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                        Call for Papers

                Journal of Symbolic Computation

        Special Issue on Groebner Bases and Applications


As a follow-up to the ACA 2008 session on Groebner Bases and Applications and on
the occasion of Bruno Buchberger's receiving the ACM Kanellakis Award for the
invention and development of the theory of Groebner bases and its applications,
JSC agreed to publish a special issue devoted to Groebner Bases and their
Applications. It will be dedicated to Professor Bruno Buchberger, Founding
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.

The special issue will contain, but is not limited to, selected papers presented
at the session on Groebner Bases and Applications, organized at the ACA 2008
conference, held at the Castle of Hagenberg, RISC, Austria, in the context of
the RISC Summer 2008.


Topics for the Special Issue include (but are not limited to) applications /
relations of Groebner bases to combinatorial design theory, computer aided
design, cryptography, education, elimination theory, geometrical theorem
proving, oil drilling, integer programming, logic, origami, sudoku, solid
modeling, program verification, software engineering, and generally in sciences
and engineering.

Additional topics may include fast algorithms for computing Groebner bases and
various applications in computational commutative algebra, multivariate
polynomial ideal theory, solving systems of algebraic equations, etc.

Important Dates

Submission of papers:                     December 31, 2008
Notification of acceptance/rejection:     June 30, 2009
Delivery of final LaTeX file:             September 30, 2009
Publication of special issue:             early 2010

Submission Guidelines

Papers must be submitted by email to the one of the three guest editors.
All submissions will be acknowledged by an official email from one of the three
guest editors.

Papers should be up to 15 pages long, using the Elsevier LaTeX stylefile

Following the JSC guidelines (see website), the introduction of the paper must
explicitly address the following questions in succinct and informal manner:

    - What is the problem?
    - Why is the problem important?
    - What has been done so far on the problem?
    - What is the contribution of the paper on the problem?
    - Is the contribution original?     Explain why.
    - Is the contribution non-trivial?  Explain why.

All submitted papers will be refereed according to the usual JSC refereeing

Web resources

JSC Elsevier:           http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jsc
JSC Editor-in-Chief:    http://www4.ncsu.edu/~hong/jsc.html

JSC Special Issue on "Groebner Bases and their Applications":

Guest Editors' Addresses

Elizabeth Arnold  :arnoldea at math dot jmu dot edu
Ilias Kotsireas   :ikotsire at wlu dot ca
Markus Rosenkranz :markus dot rosenkranz at oeaw dot ac dot at

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