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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Shapes, Algebra, Geometry and Algorithms (SAGA)

Shapes, Algebra, Geometry and Algorithms (SAGA)
Web site: http://www.ciem.unican.es/?q=en/node/159
Location: Castro Urdiales, Spain (close to Bilbao)

November, 17-21, 2008

Scientific and Organizing Committee:

  * Tor Dokken
  * Ioannis Emiris
  * Laureano Gonzalez-Vega
  * Bert Juettler
  * Rimvydas Krasauskas
  * Bernard Mourrain
  * Ragni Piene

Local Committee:

  * Jorge Caravantes
  * Laureano Gonzalez-Vega
  * Irene Polo
  * Giovanna Coral

Aims and Scope:
The workshop aims at supporting the exchange of ideas between the
fields  of Algebraic Geometry, Numerical Analysis, and Geometric
Modelling.  Topics of interest include

  * Geometry of curves and surfaces
  * Rational/implicit representation
  * Resultant constructions and implicitization
  * Singularity, detection and analysis
  * Classification of curves and surfaces
  * Intersection, resolution
  * Approximate/certified methods
  * Computer Implementations of Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry
  * Isogeometric Analysis

The workshop is held in conjunction with the Kick-Off event of the
Marie-Curie ITN Network SAGA.

It is open to all researchers working on any of the topics of interest
previously mentioned. If you want to participate please send an email to
saga_ciem at unican dot es specifying whether or not you want to give a talk
(including, in that case, the title and a short abstract).

There is no registration fee.

More details to be included later. Participants will be lodged at Hotel
Las  Rocas or Hotel Miramar, located five minutes walking from the CIEM

Institut für Angewandte Geometrie

Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz, Österreich
Tel: +43 732 2468-9162
Fax: +43 732 2468-29162
monika dot bayer at jku dot at

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