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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology

2nd announcement and CALL FOR PARTICIPATION & PAPERS

                    WMC 2008


Santander, Spain, October 23-25  2008



NEW!!!  Special Issue Journal of Mathematical Cryptology  

The workshop will be held at the  School of Industrial and Telecommunication Engineers, under the auspices  of the University of Cantabria.


The result of the evolution of the technology and the science is that today we are witnesses of an explosive  growth in the applications of mathematics in cryptology. There is growing interest among mathematicians and cryptographers in cryptosystems based on algebraic problems and in related cryptanalysis.

The Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology (WMC 2008) is the second of a series of meetings where the main purpose is to learn and discuss recent developments and emerging open problems derived from Cryptology and having mathematical interest.

Topics for WMC 2008 include, but are not limited to:

Primality and integer factorization.
Secure encryption schemes based on group theory.
Multivariate polynomial cryptosystems. Gröbner Bases.
Elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems.
Computational complexity.
Lattice-based cryptosystems.
Computational number theory in Cryptology.
Pseudorandom sequence generators for stream ciphers.
Public key cryptosystem based on algebraic coding theory.
Quantum Cryptography.
Information security with mathematical emphasis.


The academic programme will run from the morning on Thursday, 23 October until evening on Saturday, 25 October. We are considering to organize an excursion on Sunday 26 October.

The scientific programme will consist of invited lectures, sessions for contributed talks and posters. Contributed talks will last 20 minutes.

* Preliminary list of invited speakers:

Simon R. Blackburn, Royal Holloway, University of London
Javier Cilleruelo, Autonomous University of Madrid
Joan-Josep Climent, University of Alicante
Jean-Charles Faugère, CNRS-INRIA, Paris.
Joachim von zur Gathen, Bonn-Aachen International Centre for Information Technology
Alexander May, Ruhr University, Bochum
Carles Padró, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona
Kenny Paterson, Royal Holloway, University of London
Michael E. Pohst, Technical University of Berlin
Oriol Serra, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona
Tony Shaska, Oakland University, Rochester MI
Igor Shparlinski, Macquarie University, Sydney
Vladimir Shpilrain, The City College of New York
Rainer Steinwandt, Florida Atlantic University
Arne Winterhof, RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz


  *******Call for Participation*******

Potential presenters are asked to submit an extended abstract (3 pages) to the conference organizers e-mail:

   amac at unican dot es

Deadline for submissions: July 20
Notification of acceptance: August 20
Camera-ready: September 1

The contributed talks not selected for an oral communication will be encouraged to present a poster.

The invited lectures, contributed talks and posters accepted for presentation will be published in a book of extended abstracts and distributed at the conference.

 *******Call for Papers*******

Invited lectures and authors of the extended abstracts accepted for presentation at the conference are invited to submit their full papers for publication in a special issue of Journal of Mathematical Cryptology JMC.

Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
Special Issue: Second Workshop on Mathematical Cryptology
Guest Editor: Jaime Gutierrez

This special issue is related to topics discussed in the context of the meeting. The submission is open to contributions not necessarily related to talks presented at WMC 2008.

The guiding principles for the publication procedure will be the following:

Original research results and insightful analysis of current concerns are solicited for submission.
Submissions must not duplicate work already published or submited for publication elsewhere.
All the papers will be refereed according to the JMC standards.

Papers should be submitted by e-mail to the guest editor:   jaime.gutierrez@unican.es
Please, prepare your manuscript in pdf format, not exceeding 15 pages and using the JMC style files, available from: http://www.degruyter.de/journals/jmc/

Deadline for submissions: December 30, 2008
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2009
Camera-ready: September 30, 2009
The special issue is expected to appear before the end of 2009.


Participants are requested to register sending the full name and the affiliation to the organizers.

Deadline for registration is September 1.

The registration fee for participants will be around 145 Euros and the fee for students will be around 105 Euros. It includes: conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches along the Workshop and the banquet.

The registration fee should be paid by cash at the registration desk at the beginning of the Workshop.


The meeting is organized by the research group Algorithmic Mathematics And Cryptography AMAC of the University of Cantabria:

Domingo Gomez, Jaime Gutierrez, Alvar Ibeas, David Sevilla


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