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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: ICGS 2009

Dear Colleague:


An International Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial
Methods in Group Theory and Semigroup Theory will be held at
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from May 17 to May 21, 2009.
Topics include geometric, combinatorial, dynamical, algorithmic,
and asymptotic aspects of groups and semigroups. The conference
is also a recognition of the research and mentoring work of
John Meakin, on the occasion of his 6n-th birthday.
Information on travel and accommodation, and a tentative
list of participants, may be found at the conference web site


More information and deadlines:

+ The registration form deadline is May 1, 2009; this form
is located at a link from the conference web site above.
The registration fee ($50 for faculty, $20 for postdocs,
students, and others) will be collected upon arrival
at the conference.

+ If you wish to submit a talk for consideration, you
need to complete the abstract submission form, which
is also available via a link from the conference web site,
by March 17, 2009.

+ If you wish to apply for possible partial support of
(of local expenses and/or registration fee waiver), the
deadline is March 17, 2009. The funding application is
included in the registration form at the web site.
Support availability and amounts will depend on the
number of applications, with preference given to
encourage participation by graduate students, young
researchers, members of under-represented groups,
and those who do not have an NSF or other federal grant
which can be used to partially support their travel.

Please pass this announcement along to other mathematicians who
may be interested.

We hope to see you in Lincoln next May!

The conference organizers:
Collin Bleak Susan Hermiller Tanya Jajcayova Stuart Margolis

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