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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - two workshops in LORIA


Sage days 10 in Nancy (France)

October 10 to 15, 2008 at the Lorraine Laboratory of IT Research and its Applications (Loria)

Registration: Please register on the registration website.

Program committee

    * Michael Abshoff
    * Timothy Daly
    * Laurent Fousse
    * Clément Pernet
    * Ludovic Perret
    * Paul Zimmermann

The following program is preliminary.


    * October 10: Linear Algebra (chair Clement Pernet)
          o Invited speakers:
                + Arne Storjohann
                + Jean-Guillaume Dumas
    * October 11: Elliptic Curves (chair Laurent Fousse)
          o Invited speakers:
                + John Cremona
                + David Lubicz
    * October 12: Groebner Bases (chair Ludovic Perret)
          o Invited speakers:
                + Carlo Traverso
                + Éric Schost
    * October 13-15: Coding Sprints (chair Michael Abshoff)

Each "talk" day (October 10 to 12) typically has 2 invited speakers, who are specialists in the corresponding domain, not necessarily already in contact with SAGE, and 3 contributed speakers, who typically describe a SAGE module (or a proposal of).


Loria Coming to Loria

   Campus Scientifique
   54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy

Close events

You may be interested in the CADO project workshop which will occur at the same place, 7-9 october.


    * lorraine
    * Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
    * University Nancy 1 Henri Poincaré
    * INRIA
    * GDR IM

PhD students attendance support

Thanks to funds donated by our sponsors, we are able to support attendance costs for a small number of PhD students. Interested students should apply directly per mail to Paul Zimmermann (<paul dot zimmermann at loria dot fr>).



CADO workshop on integer factorization
INRIA Lorraine, Villers-lès-Nancy, France
October 7 – 9, 2008

The CADO workshop on integer factorization will take place at INRIA Lorraine (LORIA), Villers-lès-Nancy, France, from October 7th to 9th, 2008.
The topic of the workshop is integer factorization and in particular the Number Field Sieve algorithm and its implementations.
The CADO workshop takes place just before Sage Days 10, scheduled just in the same room from Oct. 10th to 15th.

Confirmed speakers:

    * Kazumaro Aoki, NTT ;
    * Daniel J. Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago ;
    * William B. Hart, University of Warwick ;
    * Thorsten Kleinjung, EPFL-LACAL ;
    * Reynald Lercier, CELAR & Université de Rennes 1 ;
    * Chris Monico, Texas Tech University ;
    * Peter L. Montgomery, Microsoft Research ;
    * (list to be completed)

Besides invited talks, some contributed talks on the topics of the workshop may be included depending on submissions. Participants willing to present work on integer factorizations are kindly requested to contact the organizers as soon as possible. Note that no proceedings are planned for the workshop.

About CADO

The CADO project is an initiative from the CACAO project-team at INRIA Lorraine, the TANC project-team at INRIA Saclay, and the number theory group at IECN. CADO and the CADO workshop are funded by ANR, the French research agency.

Organisation and contacts

    * Scientific organization: Pierrick.Gaudry at loria.fr, Francois.Morain at lix.polytechnique.fr, Gerald.Tenenbaum at iecn.u-nancy.fr Emmanuel.Thome at normalesup.org, Paul.Zimmermann at loria.fr
    * Local arrangements: Anne-Lise.Charbonnier at loria.fr

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