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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Summer School on Algebraic Analysis and Computer Algebra

AACA'09 Summer School on Algebraic Analysis and Computer Algebra New Perspectives for Applications July 13-17, 2009 RISC, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/about/conferences/aaca09/ - Organizers Markus Rosenkranz (Austrian Academy of Sciences, RICAM, Linz, Austria) Franz Winkler (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Linz, Austria) - Lecturers Jean-Francois Pommaret (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, France) Alban Quadrat (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France) - Schedule T...

2009-02-10 23:43:16 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ICGS 2009

Dear Colleague: ICGS2009 May 17-21, 2009 SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT An International Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Methods in Group Theory and Semigroup Theory will be held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from May 17 to May 21, 2009. Topics include geometric, combinatorial, dynamical, algorithmic, and asymptotic aspects of groups and semigroups. The conference is also a recognition of the research and mentoring work of John Meakin, on the occasion of his 6n-th birthday. Information on travel and...

2009-02-10 00:51:44 + Комментировать