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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory in Tehran

Second announcement

Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory

Tehran, Iran, 9-10 March 2011

School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science,
College of Science,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

The organizing committee of the conference is pleased to provide the following information about the conference. We cordially would like to invite you to attend the conference and present a talk. Apart from the talk by the main speakers of the conference it is possible for the participants to present short communications.

1. Confirmed Speakers of the Conference:

R. T. Curtis (University of Birmingham, UK): Symmetric generation of sporadic simple groups.

C. Campbell (University of St- Andrews, Scotland, UK): Presentations galore.

B. Davvaz(University of Yazd,Iran): Groups, Hypergroups and their applications.

M. Shahriari(University of Tabriz, Iran): On the vanishing of relative symmetric polynomial.

H. Yamaki(University of Kumamoto, Japan): The order of a group of even order.

V. D. Mazurov(Institute of Math. Novosibrisk, Russia):Recognition of groups by spectrum.

N. S. Karamzadeh(University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran): On recognizability of some finite simple groups.

I.Guloglu(University of Ankara, Turkey): On fixed-point-free group of automorphisms.

A.Abdollahi(University of Isfahan, Iran): Non-inner automorphisms of order p in finite p-groups of class 3.

V.Dabbaghian(Simon-Fraser University , Canada): Constructing matrix representations: A hundred years problem.

G.A.Jones(Southhampton University, UK): TBA.

M.Misaghian(University of Texas, USA): The smooth representation of the norm of one of one element group of a division ring over a p-adic field.

A.R.Ashrafi(University of Kashan, Iran):Topological index: A group theoretical approach.

J.Moori(University of Kwazulu- Natal, South Africa): Finite groups, Designs and codes.

2. Webpage:


3. Sponsors:
University of Tehran,
Center of Excellence for Banach Algebra at the Isfahan University,
Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) ,
Presidential Deputy in Science and Technology,
The Unit of Science and Research of the University of Azad

4. Useful Information:
A. US $ 50.00 for non-students(this include food and tea breaks)
B. US $40.00 for students(this include food and tea breaks)
C. US $35.00 for each night stay at University guest-house
D. Address of the University guest-house:
Tehran, Nosrat Street, No. 22
Tell: +98-21-66495169
E. Dead line for registration: 22 Dec. 2010
F. Dead line for sending extended abstract: 21 Jan. 2011
G. Conference address: Tehran, University of Tehran, College of Science,
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer, Tehran, Iran.
H. Email: groupstehran@khayam.ut.ac.ir
Fax and Tell: +98-21-66412178
Tell: +98-21-61112620

5. Registration:
Please complete the following form and send it to the conference address.
* Name and Surname:
male': Female':
* Email address:
* Affiliation:
* Student ': non-student ':
* Title of talk:

I have paid the amount of .......................for the registration fees and accommodation
to the conference account number: SIBA 0107087016002 in the names
Dr. R. Zaare-Nahandi, Dr. M. Soleimani-Damaneh, Dr. M. R. Darafsheh

Tracking Number:...................................

Remark: People attending the conference from outside Iran could pay the fees upon arrival.

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