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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - CADO workshop on integer factorization

CADO workshop on integer factorization
INRIA Nancy-Grand Est (INRIA Lorraine), Villers-lès-Nancy, France
October 7 – 9, 2008


The CADO workshop on integer factorization will take place at INRIA
Lorraine (LORIA), Villers-lès-Nancy, France, from October 7th to 9th,

The topic of the workshop is integer factorization and in particular the
Number Field Sieve algorithm and its implementations.  The CADO workshop
takes place just before Sage Days 10, scheduled just in the same place
from Oct. 10th to 15th.

Confirmed speakers:

   * Kazumaro Aoki, NTT ;
   * Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago ;
   * William B. Hart, University of Warwick ;
   * Thorsten Kleinjung, EPFL-LACAL ;
   * Reynald Lercier, CELAR & Université de Rennes 1 ;
   * Peter L. Montgomery, Microsoft Research ;
   * (list to be completed)

Besides invited talks, some contributed talks on the topics of the
workshop may be included depending on submissions. Participants willing
to present work on integer factorizations are kindly requested to contact
the organizers as soon as possible. Note that no proceedings are planned
for the workshop.


The registration is not open yet. A low registration fee will be asked in
order to cover for lunches and coffee breaks.

About CADO

The CADO project is an initiative from the CACAO project-team at INRIA
Lorraine, the TANC project-team at INRIA Saclay, and the number theory
group at IECN. CADO and the CADO workshop are funded by ANR, the French
research agency.

Organisation and contacts

   * Scientific organization: Pierrick.Gaudry at loria.fr,
     Francois.Morain at lix.polytechnique.fr, Gerald.Tenenbaum at
     iecn.u-nancy.fr Emmanuel.Thome at normalesup.org, Paul.Zimmermann
     at loria.fr

   * Local arrangements: Anne-Lise.Charbonnier at loria.fr


The organizers acknowledge the support of the following funding and
hosting institutions:

ANR -- Agence Nationale de la Recherche
INRIA -- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
CNRS -- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Nancy Université
École polytechnique
LORIA -- Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et Applications
IECN -- Institut Élie Cartan, Nancy

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