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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Symposium on Computational Geometry

27th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2011)
June 13-15, 2011
Paris, France
In cooperation with ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH


The Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry will be held in Paris, France. We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing original research addressing computational problems in a geometric setting, in particular their algorithmic solutions, implementation issues, applications, and mathematical foundations.

The topics of the Symposium reflect the rich diversity of research interests in computational geometry. They are intended to highlight both the depth and scope of computational geometry, and to invite fruitful interactions with other disciplines. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* design, analysis, and implementation of geometric algorithms and data structures; lower bounds on the computational complexity of geometric problems;
* mathematical, numerical, and algebraic issues arising in the formulation, analysis, implementation, and experimental evaluation of geometric algorithms and heuristics; discrete and combinatorial geometry; computational topology;
* novel applications of computational geometry in computer graphics, geometric modeling, computer-aided design and manufacturing, scientific computing, geographic information systems, database systems, robotics, computational biology, machine learning, sensor networks, medical imaging, combinatorial optimization, statistical analysis, discrete differential geometry, theoretical computer science, graph drawing, pure mathematics, and other fields.

----- Important Dates -----

* November 22, 2010: Paper titles and (short) abstracts due
* December 01, 2010: Full submissions due (23:59, Honolulu time)
* February 14, 2011: Notification of acceptance/rejection of papers
* June 13-15, 2011: Symposium in Paris, France

A call for Video and Multimedia Presentations will be announced later.


We invite submissions of high-quality papers describing original research on geometric algorithms and data structures, their mathematical foundations and correctness, their implementation, and their applications.

The program committee explicitly encourages the submission of video or multimedia in support of submitted papers. Authors may wish to consider making a separate submission to the video/multimedia track (of the which the call for submissions will be distributed separately). Papers and video/multimedia submissions will be reviewed separately; acceptance or rejection of one will not influence acceptance or rejection of the other.

Final versions of accepted papers will be published by ACM in the symposium proceedings. Proceedings will be distributed to symposium participants and will also be available from ACM for purchase or through the digital library. An author of each accepted paper will be expected to attend the Symposium and give a presentation (approximately 20 minutes) of the paper. Authors of a selection of papers from the conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of one or more

----- Paper Submission -----

All submissions should be made electronically; see the EasyChair SoCG2011 web pages
for detailed submission instructions. If electronic submission is not feasible, please contact the program committee chairs, Ferran Hurtado and Marc van Kreveld, well in advance of the submission deadlines.

----- Submission Guidelines ------

Papers should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract, which begins with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address. This should be followed by a precise statement of the problem considered, a succinct summary of the results obtained (emphasizing the significance, novelty, and potential impact of the research), and a clear comparison with related work. The remainder of the extended abstract should provide sufficient detail to allow the program committee to evaluate the
validity, quality, and relevance of the contribution. Clarity of presentation is very important; the whole extended abstract should be written carefully, taking into consideration that it will be read and evaluated by both experts and non-experts, often under tight time constraints.

Submissions should be typeset in single column format, using 11-point or larger font, with at least 1 inch/2.54 cm margins and single line spacing. Excluding the title page and bibliography, the extended abstract must not exceed 10 pages. Submissions deviating from these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits.

A clearly marked appendix (of reasonable length) containing omitted proofs may be included directly in the submission, and is mandatory for crucial proofs. Appendices are not counted in the 10 page limit, so while they may serve as a reference, they are not necessarily read by the program committee. Other supporting materials, such as a video or multimedia presentation, source code, or experimental data, may be provided by including a URL in the submission, but again, these will be considered only at the discretion
of the program committee.

Anticipating the usual high overall quality of submissions, the program committee intends to accept more papers than was typical in previous years. Also, we intend to interpret the scope of the conference broadly, and will accept all papers of high quality that are of significant interest to our research community. The conference venue in Paris is attractive and allows a bigger conference than previous years.

Authors must submit the title and a short abstract of their paper by November 22, 2010. This pre-submission will be used to help make program committee reading assignments. Extended abstracts must be received by December 1, 2010 (23:59, Honolulu time). There will be no extension of this deadline; late submissions will not be considered. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by February 14, 2011. The final proceedings papers must be formatted in accordance with ACM proceedings guidelines; LaTeX
style files will be made available to authors of accepted papers.

Concurrent submission of the same (or essentially the same) abstract to SoCG and to another conference with published proceedings is not allowed. An extended abstract of a paper that is under journal review, or scheduled for publication in a journal after June 2011, may be submitted, when it is clear that the extended abstract differs substantially from the journal version. In such cases, the authors must include the journal version in an appendix that clearly identifies the status of the journal submission.

----- Program Committee -----

# Lars Arge (MADALGO, Aarhus University)
# Esther Arkin (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
# Prosenjit Bose (Carleton University)
# Sergio Cabello (University of Ljubljana)
# E'ric Colin de Verdie`re (E'cole normale supe'rieure and CNRS, Paris)
# Olivier Devillers (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Me'diterrane'e)
# Adrian Dumitrescu (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
# Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST Austria and Duke University)
# Joachim Giesen (Universita:t Jena)
# Joachim Gudmunsson (National ICT Australia, Sydney)
# Ferran Hurtado, co-chair (Universitat Polite`cnica de Catalunya)
# Naoki Katoh (Kyoto University)
# Klara Kedem (Ben-Gurion University)
# Marc van Kreveld, co-chair (Utrecht University)
# Anna Lubiw (University of Waterloo)
# David Mount (University of Maryland)
# Stefan Schirra (Otto-von-Guericke Universita:t Magdeburg)
# Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv University)

----- Local Arrangements Committee ------

* Steve Oudot, co-chair (INRIA Saclay - I^le-de-France)
* Fre'de'ric Chazal, co-chair (INRIA Saclay - I^le-de-France)
* Marc Glisse (INRIA Saclay - I^le-de-France)
* Gae:lle Dorkeld (INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt)
* Christine Biard (INRIA Saclay - I^le-de-France)

The Call for Video and Multimedia Presentations will be distributed later. The chair is Jonathan Shewchuck.

SOCG Steering Committee (2009-2012)

* Jack Snoeyink, chair (University of North Carolina)
* Mark de Berg, secretary (TU Eindhoven)
* Joe Mitchell (SUNY Stony Brook)
* Guenter Rote (FU Berlin)
* Monique Teillaud (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Me'diterrane'e)

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