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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - ISSAC 2009

               CALL FOR PAPERS ISSAC 2009
         International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
              Korea Institute of Advanced Studies
             Seoul, Korea, July 28-31, 2009


The 2009 International Symposium on Symbolic and  Algebraic  Computation
(ISSAC) is the 34th meeting in a series of conferences, begun in 1966 and held
annually since 1981 in North America, Europe and Asia, for original research on
all aspects of symbolic computation.  Following tradition, ISSAC 2009 will have
presentations of accepted research papers, invited talks, poster sessions,
tutorial courses, software demonstrations, and company exhibits.


Paper submission deadline is Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009, 23:59 EST [+7 days extension]
Notification of Acceptance/rejection: no later than Monday, March 30, 2009.


All topics covered traditionally by ISSAC including
  all of computer algebra
  algebraic methods in computational geometry and in theorem proving
  the computer science of creating software for doing mathematics
Applications of symbolic computation to
  the natural sciences, life science, engineering, education, and others
For more details, see, e.g., the TOC in the Computer Algebra Handbook
URL: http://issac2009.kias.re.kr/cah_toc.pdf
In addition and not exclusively, applications of symbolic computation to
  new models of computation (e.g., quantum computation, origami mathematics)
  algebraic statistics
Certification of numerical results by symbolic computation
Implementation of symbolic computation systems on compact and mobile devices.


Jeremy Johnson, Drexel U., USA and Hyungju Park, KIAS, Korea, General Co-Chairs
Erich Kaltofen, NCSU, USA, Program Committee Chair

                   Program Committee
Massimo Caboara, U. Pisa, Italy          Siegfried Rump, TUHH, Germany
Gene Cooperman, Northeastern U., USA     Bruno Salvy, INRIA, France
Mark Giesbrecht, U. Waterloo, Canada     Carsten Schneider, RISC, Austria
Jaime Gutierrez, U. Cantabria, Spain     Kiyoshi Shirayanagi, Tokai U., Japan
Weidong Liao, Shepherd U., USA           Elena Smirnova, Texas Instruments, USA
Scott McCallum, Macquarie U., Australia  Volker Sorge, U. Birmingham, UK
Kosaku Nagasaka, Kobe U., Japan          Adam Strzebonski, Wolfram Research, USA
Clement Pernet, U. Washington, USA       Stephen Watt, U. Western Ontario, Canada
               / U. Grenoble I, France  Franz Winkler, RISC, Austria
Markus Rosenkranz, RICAM, Austria        Min Wu, East China Normal U., China


Papers must contain original research and not duplicate work published or
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by the Program
Committee and external referees.  Proceedings will be distributed at ISSAC
2009.  Papers must be written in English and should not exceed 8 pages in ACM's
Proceedings style http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates,
which is about 20 to 22 pages in LaTeX 12pt article style.  If necessary,
submissions can have an appendix that may be read by the reviewers and PC
Members, but that is not considered part of the Proceedings paper.

Papers are exclusively submitted via www.easychair.org (click on "users" and
locate and click on 2009 ISSAC).  We expect that at least one author of each
accepted paper attends ISSAC 2009 and presents her or his paper.


Submit by Jan. 24, 23:59 EST;  accept/reject by Mar. 30;  Conf. Jul. 28-31, 2009.

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