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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Cryptography and Computer Algebra

A workshop on


Pisa, 7-8 November 2008

will be held at the Dipartimento di Matematica, in the Aula Magna.


The workshop will start on nov. 7 at 15:00, and end on nov. 8 at 13:00.

The workshop is intended to discuss some themes connected to
cryptography of the PRIN research project "Geometria Algebrica e
Algebra Algoritmica e Applicata", recently started.

Preliminary list of some talks:

L. Perret Grobner Bases in Cryptography : Selected Topics
C. Traverso Lattice Cryptography, NTRU e NTWO.
M. Caboara The Lattice Polly Cracker cryptosystem
A. Rimoldi A distinguishing attack on AES
F. Dalla Volta Group theory and block ciphers
F. Caruso Non-commutative factorisation

Futher talks will be scheduled; refer to the site above for further
news and the final schedule.

If you want to propose a talk, please send a short summary to one of
the organizers:

Carlo Traverso <traverso@dm.unipi.it>
Massimiliano Sala <sala@posso.dm.unipi.it>

Participation is free, but please register with an email to


To the same address ask for hotel reservation, to be able to have the
reduced University prices.

We will organize a dinner in the evening of Friday Nov. 7. Approximate
price, 30 Euro. For organization reasons, please communicate before
Nov. 5 if you wish to attend.

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