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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 146 a

WorldDX 146
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
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Короткие Волны

5995- R. Australia 1458. Current events stuff and mixing with Harold Camping. I don't show a sked here for Family Radio...spur?
(11/6, Rick Barton, Arizona, USA - CumbreDX 08/11/2007)

4910 NORTHEN TERR. SW SERV. (VL8T) Tennant Creek. Australia 0816-0830*
en // 4835 Khz. Charlas entre el locutor y oyentes mencionan "...ABC Alice Springs..." Fuera del aire sin cierre a las 0830* Una muy buena señal de esta emisora en 4835

KHz con menor calidad. (Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

13635,0 CVC International, Australie 11:40 Anglais 433 Music 10/11/07
(Percebois Sylvain, France - ondescourtes 10/11/2007)

R. Tirana, 13640, new English to NAm at 1530-1600, best heard yet
on Nov 5 at 1529 with IS, 1530 opening with usual schedule, S9+15 or 34443, but
fighting my local line noise. Modulation still needs more punch. Not bothered
by a weak adjacent on 13635, presumably CVC Darwin in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

Anomalies monitored from R. Tirana: Nov 7 at 1528, on 13640,
carrier at S9+15. No modulation until 1531:45, music joined in progress, wrong
program? 1532:15 cut to English opening with schedule; program summary
including European Integration show, which is for Wednesday.

Nov 7 at 2106, 9915 just barely audible (but I have a high local noise level on
this band), while audible better on // 7430 intended for Europe --- however,
not in English but Albanian, news!

Nov 8 at 0350 on 6110, continuous vocal rock music, no announcements heard, not
even at sign off. Music and carrier ran until 0401* overlapping BBC Arabic
which came on between 0359 and 0400, heavy sub-audible heterodyne (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

5915 NO ID, 21:15-21:22, escuchada el 7 de noviembre en árabe con el canto del Corán, me recuerda a Radio Argel Int., locutor con presentación, “Doctor Mohama...”,

segmentos musicales, SINPO 55555. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 08/11/2007)

6300 Radio Nacionala Saharaui, 17:02-17:20, escuchada el 8 de noviembre en árabe, comienza emisión con el canto del Corán hasta las 17:12, locutor con presentación e

identificación en árabe, comienza emisión de música folklórica local, SINPO 44433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 09/11/2007)

Yes, Raul, see below:

U.K./ALGERIA This is probably the B-07 schedule of Algeria's Qur'an
service, via VTC/Merlin, UK transmitters:

UT kHz loc kW deg
0400-0500 6125 WOF 250 160
0400-0600 6090 RMP 500 180
0500-0600 6025 WOF 250 160
1900-2100 9455 WOF 250 160
11815 RMP 500 189
2100-2300 5915 RMP 500 160
9850 SKN 300 180
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Nov 8, W. Bueschel. Germany)

5915 Radio Algeria Int (p), 2105-2110, November 09, Arabic, talk by male in arabic, 34333
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

15476 LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Esperanza Antartic Base,

2010-2035, November 09, Spanish,

local romantic songs, talk by female abt different antartic islands, nice announcement,

“....en Radio Arcángel San Gabriel...”, TC: “hora 17 y 34 minutos”, weather report for Esperanza Base: “…vientos moderados, cielo cubierto y precipitaciones”, ann.:

“Cada media hora con noticias……15476 Khz”, 34422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

9525, Cotton Tree News (CTN) via Ascension,
0745-0756*, Nov 7, news in local languages, drums, "You have been
listening to the news in Krio, Limba, Mende and Temne from CTN", more
drums and off. Fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

7360, Radio Station Belarus, Minsk, 2245-2300, Nov 9,
English programming with local pop music. Short 1 minute English
news bulletin at 2259. Fair. Much weaker on // 7390. No other //s
heard. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

4717 2335 22/10 R. Yura, Yura, YL, anuncios, SS 45243 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

6134.8, R. Santa Cruz, 0953-1001, Nov. 8. "Informativo
Boliviano" nx pgm, R. Sta Cruz jingle @ 0954, into farm report
(listing produce prices in Santa Cruz, La Paz, Cochabamba..) 0959
echoey annct. into ads, M w/ "Radio Santa Cruz" ID & TC @ 1001 (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

5996.3 RADIO LOYOLA. Sucre, Bolivia. 2259-0000 Nov. 03
Musica boleros y baladas. "...musica que todos quieren escuchar el sabado a traves de Loyola..." presentando el pgm: Cancionero de Siempre. "...si amigops de la capital

de Bolivia, hemos estado por Loyola con esta programacion, amigos de Loyola, hasta mañana..." Saliendo del aire luego de las 0000 sin cierre.
(Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

4699.36, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0950-1015, Nov 9, Spanish talk. Presumed. Very weak.
(B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

5996,37 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 2316-2330, November 09, Spanish,
Interview, ID as: “.....Radio Loyola....en su casa....”, 23432
Strong QRM from Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil on 6000 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

5996,37 Radio Loyola, Sucre, 1010-1030, November 10, Spanish/Aymara,
News programme. Report in Aymara. Two ID´s as:
“...Radio Loyola” & “....Señoras y señores....Radio Loyola...”, 23322
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

4925 2330 22/10 R. Educacao Rural, Tefe – AM, OM, relg 45233 RFP
4805 2332 22/10 R. Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus – AM, OM, mx 23232 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

9645.3 RADIO BANDEIRANTES. Sao Paulo. Brasil. 0543-0615 Nov.06
presentando el pgm: Bandeirantes a caminho do Sol. Promocionando la transmision en vivo y en directo de los premios Grammy Latinos. Luego de las 0600 con el pgm: A

grande stampa. (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

6035 BBS (tent.) on 11/10 from 0030 tune w/ woman ann mixing with L. Voz del Guaviare – latter began to dominate the channel after 0040. Need to tune this earlier to

confirm BBS – they always have Buddhist chanting from just after s/on anmts at 0000 to approx 0030. Pgm sched for Saturday morning (local Bhutan time) shows a

women’s program in the 0030 to 0100 UTC time slot. At this time of year Bhutan can make it to WCNA via long path on a good day, and that was last year w/ 50 KW xmtr.

S2 and fading. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 10/11/2007)

XEYU, 9599.5v, Nov 5 at 2312, causing a big het to
Vatican Radio, 9600.0, closing English. Axually, Vatican is supposed to be on
9600 from SMG only at 2315-2400 in Vietnamese. They must have turned it on

BTW, per VR engineering sked via Wolfgang Buschel, if you hear it on 9600
during the previous hour in Chinese, 2200-2245, it`s currently 120 kW, 218
degrees from Khabarovsk, but from Dec 2 to Feb 2 it will be instead 250 kW, 263
degrees from Petropalovsk, then back to Khabarovsk from Feb 3 to March 29
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

AN1, 17630, Nov 5 at 1411 had some weaker co-channel in
English, no doubt CRI via Mali aimed eastward. This collision has been going on
for years, and must be much worse in Africa. Perhaps the Chinese do not realise
Gabon is there, not being registered with HFCC (only R. Japan relays appear).
When the 17630 Gabon signal is good, I look for the harmonic on 19160, but no
luck so far this season (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

15475 1831 29/10 R. Africa N? 1, Moyabi, YL, nxs, FF 43443 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

15600 1830 29/10 IBRA Radio, via Nauen, OM, relg, somali 45243 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

GERMANY. 9460 Bible Voice Broadcasting (Juelich), 1858, 11/6/07, in Hebrew
& English. Woman w/ ment.. of "Jerusalem" and "Elohim", contact information
incl. "shalom", ID, English ID and web site, s/off.
Fair. (Taylor-WI)

GERMANY. 9480 Family Radio (Wertachtal), 1901, 11/6/07, in English.
Baretone singing a hymn, ID. Fair (Taylor-WI)

GERMANY. 9490 Christian Voice (Wertachtal), 1905, 11/6/07, in English.
Contemporary Christian music, ID with www address. Fair. (Taylor-WI)

GERMANY. 9500 Family Radio (Wertachtal), 1907, 11/6/07, in Arabic. Muzak
like hymn, Family Radio continuity, ID, talk by man. Fair. (Taylor-WI)
(Mark Taylor, Madison, Wi. USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

Доминиканская Республика
6025.04, R. Amanecer Internacional (presumed), Santo Domingo, 0204-0240, Nov 6, mostly religious singing, fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

6025.04, R. Amanecer Internacional (presumed),
Santo Domingo, 0348-0400:55*, Nov 8, religious songs (one hymn in
English, "One Day"), off in mid-song, fair to good. About the best
ever heard. Overall conditions on SW have improved in the last few
days (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

6025 RADIO AMANECER INTERNACIONAL. Santo Domingo, Repl. Dominicana 0258-0315 Nov. 04
Predicacion Que es el poder de Dios. ID: "...en el aire Radio Amanecer Internacional red de radiodifusoras adventistas en la Republica Dominicana; en amplitud modulada

1570 para Santo Domingo, 610 region insular y costa norte; 1060 region central, 900 AM y 100.3 region sur; en los 6025 Kcs banda internacional de 49 metros y para todo

el mundo www.amanecer.org..." (Rafael Rodrigez, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

4965, CVC (presumed), 0403-0415, Nov 8, in English (with
African accent), news, their usual singing jingle for the morning
("Getting On Up"), into "The Breakfast Show", upbeat religious
singing, fair till about 0415, then downhill. Above average reception
(Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

AIR VBS, 9870, Nov 5 at 1336, fair signal with fast SAH, or was it
just polar flutter? Xi`an China might be co-channel. Enjoyed the VBS music on
and off during the next hour. AIR GOS in English, OTOH, was inaudible on 9690
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

17670 1645 04/11 AIR, Delhi-Khampur, OM/menina, talks, hindi 45444 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

9870 Air New Delhi, 16:25-16:33, escuchada el 6 de noviembre en hindu a locutor y locutora con programa musical, temas pop local, se aprecia fuerte interferencia de

Radio Solh en 9875 y de Radio Liberty en bielorruso via Marruecos en 9865, SINPO 32332. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

4920, AIR Chennai (tentative), 1453-1515, Nov 8, probably
them in vernacular and sub-continent music, under PBS Xizang (//
6200), poor (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

AIR VBS, 9870, Nov 8 at 1344, YL DJ in English with ``Hello, very
good evening``, but then back to Hindi (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

INDIA 4840 AIR Mumbai 11/10 w/ subcontinental music at 0104 tune. Appeared to be one of the best of the long path Indian regionals on 60 m.

INDIA 4860 AIR Delhi 11/10 w/ subcontinental mx 0106, woman ann 0106.5, another woman at 0107 – best of the Indian regionals here w/ S3+ sigs, but gone by 0128


INDIA 4880 AIR Lucknow (tent.) 11/10 w/ carrier but almost non-existent audio at 0110 tune – fading pattern similar to other Indian regionals.

INDIA (Kashmir) 4950 AIR Srinagar w/ subcontinental mx (female vocalist) at 0117 – strong carrier but weak audio at S2 and deep fades. Essentially gone by 0125. First

time this regional hrd at this QTH, although in Winter 2006 Jammu was hrd on 4830. Not quite good enough for a log, but will keep trying. Kashmir sites fade in later than

other Indians here on long path but signals are generally weaker.

INDIA 5010 AIR Thiru 11/10 w/ woman ann at 0050, short mx and man ann at 0053 fol by actuality from a man at 0054.5-0056. Sounded like a news pgm. Fading fast,

typical of So. Asian long path reception here during local sunset. S2 and fading
(Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 10/11/2007)

Don`t usually have much luck with VOI when it is on 11785 instead
of 9525, but Nov 5 at 1353, lacking WHRI since it is a weekday, could hear weak
Korean talk which must be VOI as scheduled, also low het with something else,
because VOI is habitually off-frequency, about 11784.9. At 1554 recheck, could
hear the VOI gamelan band & English ID routine which they run during this
semihour, but no comparison to the nice signal they used to have on 9525 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

Indonesia, 3976, RRI Pontianak, 1055-1100 Noted a female briefly in
Indonesian comments (couple of minutes). At 1057, music presented.
Signal was poor, but audible. (Chuck Bolland, November 8, 2007)

Indonesia, 3987, RRI Manokwari, 1100-1105, Initally at tune-in, noted a male
in Indonesian comments. These continue as news. Signal was threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 08/11/2007)

3987.1, RRI-Manokwari, 0904-0933, Nov. 8. T/in to W w/
regional nx, generic RRI ID @ 0909, back to nx w/ sev. Manokwari
ment., "Radio Republik Indonesia-Manokwari" ID @ 0921 into more
national-sounding nx items (Jakarta, Irian Jaya, Sumbawa all ment.),
0926 mx bridge to local audio (somewhat softer than previous), M yak
o/ kids' chorus to 3+1 pips @ 0930, generic RRI ID & M/W chat..(Dan Sheedy, CA R75/Kiwa Par EF102040)

4750, RRI-Makassar, 0936-0945, Nov. 8. T/in to W
w/ "Radio Republik Indonesia-Makassar" ID, poss. local features pgm,
gamelan mx bridge @ 0937 & local ID into crime report(?) w/ gongs &
police sirens between items..(ment. "orang..kriminal" often) to 0941
w/ gongs into IN pop songs..both 3987.1/4750 had above average
signals..vy nice.(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1042-1054, Nov 9, YL with on-air
phone conversations, good reception. Was looking to check the WYFR
sign-off at 1045, but they were already gone. At 1054 CNR-1 suddenly
on, to jam Taiwan. RRI almost equal with CNR-1 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

R. Jordan seems to have replaced some of its English hours on 11690
with French. Nov 5 at 1524, well after HCJB was off, but as always with RTTY on
the low side, I found pop music in French, and at 1526 an announcement in
French. Again at 1538 when splatter from Venezuela/Cuba 11680 was also a
problem. When there were lyrics to the music, they were in French, such as at
1556. Then at 1600 theme music, presumed ID but fade, and into rock music in
English, which went on to 1607 when an announcement said ``You are listening to
---, new sound``. I never got a definite ID for Jordan in either language, but
don`t see how it could be anything else.

For B-07 RJ is scheduled on 11690 at 1400-1730 to Eu and 48-USA plus Atlantic
Canada. WRTH 2007 shows RJ has a French service on FM 90.0 until 1600, which
they are now apparently duplicating on SW until that hour, leaving only one
sesquihour of English. Or was it a mistake? Further monitoring needed (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

11690 is Radio Jordan and scheduled 1400-1730 as he
lists. Sign on time varies, and it can be heard most days before 1400. As I
heard announced, the French and English services are temporarily sharing a
studio due to ongoing work at the broadcast centre. They apologised for "any
inconvenience" to listeners, but didn't say for how long this arrangement
would continue.

RJ is currently operating via only one SW transmitter - via 11810 (sign on
around 0445-0815 and sign on around 1130-around 1345), 11690 and 9830 (sign
on around 1845-around 2100). Times vary daily by up to 10 mins or so.
(Noel R. Green, U.K. - dxldyg 06/11/2007)

Checking R. Jordan again Nov 6 on 11690 for French replacing
English: 1424 tune-in, French announcement but mostly music, atop HCJB with SAH
of 4+ Hz. 1431 talk feature; 1436 ID tentatively as ``Radio Francophone
Jordanie`` but not sure of last word. High-energy music with disco beat, YL DJ,
who also did the news headlines at 1500, back to music before 1502; 1532
recheck, still in French. A timesignal at 1500 must have been the sign-off of
HCJB. Throughout, the usual RTTY QRM on the low side, avoided as much as

Then Noel Green reported that the French and English departments were
temporarily having to share a studio, accounting for the changes (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

R. Jordan, 11690, again noted in French instead of English at 1525
check Nov 7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

11690 RADIO JORDANIA. Amman, Jordania. 1639-1734* Nov. 06
Con excelente señal. libre de la usual interferencia RTTY y de otras emisoras pude sintonizar esta emisora transmitiendo en ingles con programacion musical y anuncios

entre canciones como "...96.3 FM Radio Jordan...", "...Jordan No.1..." a las 1700 con señal horaria y "...This is Radio Jordan broadcasting from Amman...news

headlines..." A las 1710 con el pgm: The point of view. Luego mas musica hasta salida del aire sin cierre a las 1734.
(Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

11530 Dengue Mezopotamya, 14:45-15:00, escuchada el 6 de noviembre en kurdo con emision de musica pop y folklorica local, ID, tonos horarios y fin de emision, SINPO

45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

Nov 8 at 1337, I found solo man singing in uncertain language in // on
9790 and 9835. The only thing that fits is the Urdu service of VOIRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

17595, 1455 Nov 6 with usual interruption to programming for
unnecessarily lengthy frequency change announcement. Unlike the day before,
there was no signal on 17595 from 1458 to 1502, so not only the NAm transmitter
went off, but so did the C&SAm transmitter (or it was already off) until return
at 1502. Meanwhile, // programming on 15585 continued, but too weak to be of
use here (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

The gimmick on Clásicos Populares from REE in the 1400 UT hour
weekdays, best on 17595 seems to be listener participation, rating various
pieces of music, or choosing which performance is best. Nov 7 at 1430 they were
playing the fourth performance in a row of the same aria; next day, when some
distortion marred the signal, there were different intermezzi the audience was
supposed to rate (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 1225-1333,
Nov 6 (Tue.), briefly noted with this rare non-Monday reception, under
CNR-1, C&W songs, Elvis with "Heartbreak Hotel", ID "AM 1060" (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

5050 2326 22/10 Unid, mx CC, CC?? 45233 RFP
5050 2339 29/10 Unid, mx CC, YL, CC?? 35233 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

7140 0832 28/10 CNR Beijing 2, Geermu, YL/OM, nxs, CC 45243 RFP
7230 0486 28/10 CNR Beijing 1, Xian, OM/YL se apresentando para plateia, aplausos, CC 45243 RFP
7280 0853 28/10 Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, OM/YL, nxs, CC 43343 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

5000,BPM, 1358, 6 Nov. Pips echoing off WWV/WWVH, "B P M"
repeated in Morse @ 1359.(Dan Sheedy, CA Grundig G5/7m random messy wire)

9905, Firedrake, 1600, 6 Nov. (against RFA)..tnx Ron Howard's 3
Nov. tip..also heard on 5810 (against (p) RFA-Tinian), &
6145,7130,7185,7365,7445,9680 while tuning around.(Dan Sheedy, CAnada - dxldyg 06/11/2007)

CRI English on 17630, Nov 6 at 1451 was mixing with Africa
Numero Un, Gabon, with CRI mostly atop for a change (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

6060, Sichuan PBS-2, Chengdu, *0959-1100, Nov 9, on with pop
song, 5+1 pips, into Chinese programming, slight het from Argentina.
Covered by R. Nacional de Venezuela (via Cuba) sign-on at 1100, //
7225 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

4980 Xinjiang PBS Urumqui 11/10 via long path w/ man and woman anns in Uighur from 0112, more dramatic sounding pgm w/ man and woman and some inst mx from

0113 – nice signal at S3+ (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 10/11/2007)

7275 0850 28/10 KBS World, Kimjae, YL, nxs, mx, JJ 43343 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

Коста Рика
In connexion with the REE Cariari spurs around 17595 and 18105
from the 17850 transmitter, which persisted for a few weeks in Sept/Oct, I
recently remarked that 17850 would be replaced by 15125 in B-07. I am not sure
how I concluded this, but the REE B-07 schedules we see now certainly show both
in use. The one via Jose Bueno, for the CR relays only in the daytime, as
reworked by Alan Roe:

1200-2300 SAm Sun 9765 15125
1500-2300 NAm Sun 17850
1600-2300 N&SAm Sat 9765 15125 17850
1800-2000 N&SAm M-F 9765 15125 17850

In any event, the spurs are no longer detectable when 17850 is on, such as Nov
3 at 2050, Nov 4 at 1513 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

6185, VOK, 1035-1040, Nov 9, programming in English,
VOK ID, poor/QRM, // 6285 (strong) (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

RHC Spanish DX program, En Contacto, Sunday Nov 4 at 1335-1350 on
11760 et al.: included at 1338 a talk by new correspondent in Guatemala, Julio
Pineda, about DRM. Sounded like it came from a DRM press release; nothing about
its drawbacks. Also outdated, as he said HCJB was the only Latin American
station doing DRM, unaware of Bonaire, Chile and Guiana French (and HCJB is
only doing it in German to Europe, currently). Also said that propagation would
start improving from the middle of this year with the sunspot cycle rising.
Wrong again; ask Arnie, who used to contribute a propagation segment for this
show but is no longer to be heard on it; I wonder why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

R. Kuwait is still in English on 11990. Finally caught the tail end
of the 18-21 transmission, Nov 3 at 2057 tune-in with Madonna tune to disco
beat. 2058 sign-off announcement giving English schedule, also at ``8 AM`` and
on FM. 2059 brief NA. 2100 5+1 timesignal, news theme, and YL news in Arabic.
Finally cut off abruptly at 2106* SINPO 34343, deep fades (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

``Abraco da Madeira`` show on RDPI, 15560, during the 1405 UT
Sunday hour Nov 4, excellent reception. Pause for news on the semihour. This
show is on the schedule at
13:11 12:11 ABRACO DA MADEIRA das 13:11 as 15:00
i.e. 1311-1500 local = 1211-1400 UT. This page, which shows exact programming
by every particular date, such as Nov 4 in this case, still displays local time
as one hour ahead of UT! Even tho Portugal is now back on UT, so the true time
for this show, heard in the 1400 UT hour, must really be 1311-1500 UT! So all
other listings displayed are one hour off.

Madeira, BTW, stays on the same time as Portugal, unlike Acores, which is one
hour behind but also shifting DST-wise, UT -1 winter, UT summer, per WRTH 2007
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

5030 15:39 6Nov07. For the past few mornings I've noticed a relatively strong cochannel under CNR1 China. I presuming this must be RTM Sarawak. Sometimes gets up

to almost the level of CNR1 before fading down again.
Nothing noted, by the way, of PCA on 4755.26 lately (I had good audio from them a month ago). Very little action on the SW bands, so I'm confining my listening to

mostly on the MW bands for TA and TP reception (which has been a fantastic season). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - dxldyg 06/11/2007).

6049.63, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1540-1635,
Nov 7, in vernacular, OM with program of on-air phone calls, along
with pop songs and ballads, ToH short news segment, back to phone
calls, BoH one time pip, news from Kuala Lumpur, singing jingle for
"Suara Islam FM", good to fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

6049.60, Radio Television Malaysia, (Askiy FM), 0958-1015, Prior to the
hour, noted regular EZL music. On the hour, ID and news for ten minutes. At 1011,
again music is presented. At 1012 a female comments. Signal was just poor enough
that I could not ident the language whether it was English or non-English.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/11/2007)

XEYU was still missing when I patrolled 31m around 1330 UT Nov 5,
but next time I crossed the frequency, at 1447, it was back on with discussion
in Spanish. Frequency had ascended more than halfway from 9599 to 9600, as with
BFO on, stepping back and forth 1 kHz on the YB-400, the pitch was slightly
lower on 9600 than on 9599, so it would be around 9599.55 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

XEYU, 9599.5v, was certainly on the air Nov 5 at 2312, causing a big
het to Vatican Radio, 9600.0, closing English. Axually, Vatican is supposed to
be on 9600 from SMG only at 2315-2400 in Vietnamese. They must have turned it
on early (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

XEYU, 9599.2, Nov 8 at 1332 with news from Radio Francia
Internacional; good signal, only lite het at the moment. This is on the R. UNAM
(AM) schedule at 7:30 am, lasting less than a semihour, followed by music to
hourtop when AM & FM simulcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

9599.29, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 0940-1000, Nov 9,
Weak but in the clear with classical music. ID at 0959. Much stronger
at 2255-2335 on 9599.27 but with QRM from station on 9600. (B. Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

5770, Myanmar Defense Forces BC (tentative) via Taunggyi,
1452-1520, Nov 7, in vernacular, pop Asian music/songs, brief segment
of talking about Myanmar, back to songs, mostly poor, lost after 1520,
unable to catch their usual sign-off about 1530 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

Новая Зеландия
9765 Radio New Zeland Int., 10:20-10:32, escuchada el 10 de noviembre en inglés a locutor presentando programa musical, emisión de música de los años 50, emisión en

paralelo por Internet, www.radionz.co.nz/audio/live/rnzi se aprecia unos 25 segundos de desfase en Internet de retraso con SW, SINPO 34443.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 10/11/2007)

Папуа Новая Гвинея
3335, R. East Sepik (t), 1015-1033, Nov. 8. EG
sermon w/ crowd response, phone #/address for program..W w/ TC @
1028, poss. NBC net ID as "National..radio, Papua-New Guinea" &
mention of upcoming events in PNG. (Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

5939,32 Radio Melodia (p), 1020-1030, November 03, Spanish,
national news by male, 22422
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 05/11/2007)

6172,96 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 1013-1018, November 03,
andean music & huaynos, 22422-QRM from 6175 Khz
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - CumbreDX 05/11/2007)

4955 2329 22/10 R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, YL/OM, talks, SS 45233 RFP
4747 2333 22/10 R. Huanta 2000, Huanta, mx andina, SS 45243 RFP
4699 2336 22/10 R. San Miguel, Riberalta, OM, SS 35233 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

6173.7 RADIO TAWANTISUYO. Cusco, Peru. 1105-1120 Nov. 07
Noticias locales. " a traves de los 1190 AM, onda corta de 49 metros y onda tropical de 60 metros(!?) paso el compendio informativo a traves de la voz patriotica del Perú,

Radio Tawantisuyo..." (Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

4790.3 RADIO VISION. Chiclayo, Peru. 0703-0730 Nov. 05
Operando las 24 horas y alternando programacion evangelica con bella musica folclorica del Peru. "...usted esta escuchando Radio Vision 1350 en la amplitud modulada y

4790 en la onda corta..." Mencionan nueva pagina web en www.visionradioperu.com y de la emisora Radio Moderna que los retransmite por algunas hora en Lima a traves

de los 930 Khz en www.modernaradiopapa.com
(Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

6019.4 RADIO VICTORIA. Lima, Peru. 0802-0815 Nov.08
ID: "..Desde sus estudios centrales en la ciudad de Lima, peru; transmitiendo para todo el mundo Radio Victoria, una radio para todos; señal que hace radio...Radio

Victoria hace eco de la luz que brilla en el cielo de la fé..." Operando en // con los 9720.3 las 24 horas (Rafael Rodrigerz, Bogota, Colombia - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

15465 1832 29/10 RDP Internacional, Lisboa-Sao Gabriel, OM em entrevista c/ OM, PP 45344 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

7200 0838 28/10 NVK Saca, Yakutsk, YL, nxs, yakut/RR 45243 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

7260 - Voice of Russia to Asia 1430 in Russian to 1458 tuning
and Russian Anthem at TOH. Very solid signals today here.
(11/6, Rick Barton, Arizona, USA - CumbreDX 08/11/2007)

6075, Radio Rossii, 1018-1045 Initially noted a male in Russian Language
comments until 1021 when Russian type music begins. More comments follow
at 1023 which continue to 1035. At 1037, a quick ID "...Rossii..." is heard.
Signal at the beginning of the sked was poor mixing with Deutsche Welle,
but improved to fair by 1045. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/11/2007)

9550 Far East Broadcasting Association (Kigali) (Probable), 1921,
11/6/07, in Arabic. Woman and man with occasional musical bridges ­ well
produced program. Fair ­ good. (Mark Taylor, Madison, WI, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

Саудовская Аравия
15435 1616 04/11 BSKSA, Riyadh, recitacao do Al Corao, OM, AA 35233 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

9525 Trans World Radio (Manzini) (Probable), 1916, 11/6/07, in
Lingala. Woman talking, hymn. Also co channel Radio Romania International
(Galbeni) in German with talk AND a het against both, probably from Voice of
Indonesia. TWR - fair, Romania ­ poor. (Mark Taylor, Madison, WI, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

9440 0106 04/11 R. Slovakia International, Rimavska-Sobota, OM, mencao ao site da emissora, id, EE 45344 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

On Nov. 6, 2007, 2030-2100 UTC, 6040 kHz, VOA Serbian
via Morocco very good reception till

2048 UTC (!) when Krasnodar tx tuned up with open
carrier. VOA Serbian barely audible till

20.55.45 when Krasnodar added periodical buzz tones,
now VOA Serbian inaudible.
At 20.59.00 (!) modulation started with RNW Dutch.
After VOA Serbian ended, Morocco tx

added a VOA YD signing off. (on Nov. 5 I didn't noticed YD sign off because Krasnodar was
(Dragan Lekic from Subotica, Serbia - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

English lessons frequently punxuated by doorbells (as in
American usage), Nov 8 at 1410, on 15675, Southern Sudan Interactive Radio
Instruction; see my report in 7-122 when it was on 15650.

Now in the SENTECH schedule:
1400 1430 15675 250 246 East Africa Unknown
246 meaning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Cf. Steve Lare`s report in DXLD 7-133 of similar programming at this hour on
15390 via Armavir/Krasnodar, which we thought was also SSIRS. This time I
checked 15390 and a weak signal did not seem to be in parallel, so is this
actually something else? 15390 is scheduled daily, Merlin/VTC broker. However,
SSIRI is known to use a variety of different transmitter sites, also UAE (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

4635 Tajik R. on 11/10 w/ woman ann in lang. (and backgnd xmtr hum) at 0130 tune. Into male vocal at 0132. Man ann and ocnl inst mx at 0136. Even more flutter fading

than Indians (polar path from here – loop pointed 355 deg). S2 at tune w/ fast fade after 0145. (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 10/11/2007)

11765 Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, 16:35-16:40, escuchada el 6 de noviembre en chino, locutores en conversacion probablemente con una oyente, se escuchas risas y

conversacion distendida, se escucha de fondo emisora jammer china con la musica firedrake, en algunos momentos consigue atorarla, musica de piano acompanando a

comentarios del locutor, SINPO 44333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

5995, WYFR, 1157-1212, Nov 10, mostly in Chinese, religious
programming and music, segment "Lesson in slow English" with reading
from the Bible. Scheduled for 1100-1600 UT. Talk about Fu Hsing BC
getting blown away (scheduled here for 1100-1300 UT)! (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

11735 VO Tanzania Zanzibar, 20:42-20:50, escuchada el 5 de noviembre en suahili con emision de musica folklorica local, ayer domingo este mismo servicio se prolongo

hasta las 21:30, SINPO 24332. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

RTZ, 11735, Nov 7 at 2051 with local music, 2055 devotional in
Arabic, 2059 brief YL sign-off, NA lasting only half a sesquiminute, and off.
This seems like one of the most exotic places we can hear on SW without much
difficulty (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

12005 RTV Tunisia, 19:17-19:22, escuchada el 8 de noviembre en árabe con emisión de música local, SINPO 44333.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 09/11/2007)

VOT was much better, tho only fair, on 12035, than on 11735, Nov 5
at 1403 ending YL lecture outroed as ``Views & Colours of Anatolia``, 1405 a
truncated version of their IS, which always annoys me, just chopping it off;
one complete iteration of it would not take much time. Then Turkish music
interlude. At 1407 noticed 12035 transmitter was cutting off the air and back
on (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 05/11/2007)

R. Sweden theme music on 11820, Nov 6 at 1428 and off a minute later
without announcement. I assumed this was coincidental, some other station
playing that music, but checking schedule I see R. Sweden is now scheduled here
only at 1400-1430 via Horby, 95 degrees to ME/SAs (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

Ю. Африка
9510 Trans World Radio (Meyerton) (Probable), 1911, 11/6/07,
in Hausa. Excited man with preaching. Also cochannel BBC (Skelton, UK)
with talk under TWR. Poor. (Mark Taylor, Madison, WI, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

17860, Channel Africa IDs and IS, which includes chirps of the
old bokmakierie as in Radio RSA days, Nov 8 at 1456 preceding Swahili service,
poor. After timesignal at 1500, I switched to 17770 where the English service
was better. There shouldn`t be that much difference, as 17860 is 250 kW at 19
degrees while 17770 is 500 kW at 20 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

3925 0826 28/10 R. Nikkei, Sapporo, mx JJ, JJ 45233 RFP
(rfp - radioescutas 05/11/2007)

NHK Warido, R. Japan via Sackville, 11705, Nov 8 at 1420 in
What`s Up, Japan? had an interesting report about the Soy Sauce Summit ---
seems that consumption of SS is declining in Japan, altho SS is now found in
half of America`s kitchens. Efforts are underway in Japan to promote SS, which
has many different varieties besides the black Kikkoman stuff we are familiar
with (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

6115, R. Nikkei HS2, 0615-0728, Nov. 8 mixing w/ CRI(via
Sackville in EG), but running what sounded like a loop annct. //HS1
(6055/9595) to break @ 0644 w/ sev. "Radio Nikkei" IDs on HS1,
6115/9760 still doing loop annct. to 0728 t/out..def. HS1/2 // but
slightly out-of-synch. Ideas?(Dan Sheedy, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

Saturday around 1905UTC I was listening to HLAZ Jeju on 1566 khz.

The signal was good, but had some fading. In this moment of fading I heard
an other station ( male talking) of which I don't think it is AIR Nagpur.

The language sounds very unfamiliar to me, but can be an African language?
If it is an African language, can it be TWR Benin?

You can hear a recording on:

It starts with rlg songs = HLAZ S Korea

Than you hear the UNID language, especially well audible during a short
silence of HLAZ, than again HLAZ gets stronger with Korean.

Anybody has a suggestion?
(Max van Arnhem, Holland - hard-core-dx 05/11/2007)

Several days ago I heard a couple of minutes of an English language news
broadcast just after 0400 on 1548 khz. It was only in briefly, but it
sounded more like an international broadcaster than a station intended
for a local audience. Any information on what station in the European
region would be broadcasting in English at that time would be
appreciated. It would seem most likely that the source of the
broadcast was the Grigoriopol station in Moldova, but I haven't found a
listing of a station using the site at that time. Thanks.
(Nigel Pimblett, Dunmore, Alberta, Canada - hard-core-dx 05/11/2007)

Liste des stations en LW & AM de France. French LW & AM stations November 2007
162 kHz 2000 kW France Inter Allouis
585 kHz 10 kW F.I.P (08.00-17.00 h) Paris
603 kHz 300 kW France Info Lyon
Emission locale N.D. des Ondes (dimanche 18.00-19.00 h)
711 kHz 300 kW France Info Rennes
Emission locale France Bleu Armorique (samedi 12.00-14.00 h)
738 kHz 5 kW Radio France Internationale Paris
792 kHz 300 kW France Info Limoges
819 kHz 1 kW Sud Radio Toulouse
837 kHz 200 kW France Info Nancy
864 kHz 300 kW France Bleu Ile de France Paris
945 kHz 300 kW France Info Toulouse
Emission locale « Passejada Occitana » (samedi 12.00-13.00 h)
999 kHz kW Tests en DRM/ DRM Tests Paris
1206 kHz 300 kW France Info Bordeaux
1242 kHz 150 kW France Info Marseille
1278 kHz 300 kW France Bleu Alsace/Elsass Strasbourg
1350 kHz 10 kW Radio Orient Nice
1377 kHz 300 kW France Info Lille
1404 kHz 20 kW France Bleu Frequenza Mora Ajaccio
1404 kHz 20 kW France Info Pau
1404 kHz 20 kW France Info Brest
Emission locale France Bleu Armorique (samedi 12.00-14.00 h)
1404 kHz 5 kW France Info Dijon
1404 kHz 5 kW France Info Grenoble
1494 kHz 20 kW France Bleu Frequenza Mora Bastia
1494 kHz 20 kW France Info Clermont Ferrand
1494 kHz 5 kW France Info Besancon
1494 kHz 4 kW France Info Bayonne
1557 kHz 300 kW France Info Nice
1584 kHz 1 kW Beur FM Perpignan
1602 kHz 1 kW Radio Orient Nimes

Liste des stations LW & AM de Monaco. Monaco LW & AM stations November 2007
216 kHz 1400 kW RMC Roumoules
702 kHz 200 kW Radio Chine Internationale Col de la Madone
1467 kHz 1000 kW Trans World Radio (21.00-0100 h) Roumoules
1467 kHz 50 kW Radio Maria (06.00-2000h) Col de la Madone
(Dario Monferini, Italy - playdx2003 05/11/2007)

1134 Croatia is very strong tonight with Bloomberg radio 1130 phased.
Assorted types of music with both male and female announcers, many hets and
TA's this evening.
(Bob Young, USA - mwdx 06/11/2007)

Вчера вечером (05.11.2007) заметил что передатчик Канала Культура-Колодищи (1125 Кгц) почему то "переехал" на ~1130-1131 кгц, во всяком случае деген ловит

"эпицентр" сигнала именно там, и в SSB настраивается на нулевые колебания тоже именно на 1131 Кгц. Зеркалка от этого передатчика тоже переехала с ~225 на

Может кто нибудь знает или сталкивался уже с такими "переездами"? Частота не входит в сетку шага 9 кгц, это особенно настораживает.

PS. Зато и плюс есть - теперь кое как на 225 можно DX-ить поляков, даже сейчас есть слабенький сигнал на внутреннюю антенну от Degen.
(Евгений Токарь, Минск, Россия - open_dx 06/11/2007)

960 CM-- R Reloj, Cuba. Time pip on top of each minute W 0600 06/11 JF

Just cannot seem to hear much this season. I realise we are in
November, one of the least productive months for TA DX, but I am finding
it all a struggle. I have had less time for DXing and I am unlucky
catching IDs recently. Maybe I should go back to using Winrad. Lately
I have been concentrating on adding new stations into the log so I have
been doing less general listening.

I was going to monitor 1450 overnight to try and catch CHUC before they
close down (Nov 7 at 5 pm their time apparently) but I was hearing more
on 960 at 02:00. Oldies or soft music could have been CFFX, but I
thought they were off now(?). Whatever it was it barely came above the
splatter after this. 960 is not an easy channel here. In fact, 940,
950 and 960 are difficult at the best of times. Local Gem AM/Classic
Gold/whatever it is on 945 is a local pest. Not sure what reduces 960.

I realise I am moving closer to abandoning broadcast DXing and moving
into ham radio. Not just yet though. I will persevere. I don't give
up easily. ;0) Maybe in a year or two.
(J. Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 06/11/2007)

1140 BRASIL: R. Cultura, Salvador-BA, PP, 06/11 2328. Advs, ‘anuncie na
Cultura’, referencias a Itapoa, mx brasileira (rara sintonia aqui por SBC),
QRM, varias outras emissoras em 1140, 23522 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil).

1580 BRASIL: R. Pomerode, Pomerode-SC, PP, 06/11 2302. Id ‘Radio Pomerode,
Pomerode, Santa Catarina’, locucao de estudio ‘o seu programa ate as 22
horas’ (Leve QRM 1570 R. ABC Santo Andre), 34433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 07/11/2007).

This morning 7th Nov 07
980 country
1130 "Bloomberg 1130"
590 Country
1520 "WWKB Buffalo"
1200 Talk
(Cyrill, U.K. - skywavesmw 08/11/2007)

I've just caught about an hour ago with fair signal and ID by a man in
french "France bleu". According to WRTH and EMWG,it is a 20Kw outlet in
Corsica, a small island and district of France in the Mediterranean Sea
about 100km west of Northern Italy. I've tried for Italy but no such
luck. (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Quebec, Canada - emwg 08/11/2007)

1140 BRASIL: Rádio Muriaé, Muriaé-MG, PP, 07/11 2236. Advs de Muriaé, mx
brasileira, px de estúdio, id: ‘... aqui na Rádio Muriaé...’, (QRM de outras
emissoras na mesma freqüência), 22532 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 08/11/2007)

1270 BRASIL: Rádio Brasil Central, Goiania-GO, PP, 07/11 2332. Tx esportiva
‘sob comando do scratch de ouro da Rádio Brasil Central’, plantão esportivo
falando sobre o Campeonato Brasileiro, 33543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 08/11/2007)

I was in Corsica last April. Listened to this stn many days.
Regional px at least 12 hrs daily. Station name used is "Frequenza Mora",
France Bleu is the national network.
Alternative frequency on MW is 1404 kHz.

Please, note that there are other French stn's on 1494 kHz, too. Regional stn id is necessary.
(Jorma Mantyla, Kangasala, Finland - mwdx 08/11/2007)

На волнах радиостанции Radio Nord (945 кГц, Улброка, 2.7
кВт) начала выходить в эфир авторская программа Бориса
Мохира с лучшей ретро-музыкой (преимущественно западной)
30-60-ых годов.
Программа "Evergreen" выходит в эфир по субботам
10.00-11.00 (UTC) с повтором во вторник 18.00-19.00.
В основном, только музыка, и перед каждой песней ведущий
говорит несколько слов об исполнителе. Передача
преимущественно на русском языке, с небольшими
объявлениями на латышском и английском языках.
(Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 10/11/2007)

Excellent Tropo conditions today with several Swiss TXs logged for the
first time. SUI still in strongly at 2200.

103.20 08:00 2007-11-04 F France Bleu Berry Sud
Bourges-Neuvy/Les Poteries (18) News F505 BLEU.BER 437Km
101.80 08:32 2007-11-04 F France Bleu Loire Ocean
Nantes/Haute-Goulaine (44) Talks/Music//Web stream 415Km
106.30 10:50 2007-11-04 F France Info Verdun/Septsarges
(55) Talks 404Km
100.70 11:24 2007-11-04 LUX Soziokulturelles Radio
Dudelange/Ginsterberg Talks 7212 RADIO___ 461Km
107.80 13:45 2007-11-04 SUI RSI 1 Santis Talks
43E1' RETE_UNO 787Km
106.20 13:47 2007-11-04 SUI RSI 1 Rigi/Kulm
Talks//107.8 43E1' Dyn
105.60 13:48 2007-11-04 SUI DRS 3 Santis Phone-in
43B3 _DRS_3__ 787Km
101.50 13:53 2007-11-04 SUI DRS 1 Santis Music
43B1 _DRS_1__ 787Km
103.80 13:58 2007-11-04 SUI DRS 3 Rigi/Kulm Music//Web
stream 43B3 __DRS3__ 745Km
106.30 14:03 2007-11-04 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF)
Hornisgrinde Talks/Voice ID 639Km
104.60 14:07 2007-11-04 BEL RTBF Classic 21
Tournai/Froidmont Music 6354 CLASS.21 233Km
103.40 14:10 2007-11-04 F France Info Mont Pilat (42)
News/Voice ID 693Km
99.10 14:18 2007-11-04 BEL RTBF Classic 21
Anderlues/Mont-Sainte-Genevieve Music 6354 CLASS.21 301Km
98.60 14:21 2007-11-04 BEL VRT Radio 2 Egem Music//Web
stream 227Km
96.20 14:28 2007-11-04 D SWR 2 Hornisgrinde Music//Web
stream 639Km
95.70 14:31 2007-11-04 BEL VRT Radio 1 Egem Talks
95.50 14:32 2007-11-04 F France Musique
Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dome (63) Talks/Voice ID F203
93.80 14:39 2007-11-04 F France Musique
Sens/Gisy-les-Nobles (89) Talks 366Km
88.80 14:52 2007-11-04 F France Culture Mont Pilat (42)
Talks F202 _CULTURE 693Km
104.10 14:00 2007-11-04 BEL 4FM Egem News/Voice ID
106.80 16:05 2007-11-04 F France Info Metz/Luttange
(57) News 481Km
104.10 17:10 2007-11-04 D SWR4 Baden-Wurttemberg
Heidelberg/Konigstuhl Music//Web stream 641Km
87.60 17:40 2007-11-04 F Africa No1 Mantes-la-Jolie/Les
Barbotte (78) Talks FE93 238Km
105.80 19:11 2007-11-04 SUI DRS 3 Beatenberg/Niederhorn
Talks//Web stream 729Km
102.30 19:20 2007-11-04 SUI RSR La Premiere Chasseral
Talks//Web stream 656Km
105.60 19:25 2007-11-04 SUI RSR Couleur 3 La Dole
(Gingins)/La Barillette Music//Web stream 662Km
107.30 19:37 2007-11-04 SUI RSI 3 Chasseral Talks
104.00 20:20 2007-11-04 D SWR4 Baden-Wurttemberg Feldberg
(Schwarzwald) Talks//Web stream 668Km
102.60 20:25 2007-11-04 BEL RTBF Musiq' 3
Tournai/Froidmont Music 6353 MUSIQ_3_ 233Km
102.10 20:38 2007-11-04 BEL VRT Studio Brussel Egem
Talks 227Km
105.10 21:00 2007-11-04 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF) Blauen
News//Web stream 653Km
106.00 21:15 2007-11-04 BEL RTBF La Premiere
Tournai/Froidmont Comedy/Voice ID 233Km
106.70 21:35 2007-11-04 F Beur FM Bagnolet(Paris)/Tour
Mercuriales Ouest (93) Arab Music 276Km
105.00 21:40 2007-11-04 D Deutschlandradio Kultur
Neunkirchen (Saar)/Kuchenberg Classical music//Web stream 539Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, U.K. - FM 05/11/2007)

From Germany these B3's are still on air (correct me if I am wrong):
E5 Inselsberg 8P
E6 Koblenz 8P (Brocken closed down at 8 Oktober)
E8 Feldberg Schwarzwald and Aalen both 4P
E9 Waldenburg 3M, Langenberg 6P (off air 20 Nov.) and Hornisgrinde 1P
E10 Donnersberg 8M off air 4 December; (Torfhaus closed down also at 8 Okt.)
E11 Teutoburger Wald (off air 13 Nov.)
(Ruud, Holland - skywaves 05/11/2007)

107.80 04:00 2007-11-05 SUI RSI 1 Santis Music
43E1' RETE_UNO 787Km
103.90 04:01 2007-11-05 F RFM Paris/Tour Eiffel (75)
Music F212 __RFM___ 272Km
106.20 04:04 2007-11-05 SUI RSI 1 Rigi/Kulm News
43E1' 745Km
104.60 04:08 2007-11-05 BEL RTBF Classic 21
Tournai/Froidmont Music 6354 CLASS.21 233Km
102.30 04:15 2007-11-05 F Oui FM Paris/Tour Eiffel (75)
Music//Web stream 272Km
102.10 04:19 2007-11-05 BEL VRT Studio Brussel Egem
Music 227Km
101.50 04:21 2007-11-05 F Radio Nova Paris/Tour Eiffel
(75) Music F22A __NOVA__ 227Km
99.50 04:25 2007-11-05 F France Inter Auxerre-Molesmes
(89) Talks 436Km
99.10 04:28 2007-11-05 BEL RTBF Classic 21
Anderlues/Mont-Sainte-Genevieve Music 6354 CLASS.21 301Km
98.10 04:30 2007-11-05 F France Culture
Chartres/Montlandon (28) Talks F202 _CULTURE 279Km
96.70 04:34 2007-11-05 F France Culture Gex/Montrond
(01) Talks F202 _CULTURE 665Km
104.40 05:53 2007-11-05 E RNE 5 Gamoniteiro
Talks//Web stream 955Km
94.40 05:58 2007-11-05 E RNE 3 Gamoniteiro Music//Web
stream 955Km
105.40 10:00 2007-11-05 E R.del Principado de Asturias
Oviedo/Monte Naranco News/Voice ID 935Km
100.70 14:55 2007-11-05 F Radio Notre Dame Paris/Tour
Eiffel (75) Prayers from Lourdes//Web stream 272Km
100.70 15:05 2007-11-05 F France Inter Gueret/le Maupuy
(23) Talks F201 __INTER_ 537Km
95.50 15:11 2007-11-05 F France Musique
Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dome (63) Music F203 MUSIQUE_ 601Km
98.40 15:14 2007-11-05 F France Culture
Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dome (63) Talks F202 _CULTURE 601Km
103.40 15:19 2007-11-05 F France Info Mont Pilat (42)
News/Voice ID 693Km
88.80 15:22 2007-11-05 F France Culture Mont Pilat (42)
Talks F202 _CULTURE 693Km
105.60 15:44 2007-11-05 SUI RSR Couleur 3 La Dole
(Gingins)/La Barillette Music//Web stream 662Km
91.20 15:46 2007-11-05 SUI RSR La Premiere La Dole
(Gingins)/La Barillette Music//Web stream 662Km
105.60 16:00 2007-11-05 D SWR4 Rheinland-Pfalz Donnersberg News//Web stream 576Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 06/11/2007)

98.40 11:23 2007-11-06 F France Culture
Clermont-Ferrand/Puy-de-Dome (63) Talks 601Km
98.50 18:47 2007-11-06 F France Culture
Sens/Gisy-les-Nobles (89) Talks 366Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 07/11/2007)

91.2 0024 04/11 RCI, QTH??, YL/OM, talks, FF 35333 RFP

96.7 0027 06/11 Nice Radio, Kingstown, OM, conversa telefônica c/ ouvintes, EE 45333 RFP
99.9 0031 06/11 WE FM, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 43343 RFP
107.5 0036 06/11 NBC, Kingstown, mx caribenha, EE 35333 RFP
103.7 0042 06/11 Hitz FM, Kingstown, mx caribenha, OM, id, EE 45344 RFP
90.7 0110 06/11 NBC, Kingstown, mx caribenha, EE // 107.5 MHz 35333 RFP

97.0 0029 06/11 RFO (R. Guadeloupe), Basse-Terre, YL/OM, talks, FF 45333 RFP
102.6 0049 06/11 NRJ Antilles, Basse-Terre, mx caribenha, OM, FF 35333 RFP
(RFP - fmtvbr 08/11/2007)
Digital Radio M.
На этой неделе наблюдал за частотами специальных трансляций для World Radio
Conference, проходившей в Женеве. Удалось принять BBC World Service на
частотах 9760 и 11860 кГц, RNW-Dutch 29 октября и RNW-English 31 октября на
частоте 5930 кГц. Часть передач записывал в автоматическом режиме, в котором
пока что нет функции слежения за максимальным уровнем сигнала, и поэтому
идентификацию станций на 9760 и 11860 кГц зафиксировать не удалось. На
анонсированной для той же конференции частоте RFI 6015 кГц не заметил
Средневолновый передатчик BBC на частоте 1296 кГц в этом сезоне начал работу
в стереорежиме с рекордным по сравнению с остальными глобальными вещателями
битрейтом 26.02 kbps, что не замедлило сказаться на качестве принимаемого
аудио сигнала, который стал заметно лучше. Что мешает ВВС и остальным
вещателям с 2003 года увеличить битрейт в диапазоне коротких волн до уровня,
при котором качество сигнала действительно, пусть отдаленно, но уже начнет
напоминать тот самый ФМ сигнал, с которым DRM, не уставая, сравнивают?
Иногда начинаю предполагать, что это ни кто иной и ни что иное, как
ионосфера Земли и законы физики, с которыми менеджеры DRM проекта, похоже,
упорно не желают считаться.
Русская служба ВВС в этом сезоне в вечернее время использует частоту 5990
кГц. На этой же частоте продолжаются DRM-трансляции RTL. Что получается в
результате, догадаться несложно. Предлагаю послушать в разделе DRM audio на
http://www.travelradio.lv , записал два фрагмента их "совместной работы" от
28 и 31 октября. Слушаешь, и словно переносишься на 20 лет назад в эпоху
информационных войн и железных заборов. Я уже и не помню когда в последний
раз слушал передачу с участием В.Новгородцева в таком сопровождении. Вообще,
усматриваю известную степень лицемерия в осуждении фирм-провайдеров PLC на
фоне пропаганды DRM вещания. На мой взгляд, DRM-консорциум занимается, по
большому счету, тем же самым - самозахватом частотного диапазона.
(Владимир Казгунов, Латвия - open_dx 05/11/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

6060, R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, *1100-1123,
Nov 9, IS, brief ID and introduction in Spanish, into segment in
English, gives program schedule, seemed to be the news, 1117 back into
Spanish. Poor to fair due to QRM from Sichuan PBS-2 and splatter from
a strong R. Nikkei on 6055, signal improving by 1120 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 09/11/2007)

6060, R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, 1101-1123,
Nov 10, introduction in Spanish, segment in English, mostly news about
the students from the Central University of Venezuela marching to the
Supreme Court and their demonstrations against President Hugo Chavez
and about constitutional reform, 1115 back into Spanish. Fair to poor,
today no QRM from Sichuan PBS-2 and only light splatter from R. Nikkei
on 6055, signal improving after 1117 (Ron Howard - dxldyg 10/11/2007)

4985.0 Radio Brasil Central with local music and talk in PP. Fair at 0130 (Olsson, Nov 2)
4925.0 Radio Educacao Rural with rel songs. Fair at 0140 (Olsson, Nov 2)
4885.0 Radio Club do Para with R Globo relay. Nice music at 0330. Good. (Olsson, Nov 4)

6009.4 La Voz de tu Conciencia with rel. talk in SS. Fair at 0235 (Olsson, Nov 4)

6973.0 Galeei Zahal with pop and px in Hebrew. Very good at 0305 (Olsson, Nov 4)

6220.0 Mistereo Radio with discopop at 0310. Fair. (Olsson, Nov 4)

3390.2 R Emisoras Camargo (t) with OM talk. Poor at 0320. (Olsson, Nov 4)

4790.1 R Vision with male rel talk and live audience. SS. Fair at 0325 (Olsson, Nov 4)
(Claes Olsson, Port Charlotte, FL, USA - CumbreDX 05/11/2007)

6145, R. Voz da Russia, 04/11/07, 2119, vinhetas id, nx, 45444, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
6040, R. Nederland, 04/11/07, 2100, nx da sociedade holandesa, 33333, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11610, R. Slovaquia Internacional, 04/11/07, 2125, mx dos anos 60 mx local, 45444, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11780, BRASIL: R. Nacional da Amazonia, 04/11/07, 2130, mx popular brasileira, 34433 (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11855 BRASIL: R. Aparecida – SP, 04/11/07, 2135, mx religiosa, vinheta id, prog. Radio vaticano, 23222, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11875, Family Radio, 04/11/07, 2140, talks, Harold Camping, 55545, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
15315, ANTILHAS, R. Nederland, 04/11/07, 2140, talks, comentarios, 55545, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
13780 SRI LANK: Deutsche Welle, 04/11/07, 2153, nx, id, final tx, 45444 (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
3345 AFRICA DO SUL: Canal Africa, 04/11/07, 2200, inicio tx, id, nx Africa, 15111, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
5960 Family Radio, 04/11/07, 2213, talks, leitura da biblia em arabe, 54545, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
117056, CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba, 04/11/07, 2216, vinhetas id, nx da europa sobre a colocacao de caixas de correios ambulantes, mx cubana, 45434,
(Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)

15315 BONAIRE: R. Nederland, 05/11/07, 0100, inicio tx, vinhetas id, nx internacionais, 55545, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11690, Deutsche Welle, 05/11/07, 0113, nx international, vinhetas id, divulgacao de endereco para correspondencias, nx Alemanha, 45444,
(Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)

11705, EUA: Voice of America, 05/11/07, 0130, vinhetas id, nx international, “protest in the Islamabad, talks, 45444, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9610, Radio vaticano, 05/11/07, 0150, nx internacionales, nx sobre lo papa, final tx, 0158, 33343, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9680, Voz da Republica Islamica do Ira, 05/11/07, 0200, nx sobre Bagda, nx sobre la politica nuerte americana y los gobirnos ocidentales eu tenton mudar las opniones de

la sociedad y una supoesta cosnpiracion estadunidense, mx loca, 45334, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9500, Radio Bulgaria, 05/11/07, 0200, inicio tx “divulgacion de las frequencias”, nx, talks, mx, 45434, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9550, CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba, 05/11/07, 0220, vinhetas de la radio, id, nx cubaanas, 55455, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9575, MARROCOS: Radio Medi Um, 05/11/07, 0225, mix pop, 54344, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
11825, Radio Taiwan Internacional, 05/11/07, 0230, leitura de la correspondencia de los oyntes, mx tradicionales, 35333, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
4825 BRASIL: Radio Educadora, 04/11/07, 0230, mix brasilira, vinhetas id, 25222, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
4885 BRASIL: Radio Clube do Para, 05/11/07, 0237, nx esportivas, comentarios, 25232, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
4915, BRASIL: Radio Difusora de Macapa, 05/11/07, 0240, mix brega, id, 15222, (Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil)
9660, GUIANA FRANCESA: NHK World, Radio Japao, 05/11/07, 0247, nx sobre filmagens clandestinas em cinemas, talks, 54555, (Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro –

PB, Brasil)
6040 BRASIL: Rede El Dourado/Clube – SP, 05/11/07, 0250, mix o melhor nacional e internacional, id, talks, 35333
(Leonaldo Ferreira, Lagoa de Dentro – PB, Brasil - radioescfutas 05/11/2007)

Сегодня, 5 ноября, выезжали с Алексеем Кулинченко на традиционную
мини-DX-педицию к нему на дачу. Знаменитая 6-вольтовая аккумуляторная
батарея хозяина площадки (весом килограмм 10 -- батарея, а не хозяин)
разрядилась еще пару месяцев назад, мы не стали что-то мудрить с попытками
ее подзарядки и прочим электропитанием, а просто купили четыре Энерджайзера
для моего Sangean 909 (и в резерв еще кое-какие батарейки), и поехали.
Энерджайзеров за глаза хватило, и это не реклама. В прошлом году я брал на
базаре свежий Panosanic (всмотритесь в написание!!!), он сдох уже через один

В отличие от прошлого года:
- мороз за бортом был всего минус 2, а не 12.
- заранее настроились на интерес к СВ, и Алексей преподнес новый
согласователь на этот диапазон. Без КПЕ, автотрансформаторный.
- индийских станций почти не обнаружили; после китайско-корейских в эфир
двинул привычный Ближний Восток.

Здесь только самое интересно-вопиющее, а остальное я обработаю и выдам по
ходу дела.

Дата везде 5 ноября 2007. Сортировка по времени.

7260, Монгольское Р. (2-я программа), 08.42, новости женским голосом о
коррупции в разных партиях на русском (!) языке. 34433. Потом пошел разговор
о том, что неплохо было бы монгольским исполнителям петь побольше русских и
советских песен. Песня в иллюстрацию. Но в 08.55 уже ведущий говорил на

7245, Овози Точик, 09.03, новости на английском. До 09.00 было неплохо
слышно, а в 09.00 здесь включилось China Business R. У Таджикистана SINPO

6185, China Huayi BC (?), 10.32, разговор женским голосом. Эта программа
направлена на Тайвань, Гонконг и юго-восточные районы Китая, так что язык
мог быть (мы предполагаем) не стандартно-китайским. 23332, кто-то еще мешал
с музыкой.

1170, МР Кореи, 10.59, завершение работы на корейском и передача на русском
с 11.00. В начале относительно неплохо (33322), а потом утонула под Голосом
Америки с Филиппин, передача на китайском языке. Однако начало русской
передачи зафиксировано на аудиозаписи, ждите ее появления на dxsignal.ru.

1350, Монгольское Р (?), 11.43. Разговоры мужским голосом. С этой частотой
надо разобраться - в WRTH она есть только в списке частот Вост.Азии, но нет
в статье о самой Монголии. 24322. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 05/11/2007)

> 1350, Монгольское Р (?), 11.43. Разговоры мужским голосом. С этой
> частотой

Это Китай, Внутренняя Монголия.
(Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 05/11/2007)

4780 5/11 0305 RTV Djibouti, Islamic rel. song, good

4915 5/11 0250 Difusora Macapa Brazil Songs, great ids

5910 5/11 0210 Marfil Estereo Colombia Nice songs, fair

5965 4/11 1300 MV Baltic Radio, from Germany I presume, Ids in different
languages and songs, very good

6000 5/11 1945 Family Radio Religious prg in Italian, very good, off 1958

6035 2/11 0020 BBS Bhutan Songs, talks, id, himn off at 0802

6035 5/11 0220 La Voz del Guaviare Colombia romantic songs, talks, fair

6300 4/11 0750 R National Saharui, Songs, talks, id, himn off at 0802

6400 4/11 0803 Weekend Music Radio Pirate songs, ids, fair

9565 5/11 0312 Radio Tupi Brazil Religious talks, good

9720 5/11 0240 Radio Victoria Peru Usual religious talks, fair/good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

5955 7/11 1231 RNW R Netherlands Worldwide, Culture talks in English, good

5990 7/11 1229 RTL, Radio Luxemburg, talks in French, good

6085 7/11 1222 BR-B5act, Germany, drama in German, good but some audio stops

6095 7/11 1226 RTL Radio Luxembourg, songs, German, good

9870 7/11 1215 RNZI Radio New Zealand Int. poor signal, no audio, only
"RNZI" and "English" on DRM Display SNR = 7 dB

11615 7/11 1210 Voice of Russia. talks, German, good

13620 7/11 1205 Radio Kuwait, talks, Arabic, good

15725 7/11 1200 DW DRM, news, English, good
(Giampiero Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

5050 2259 06/11 Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, I/S, id OM: "------ Guangbo Diantai", nxs, vietnamita 45233 RFP

4965 2318 06/11 CVC International, Lusaka, OM, relg, EE 35233 RFP

4955 2321 06/11 R. Cultural Amauta, Huanta, YL, nxs, SS 45233 RFP

4717 2323 06/11 R. Yura, Yura, OM, nxs, SS 35233 RFP
3310 0900 07/11 R. Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, YL/OM, rfelg, quechua 45243 RFP

4785 0839 07/11 R. Brasil 5000, Campinas - SP, mx, anúncios, OM, id 45344 RFP
(RFP, Brasil - radioescutas 08/11/2007)

3912khz V.of The People,Kyonggi.do KRE 11/7 1914utc Korean talks fair 33333
3905khz R.New Ireland ,Kavieng PNG 11/7 1937utc Female talks poor 32222
3560khz V.of Korea,Pyongyang KRE 11/7 1955utc Typ. Korean mx. bad mod. poor 32222
4319khz A.F.R.T.S ,Diego Garcia USA 11/7 2020utc Talks about "The 911 " in E. usb good 34333
4750khz RRI ,Makassar INS 11/7 2032utc Local mx. trad. fair 23332
4874.60khz RRI,Sorong INS 11/7 2048utc Trad. INS mx. on 2101utc id fair 23332
4605khz RRI,Serui INS 11/7 Local mx. and INS. mx. no qrm clean freq. weak but fair 22222
3925khz NSB Tokyo 1 -, Tokyo Nagara JAP 11/7 2137utc Jap. talks Male and Female 33222
(Maurits Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 09/11/2007)

15034u Seattle military?? 1642 with weather forecast. Poor to fair
with preamp on . Liangas 2/11

HARM 4395.3 R Cadena España Information with ID at 1700 . News
by OM in Spanish . fair signal at S9 between strong carriers. nothing
on 1502 on 9th . Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki Greece

S Africa 4880 SWR Africa 1704 heard with 'bagpipe' QRM being at
same audio level. Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki Greece

EGYPT 6250 R Cairo 2213 English program (news in brief then
presenting 'fine city' ) with classic arabic songs. Signal S30 55545
Liangas 2/11 Thessaloniki Greece

'pirate' 6255 Mighty KBC with 'hold me' ID and advert of KBC,
Signal S8 42332 QRM Cairo on 6250 Thessaloniki Greece

Cland? 9825 Miraya 1745 discussions between two men mentioning
a name "meshaf bin Salaam' and Sudan . They also mentioned
mirayafm.com (workable and is from Hirondelle foundation) At 1759
VoHope in atchurian blanketed out the signal Thessaloniki Greece

BRAZIL 5035 Aparecida 0501 with mentions of Brazil - possible ID
, about `musico´ , ID " de Brazil... Aparecida" S7 Thessaloniki

Bahrain ? 4744.5 with Arabic music /songs on 0516 and for 1 min
lookup. Again on 1st Nov with S7 max and again songs. On 9th with
S0 15331 with a 'trapezoid fading' pattern (sudden ups and downs )
Liangas 30/10 and 1/2 Thessaloniki Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4975 VoRussia 1649 with classical music . Comments
by YL in English . ID at 1658 and close S7 42432 Liangas 1/11
Thessaloniki Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4965 VOR 1659 with IS and sign off , S7 Liangas
1/11 Thessaloniki Greece

HOLLAND 1395 Big L 1715 with song 'Colin and Jaclyn' . talks by
man mentioning UK . Tune in 2248 with rock songs. Also 1619 on
9th with S3 on inv V with old nice rock songs Liangas 31/10
Thessaloniki Greece

ETHIOPIA 5100 Bana 1600 with low modulation S5 signal under S2
QRN (AM narrow). Also on 9/11 with S7 and low modulation
Liangas 2/11 Thessaloniki Greece

AUSTRALIA 9475 RA is still transmitting there? 1617 at S2-3 max
best in USB with preamp and very narrow filter and good sounding
audio . Talks between YL/OM . mentioning R national . Also on 1538
on 9th with ID "R Australia" and reports and signal S2/4 on V/16 m
respectively . Liangas 2 and 9 /11/7 Thessaloniki Greece

BRAZIL 9615 R Cultura 2339 with tangos. NO S 14331 Liangas
3/11/7 Thessaloniki Greece

Pirate 6220 Mystery Radio 1235 with hip hop music /songs S10
45544 Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki Greece

GERMANY 5965 MV Baltic radio 1308 OM speaking in GE about
immigration kurzeworden'. Info Baltic radio , 1332 rock songs, and
an advert in Berlin and about a coffee cup 45544 Liangas 4/11/7
Thessaloniki Greece

Clandestine 6600 unid in Korean with talks on 1548 with old operas
1552 strong bubble jamming on 6599 Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki

BRAZIL 4746.9 Huanta 2000 at 2242 mentioning 'venta minutos',
2244 with music, at 224540 with voice over music . S3 -4 <22242
Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki Greece

BRAZIL 4845.2 Cultura Ondas Tropicas (p) 2238-40 with songs and
S6!! Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki Greece

BRAZIL 11734.94 Transmundial 1854 with news by YL in PP "
mundial communicado" with many referenced of Brazil , then a song
sounded as 'Aleluyah' then ID as Transmundail . Signal S6 35233
Liangas 8/11 Thessaloniki Greece

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde 0507 song "delilah' S6 Liangas 9/11
Thessaloniki Greece

INDIA 4970 AIR Shilong 1525-31 tals by man in HIndi till 30 than
with news in English. S3 , 21332 QRM by digital stream (FDM?)
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki Greece

UKRAINE 1377 R Kanal Mikolaiv ID at 1604 . Pops songs, Down
counting on 1608 and back to music. At 1610 with news . Max S7 on
the 16H antenna/S4 on the inv V , 34433, CRI and RFI at S3 level.
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki Greece

USA 9329.61! WBCQ? 1646 priest talking . Signal max S3 with preamp Thessaloniki Greece
(Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 09/11/2007)

9765 05/11 0910 Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaki, EE, mx variada, 35443

9704 06/11 1850 Radio Etiópia, YL talks , vernacular, 24422 (audio baixo)

9805 06/11 1900 Radio Tailandia, EE, ID, noticias, 45443

4780 07/11 0340 Radio Djibuti, musical, 35443

5915 07/11 0338 ZNBC, Lusaka, mx tipica, 35433

3945 07/11 0326 VOIRI, 35433

4777 07/11 0502 Radio Gabão, Libreville, nx em frances, 24432
(Samuel Cassio Martins - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

7.385 kHz, Radio China Int, 09-11-07, 1838-1844. Música pop con comentarios de locutores, en francés. SINPO 44343

12.015 kHz, Radio France Int, 09-11-07, 1717-1721. Id. emisora y comentarios sobre Sarkozy, en portugués. SINPO 55555

15.120 kHz, Voice of Nigeria, 09-11-07, 1724-1727. Comentarios sobre Nigeria, en inglés. SINPO 44333

9.735 kHz, Deustsche Welle, 09-11-07, 1713-1715. Comentarios sobre inmigración ilegal en España, en francés. SINPO 54444
(Javier Robledillo Jaén, Elche (Alicante), Espana - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

Позвольте ознакомить вас с КВ-наблюдениями из нашей с Алексеем Кулинченко
мини-DX-педиции в Кадышево (окрестности Казани). Ничего сверхъестественного
поймать не удалось, за исключением русскоязычного фрагмента во 2-й программе
Монголии -- но об этом я уже писал. Заинтересовало, что первая восточная
станция на 60 м появилась еще в 09.40 UTC (12.40 местного времени). Но на
этот раз в тропики мы вслушивались слабо, направив всю энергию в диапазон

= = = = =
Дата везде - 5 ноября 2007.

4800, ЦНР-1, 09.40, женско-мужской диалог в студии. На китайском. 25232.
Непривычно раннее открытие этого тропического диапазона. 25232.

4810, Радио Армении (скорее всего), 09.41, песня в советском стиле, 15221.

5810, WEWN, 07.27, разговоры на религиозную тему на английском, мужской
голос, 25332.

5835, UNID, 07.25, разговоры, похожие на религиозные, на английском. 25232.
По прошлым сезонам вроде бы подходит американская WHRI, но в базе DX-клуба
Нагойи на этот сезон сказано, что работа на частоте завершается в 06.00.

5965, Vatican R., 07.42, новости и комментарии на английском (..Vatican
Radio World News..). В 07.44 позывные и отключение передатчика. По
расписанию в 07.45 запланировано вещание на арабском, но его мы не услышали.
Возможно, успели уйти с частоты до того, как она вновь ожила.

6150, две станции на китайском, 10.51. Видимо, тайваньская CBS и
континентальный Китай с глушением против нее, обе станции с SINPO 42442. Не
прослушивалось, кстати, никакого Сингапура.

6165, UNID (неизвестно кто), 10.42, песни и объявления на каком-то восточном
языке (если даже на китайском - то, скорее всего, не на пекинском диалекте)
в перерывах. 33443. База DX-клуба Нагойи ничего интересного не говорит; 6-я
программа Китая должна стартовать в 12.00, 3-я программа Вьетнама на
мыонгском языке (он же язык мяо, как я недавно узнал) - в 11.30. Загадка.

6175, ЦНР-1, 10.37, разговоры на китайском. 34333.

6185, China Huayi BC (?), 10.32, разговор женским голосом. Эта программа >
направлена на Тайвань, Гонконг и юго-восточные районы Китая, так что язык
мог быть (мы предполагаем) не стандартно-китайским. 23332, кто-то еще мешал
с музыкой.

Комментарий после раздумий:
Вначале кандидатом была CHBS, но, обнаружив в новом расписании Р.Таиланда
передачу на языке таи в 10.00-11.00 на этой самой частоте, мы глубоко
засомневались. Сдается, что доминировал как раз Таиланд, а China Huayi BS
была той самой музыкой на фоне. Ждите выкладки записи.

6195, Радио России, 10.29, анонсы и музыка. 24222, передатчик в Улан-Удэ.

6250, Пхеньянская р/ст, 09.43, торжественная песня. 33433, помеха от
цифрового сигнала.

7105, R.Tirana, 07.52, радиопьеса на албанском. 43443. Ровно в 08.00 никаких
изменений на частоте не произошло, но потом, через минуту-другую, все-таки
прозвучала ID.

7140, BBC, 09.19, на арабском через Кипр. Нехарактерное прохождение -
слабый, дрожащий сигнал, в отличие от уверенно покрывающего нас
Синьцзян-Уйгурского р-на КНР на всех четырех официальных языках. 22422, на
фоне - помеха от песен оперного типа (КНДР???).

7165, Nei Menggu PBS (КНР), 09.17, женщина-диктор на китайском, музыка.

7190, МР Китая, 09.16, на китайском. Женский голос. 22432, помеха от
китайской дракон-оперы с 7185 кГц, где она противодействует тайваньской CBS.

7210, Nei Menggu PBS (?) (КНР), 09.09, новости мужским голосом на
монгольском, упоминание Пакистана.

7230, Синьцзянская народная р/станция (КНР), 09.08, на монгольском, мужской
голос диктора, 53443, с помехой от телетайпа. На фоне прослушивался еще один
сигнал на китайском языке - возможно, ЦНР-1 из Сиани.

7235, Белорусское Р-1 (?), 08.53, с песнями (в т.ч. "Рушники" - это или
старые Песняры, или чья-то обработка). База DX-клуба Нагойи ничего не
говорит, но DBS-9 упоминает эту частоту зимой за могилевским передатчиком (5

7240, Тибетская народная р/ст (КНР), 09.07, разговоры мужским голосом на
китайском. 32432.

7245, р/канал Овози Точик (Таджикистан), 08.47, местная поп-музыка. 45444. В
09.03 снова зашли на частоту и обнаружили новости на английском - все точно
по расписанию, но качество понизилось до 43433, т.к. уже заработало China
Business Radio - 2-я программа Китая.

7260, Монгольское Р. (2-я программа), 08.42, новости женским голосом о
коррупции в разных партиях на русском (!) языке. 34433. Потом пошел разговор
о том, что неплохо было бы монгольским исполнителям петь побольше русских и
советских песен. Песня в иллюстрацию. Но в 08.55 уже ведущий говорил на

7275, Синьцзянская народная р/станция (КНР), 08.40, на уйгурском. Народная
музыка, комментарии женским голосом. 55444.

7330, Голос России, 08.08, на английском, 24332. Передатчик в Хабаровске;
фрагменты опер и комментарии женским голосом. И так продолжалось до 08.32,
продолжалось и далее! Весь мир любит наш балет; и оперу, оказывается,

7330, женский голос, 09.38, слабо-слабо. Тихий Океан??? На параллельной 5960
кГц тишина.

7340, Синьцзянская народная р/станция (КНР), 07.54, женщина говорила на
казахском, 45444.

7345, Радио России, 08.33, разговоры в студии. 32432, передатчик в Якутске.
Сильная помеха с 7340 кГц (Китай).

7455, WYFR, 08.04, мужской голос на английском, 13321. Помеха от местного
радиста. Вещание из Окичоби (Флорида) для Сев. Америки.

7540, WEWN, 08.02, слабый-слабый женский голос, если верить расписанию - на
испанском для Латинской Америки. 15221.

Ближе к 11.00 мы отключили КВ-согласователь и занялись изучением
средневолнового диапазона. Но об этом - в следующий раз.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - open_dx 10/11/2007)

530t. Radio Marti 1700 ; 2000 on 27 Oct. [Wilkner-South Florida]

4010 UNID at 1100 on 8 and 9 November [Wilkner-South Florida]

4450 North Korea, Korean.. 1120 military music good signal. [Wilkner-South Florida]

4799.8v. Guatemala Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sebastián, Huehuetenango off the air for the last four days. [Wilkner-South Florida]

4800 China China National Radio // 4460 om then into Chinese music at 1115 to 1130 on 9 November [Wilkner-South Florida]

5952.4 Bolivia R Pío XII Siglo XX 0030 to 0040 on 9,8 and 7 November, good signal with narrow filter and notch filter [Wilkner-South Florida]

5996.33 Bolivia possibly, with om in Spanish 0030 to 0040; 0945 to 1005. with same fade pattern as 5967.68, R Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni 10.
(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 10/11/2007)

5009 KHz Dom. Rep.. R. Cristal(tent.) 11/9 SS 02:25 mx w/ male singer and chorus repeating “Haleluia”, 02:27 instrumental south latin style mx , 02:30-0256 mx set w/

some mexican group Maná’s style and some latin/caribean, all time no anmts 22222 (LOB-B).

5910 KHz Philipines VOA Tinang 11/8 EE 22:48-22:50 mv tkls “New York” (few words understood, much QRM) 22222 (LOB-B).
5915 KHz U.K. R. Argel Int 11/8 AA 22:22 mv: tkls alternating short mx, 22:29 mv solo singing or reciting, presumed religious, without musical instruments 33333

5990 KHz Philipines FEBC MANILA(tent.) Bocaue 11/8 Iu Mien 22:32-22:40 fv anmts alternating short mx (w/ children chorus singing) 43433 (LOB-B).
13605 KHz India ALL INDIA RADIO Bangalore 11/6 EE 19:11 fv: ID, tkls abt local tourism, anmt abt 3 local mx that plays until 19:30 34443 (LOB-B).
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 10/11/2007)

Very rapid and loud pulsing interfering with all the SWBC
stations in the 9400-9500 range, Nov 6 at 1505; on for a several seconds, off
for fewer seconds, repeat (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

7733.5 kHz encountered with a big signal, Nov 7 at 0639 with ME
music, slightly unstable carrier producing warble, and seemingly mixed with
utility QRM. 0643 song ends with birds chirping, applause, Arabic announcement
mentioning akbar, M&W interchange, 0647 back to pop music in Arabic. Kept
listening but unfortunately dozed off and missed hourtop ID if any; 0706 M&W
news headlines punxuated by stingers, 0715 music. I often start my bandscan of
7 MHz downward at 7780 WYFR, and glad I did or would have missed this. Sounds
like a major station, and too strong to be a likely spur; no // found lower on
7 MHz. Could it be a semi-harmonic? Not unless there is something on 15467.0.
If this wasn`t a one-shot, should be easily audible in Europe, perhaps also in

BTW, there is one other station registered above 7.7 MHz, Emirates Media,
Dhabayya UAE, on 7770 at 2200-0100, 500 kW at 300 degrees to NW Africa, but I
have seen no reports of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 07/11/2007)

UNIDENTIFIED. Encouraged by IRCA C & WNAm reports that trans-Atlantic MW was
hopping, I spent half an hour monitoring on the less noisy porch with ATS-909,
0326 to 0400 UT November 8. Did find a number of carriers. Best with traces of
audio was 594, but too many possibilities to hazard a guess. Also detected
carriers on 558, 567, 585, 684, 693, 873, 882, 891, 945, 1134, 1215, 1305,
1557, 1629. Some good possibilities were wiped out by IBOC from KOA, WHO, KFAB,
KMOX, WOAI at least. Was surprised to detect carrier on 1134 despite KMOX-IBOC
noise. Then I read IRCAns reporting that by that hour, the TA reception had
largely vanished. 73, (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6250, just as I tuned in, Nov 7 at 0622, heard a few words of
Arabic(?), then it went off. Cairo is the only broadcast station known on this
frequency, but nowhere near this time of day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. On 7733.5 kHz, I encountered a big signal, Nov 7 at 0639 with ME
music, slightly unstable carrier producing warble with BFO on, and seemingly
mixed with utility QRM. 0643 song ends with birds chirping, applause, Arabic
announcement mentioning akbar, M&W interchange, 0647 back to pop music in
Arabic. Kept listening but unfortunately dozed off and missed hourtop ID if
any; 0706 M&W news headlines punxuated by stingers, 0715 music.

I often start my bandscan of 7 MHz downward at 7780 WYFR or 7811 AFN, and glad
I did or would have missed this. Sounds like a major station, and too strong to
be a likely spur; no // found lower on 7 MHz. Could it be a semi-harmonic? Not
unless there is something on 15467.0. If this wasn`t a one-shot, should be
easily audible in Europe, perhaps also in evening.

BTW, there is one other station registered above 7.7 MHz, Emirates Media,
Dhabayya UAE, on 7770 at 2200-0100, 500 kW at 300 degrees to NW Africa, but I
have seen no reports of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1381, DX LISTENING

Next night, Nov 8, did not stay up until 0700, but no sign of it by 0602 nor at
earlier hours such as 2050 Nov 7. Noel Green, England, also looked for it the
following evening and morning, but not heard. We should keep patrolling this
frequency range for a reappearance; next time it might well be on some other
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 08/11/2007)

1395,00 0111 0440 Big L, D,E, Big L goes dutch show, rock and roll, promos, Dj Eric 45544
1655,00 0311 2322 unid, Gr, blues country, rock, talks by man 24322
1670,00 0311 2300 unid, Gr, Jazz instrumentals, Enio Morricone mx, 24322
3910,00 0311 2304 WMR, E; ballad, ID, email Jack on microphone, talks on R Rastafari // 6400 24332
3910,00 0411 0708 WMR,E, talks on 70,s radios,ID, My bel ami // 6400 24432
3940,00 0311 2345 R.Underground,E, talks 23211
3945,00 0411 2235 WMR,E, talks on pirates ballad, Mi Amigo // 6400 24222
4025,00 0211 2255 LHH,E, song 24211
5705,00 0411 0825 Orion R, E, rock over Beethoven, ID in German, hotline, ID, reports from Jari,Jaroslav, SMS 24432
5965,00 0411 1300 MV Baltic R, G, Man of action,ID in G, in E, ballads, website,ID, freq. Rock, 35443
6210,00 0411 0801 unid,E, asking for reports, rock 24411
6220,00 0311 2328 Mystery R, electronic music, disco pop 24322
6220,00 0411 0705 Mystery R, ballad, jingles, funky dance 35443
6255,00 0211 2225 KBC,E, rock, Dj Wolfman Jack, rock and roll,promo K-po , funky, Slay and the family Stones 35443
6255,00 0311 2200 KBC- R Mi Amigo,E, Police, promos,Bruce Springsteen, QTH Ede, Shocking Blues 34443
6265,00 0411 0830 Premier R Int, E, You are so vain, talks 24422
6285,00 0411 0810 R.Geronimo,E, pops., rock, Johny be good. Email 24432
6305,00 0411 1225 unid, electronic dance non stop 24422
6310,00 0311 2310 unid, ballad 24311
6310,00 0411 0750 R.Lowland,E, good morning, rock, ballad, report from Jaroslav 24222
6325,00 0411 0835 R.Alice, E, inst, schlager, ID, email, electric guitars 24432
6400,00 0311 1900 WMR,E, ID, talks on R. Valentine Int 23222
6400,00 0311 2304 WMR,E, ballall ID, email, Jack on microphone, talks on R. Rastafari // 3910 23432
6400,00 0411 0708 WMR,E, talks on 70,s radios,ID, My bel ami //3910 24332
6400,00 0411 2235 WMR,E, talks on pirates ballad, Mi Amigo // 3945 34222
9290,00 0311 2200 RWI,E,F, ID, frq. Blue eyes, country mx show, ID, QTH Rueil,Service francais, Caroline song 35343
9525,00 0311 0710 R.Star via Ascension,E, Vern, Afropop, news, ID, 34443
12257,00 0411 0715 WR Int, E, Simple Red, It's raining men, ID, Enrique Iglesias, jingle Mungo Jerry 24322
(Silveri Gomez, Fraga , Catalunya - playdx2003 06/11/2007)

071029 6276 14 53 Radio Pioneer (tent) 24432 7
071029 6421 15 12 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
071029 4025 18 42 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
071029 1645 20 58 Radio Tijdbreker (tent) 43443 9
071030 6421 14 29 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7
071101 4025 16 57 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G
071101 1650 17 05 Zender Digital 44444 9 G
071101 1655 19 00 UNID 42432 9+5dB
071101 4025 19 35 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
071101 1653 22 34 Zender Alpenjager 34433 8 G
071101 1645 20 15 UNID 33433 8 G
071101 1636 22 43 UNID 44433 9 G
071101 1640 22 59 Radio Tijdbreker 44433 9 G
071102 6255 22 55 KBC Radio 34444 9
071102 1651 23 02 UNID 34433 8
071103 6210 08 30 Radio 48 24322 6
071103 6275 08 54 Laser Hot Hits 34444 8
071103 6310 09 03 Radio Altrex 24322 5
071103 9290 09 49 Radio Joystick 55444 9+20dB
071103 6276 11 11 Radio Rainbow 34433 8
071103 3940 16 58 Radio Underground 33433 9 G
071103 4025 17 01 Laser Hot Hits 44433 9 G
071103 3910 17 08 WMR 54434 9+20dB G
071103 1646 18 05 UNID 32332 7
071103 3940 19 10 Radio Underground 23322 5
071103 6400 19 14 WMR 23322 5
071103 1645 19 20 UNID 43443 9
071103 1665 21 23 Radio Armada 43443 9+5dB
071103 1645 21 54 Zender Kleiner Vogel 34433 8 G
071103 6255 22 00 KBC Radio 33433 8
071103 1648 22 25 UNID 33433 8
071103 9290 22 34 RWI 24322 5
071103 1621 22 36 UNID 43443 9+5dB
071103 1665 22 56 Zender Klaas Snoek 33433 8
071103 1645 23 05 Zender Monte Carlo 33433 8 G
071103 1645 23 10 Radio Polydor (tent) 33433 8 G
071103 1645 23 19 Zender Digital 34433 8 G
071103 1648 23 25 UNID (farmers from Holland ?) 33433 8 G
071103 1655 23 34 Zender Klaas Snoek 54444 9 G
071104 3940 06 45 Radio Underground 23322 5
071104 4025 06 48 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5
071104 6210 06 53 Radio 48 23322 5
071104 6220 06 55 Mystery Radio 34444 9
071104 6374 07 09 UNID 23322 5
071104 6400 07 13 WMR 34444 8
071104 6205 07 27 BRI 33433 8
071104 6310 07 34 Radio Lowland 44444 9 G
071104 6326 08 04 Radio Alice 23322 5
071104 6285 08 17 Radio Geronimo 33433 8
071104 6311 08 21 Radio Lowland 43443 8
071104 5705 08 24 Orion Radio 45444 9
071104 6540 08 37 UNID 24433 7
071104 6305 08 58 Radio Underground 23322 6
071104 6260 09 14 Alternative Kairo Radio 23333 7
071104 6282 09 20 Radio Sonar 24333 6
071104 6305 09 35 Radio Lowland (tent) 43443 7
071104 6295 09 42 Radio Northpole 34433 8
071104 6325 09 55 Radio Zoulou Kilo 24433 7
071104 6271 09 58 Radio Halloween 23433 6
071104 6205 10 03 Radio Nordsee International 33333 7
071104 5805 10 05 Radio Telstar South 24333 5
071104 6251 10 19 CWR 24433 7
071104 6300 10 35 Radio Saturnus 34433 8
071104 6296 10 49 Radio Sallandse Boer 43443 9
071104 6294 10 48 Radio Saturnus 33433 8
071104 6295 10 59 Radio Max 24322 5
071104 6300 11 27 Radio Zeelandia (tent) 24333 6
071104 6261 12 29 UNID 34433 9
071104 6280 12 32 Radio Robbie 34433 7
071104 6310 12 41 Radio Marconi 23433 6
071104 6325 12 51 Radio Brigitte 23433 7
071104 6280 14 25 Radio Mazda 54444 9+5dB
071104 6400 14 40 WMR 23333 7
071104 6220 14 40 Mystery Radio 44444 9
071104 6305 18 23 Radio Underground 23322 5
071104 4025 18 29 Laser Hot Hits 24333 7
071104 1620 18 32 UNID 44433 9
071104 1640 19 48 UNID 43443 9
071105 4025 19 30 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 G
071105 1660 19 35 Radio Titanic 44444 9 G
071106 4025 17 08 Laser Hot Hits 33433 8 S
071106 1650 17 13 Zender Digital 44444 9 S
071106 1660 17 16 UNID 34433 8 S
071106 6421 17 29 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 S
(Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 07/11/2007)

6271,8 4/11 0945 Halloween Radio, reading reports from listener, many id, fair/good
6295 4/11 0850 Radio Northpole, good to poor, fading down
6310,9 4/11 0755 Radio Lowland, "Good morning, this is Radio Lowland, thank you very much...", fair
6325 4/11 0855 Radio Alice, songs and few ids fair/good
6325,4 4/11 0947-0951* Radio Zulu Kilo, talks, ids, some folk mx, fair
6325,5 4/11 0920-0936* Unid from Netherland ? Sounded like Radio Ellen help please. Folk mx
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 08/11/2007)

6340.5 NMF uscg 2134 FAX 4nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 05/11/2007)

11500.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1825 ALE/USB clg
2010 (2007-11-04) (sw)

05268.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1849 ALE/USB clg
2012 (2007-11-04) (sw)

11500.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1909 ALE/USB clg
2013 (2007-11-04) (sw)

11500.0 1020: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1909 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-04) (sw)

07610.0 13222: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1914 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-04) (sw)

06792.0 2526: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1935 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-04) (sw)

05400.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1937 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-04) (sw)
05355.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1938 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-04) (sw)
08016.0 4102: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 1940 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-04) (sw)

06881.5 5500: Unid 1943 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-04) (sw)

06881.5 762: Unid 2013 ALE/USB clg 00 (2007-11-04) (sw)

08600.0 1119: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2052 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-04) (sw)

05551.0 3651: Unid 2106 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-04) (sw)

05667.7 1966: Unid 2118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-04) (sw)

06881.5 1966: Unid 2119 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-04) (sw)

04750.0 600: Unid ALE/USB clg 606 (2007-11-04) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 05/11/2007)

Some listening around turned up KKL on 8182 kHz, listed as simplex. This
is a simulcast of 14173, at 2210 UTC. Nothing heard on 4015, also
listed as simplex.

Also LSD836, Argentina, same marker but no CW ID, on 17016.5. Listing
shows another channel on 8650.0, no joy here at 2218 UTC.
(Hugh Stegman, udxf 05/11/2007)

This morning paralell frequencies for Russian high command bcasts:

11468 (very weak at this qth)
(Trond J, Hvaler, Norway - udxf 05/11/2007)

06921.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2212 ALE/USB clg
2012 (2007-11-04) (sw)

04555.0 JCP: Unid (poss Saudi net) 2234 ALE/USB clg RFP (2007-11-04) (sw)

06560.0 DESOPS: Usa-Mil 2258 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-04) (sw)

08060.0 RS0013: Mkd-Mil 1129 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06880.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1130 ALE/USB clg RS0013 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06200.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1137 ALE/USB clg RS0013 (2007-11-05) (sw)

07475.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 1144 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-11-05) (sw)

07622.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 1158 ALE/USB clg RS0012A (2007-11-05) (sw)

07010.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 1200 ALE/USB clg RS0012A (2007-11-05) (sw)

07535.0 CS001A: Mkd-Mil 1201 ALE/USB clg RS008A (2007-11-05) (sw)

08025.0 GALC3: Rom-Pol Galati 1202 ALE/USB clg BU3C3 Bucharest (2007-11-05)

07939.0 RS0011A: Mkd-Mil 1204 ALE/USB clg CS0 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06880.0 RS0014: Mkd-Mil 1204 ALE/USB clg CS003 (2007-11-05) (sw)

08025.0 BU3C3: Rom-Pol Bucharest 1208 ALE/USB clg IASC3 Iasi (2007-11-05)

07890.0 CS001A: Mkd-Mil 1210 ALE/USB clg RS008A (2007-11-05) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 05/11/2007)

06724,0 mgj: Royal Navy Faslane G 1254 usb qso with f3m - you are
requested to contact mgj every 20 minutes over 5Nov07 (wp3)

06724,0 f3m: Royal Navy (Aircraft ?) G 1254 usb qso with mgj - roger
over - 5Nov07 (wp3)

06733,0 : tascom G 1237 usb (yl-opr) qso f3m - your frequency is
6724 in 5 mins 5Nov07 (wp3)

06733,0 f3m: Royal Navy (Aircraft ?) G 1235 usb clg Tascom then qsy
to 6724 Khz 5Nov07 (wp3)

06348,0 fue: F Navy Brest F 0828 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC.001
4Nov07 (wp3)

06733,0 daga88: I Navy Aircraft ITA 0922 usb/ratt tfc to idr 4Nov07

06790,0 : MFA Cairo EGY 1858 Codan 16-tone-psk/usb to unid emb.
4Nov07 (wp3)

06791,7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1920 sitor-a short tfc , then codan modem
again- 1928z: calling xbvq (Emb. Paris), 1936z: calling xbvk (Emb.
Bern) 4Nov07 (wp3)

07657,0 rdl: RN Smolensk RUS 1244 T600 50/200 tfc 4Nov07 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 05/11/2007)

00018.1 no call: Russian high Command, unid tx site, 1211 F1B FSK morse 17.1wpm 5FG 47 group bcast to collective adress RDL using codeset 11111, same 5fg

message rptd at 1216utc (05/NOV/2007)(TJ)

10308.0 RIT: Russian Navy Northern Fleet HQ, prob Murmashi radio centre, 1249 A1A morse, After sending RAL59 to this freq RIT asks RAL59 for readability check (zzd)

with no response, gives up after app 10 min, and moves back to 11155 kHz (05/NOV/2007)(TJ)

10308.0 RAL59: Warship (?) 1249-1257 A1A morse, the radiooperator does his / her best to get contact with RIT "vvv rit rit rit de ral59 ral59 zzd? k" but RIT does not hear,

( VERY strong signal here ! ) Gives up and meet RIT on 11155 (05/NOV/2007)(TJ)

11155.0 RIT: Russian Navy Northern Fleet HQ, prob Murmashi radio centre, 1042 A1A morse 21.2wpm, RIT calls RAL59 without any response, gives up, and blindcast 65

group telegram # 158 to collective adress RAL59 by hand, using codeset 11111 (05/NOV/2007)(TJ)

Some Q's:

Most of the calls from RIT goes to the collective adress RAL59, some rumours say this adress equal the Northern Fleet flagship, the nuclear-powered large guided missile

cruiser Pyotr Velikiy. Can anyone confirm this ??

Is there a website that show location of ( Russian ) naval units similar to the "shiptracker" website for commercal vessels ??

The blindcasted message from RIT to RAL59 had priority 2, "SML" ( = Samoljot) and the telegram was timestamped with the local time 1251 ( = 0951 utc) ie it had been

pending for close to an hour before bcasted by RIT, ( I had been watching RIT since 0900 utc, so definetively not bcasted prior to when I heard it ) , - is this normal (

accepted for these slightly higher then routine messages ) or just a one time bad bcast dicipline ??
(Trond J, Hvaler, Norway - udxf 05/11/2007)

06583.0 KBT kobuleti* georgian mil 1951 ALE USB to BRN 5nov07
06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2001 ALE USB to 8GS 5nov07
06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2008 ALE USB to 1BR 5nov07
06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2020 ALE USB to 2BR 5nov07
06583.0 8GS georgian mil 2038 ALE USB to ART 5nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 05/11/2007)

07485.0 GAL: Rom-Pol Galati 1147 ALE/USB clg BU3C3 Bucharest (2007-11-05)

06925.0 IASB8: Rom-Pol Iasi 1222 ALE/USB clg SIBB8 SibIu (2007-11-05) (sw)

07510.0 IASB8: Rom-Pol Iasi 1228 ALE/USB clg SIBB8 SibIu (2007-11-05) (sw)

05321.0 11041: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1717 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-05) (sw)

04970.0 BJ34: Alg-Mil 1749 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 1410: Unid 1806 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05321.0 1113: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1808 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 4922: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1810 ALE/USB clg
4024 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 4024: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1810 ALE/USB clg
4922 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05400.0 BORA: Alb-Mil/Moi 1811 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-05) (sw)

09070.0 055: Unid 1815 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

06902.5 1542: Unid 1819 ALE/USB clg 1556 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 1914: Unid 1839 ALE/USB clg 1912 (2007-11-05) (sw)

10618.0 055: Unid 1854 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

07698.0 911913: Nig-NPF (National Police Force) 1910 ALE/USB clg 911911
(2007-11-05) (sw)

06902.5 50403: Unid 1910 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 1474: Unid 1914 ALE/USB clg 4400 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06902.5 1474: Unid 1921 ALE/USB clg 4400 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05555.0 288: Unid 1937 ALE/USB clg 514 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05667.7 1474: Unid 1943 ALE/USB clg 4400 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05575.0 1474: Unid 1943 ALE/USB clg 4400 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06902.5 1542: Unid 1954 ALE/USB clg 1543 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06668.0 639: Unid 2005 ALE/USB clg 344 (2007-11-05) (sw)

08153.0 437815: Unid 2023 ALE/USB clg 437806 (2007-11-05) (sw)

06888.0 344: Unid 2024 ALE/USB clg 225 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05400.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil/Moi 2042 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-05) (sw)

06865.0 300: Unid 2042 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05551.0 3421: Unid 2048 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05575.0 1494: Unid 2118 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

06902.5 8822: Unid 2121 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05355.0 1801: Unid 2149 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05575.0 571: Unid 2129 ALE/USB clg 171 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05551.0 3061: Unid 2149 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05667.7 1548: Unid 2151 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05551.0 9850: Unid 2153 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05268.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2154 ALE/USB clg
1020 (2007-11-05) (sw)

05667.7 1919: Unid 2202 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 1919: Unid 2202 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

05575.0 1919: Unid 2203 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)

06881.5 1706: Unid 2207 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-05) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 06/11/2007)

01659.0 TFA reykjavik Id 0540 USB eng isl naws wx 6nov07
01704.0 // 1758 OXZ lyngby 0543 USB dan naws 6nov07
03253.0 VFF iqaluit 0546 FAX "ice analysis..hudson...," image faible 6nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 06/11/2007)

00018.1 no call: Russian high Command, Nizhniy Novgorod tx site, Russia, 0657, F1B FSK morse 16.7wpm, strategic flash message to collective adress RDL; "xxx xxx

rdl rdl 02623 39254 astatizm 1981 4915 k" (06/NOV/2007)(TJ)

00018.1 no call: Russian high Command, Nizhniy Novgorod tx site, Russia, 0715, F1B FSK morse 16.7wpm, 36 group 5LG telegram to collective adress RDL, using

codeset 11111(06/NOV/2007)(TJ)

04952.0 RIT / RAL59: Russian NF HQ / warship (?) RAL59, 0708 A1A morse, commchecks and bcast of 5LG telegram to RAL59 using combo of very fast morse, - and

fast keyed wide spaced russian letters, both ends heard but drowning in QRM at 0714utc (06/NOV/2007)(TJ)

11155.0 RIT: Russian Northern Fleet HQ, prob Murmashi tx site, Russia 0703 A1A morse, comms check with warship (?) RAL59, asks RAL59 to go to 4952 kHz, RAL59

not heard (06/NOV/2007(TJ)

rdl rdl rdl
9t692 42916 63551 63551 t2555 7388t
88ttt 69752 25279 32256 48834 56217
23191 t1498 t142t 66852 17376 9813t
85481 t1136 59964 46623 t39t3 t1551
27136 71462 55856 36t26 36882 18249
7t189 82121 21815 61596 14778 t6t36 k
(Trond J, Hvaler, Norway - udxf 06/11/2007)

08190.0 TARANTO: Ita-Finance Guard 0815 ALE/USB clg DENARO (2007-11-06) (sw)

08060.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0816 ALE/USB clg RS0014 (2007-11-06) (sw)

07965.0 CS002B: Mkd-Mil 0832 ALE/USB clg RS013A (2007-11-06) (sw)

12431.0 GWPWN33: Bra-N 0846 ALE/USB clg GWPWNI (2007-11-06) (sw)

(2007-11-06) (sw)

09295.0 TXX5: Spa-Pol 1539 ALE/USB clg TZCP2 Las Palmas (2007-11-06) (sw)

09295.0 TXX5: Spa-Pol 1546 ALE/USB clg TZCT2 Tenerife (2007-11-06) (sw)

05379.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol 1553 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (2007-11-06) (sw)

06795.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1554 ALE/USB clg MALI (2007-11-06) (sw)

06874.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol 1557 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (2007-11-06) (sw)

07527.0 TYVM2: Spa-Pol Murcia 1558 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid (2007-11-06) (sw)

04594.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol 1559 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (2007-11-06) (sw)

06771.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1559 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-06) (sw)

05285.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1602 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-06) (sw)

07965.0 RS008: Mkd-Mil 1620 ALE/USB clg CS002 (2007-11-06) (sw)

07965.0 CS002: Mkd-Mil 1620 ALE/USB clg RS008 (2007-11-06) (sw)

07965.0 CS002A: Mkd-Mil 1624 ALE/USB clg RS002A (2007-11-06) (sw)

09200.0 2011: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1625 ALE/USB clg
2215 (2007-11-06) (sw)

09200.0 13142: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1625 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

09200.0 2417: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1626 ALE/USB clg
2011 (2007-11-06) (sw)

06795.0 3561: Unid 1627 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

07475.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1629 ALE/USB clg RS0017 (2007-11-06) (sw)

06880.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1630 ALE/USB clg RS0017 (2007-11-06) (sw)

06865.0 KASTRATI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1647 ALE/USB clg RADOHIMA (2007-11-06) (sw)

07965.0 RS0017A: Mkd-Mil 1654 ALE/USB clg CS002B (2007-11-06) (sw)

05400.0 BORA: Alb-Mil/Moi 1704 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-06) (sw)

05355.0 BORA: Alb-Mil/Moi 1704 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-06) (sw)

05135.0 R23499: Us-MIL 1708 ALE/USB clg T2Z147 2nd Battalion 147th Avn
(2007-11-06) (sw)

05750.0 JDP: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1712 ALE/USB clg RGP (2007-11-06) (sw)

08003.0 R23574: Us-MIL 1708 ALE/USB clg T01185 (2007-11-06) (sw)

05554.5 R23594: Us-MIL 1720 ALE/USB clg T01185 (2007-11-06) (sw)

06400.0 T2Z238: Us-Mil 3/238th Avn Tuzla, BIH 1723 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

08600.0 2418: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1731 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04900.0 JCP: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1737 ALE/USB clg RFP (2007-11-06) (sw)

04457.0 RHI: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1738 ALE/USB clg AAI (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 1474: Unid 1749 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04540.0 TF2: Unid 1756 ALE/USB clg TF1 (2007-11-06) (sw)

04540.0 TF1: Unid 1756 ALE/USB clg TF2 (2007-11-06) (sw)

05730.0 KASTRATI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1807 ALE/USB clg RADOHIMA (2007-11-06) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 06/11/2007)

01659.0 TFA reykjavik Id 0540 USB eng & isl naws wx 6nov07

02657.0 CTV? navy portugal 0915 USB por & eng naws 4nov07

03253.0 VFF iqaluit 0546 FAX poor quality 6nov07

04855.0 2011 protection civ mrc 1726 ALE USB to 2519 4nov07

05286.0 spanish police Madrid 0932 ALE USB snd 4nov07
06340.5 NMF uscg 2134 FAX 4nov07

06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 1951 ALE USB to BRN 5nov07

06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2001 ALE USB to 8GS 5nov07

06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2008 ALE USB to 1BR 5nov07

06583.0 KBT kobuleti georgian mil 2020 ALE USB to 2BR 5nov07

06583.0 8GS georgian mil 2038 ALE USB to ART 5nov07

07547.0 cis navy? 1357 73/200 81-81? 4nov07

09200.0 11061 protection civ mrc 0939 ALE USB snd 4nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 06/11/2007)

02677.0 unid 211 USB rus? yl chiffres ...6nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 07/11/2007)

04750.0 600: Unid 2109 ALE/USB clg 606 (2007-11-06) (sw)

04750.0 606: Unid 2110 ALE/USB clg 600 (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 7004: Unid 2112 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06789.0 7004: Unid 2122 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 77443: Unid 2123 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 8040: Unid 2124 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

08600.0 13012: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2124 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 77443: Unid 2124 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 0102: Unid 2129 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 8111: Unid 2132 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 8111: Unid 2133 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 0011: Unid 2135 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 185: Unid 2138 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 77449: Unid 2154 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

05435.0 11031: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2158 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04250.0 4111: Unid 2159 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

05321.0 11031: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2200 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 77451: Unid 2207 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 1494: Unid 2216 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 1494: Unid 2217 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06748.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2219 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04751.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 2228 ALE/USB clg TZSJ2 Jaen (2007-11-06) (sw)

07801.0 6101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2228 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 2402: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2228 ALE/USB sndg.(2007-11-06) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 07/11/2007)

05732.0 RDC (NRDC, USCGC Campbell, WMEC 909, New Bedford, MA): 0010
USB/ALE sounding.

06577.0 New York (MWARA CAR-A): 1431 USB w/N843CW w/radio check.

06577.0 New York (MWARA CAR-A): 1440 USB w/Finair 1989 w/position
report & selcal check (LQ-FH).

06577.0 New York (MWARA CAR-A): 1512 USB calling N200CK w/no

11232.0 Halifax Military: 1542 USB w/Viper 415 (poss CH-124 Sea King,
CFB Shearwater) advising there is no tasking from RCC & that there is
a Commorant helo departing Gander for St Pierre & Miquelon then on to
St Johns, Newfoundland.

08983.0 Camslant Chesapeake: 1633 USB w/CG 2120 (HU-25A ATC Mobile)
in radio checks.

08983.0 Camslant Chesapeake: 1635 USB w/CG 1706 (HC-130H7 prob CGAS
Clearwater) reporting on final for home plate & closing out radio
guard. (Ron - udxf 07/11/2007)

06881.5 1474: Unid 2249 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

05551.0 3061: Unid 2250 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 2414: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2250 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 1474: Unid 2252 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 1002: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2253 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 1319: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2253 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 2211: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2255 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

05551.0 9850: Unid 2255 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 2203: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2259 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 1321: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2259 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 13151: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2301 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

06902.5 8055: Unid 2301 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

04855.0 3001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2301 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 1919: Unid 2302 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

05575.0 1919: Unid 2303 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)

06881.5 1912: Unid 2303 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-06) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 07/11/2007)

05347.0 1Z5X: Germ.AF 1517 USB wkg 8B5H and 5VYJ,
Voice Msg and Fec-A/192Bd (what they call
"Alpha-Data Message") (05/NOV/07) (KK)

05348.0 4XZ?: Israeli Ny 1520 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem
parallel on 3815, 4520, 5512, 6618, 8780kHz
(05/NOV/07) (KK)

05410.0 CS003A: Makedonian Mil 1518 USB/ALE
clg RS009B (05/NOV/07) (KK)

05351.0 KBT: GEO Mil prb.Kobuleti 1544 USB/ALE
clg 1BR: 1st Brigade? (05/NOV/07) (KK)

05374.5 BJ30: ALG Mil 1550 USB/ALE clg BJ31,
Ser.Tone Modem after Hs (05/NOV/07) (KK)

05050.0 RM10: ALG Mil 1523 USB/ALE clg XV10
(05/NOV/07) (KK)

05332.0 BYDGOSZCZ: POL MOI Bydgoszcz 1354 USB/ALE
clg WARSZAWA1: POL MOI, while fem.pol.Voice
given Letters (06/NOV/07) (KK)

04037.5 CO89C: unid 1540 P-I/100Bd
(06/NOV/07) (KK)*
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 07/11/2007)

05131,5 : unid mil type tfc (may be czech) 1002 lsb in qso, second
station not heard, read a longer txt 7Nov07 (wp3)

05139,5 : unid mil type tfc, (may be czech) 1007 usb yl opr with
strong feedback sound, used "prijom" for over 7Nov07 (wp3)

05165,5 3xj (not sure): unid mil tfc, (may be czech) TCH 1000 usb
yl, uses Nato alphabet, 5 letter groups: cdlvi mrjuc njuoa brnmk
qubkh lmpbz adqul .. then qso with "2eip", queries, yl repeats some
groups 7Nov07 (wp3)

05165,5 2eip: unid mil tfc, (may be czech) TCH 1013 usb qso with 3xj
om with 5LG ypfkk rlcna ... ends with … oh yw wx xw 7Nov07 (wp3)

05347,0 1z5x: German Air Force ? D 0905 usb 5vyj 5vyj this is 1z5x
1z5x over (no contact) 7Nov07 (wp3)

05350,0 : unid rus RUS 0929 moroz2 50/468 tfc broken by abt 8
seconds mark/space only abt. every minute 7Nov07 (wp3)

05433,0 sab: Goteborg Radio SWE 0934 gw-marker marker 7Nov07 (wp3)

05436,0 : unid 0935 unid fsk 100/139 7Nov07 (wp3)

05440,0 : unid 0940 unid fsk 100/450 burst like mode, 2 secods tfc,
2 seconds carrier 7Nov07 (wp3)

05450,0 mvu: RAF Volmet G 0948 usb wx for Prishtina, Gibraltar,
Malta, Banja Luka, Bari, Naples ... 7Nov07 (wp3)

05505,0 shannon: Shannon Volmet IRL 0950 usb wx for Zurich, Geneva,
Rome Fiumincino ... 7Nov07 (wp3)

05768,0 lfi: Rogaland Radio NOR 1000 globe wireless marker 7Nov07

15940,0 : unid rus RUS 0638 moroz2 50/499 tfc same procedure but not // with 5350 7Nov07 (wp3)
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 07/11/2007)

16202,0 dd1: unid 1417 ale/usb THIS WAS: DD1 7Nov07 (wp3)

16202,0 tsm: unid 1500 ale/usb THIS WAS: TSM 7Nov07 (wp3)

16202,0 aaa: unid 1424 ale/usb THIS WAS: AAA 7Nov07 (wp3)

Some time before was tfc in usb/ii or spanish, "cambio" – so may be italian or spanish origin.
(W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 07/11/2007)

05285 MALI: Albanian MOI/Military Maliqi 1712 ALE/USB Calls
DRINI. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

05286 TWLC2: Spanish Guardia Civil Cantabria 1713 ALE/USB Calls
TXX1-DIGEGUCI, Madrid (07Nov07) (MPJ)

05762 035: Hungarian Military 1622 ALE/USB Calls 082. (07Nov07)

06514.5 LCR153: Prob Janki Commcen, Polish Army 1623 ALE/USB Calls
LACHTA. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

06514.5 PONIEC38: Polish Army 1626 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

06955 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil, Madrid 1558 ALE/USB Calls
TWBA2-Barcelona. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

07622 RS009: Macedonian Military 1554 ALE/USB Calls CS002. Calls
again at 16:04 on 7622 and at 15:50 on 6845 kHz. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

07692 X8W: Moroccan Gendarmerie 1535 ALE/USB Calls V4E. (07Nov07)

11055 : Russian Moruz System 1225 FSK/??/500 Marks on 11055,
11490 and 13490 kHz. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

13499 101: Moroccan Civil Defence 1315 ALE/USB Calls 13161.
1119 Sounds at 13:48. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

16223 KDN03: Unid 1239 ALE/USB Calls KD903. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

18655 13132: Prob Moroccan Civil Defence 1244 ALE/USB Sounding.
(07Nov07) (MPJ)

18872.5 131: Prob 13132 Synonym 1244 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Nov07)(MPJ)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 07/11/2007)

04086 SPI324: Polish Army 1815 ALE/USB Calls LCR154-Prob Janki
Commcen. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

04771 URI: Unid Albanian MOI/Military 1716 ALE/USB Calls DRI-Drini.
(07Nov07) (MPJ)

04784 TXX1: Spanish Guardia Civil DIGEGUCI, Madrid 1718 ALE/USB
Calls TWLA2-Leon on 5379, 4751 and 4784 kHz. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

04855 13262: Moroccan Civil Defence 1741 ALE/USB Sounding.
(07Nov07) (MPJ)

04855 130: Moroccan Civil Defence 1758 ALE/USB Calls 1313.
(07Nov07) (MPJ)

04855 10111: Moroccan Civil Defence 1757 ALE/USB Calls 13171.
(07Nov07) (MPJ)

04855 11031: Moroccan Civil Defence 1758 ALE/USB 11031, 13221
and 25151 sound. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

04855 130111: Moroccan Civil Defence 1809 ALE/USB 130111 and 2406
Sounding. 10111 calls 13171 at 18:32. 2002 sounds at 18:45. (07Nov07)

04911 956: Unid 1703 ALE/USB Calls 253. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

04970 BJ31: Algerian MOI/Military 1745 ALE/USB Calls RM30. BJ34
calls RM30 at 18:04. (07Nov07) (MPJ)

05140 : CIS Military 1729 MS-5/4800/USB In traffic. (07Nov07)

05407 FAV22?: M51 Fort de Bicetre 1741 CW NR 88 N 0718:40:59
1984 = IKCAE ZNENK LXLAO ... (07Nov07) (MPJ)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 07/11/2007)

06709.0 KABBAS: Uniid 1640 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

05355.0 BORA: Alb-Mil/Moi 1641 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-07) (sw)

05117.0 BORA: Alb-Mil/Moi 1643 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-07) (sw)

05285.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1656 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-07) (sw)

05117.0 MALI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1657 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-07) (sw)

06893.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1701 ALE/USB clg MALI (2007-11-07) (sw)

06771.0 DRINI: Alb-Mil/Moi 1703 ALE/USB clg MALI (2007-11-07) (sw)

06748.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1722 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06792.0 0000210302: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1735
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

07801.0 4101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 1733 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-07) (sw)

05575.0 1581: Unid 1735 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06748.0 TSM: Isr-Af 1739 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06921.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1741 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

04970.0 BL51: Alg-Mil 1745 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2007-11-07) (sw)

06668.0 762: Unid 1755 ALE/USB clg 639 (2007-11-07) (sw)

06902.5 1050: Unid 1758 ALE/USB clg 8304 (2007-11-07) (sw)

04970.0 BJ34: Alg-Mil 1813 ALE/USB clg RM30 (2007-11-07) (sw)

09230.0 0000210504: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1816
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06668.0 225: Unid 1828 ALE/USB clg 334 (2007-11-07) (sw)

03848.0 1303: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1846 ALE/USB
sndg.(2007-11-07) (sw)

06668.0 762: Unid 1854 ALE/USB clg 225 (2007-11-07) (sw)

11500.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 1858 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-07) (sw)

07698.0.0 LD3: Agl-Moi Luanda 1901 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

08600.0 1321: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1903 ALE/USB
sndg.(2007-11-07) (sw)

06881.5 77451: Unid 1917 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06865.0 XSS: UK-DHFCS (NCS Forest Moor) 1936 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06902.5 77449: Unid 2013 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06748.0 DD1: Isr-Af 2016 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06902.5 3322: Unid 2046 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

08045.0 RFP: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 2036 ALE/USB clg JCP (2007-11-07) (sw)

08045.0 RFI: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 2036 ALE/USB clg JCI (2007-11-07) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 08/11/2007)

06803,5 0cu: unid mil 2149 usb qso f4o: request your pcs 7Nov07 (wp3)
06803,5 u5j: unid mil 2152 usb qso f4o 7Nov07 (wp3)
06803,5 f4o: unid mil 2152 usb qso u5j (yl operator) 7Nov07 (wp3)
(W.Palmberger, Germany - udxf 08/11/2007)

06881.5 4400: Unid 2152 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06778.0 2013: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2159 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-07) (sw)

05132.0 4015: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2204 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-07) (sw)

05132.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2209 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-07) (sw)

06921.0 2013: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2209 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-07) (sw)

09230.0 0000210688: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 2212
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

05268.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2216 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-07) (sw)

06668.0 344: Unid 2225 ALE/USB clg 639 (2007-11-07) (sw)

07801.0 6701: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2226 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-07) (sw)

10160.0 2010: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2232 ALE/USB clg
2014 (2007-11-07) (sw)

06881.5 4066: Unid 2233 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)

06902.5 0011: Unid 2236 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-07) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 08/11/2007)

05139.5 HB: unid CZE or POL 1218 USB fem.Voice
URSCHULA.... Stations with Rogerbieb
(07/NOV/07) (KK)

05165.5 EIP: unid CZE or POL 1215 USB fem.Voice
given 5LG´s (internat.Alphabet) "...WJMGM
MWNAR NMKCJ VATO...." (07/NOV/07) (KK)*
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 08/11/2007)

8992.0 November 7
REDSTONE broadcast two EAMs beginning at 2350z, standing by for traffic.
(Matt Cawby, Seattle, WA, USA - udxf 08/11/2007)

8549.70 CTP Marine Port. RTTY 75/850 - 08:10 / 08 nov 07

6628.10 St Maria Air,Açores USB - 07:53 / 08 nov 07 traffic avions

6832.30 GYA Marine Ang. FAX 120/576 07:35 / 08 nov 07 surface prog
zone golfe persique

6822.10 ? USB 12:17 /08 nov 07 français accent du sud, pecheurs ?

6666.00 ? USB 12:21 /08 nov 07 idem

7644.40 DDH7 Hambourg met. RTTY 50/450 08:35 / 08 nov 07 - synops et bulletins meteo
(fra_mar 2005, France - dxuti 08/11/2007)

06860.0 CS001A maced armee 1938 ALE USB to RS0011A 8nov07
06860.0 7115 maced armee 2004 ALE USB snd 8nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 08/11/2007)

07H55 ZSJ 18236 FAX 120/576 Cap Naval
08H38 JJC 16969,1 FAX 60/120 Kyodo news
09H03 4893,5 ALE (This is) TF2 (To) TF1

08H08 CROSS MED 1696 sécurité, sécurité, sécurité
08H10 6309,69 ALE (This is) RS0
11H10 6879,92 ALE (To) RS0
13H30 8441 FAX 120/576 !!! pas répertorié
19H41 FWOC 12387,94 FAX 120/576

08H52 XSG 16897,55 Sitor B (FEC) Shanghai Radio

09H30 NMF 9108,1 FAX 120/576 Boston (USA)
09H35 7964,96 ALE (This is) CS002 (To) RS009
(foxkilo88 - dxuti 09/11/2007)

12431.0 NAPOLI 1255 Guarda di Finanza wkg Practica01 ALE/USB 11/08 (PP)

8190.0 BALLALI 1029 Guarda di Finanza boat G-105 wkg Gaeta ALE/USB 11/08

8190.0 TREZZA 1016 Guarda di Finanza boat G-103 wkg Gaeta ALE/USB 11/08

8190.0 FELICIANI 1008 Guarda di Finanza boat G-98 wkg Napoli ALE/USB 11/08

5785.0 GAETA 0930 Guarda di Finanza wkg Trezza ALE/USB 11/08 (PP)
(Patrice Privat, France - udxf 09/11/2007)

02815.0 unid cis 0640 81-81 37.5/250 9nov07
(Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 09/11/2007)

06524.2 6101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2257 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-08) (sw)

06524.2 6901: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2258 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-08) (sw)

06524.2 6301: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2306 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-08) (sw)

06524.2 6701: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2306 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-08) (sw)

05551.0 3811: Unid 2308 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-08) (sw)

06881.5 1717: Unid 2308 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-08) (sw)

07801.0 6101: Irq-Kellog, Brown and Root (KBR Inc.) 2314 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-08) (sw)

08600.0 13222: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2314 ALE/USB
sndg.(2007-11-08) (sw)

08600.0 13221: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2314 ALE/USB sndg.(2007-11-08) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 09/11/2007)

05736,0 : unid (no cs given) RUS 1603 cw xxx xxx xxx esup esup 21689
wahtowyj 1638 21689 wahtowyj 1638 k 9Nov07 (wp3)

02671,3 dbfm: FSB Meerkatze D 2054 sitor-a #99926 rq:ssur
Positionsreport 8Nov07 (wp3)

02759,2 : unid Nato 1930 stanag4285/600L/8n1 94 % synch, idle 8Nov07

04152,5 drak: FGS Mecklenburg-Vorp. F218 D 0828 usb/stanag4285 qso
dhj59 one immediate, two priority - zbz nil - zai2 - zbz5 yr zai2 -
0841z: qsl yr 0262 8Nov07 (wp3)

04356,5 drcm: FGS Wiesel S79 P6129 D 1315 usb/stanag4285 qso dhj58
8Nov07 (wp3)

07595,9 : unid 0823 fsk 50/165 c3g says Baudot with one stopbit, but
w4010 didnt find a asynchronous rhythm 8Nov07 (wp3)
(Wolfgang Palmberger, Germany - udxf 09/11/2007)

06850.0 KAB: Uniid (Prob KABBAS) Mil Base Kabul Afg ? 1458 ALE/USB sndg.
(2007-11-09) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE04: Unid 1517 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-09) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE04: Unid 1518 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE07: Unid 1530 ALE/USB clg ACIE1 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE07: Unid 1537 ALE/USB clg ACIE4 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE04: Unid 1539 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-09) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Unid 1551 ALE/USB clg ACIE1 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05770.0 RGI: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1601 ALE/USB clg JDI (2007-11-09) (sw)

06850.0 KANBASE: Uniid Mil Afg ? 1609 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 09/11/2007)

6822 pecheurs (ce coup-ci, c'est sur, bruit du moteur), fra, USB, 13:30
6370 pecheurs, fra, USB, 16:30, parle de traits (de chalut), morue, raie
17146 NMG NewOrleans, FAX 120/576, 13:12, surface chart
9360 OXT Copenhague, FAX 120/576, 12:45, Cap Farewell ice chart
6712 FAF Circus Vert, USB, 10:52, contact avec CoTam 3500 Evreux->
Solenzara. et vers 16:30 le CoTam 3800 St-Etienne->Villacoublay qui
demande à circus de le contacter sur 143.800.
(Fra_mar 2005 - dxuti 09/11/2007)

02187.5 A8JD: Vessel Sedco 704-Liberian Flag 1832 DSC Safety test
with Shetland Coastguard, Scotland. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

02463 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio 1846 RTTY/75/850 Callsign
strings. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

02677 CROSS Corsen: Corsen-Ouessant, Britanny 1900 USB YL and
OM with local avurnavs, Brest and Iroise. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

02815.5 GLLW: CIS Military 1910 CW MAT2 MAT2 MAT2 QTC ZVX AR.
QTC 768 16 9 2207 768 = ZVX 163 = 2001 8052 5246 ... 8052 0913 K
G7A6, LJY5 QSL on frequency. 4YLJ de GLLW R 768? K. Sx net.
(09Nov07) (MPJ)

03217 E1B1: Russian Military 1610 CW Msg for A8OK: E1B1 856 26 9
A8OK reads back message on QSX frequency 3393 kHz. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

03326.5 Q?NE: CIS Military 1705 CW YCBY de Q?NE QSA2 ? K. (09Nov07)

03826 6GDB: Ukranian Military 1714 CW Comms checks with at least
FSW4 and ALTC. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

04179 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 2245 CW on/off at 50 Bauds. Idling
between skeds. (08Nov07) (MPJ)

04639 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2229 CW 990128??0?????
990129??00????? .... (08Nov07) (MPJ)

04951.5 : Russian Air Defence 1740 CW 992039??0????? 992040??0
????? (09Nov07) (MPJ)

05544 VT-INB: IndiGo A320 1754 HFDL Connects to Muharraq. Little
traffic this frequency. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

05622 D-ALCA: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8392 1758 HFDL Posn
report 5357N 05415E via Krasnoyarsk. (09Nov07) (MPJ)

05622 B-2461: China Southern B747 Flt CZ0432 1800 HFDL Posn report
5822N 02304E. (09Nov07) (MPJ)
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 09/11/2007)

09070.0 055: Unid 1456 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

11500.0 9857: Unid 1502 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

06812.0 574: Unid 1610 ALE/USB clg 920 (2007-11-09) (sw)

10168.0 055: Unid 1616 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

09070.0 3201: Unid 1636 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

05220.0 TEKLA35: Pol-Mil 1703 ALE/USB clg LCR152 Janki, n/Warsaw, POL
(2007-11-09) (sw)

07698.0 LD3: Agl-Moi 1806 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

04970.0 BJ35: Alg-Mil 1828 ALE/USB clg BJ30 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05355.0 BORA: Alb-Moi/Mil 1850 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-09) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE01: Unid 1838 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-09) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 09/11/2007)

>05736,0 : unid (no cs given) RUS 1603 cw xxx xxx xxx esup esup 21689
>wahtowyj 1638 21689 wahtowyj 1638 k 9Nov07 (wp3)

Ukranian duplex net. You may also see them on 3826 kHz.
(Jim, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

09230.0 0000210188: Grc-Ministry of Public Order (Hellenic Police) 1931
ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

06902.5 4066: Unid 1933 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

04600.0 TIR: Unid 1935 ALE/USB clg JKB (2007-11-09) (sw)

06921.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1950 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

07610.0 13211: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 1950 ALE/USB
sndg.(2007-11-09) (sw)

06850.0 KABBASE: Uniid Mil Base Kabul Afg ? 2028 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09)

09142.0 9117: Nig-National Police Force 1958 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

06778.0 2014: Tur- Red Crescent Emergency Operations Net 2011 ALE/USB clg
2012 (2007-11-09) (sw)

05355.0 G2I: Alb-Moi/Mil 2017 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-09) (sw)

06668.0 762: Unid 2020 ALE/USB clg 639 (2007-11-09) (sw)

04970.0 CM30: Alg-Mil 2046 ALE/USB clg XA33 (2007-11-09) (sw)

06902.5 1706: Unid 2049 ALE/USB clg 5201 (2007-11-09) (sw)

06902.5 5201: Unid 2049 ALE/USB clg 1706 (2007-11-09) (sw)

08600.0 1119: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2052 ALE/USB
sndg.(2007-11-09) (sw)

05456.0 DRAGOTI: Alb-Moi/Mil 2053 ALE/USB clg QESARAKU (2007-11-09) (sw)

05355.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Moi/Mil 2055 ALE/USB clg DRINI (2007-11-09) (sw)

05355.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Moi/Mil 2102 ALE/USB clg DIAMANTI (2007-11-09) (sw)

06902.5 1919: Unid 2103 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

05555.0 288: Unid 2138 ALE/USB clg 334 (2007-11-09) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

5575.0 8800: Unid 2143 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

06789.0 1508: Unid 2147 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

05456.0 PESHTANI: Alb-Moi/Mil Peshtani I Madh 2205 ALE/USB clg DRAGOTI Dragot (2007-11-09) (sw)

06635.0 4113: Nig-National Police Force 2217 ALE/USB clg 4111 (2007-11-09)(sw)

05456.0 437815: Unid 2224 ALE/USB clg 437804 (2007-11-09) (sw)

08001.0 611611: Nig-National Police Force 2238 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09)(sw)

06812.0 437815: Unid 2239 ALE/USB clg 437804 (2007-11-09) (sw)

07698.0 911916: Nig-National Police Force 2252 ALE/USB clg 911911(2007-11-09) (sw)

06850.0 KABBASE: Uniid Mil Base Kabul Afg ? 2328 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09)(sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

05235.0 HB: unid CZE or POL 1131 USB wkg HD
(08/NOV/07) (KK)

06926.6 TR: prb 67YTR Spanish Ny 1149 USB/Ser.Tone
1200BpsL/int wkg unid (08/NOV/07) (KK)

04824.0 MOBILE2: Supp.or mob.MOI Station 1443 USB/ALE
clg BYDGOSZCZ: POL MOI Bydgoszcz (08/NOV/07) (KK)

04824.0 MOBILE2: Supp.or mob.MOI Station 1448 USB/ALE
clg WARSZAWA2: POL MOI Warszawa (08/NOV/07) (KK)

04824.0 MOBILE2: Supp.or mob.MOI Station 1452 USB/ALE
clg WARSZAWA1: POL MOI Warszawa (08/NOV/07) (KK)

05235.0 MOBILE2: Supp.or mob.MOI Station 1506 USB/ALE
clg BYDGOSZCZ: POL MOI Bydgoszcz (08/NOV/07) (KK)

05235.0 MOBILE2: Supp.or mob.MOI Station 1544 USB/ALE
clg WARSZAWA1: POL MOI Warszawa (08/NOV/07) (KK)

04031.0 DR: Italian Ny Rome 2134 USB wkg DG, Ser.Tone
Modem after Voice cmd (08/NOV/07) (KK)

05778.0 No Call: unid germ.AF 1035 Fec-A/192Bd/1Ch
idlers (09/NOV/07) (KK)

05770.0 ACIE16: Swedish Mil 1038 USB/ALE clg ACIE12,
Ser.Tone Modem after Hs (09/NOV/07) (KK)

05770.0 ACIE25: Swedish Mil 1040 USB/ALE clg ACIE12,
Ser.Tone Modem after Hs (09/NOV/07) (KK)

04919.4 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1106 P-I/100Bd
clg F42HGE: Fronet Station FB Gotland, no joy
(09/NOV/07) (KK)

13503.6 KWT93: US Gov Station 1221 USB/ALE clg KWT91
(09/NOV/07) (KK)

11168.6 KWT93: US Gov Station 1222 USB/ALE clg KWT91
(09/NOV/07) (KK)

05748.6 KWT93: US Gov Station 1226 USB/ALE clg KWT91
[AMD]TENNESSEE, Voice Call after Hanshake,
male Op "Maintenance Check" (09/NOV/07) (KK)

16283.6 KWT93: US Gov Station 1229 USB/ALE clg KWT91
(09/NOV/07) (KK)

10733.6 KWT93: US Gov Station 1230 USB/ALE clg KWT91
(09/NOV/07) (KK)

16283.6 KLU52: US Gov Station 1415 USB/ALE clg unid
(09/NOV/07) (KK)
(Kristian, Germany - udxf 10/11/2007)

07588.5 PRO17: Unid 2352 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-09) (sw)

06850.0 KANBASE: Uniid Mil Afg ? 0012 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-11-10) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

>05770.0 ACIE16: Swedish Mil 1038 USB/ALE clg ACIE12,
> Ser.Tone Modem after Hs (09/NOV/07) (KK)
>05770.0 ACIE25: Swedish Mil 1040 USB/ALE clg ACIE12,
> Ser.Tone Modem after Hs (09/NOV/07) (KK)


it's Dutch MIL......

ACIE is short for "A-companie"
(Leif Dehio, Germany - udxf 10/11/2007)

1640z 10 Nov 07

11175.0 was active at 1618z with OFFUTT (good levels here)
working NV6OD (November Victor Six Oscar Delta; unheard here) for an
apparant signal check and out. (Jeff H, Texas, USA - udxf 10/11/2007)

05770.0 ACIE01: Nld-Mil 1019 ALE/USB clg ACIE04 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE04: Nld-Mil 1020 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1023 ALE/USB clg ACIE04 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE04: Nld-Mil 1024 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1025 ALE/USB clg ACIE04 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE04: Nld-Mil 1026 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE01: Nld-Mil 1026 ALE/USB clg ACIE04 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1026 ALE/USB clg ACIE19 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE19: Nld-Mil 1026 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1030 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE01: Nld-Mil 1030 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1032 ALE/USB clg ACIE04 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1034 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1035 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE01: Nld-Mil 1115 ALE/USB clg ACIE19 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE19: Nld-Mil 1116 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1130 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1131 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1135 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1135 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1458 ALE/USB clg ACIE19 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05800.0 OPERACYJNY: Pol-Mil 1535 ALE/USB clg BXPJANKOVIC Border Cross point
Hani I Elizet (2007-11-10) (sw)

05800.0 BXPJANKOVIC: Pol-Mil Border Cross point Hani I Elizet 1535 ALE/USB
clg OPERACYJNY (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1552 ALE/USB clg ACIE17 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1553 ALE/USB clg ACIE17 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05762.0 035: Hng-Mil 1609 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-11-10) (sw)

08162.0 035: Hng-Mil 1611 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04795.0 035: Hng-Mil 1613 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04795.0 082: Hng-Mil 1613 ALE/USB clg 035 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04507.0 035: Hng-Mil 1614 ALE/USB clg 082 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE17: Nld-Mil 1615 ALE/USB clg ACIE09 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE09: Nld-Mil 1615 ALE/USB clg ACIE17 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE17: Nld-Mil 1621 ALE/USB clg ACIE12 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE12: Nld-Mil 1621 ALE/USB clg ACIE17 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 RGI: Unid (Pos Saudi net) 1643 ALE/USB clg JDI (2007-11-10) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

05770.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1203 ALE/USB clg ACIE18 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1204 ALE/USB clg ACIE18 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE16: Nld-Mil 1208 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1208 ALE/USB clg ACIE16 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1213 ALE/USB clg ACIE19 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 R15: Unid 1426 ALE/USB clg R14 (2007-11-10) (sw)

05770.0 R14: Unid 1426 ALE/USB clg R15 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE01: Nld-Mil 1430 ALE/USB clg ACIE07 (2007-11-10) (sw)

04550.0 ACIE07: Nld-Mil 1430 ALE/USB clg ACIE01 (2007-11-10) (sw)
(Sam, U.K. - udxf 10/11/2007)

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