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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: SHAPES, GEOMETRY AND ALGEBRA: SAGA Network Event



NOVEMBER 17-21, 2008

International Center for Mathematical Meetings
Castro-Urdiales, Spain

Supported by EC through the Marie Curie ITN Network SAGA


The meeting will start Monday afternoon and will end Friday early
afternoon and is held in conjunction with the Kick-Off event of the
SAGA Network. The first part of the meeting (monday to wednesday) will
be devoted to present the SAGA Network to the participants and the
second part will include several keynote speakers together with
contributed talks from the participants.

The meeting aims at supporting the exchange of ideas between the
fields of Algebraic Geometry, Numerical Analysis, and Geometric

Topics of interest include:
Geometry of curves and surfaces.
Rational/implicit representation.
Resultant constructions and implicitization.
Singularities: detection and analysis.
Curves and surfaces classification.
Intersection problems.
Approximate and/ or certified methods.
Computer Implementations of Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry.
Isogeometric Analysis.


1. Registration:
Fill in the form available at the web page or the one included at the
end of this email and send it by email to saga_ciem@unican.es.
Deadline for registration is November 10, 2008.

2. Abstract submission:
Those interested in giving a talk, please include title and abstract
(plain text, less than 800 characters) in the registration form at the
end of this email. The selection of talks will be based on assessing
the suitability with the workshop topics of interest.

3. Registration fees:
The registration fee for attending the whole event is 235 euros
including five lunches and the social dinner on Thursday evening. The
registration fee for attending only the workshop on Thursday and
Friday is 140 euros including two lunches and the social dinner on
Thursday evening.

Information about the registration fees payment will be sent to every
participant once the registration form is received.

4. Accomodation and travelling information:
Traveling information will be shortly available at the web page http://www.saga_ciem.unican.es
but Bilbao airport is the most convenient airport to reach Castro

Once the registration form is received, each participant will be
contacted by AFID Congresos with the information concerning hotel
reservation and local transportation from Bilbao airport to Castro

Participants will be lodged at Hotel Las Rocas (http://www.lasrocashotel.com/eng/index-eng.htm
), located five minutes walking from the CIEM building.

Any question about logistics, accomodation and transportation can be
directed to AFID Congresos by email to saga@afidcongresos.com or by
phone (+34-942318180: ask for Marta Isla or Esther Pazos) or fax


The workshop is aligned with the recruiting event of the SAGA Network.
SAGA is looking for promising candidates to fill its available
positions. SAGA aims at advancing the mathematical foundations of CAD
technology, which can be greatly enhanced by exploiting new
techniques from many different mathematical fields such as Algebraic
Geometry, Symbolic Computation, Numerical Analysis, Approximation

SAGA offers an environment of researchers from different areas with a
common vision, and tailor-made opportunities to learn geometric
modelling both from the industrial and the fundamental mathematics

For in-depth information about the project, the consortium, and
research projects, candidates are invited to attend this meeting.
There is funding for travel and local expenses available for a limited
amount of candidates to be interviewed during the school, but anyone
interested is free to attend without having to commit to a position.
For general inquiries visit the SAGA web page at http://www.saga-network.eu
or contact the coordinator Tor Dokken by email at tor.dokken@sintef.no

T. Dokken, I. Emiris, L. Gonzalez-Vega, B. Juettler, R. Krasauskas,
B. Mourrain, R. Piene

J. Caravantes, G. Coral, M. Fioravanti, L. Gonzalez-Vega, E. Mainar,
I. Polo

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REGISTRATION FORM STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Postal address:


Day of arrival:
Day of departure:

Are you participating in the SAGA recruiting event and have you applied
for finnancial support to attend to this meeting?

If you intend to give a talk please include here the title and the
abstract (plain text, less than 800 characters):

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REGISTRATION FORM ENDS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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