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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Conference on Algebra, Topology and Topological Algebras in Mexico

First Announcement

The First ``International Conference on Algebra, Topology and Topological Algebras'', ICATTA, will be held at the city of Veracruz in Mexico from January 5th to 7th, 2011.

The essential character of Topological Algebras is the simultaneous consideration of two structures on the same set. An algebraic structure, that of an algebra, and a topological structure, ensuring the consistency in between algebra and topology, leading as vital components, to an important object of Functional Analysis that we call Topological Algebras.

Among the main applications of topological algebras can be mentioned: differential geometry of smooth manifolds, mathematical physics, quantum relativity, quantum cosmology, topological homological algebra, topological algebraic geometry, sheaf theory and K-theory.

The ICATTA pretends to gather specialists in the interaction of these fields; those who are interested, are invited to submit a talk (by October 24th). The talks will be arranged in parallel sessions motivating the interaction of the fields involved.There are a number of grants to support students to attend the Conference, and a poster session.

The list of the invited speakers includes: Mati Abel (University of Tartu, Estonia), Hugo Arizmendi (Instituto de Matema'ticas - UNAM, Me'xico), Marina Haralampidou (University of Athens, Greece), Mohamed Oudadess (E'cole Normale Supe'rieure de Rabat, Morocco), Manuel Sanchis (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), Thomas Tonev (University of Montana-Missoula, USA), Wieslaw Zelazko (Institute of Mathematics - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland).

Veracruz is the first site where Herna'n Corte's disembarked in the continent. It is a very enjoyable city, with colonial buildings, fortresses, warm people, rich gastronomy and colorful folkloric music and dance. It is also the most important commercial deep-sea port in the country.

Further information:
web page: http://icatta.izt.uam.mx

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