks out at paper mill in Milan 2018-03-11 11:34 Firefighters battled a heavy fire that broke out at a paper mill in Cologno Monzese in Milan on Sunday. Emergency personnel battled heavy flames and smoke and evacuated nearby building before the blaze was brought under control. No people are thought to be injured in the incident. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. Китайские депутаты одобрили бессрочное руководство страной 2018-03-11 11:47 Глава КНР получил законное право оставаться на своем посту без ограничения количества сроков. Поправку в конституцию одобрили депутаты Всекитайского собрания народных представителей. Таким образом, председатель КНР может избираться без ограничений каждые пять лет на сессии законодательного органа. Syria: SAA reclaims strategic town of Mesraba in Eastern Ghouta 2018-03-11 12:34 The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) reclaimed the strategic town of Mesraba in the East Ghouta region of Damascus on Saturday. After several hours of fighting, the SAA reportedly defeated opposition forces in Mesraba. Footage shows tanks rolling through the remains of the town, where poorly-constructed buildings have been razed to the ground and smoke rises above the horizon. Reports say that the SAA are moving closer to splitting the region in two, placing further pressure on the armed groups still in the area. Local media states that the Syrian Army will now push to secure the area before continuing its operation, advancing into Harasta's southeastern corridor. Эпическая поэма: Василий Верещагин в Третьяковке 2018-03-11 12:44 Если не считать ворон, это натюрморт, в переводе с французского — мертвая природа. Так великий баталист Василий Верещагин определил жанр своего «Апофеоза войны». Легендарное полотно и еще сотни работ сейчас — в Третьяковской галерее на Крымском валу. На блокбастер года — так выставку уже назвали в Интернете — ожидаемо выстраиваются очереди. Стирая историю: на Покровке закрыта старейшая в Москве булочная 2018-03-11 12:50 На Покровке закрылась легендарная булочная, куда москвичи ходили за хлебом и 50, и 100 лет назад. О ней пока еще напоминает историческая вывеска — та самая, которую совсем недавно восстанавливали всем миром. Сохранят ли ее новые владельцы помещения, пока неизвестно. В интернете появилось видео скандального спектакля Ефремова в Самаре 2018-03-11 13:08 В сети появилось видео скандального спектакля Михаила Ефремова в Самаре «Не становись чужим». Опубликовал ролик местный портал «Волганьюс», Зрители пожаловались, что играющий одну из ролей Ефремов опоздал на полчаса, на сцене появился в стельку пьяным и еле слышно бубнил что-то себе под нос. А на просьбу «Погромче» Ефремов ответил матом. Присутствовавший на спектакле глава Минкульта Самарской области Сергей Филиппов назвал поведение артиста безобразным, а губернатор окрестил Ефремова грубияном. Сейчас театр «Современник» начал собственное расследование. Великобритания намерена ввести новые санкции в отношении российских чиновников 2018-03-11 13:30 Документ станет британской версией так называемого «списка Магнитского». В него войдут 49 человек, замешанных в коррупции и нарушении прав человека. Большинство россиян готовы голосовать за Путина 2018-03-11 14:11 В формате телефонного интервью с 5-7 и 9 марта опросили 4 тысячи совершеннолетних россиян. Выборка широкая — полный список телефонных номеров, задействованных в стране, так что погрешность исследования составляет меньше двух процентов. Japan: Anti-nuclear protest seven years after Fukushima 2018-03-11 15:30 The anti-nuclear movement organised a protest marking seven years since the Fukushima disaster, outside the Japanese parliament in Tokyo on Sunday. Demonstrators are calling for a change in energy policy away from nuclear power-generation. Immediately following the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant, the government announced plans for a nuclear-free Japan by 2040. However, the current administration of Shinzo Abe has vowed to resume nuclear power generation in Japan, hoping to meet 20 percent of Japan's electricity needs by 2030. The Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 ensued after an earthquake triggered a tsunami which triggered a nuclear meltdown at the plant. Radioactive materials were released into the air and over 300,000 people were forced to evacuate. Мэр Москвы рассказал о работе коммунальщиков 2018-03-11 15:52 В этом году коммунальщики убрали в Москве больше снега, чем за зимние сезоны предыдущих лет. Сразу в 10 московских роддомах провели реконструкцию 2018-03-11 15:52 Еще почти в двух десятках сделали ремонт. Отделения снабдили современным оборудованием. Pakistan: Shoe thrown at fmr PM Sharif during Lahore visit 2018-03-11 15:58 Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was attacked before giving speech in the Jamia Naeemia seminary in Lahore on Sunday, when a person threw shoe at him while he was approaching the lectern. The offender was caught by the seminary's security and handed over to police later. Police say that the attacker was Talha Munawwar, a former student of the seminary and a member of Tehreek-e-Labaik Islamist party. Two more people can be seen arrested by the police in connection to the incident. Yesterday another attacker splattered ink on the Foreign Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Muhammad Asif during his address at a party's convention. Throwing a shoe is a sign of contempt in Middle Eastern and Arabic culture with former US president George W. Bush falling foul of the insult in 2008 after an journalist took aim at a press conference in Baghdad. Украина может сократить потребление российского газа еще на 5 млрд кубометров 2018-03-11 16:00 Об этом заявил премьер-министр страны Владимир Гройсман. По его словам, потребность в российском газе сокращается. Спасенные жители Восточной Гуты рассказали о бесчинствах боевиков 2018-03-11 16:05 В ночь на воскресенье состоялся первый большой организованный выход мирных жителей из Восточной Гуты. Операция проходила через гуманитарный коридор при содействии Центра по примирению враждующих сторон и сирийской армии. UK: Salisbury residents told to wash clothes after nerve agent probe 2018-03-11 16:10 SOT, local resident: “I think I came — was it Monday? — and I was walking past Zizzi's and I was walking past here and I came back the second day and it was all cornered off. And it's kind of like I was near that area and now it’s all covered, so it’s like, am I safe in Salisbury? And I think that’s what is effecting businesses around here. People don’t feel safe and I know the shops down here, G&T and places like that, have really struggled, with Mother’s Day as well.” Following news that the nerve agent used on former Russian spy Sergei Skripal was found in a Zizzi's restaurant, Salisbury residents were warned to wash their clothes by authorities on Sunday. Local residents had mixed feelings about the police and emergency services response. Some felt compelled to go and wash their clothes, with a better-safe-than-sorry approach, whereas others were indifferent. Mike Witt, a local, explained authorities’ stance by saying: “If somebody gets ill in two months, who is going to be blamed? They’ve got to be ultra-cautious.” However, Katy Sergeant, another local, said people should “carry on as normal”. Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter are in critical condition in Salisbury District Hospital after being found unconscious on a park bench last Sunday. Police confirmed they are treating the matter as attempted murder with a nerve agent. Ле Пен переизбрана главой «Нацфронта» 2018-03-11 16:22 Партия «Национальный фронт» вновь доверила руководство Марин Ле Пен. UK: Authorities warn public of health risks linked to Skripal poisoning 2018-03-11 16:52 *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW* Lebanon: Thousands gather for Women's Day March in Beirut 2018-03-11 17:01 Thousands of people gathered for a Women's Day march under the slogan «Different Causes, Shared Anger» in the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Sunday. The March was put together by numerous Women's Rights organisations in Lebanon, drawing attention to their lack of political representation and domestic violence, amongst other issues. Wafaa Merowa, one of the attendees at the rally, expressed her hopes for the upcoming parliamentary elections in Lebanon. «One hundred and eleven women are running for parliamentary elections. I hope male society will elect them and respect them,” she said. The upcoming elections are set to take place on May 6 2018. Дональд Трамп обнародовал слоган следующей предвыборной кампании 2018-03-11 17:22 «Сохраним Америку великой» - таким будет слоган следующей предвыборной кампании Дональда Трампа, которая начнется через два года. Taiwan: Protesters rally for nuclear-free island in Tapei 2018-03-11 17:22 Taiwanese protesters held their annual anti-nuclear rally in front of the Presidential Palace in Taipei on Sunday, commemorating the seventh anniversary of Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster. According to the organisers, the main demand of this year's rally was to urge the government to take measures against nuclear waste, especially waste removal from Lanyu, one of the Taiwanese islands in the Pacific Ocean. Environmental activist also demanded an improvement to the efficiency and management of energy as well as the deactivation of two regional nuclear power plants and a halt to construction of another one. Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster hit Japan in 2011, scepticism over nuclear power has grown in Taiwan, which like Japan, is prone to earthquakes which could trigger a tsunami. Указали на его место: посол Украины надоел немецким властям 2018-03-11 17:25 Властям Германии пришлось поставить на место посла Украины Андрея Мельника, надоевшего Берлину постоянными протестами по поводу посещений немецкими делегациями Крыма и Донбасса. Об этом рассказал председатель фракции партии «Левые» в регионе Оснабрюк и руководитель проекта «Народная дипломатия» в Германии Андреас Маурер. Germany: Turkish mosque set ablaze in alleged arson attack in Berlin 2018-03-11 17:32 People gathered outside the burnt out DITIB [Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs] Koca Sinan Camii mosque in northern Berlin on Sunday morning, after a fire broke out at the venue earlier that day. Berlin's Interior Senator Andreas Geisel visited the scene. Standing outside the mosque he said, «I can only call on people to live with each other peacefully, here in Berlin.» Chair of Alliance for Innovation and Justice Haluk Yildiz maintained that this was an act of terror, rather than an arson attack. He said, «This is a terror attack on the largest Turkish community in Europe.» Yildiz went on to criticise German politicians for not visiting the site of the fire. He said, I'd also wished that the CDU leader, the SPD leader, all those so-called democrats are here, so that they can also so that they distance themselves from this. It's not enough that just the Interior Senator is here.» According to witnesses, in the early hours on Sunday morning, three young men wearing hoodies broke through the front entrance of the mosque and threw an object into the room. The fire broke out shortly afterwards. Дело Скрипаля: в ресторане обнаружены следы неизвестного вещества 2018-03-11 17:47 Следы неизвестного нервно-паралитического вещества, использованного при отравлении бывшего полковника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери, были обнаружены в ресторане Zizzi в британском городе Солсбери. Об этом сообщила вещательная корпорация Би-би-си. China: Xi Jinping able to rule for life after term limits abolished 2018-03-11 17:56 China's National People's Congress voted to abolish presidential term limits in Beijing on Sunday, allowing President Xi Jinping to rule indefinitely. Almost 3,000 delegates cast their ballots on a series of constitutional amendments, including one proposing the removal on the restriction that had limited the presidency to two consecutive five-year terms. Out of 2,964 ballots, just two delegates voted against the change and three abstained. The move has been justified as a necessity to align the presidency with Xi's two other posts — head of the party and the military — with no formal limits on time served in both positions. «This is an important measure to strengthen the national leadership system. It's commonly known as 'Trinity' — and it includes heads of the party, the army and the country,» said the head of the legislature's legal affairs committee, Shen Chunyao, commenting on the results. Лазер защитит россиян от врагов и болезней 2018-03-11 18:03 Цитату Владимира Путина о принципиально новых ракетах, против которых американские ПРО бессильны, разбирают по словам. Многие разработки, о которых говорил президент, — это прорыв не только для оборонно-промышленного комплекса, но и для «мирных» сфер, например медицины или металлургии. Келли вела себя агрессивно, но «перемудрить» Путина не смогла 2018-03-11 18:06 Цитаты из большого интервью Владимира Путина телеканалу NBC сегодня вновь на первых полосах мировых газет. Многие обратили внимание на агрессивный тон, с которым Мегин Келли общалась с российским лидером. Складывается впечатление, что Келли применяла все уловки интервьюера, чтобы заставить собеседника сказать желаемое. Даже пыталась исказить факты, и президенту несколько раз пришлось ее поправлять. Правда, в итоге Келли признала «перемудрить Путина» ей не удалось. UK: Army service seconds Salisbury police amid Skripal probe 2018-03-11 18:08 The British Armed Forces seconded the Bourne Hill Police Station in Salisbury, as the investigation into the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter continued on Sunday. The troops put on hazmat suits and set up quarantine tents, taking over what was the police carpark. Skripal and his 33-year-old daughter are in critical condition in Salisbury District Hospital after being found unconscious on a park bench last Sunday. The nerve agent used in the attempted murder was also found in a Zizzi's restaurant in the city. France: Hundreds outraged by National Front march in Lille 2018-03-11 19:08 Around 500 people marched through the French city of Lille on Sunday, as the National Front’s party conference came to a close. Demonstrators set off flares and threw smoke bombs while police supervised the site with shields. One arrest was reportedly made during the protest. At the two-day conference in Lille, National Front leader Marine Le Pen is seeking to reenergise her party, including a name change, which will be revealed on Sunday and held a joint press conference with former White House aide Steve Bannon. Russia: Two dead after FSB foil Saratov terror plot 2018-03-11 19:18 The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) prevented a terror attack in Saratov region on Sunday. Two suspects were reportedly killed, after they had opened fire on the officers who tried to stop their car. According to the FSB, an improvised explosive device with a capacity of around 3kg (6.6lbs) of TNT, a homemade hand grenade, and some Tokarev and Makarov pistols were found at the scene. The security services have launched a criminal investigation into the terror plot. France: Le Pen proposes National Front be rebranded as 'Rassemblement National' 2018-03-11 20:02 France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen proposed to change the name of her party to 'National Rally' (Rassemblement National) while speaking at the 16th National Front Congress in Lille on Sunday. During Le Pen's speech, she made it clear that in the new name «the word 'National' seems to me to be imperative.» Le Pen continued that the «name must be more than a project. It must be a rallying cry, a call to join us» and then revealed her proposed new name for the party as «National Rally.» Party members will now vote by post on whether to accept the new name or not. Apocalypse... now? — South Dakota military bunker now survival shelter for mankind 2018-03-11 20:50 VIVOS in Edgemont, South Dakota is an underground survival shelter designed to provide a place to live in case of a global catastrophe which would threaten humans with extinction. A former military space with hundreds of bunkers, VIVOS is a project which equips buyers with a luxurious interior deep in the ground, ready for those who want to purchase and guarantee a shelter for the day of the reckoning. The massive space is three quarters the size of Manhattan and once fully operative it will be able to host between 6,000 and 10,000 residents. Robert K. Vicino, founder and CEO of VIVOS, said that the buyers «are people that are aware, they are not paranoid, they are highly intelligent, well educated, they read a lot.» “Some are concerned about North Korea, others are concerned about an economic collapse, others are concerned about World War III,” he surmised. Coming in at a mere $25,000 (20,300 euros) per bunker, Vicino said you'd be 'crazy' not to buy one. Germany: Pro-Kurdish demonstrators clash with police in Berlin 2018-03-11 21:34 A pro-Kurdish demonstration marched through the Kreuzberg district of Berlin on Sunday and scuffled with police en-route. Several hundred demonstrators took to the streets to protest Turkey's incursion into the north-western region of Afrin, in which they were chanting, carrying YPJ (Women's Protection Unit) flags, and brandishing placards. During the march, a Turkish man waved a Turkish flag from the window of his apartment, which caused outrage amongst the demonstrator. Then demonstrators then threw stones and bottles at him, and broke a window of the apartment. Reportedly, four men and two women were detained by police. In January, Erdogan announced the beginning of the operation against the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) group. Colombia: FARC face first ever electoral test in congressional vote 2018-03-11 21:50 The congressional vote took place in Colombia on Sunday, with the former FARC rebels running for office, as shown in footage filmed in the capital of Bogota. «These elections are very special; it is the first time in more than half a century, when the FARC [the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, now Revolutionary Alternative Common Force], instead of sabotaging the elections, are participating in them,» said the Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos after casting his vote at Bolivar Square. The President also stressed the importance of the ceasefire announced by the Colombia's last-standing guerrilla group ELN [National Liberation Army] at the end of February, saying: «What does that mean? That these elections will be the calmest and the most peaceful ones in the recent history of the country.» According to local reports, more than 36 million Colombians are eligible to vote. However, only around four millions people voted so far, despite the fact that the polling stations close in a couple of hours [at 21:00 GMT]. FARC fought the Colombian government for more than over 50 years before signing a peace deal with the government in 2016. The organisation has since transformed into a political party under the name Revolutionary Alternative Common Force, retaining its FARC initials. UK: London's King's Cross station closed amid pro-Kurdish protest 2018-03-11 22:00 King's Cross Station was temporarily closed in central London on Sunday, as police tried to stop pro-Kurdish protesters from accessing the tracks. According to reports, the demonstration followed a similar protest, which forced the closure of Manchester Piccadilly Station, where around 100 protesters stormed the railway lines. In both cases, the demonstrators reportedly protested against Turkish military operations in Afrin, northern Syria. On January 20, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the beginning of the military offensive 'Olive Branch' against the Kurdish YPG militia. Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned militant group the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). Cuba: Havana heads to polls before selection of post-Castro president 2018-03-11 22:42 Voters in Havana, and across Cuba, went to polling stations on Sunday to select members of the one-party National Assembly, who will subsequently select the country's new president. Footage showed First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel welcoming Cubans to the polling stations. Diaz-Canel is widely expected to take over for Cuban President Raul Castro, who will step down from the role of President . One young voter, Dayana Hernandez, stated that as «a young person I'm grateful to live this historic change. The Castros have been very good to our country and changed everything as it was before but it's also important for newer generations to come forward.» The upcoming vote will bring an era to an end and signify change for the country, as a Castro has been the head of state for nearly 60 years. Syria: Mesraba residents react to SAA arrival in Eastern Ghouta 2018-03-11 23:00 Families trapped in the southern Syrian village of Mesraba in Eastern Ghouta witnessed the Syrian Arab Army arriving on Saturday. They were reportedly taken to makeshift centres where they are receiving support. Reports state that Syrian Army soldiers evacuated families who had allegedly been trapped in the area. The civilians explained that they had refused to leave Mesraba with their captors, in the hope that the army would be able to find and relocate them to safety. “[The insurgents] did not allow us to move, they would kill us if they could,” recalled one of the liberated men, Arafat Farhat. “I was away for four years from my family and brothers. Thank God, the Syrian Arab army came and saved us,” he said. Greece: Hooligans clash with police before PAOK/AEK match in Thessaloniki 2018-03-11 23:08 Football hooligans clashed with riot police in Thessaloniki on Sunday, before the derby between PAOK and AEK Athens for the first position at the Greek Super League. The footage shows PAOK fans throwing Molotov cocktails at the police, who responded with tear gas. Fan violence in Greece is a relatively common occurrence, with major incidents, including arson and pitch invasions, bringing the game into disrepute over the past three years. Lithuania: National patriotic organisations hold rally in Vilnius 2018-03-11 23:14 National patriotic organisations held an authorised rally to commemorate the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania under the slogan ‘Lithuania for Lithuanians’ in Vilnius on Sunday. Almost 1,000 people participated, with footage showing them chanting slogans and singing patriotic songs. According to reports, the march was peaceful. March 11th is the date of the declaration of independence by the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1990. Lithuania was the first Soviet republic to do so. Similar rallies have been conducted annually since 2000, with the first official authorisation given in 2009. Бобби МакФеррину — 68 2018-03-11 23:38 11 марта — день рождения, певца, дирижера, джазмена и десятикратного лауреата премии «Грэмми» Бобби Макферрина. Музыканту исполнилось 68 лет Как россиян агитируют идти на выборы 2018-03-12 01:00 «Мы идем на рекорд», «бюллетень для каждого отложена своя», «вы выбираете — страна побеждает». До 18 марта остается меньше недели. Какими словами во время нынешней предвыборной кампании зазывали на выборы россиян? Авторская колонка Ксении Турковой для программы Александра Герасимова «Оно вам надо?». Germany: Pro-Kurdish demonstrators march for Afrin in Hamburg 2018-03-12 01:47 Hundreds of protesters marched through the city center of Hamburg on Sunday, to denounce the Turkish military operation in the Kurdish-dominated enclave of Afrin in northern Syria. Protesters form several Pro-Kurdish associations held Kurdish flags and banners and chanted anti-Erdogan slogans. They were joined by left-wing activists and war opponents, who demonstrated against racism and fascism as well as against Germany’s arms deals with Turkey. In January, Erdogan announced the beginning of the operation against the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) group. USA: Tour helicopter crashes into New York river 2018-03-12 02:13 A rescue operation was underway in New York City's East River on Sunday night, following a helicopter crash. Reports say that the tour helicopter was thought to have been carrying several passengers. It is not yet clear what caused the crash. Spain: Thousands demand restitution of Catalan Government and Republic 2018-03-12 02:18 Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Barcelona on Sunday, demanding the release of what they deem to be political prisoners, and the implementation of a Catalan Republic. Footage shows the massive demonstration, with an estimated 45,000 people protesting with flags and placards. Speaking at the demonstration, Vice President of National Assembly of Catalonia (ANC) Agusti Alcoberro stated that what is happening with the Spanish state is «outrageous.» «We mobilised people and on December 21st we got a majority in the parliament in favour of the Catalan Republic.» The ANC continues to push for Catalonian independence, and for the release of their former president, Jordi Sanchez, who remains in Spanish custody on charges of sedition. UK: Kurdish protesters climb onto tracks at Manchester train station 2018-03-12 02:52 Kurdish protesters climbed onto the train tracks of Manchester Piccadilly station on Sunday, causing delays all across the country. Protesters who were decrying the Turkish offensive in Syria jumped onto the tracks to block trains from moving. The demonstration caused disruptions throughout the whole of the British train system, with many trains being cancelled or delayed up to 60 minutes. According to the solidarity group Friends of Kurdistan Manchester, around 400 protesters gathered in the protest. In January, Erdogan announced the beginning of the operation against the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). Turkey views the YPG, which is active in northern Syria, as an extension of the banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) group. Syria: 52 civilians leave opposition-controlled Misraba through humanitarian corridor 2018-03-12 03:58 52 civilians, including 26 children, were evacuated from Eastern Ghouta on Sunday, according to Vladimir Zolotuhin, the spokesperson of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in the Syrian Arab Republic. “For today they’re located in the population centre of Adra in the driving school. The humanitarian situation is being clarified now, where medical assistance, everything necessary, including food, will be provided,” Zolotuhin stated. One local said that they’ve “been suffering for seven years. We all maintained neutrality in Misraba. But we couldn’t do anything, they wouldn’t let us go”. “The situation was difficult. Fear and horror, bombardments, war — fear is inevitable in such situations. Praise be to Allah, when the Syrian army came, they brought food, gifts, medication, and doctors arrived. Now we have everything we need,” the resident continued. It was the first organised evacuation of civilians from Eastern Ghouta. Российские выборы в Лос-Анджелесе: конфликтное голосование 2018-03-12 05:21 Накал страстей на досрочном голосовании по выборам президента РФ на избирательном участке номер 8275. Конфликт между сторонниками и противниками нынешней кремлевской власти разгорелся из-за плаката местного активиста с надписью «Больше санкций для Путина и его друзей». USA: 2 dead, 3 critically injured in NYC helicopter crash — NYC Fire Dept. 2018-03-12 05:26 Daniel Nigro, New York City Fire Department Commissioner: «As Commissioner O'Neill said there were six people on the helicopter. The pilot freed himself. The other five did not. So police and fire divers entered the water and removed the other five. Three of them were removed in critical condition. They have been removed to the hospital. Two of them were declared, pronounced dead at the scene. So we have a total of five victims — three in the hospital right now. We don't have an outcome on them. The pilot is okay. He was taken to the hospital to be checked out but he was able to get out. It took, it took a while for the divers to get these people out. They worked very quickly, as fast as they could. That's 50 feet [9,1 m] of water there. There was a four mile [6.4 km] an hour current, the temperature is below 40 [4.4 degree Celsius] so everyone worked very hard. It's a great tragedy that we had occur here on a quiet, otherwise quiet Sunday evening.» Two people were killed and three people were left critically injured after a helicopter crashed in the New York City East River on Sunday evening, according to the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) who gave a press statement in New York City on Sunday. “There were six people on the helicopter. The pilot freed himself. The other five did not”, said New York City Fire Department Commissioner Daniel Nigro. “Police and fire divers entered the water and removed the other five. Three of them were removed in critical condition. They have been removed to the hospital”, he added. Nigro explained that two people were pronounced dead at the scene, while the pilot survived. The Fire Department spokesperson stated that it took “a while” for the divers to safely remove the passengers from the helicopter due to the current of the water and the low temperature. “It's a great tragedy that we had occur here on a quiet, otherwise quiet Sunday evening», he concluded. Насилие и многоженство в Кыргызстане: почему не работает закон о защите от семейного насилия 2018-03-12 05:42 Почти год назад в Кыргызстане приняли закон «Об охране и защите от семейного насилия». О том, почему он не сильно изменил ситуацию, наш корреспондент Дарья Тимофеева спросила у депутата парламента, председателя форума женщин Кыргызстана Эльвиры Сурабалдиевой «Вести. Интервью»: Всеволод Севастьянов 2018-03-12 05:55 10 марта исполняется 80 лет одному из старейших депутатов красноярского краевого парламента. USA: Emergency services respond to fatal helicopter crash in NYC 2018-03-12 06:10 Emergency services were at the scene of a fatal helicopter crash along the East River FDR Drive in New York City on Sunday night. The tourist helicopter was seen crash landing into the East River, with six passengers still inside. New York City Fire Department said that two people were pronounced dead at the scene, while the pilot survived. Three people are in critical condition and are being treated in hospital. |
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