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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - FW: MSRI news

Please let your colleagues know about these events and this
newsletter, which appears every two months. [To subscribe or
unsubscribe, see the information at the end.]

======================= CURRENT WORKSHOP ========================

HOT TOPICS: Contact Structures, Dynamics and the Seiberg-Witten
Equations in Dimension 3
June 9, 2008 to June 13, 2008
Organized By: Helmut Hofer, Michael Hutchings, Peter Kronheimer,
Tom Mrowka and Cliff Taubes

========================= NEXT WORKSHOP =========================

Modular Forms and Arithmetic
June 28, 2008 to July 2, 2008
Organized By: Frank Calegari, Samit Dasgupta, Bjorn Poonen, Richard Taylor

================== THIRD ANNUAL CME-MSRI PRIZE ==================

MSRI, in conjunction with the esteemed Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), will award the third annual CME-MSRI Prize in Innovative Quantitative Applications on Friday, October 24 at the CME, in Chicago. The event, by invitation only, will include a seminar and  award ceremony for the prize recipient. The CME-MSRI Prize will be awarded to an individual or a group, to recognize originality and innovation in the use of mathematical, statistical or computational methods for the study of the behavior of markets, and more broadly of economics.  For more information, go to:

================== UPCOMING 2008-09 WORKSHOPS ===================

Modular Forms and Arithmetic
June 28, 2008 to July 2, 2008
Organized By: Frank Calegari, Samit Dasgupta, Bjorn Poonen, Richard Taylor

Climate Change Summer School
July 14, 2008 to August 1, 2008
Organized By: Chris Jones, Inez Fung, Eric Kostelich, K. K. Tung, Mary Lou

Mathematics Professional Development Institute
(Wu Summer Institute)
Organized By: Hung-Hsi Wu, Kay Kirman, Hana Huang, Sunil Koswatta
July 21, 2008 to August 8, 2008

Bay Area Circle for Teachers Workshop
August 4, 2008 to August 8, 2008
Organized by Tatiana Shubin and Joshua Zucker

Low Dimensional Topology
August 11, 2008 to August 15, 2008
Organized by: Elisenda Grigsby, Rob Schneiderman, Peter Teichner,
Kevin Walker

BROADER CONNECTIONS: Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics
August 21, 2008 to August 22, 2008 (Thursday & Friday)
Organized by: Ben Green, Bryna Kra, Emmanuel Lesigne, Anthony
Quas, Mate Wierdl

Introduction to Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics
August 25, 2008 to August 29, 2008
Organized By: Ben Green, Bryna Kra, Emmanuel Lesigne, Anthony
Quas, Mate Wierdl

BROADER CONNECTIONS: Analysis of Singular Spaces
August 28, 2008 to August 29, 2008 (Thursday & Friday)
Organized By: Gilles Carron, Eugenie Hunsicker, Richard Melrose,
Michael Taylor, Andras Vasy, and Jared Wunsch

Introductory Workshop on Analysis of Singular Spaces
September 2, 2008 to September 5, 2008
Organized By: Gilles Carron, Eugenie Hunsicker, Richard Melrose,
Michael Taylor, Andras Vasy, Jared Wunsch

Topology of Stratified Spaces
September 8, 2008 to September 12, 2008
Organized By: Greg Friedman, Eugénie Hunsicker, Anatoly Libgober, and
Laurentiu Maxim

MODERN MATHEMATICS: An Introduction to MSRI's 2009-10 Programs
October 8, 2008 to October 9, 2008 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Organized By: Ive Rubio, Herbert Mendina, Kathy O'Hara, Robert Megginson

Promoting Diversity at the Graduate Level in Math: A National Forum
October 14, 2008 to October 17, 2008
Organized by Sylvia Bozeman and Rhonda Hughes

Elliptic and hyperbolic equations on singular spaces
October 27, 2008 to October 31, 2008
Organized By: Gilles Carron, Eugenie Hunsicker, Richard Melrose,
Michael Taylor, Andras Vasy, Jared Wunsch

Discrete Rigidity Phenomena
November 3, 2008 to November 7, 2008
Organized By: Ben Green, Bryna Kra, Emmanuel Lesigne, Anthony
Quas, Mate Wierdl

CONNECTIONS FOR WOMEN: Algebraic Geometry and Related Fields
January 22, 2009 to January 24, 2009
Organized By: Angela Gibney, Brendan Hassett, Sándor Kovács,
Diane Maclagan, Jessica Sidman, and Ravi Vakil

Classical Algebraic Geometry
January 26, 2009 to January 30, 2009
Organized By: Lucia Caporaso, Brendan Hassett, James McKernan, Mircea
Mustata, and Mihnea Popa

Modern Moduli Theory
February 23, 2009 to February 27, 2009
Organized By: I. Coskun, S. Katz, A. Marian, R. Pandharipande, R. Thomas,
H.H. Tseng, and R. Vakil

Combinatorial, Enumerative and Toric Geometry
March 23, 2009 to March 27, 2009
Organized By: Michel Brion, Anders Buch, Linda Chen, William Fulton,
Sándor Kovács, Frank Sottile, Harry Tamvakis, and Burt Totaro

Algebraic structures in the theory of holomorphic curves
November 15, 2009 to November 20, 2009

===================== ARCHIMEDES SOCIETY ========================

The Archimedes Society helps MSRI to implement important programs
and, diversify and plan its future funding. Archimedes Society
donor levels celebrate interesting numbers and places. For example,
the Plato Donor level of $1,922 to $5,040 references The Laws, in which Plato asserts that a suitable number of citizens for the ideal city would be that number that contained the most numerous and most consecutive subdivisions. He decided on 5,040, a number with 59 divisors (apart from itself). All Archimedes Society donors are invited at no or reduced cost to special events, and are offered reserved seating and special post-event receptions. To join the Archimedes Society, please go to:
http://www.msri.org/alumdev/archimedes/index_html .
MSRI Trustee Will Hearst chairs the Archimedes Society.

MSRI would also welcome mention in your Will or Living Trust. Visit
http://www.msri.org/alumdev/ways/plannedgifts for more information.
Please notify MSRI's Development Director, Jim Sotiros, at
JSotiros@msri.org or 510-643-6056 when you have done so, and you will
be recognized in the MSRI Gauss Society.

The first meeting of the Gauss Society took place on Jan. 6, 2007 at
a dinner recognizing members at Galatoire's restaurant in New Orleans
during the Joint Meetings. The second Gauss Society dinner took place
on Jan. 7, 2008 at the JSix restaurant during the Joint Meetings in
San Diego. Please join and plan on dining with us in Washington, D.C.
Doug Lind chairs the Gauss Society.

================== SUMMER GRADUATE WORKSHOPS ===================

A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics
June 16, 2008 to June 27, 2008
Organized by Floyd Williams and Klaus Kirsten

IAS/PCMI Summer Program: Analytic and Algebraic Geometry: Common
Problems - Different Methods
July 6, 2008 to July 26, 2008
Location: IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute, Salt Lake City, UT
Organized by Mircea Mustata and Jeff McNeal

Geometry and Representation Theory of Tensors for Computer Science,
Statistics, and other areas
July 7, 2008 to July 18, 2008
Location: Baker Board Room
Organized By: J.M. Landsberg, Lek-Heng Lim, Jason Morton

Climate Change
July 14, 2008 to August 1, 2008
Organized By: Christopher K. R. T. Jones, Inez Fung, Eric Kostelich,
K. K. Tung, Mary Lou Zeeman

Toric Varieties
June 15, 2009 to June 26, 2009
Organized by David Cox and Hal Schenck

================= SUMMER UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM ==================

MSRI-UP 2008: Research Topic - Experimental Mathematics
June 14, 2008 to July 27, 2008
MSRI-UP is a comprehensive program for undergraduates that aims at increasing the number of students from underrepresented groups in mathematics graduate programs. MSRI-UP includes summer research opportunities, mentoring, workshops on the graduate school application process, and follow-up support. See

================== WORKSHOPS AT BANFF IN 2008 ===================

MSRI is a partner in operating the Banff International Research Station
(BIRS). More information can be accessed at http://www.pims.math.ca/birs/
During the 48-week scientific program BIRS runs either a full workshop (40
people for 5 days) or two half-workshops (20 people for 5 days). BIRS
provides meals, accommodation, and research facilities at no cost to the
organizers and to the invited participants.

================== CORPORATE PARTNERS PROGRAM ===================

Corporations contribute generously to MSRI and receive benefits
from a close relationship with the Institute through various
forms of sponsorship. MSRI Corporate Partners provide general
support, fund workshops, support senior research professorships,
post-doctoral associates or interns, and provide underwriting for
community education or outreach programs.

Corporate Partners members enjoy a variety of benefits including
invitations to special events and listing in MSRI publications.
For more information about the Corporate Partners program go to:
or contact Nancy Stryble, Director of Corporate Relations,
at 510-642-0771 or nancys@msri.org.

==================== 2008-10 PROGRAMS @MSRI =====================

Analysis of Singular Spaces
August 18, 2008 to December 19, 2008

Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics
August 18, 2008 to December 19, 2008

Algebraic Geometry
January 12, 2009 to May 22, 2009

Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology
August 17, 2009 to May 21, 2010

Tropical Geometry
August 17, 2009 to December 18, 2009

Homology Theories of Knots and Links
January 11, 2010 to May 21, 2010

Random Matrix Theory, Interacting Particle Systems and
Integrable Systems
August 16, 2010 to December 17, 2010

Inverse Problems and Applications
August 16, 2010 to December 17, 2010

======================== STREAMING VIDEO =======================

Many lectures and special events at MSRI -- like the 25th Anniversary Conference and pianist Christopher Taylor in conversation with Dave Benson and Bob Osserman --  are videotaped and made available via streaming video through MSRI'S VMath program. Please take a look at:

=================== SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE ======================
If you wish to receive weekly updates about mathematical events
at MSRI, please send an e-mail with the message "subscribe
math-announcements" to math-announcements-request@mailman.msri.org

If you wish to receive information about non-mathematical events
at MSRI, please send an e-mail with the message "subscribe
public-announcements" to public-announcementsrequest@mailman.msri.org

To see a full listing of e-mail lists available from MSRI, go to

The Outlook was written by Anne Brooks Pfister; to contact the
editor, please e-mail annepf@msri.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the MSRI Outlook Electronic
Newsletter, go to http://www.msri.org/communications/mailinglists

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