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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 144 a

WorldDX 144
WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года.
Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия.
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Короткие Волны

4910, ABC Tennant Creek, 0735-0750 Noted a male and female in English
language comments until 0741 when music presented. Signal was fair with noise.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/10/2007)

4835, ABC, Northern Territory, 0815-0830 Various persons in English language
comments - mainly polictical. At 0817, music. The tune seemed to be a political motif.
Signal was good, (Chuck Bolland, FL, USA, 22/10/2007)

Surprised to hear Radio Australia opening notes at
2200 on 9785, beginning Indonesian Service with clear
S=3 signal but somehow fady. Sure this got to be long
path per Aoki A-07 they're beaming over 290¦. First
time for RA at this time of the day on 31m, when
dominant signals arrive from AIR and RVA. Uh...Sure,
for those newcomers All India Radio and Radio Veritas
Asia. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

R Austria Int'l 9870 at 0119 in English. Unusually jittery.
Good signal along with AIR Vividh Bharati. 23 October.
(Liz Cameron, MI, dxldyg 24/10/2007)

7465 Radio Tirana, 18:45-18:48, escuchada el 22 de octubre en ingles a locutora anunciando frecuencias, ID “Radio Tirana Broadcasting frecuencis”, locutor con noticias, se aprecia mala modulacion, referencias a Tirana, SINPO 45443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxlyg 23/10/2007)

R. Tirana, 13750, not blocked by Cuba this Sunday, Oct 21 at 1313
with bio of Mother Teresa, an Albanian, introduced with Ave Maria music. I
didn`t stay with it long enough to hear if they got to the recent revelation
that she was hardly a true-believer in Roman Catholicism, and this may have
dashed her chances for sainthood, or, should I say canonization? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

15344.24-.60v, R. Nac., 2324-0025, Oct 21/22, OM with
live futbol coverage and sports news, YL with many brief IDs, ToH 5+1
pips and start of the relay of LRA-14 programming, IDs "Radio Nacional
de Santa Fe", pop LA songs. Was steady on 15344.60 till about 2345,
when there was a sudden drift down to 15344.24, from 2350-0025 held
steady at 15344.33 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/10/2007)

7250 Bangladesh Betar?? 1231-1247+ really strong signal
and extremely weak mx at t/in. Don't know if the mx was being modulated by
the same signal or if it was something underneath. Awful Ham QRM from
7251. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 20/10/2007)

7105 Radio Belarus, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 22 de octubre en aleman a locutor con noticias internacionales, cuna de identificacion de la emisora, presentacion de espacio musical con tema de musica pop, cancion de los Bee Gees, SINPO 44444.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxlyg 23/10/2007)

4699.35, Radio San Miguel, 1020-1040 Male in Spanish comments.
At 1026, music presented. Signal was just above the noise at a poor level
and was practically gone by 1036. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/10/2007)

5952.42, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 1006-1015 Noted a female
in Spanish comments working with a male, they are presenting the
news. At 1010, a male calls out the ID Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/10/2007)

3310, Mosoj Chaski, 0910-0930 Noted a female in Spanish
comments. Heard place names like, "Santa Cruz", and "Bolivia".
Signal was poor. Seemed like the band hadn't faded in yet.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/10/2007)

15800 BULGARIA: R. Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Bulgarian, 14/10 1500. Inicio de tx, IS, id ‘R. Bulgaria’, YL: nx, 25422
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

4930 BOTSWANA: Voice of America, via Selebi-Phikwe, EE, 20/10 0422. OM:
talks, ‘Washington, summer, United States’, entrevista YL, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

Буркина Фасо
5030 BURKINA FASO: R. Burkina, Ouagoudougou, FF, 17/10. OM: talks, cancoes tipicas africanas, 44433
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

Венесуэла [non]
Paused for a moment on 13680 via Cuba, Oct 20 at 2325 as
RNV was just announcing their transmission schedule. Yes, it is still the same
one they started with in April 2004, which has undergone numerous changes and
additions since. You know it`s that one when they start with the long-imaginary
broadcast to ``San Francisco at 11 am on 13740``. After a nice song which we
suspected was by a falsetto, or a female with remarkable range, at 2328
efemerides (this day in history) for October 20, so we know this was a `new`
broadcast even with grossly outdated info on its own schedule. It seems they
are clueless in Caracas about the true times and frequencies they are on the
air (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

17630 GABAO: R. Afrique nr. 1, Moyabi, FF, 14/10 1448. OM: talks,
entrevista, referencias ao Gabao, id: YL (QRM China Radio Int. via Mali,
17630), 44544 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

9580 Africa N? 1, 18:58-19:03, escuchada el 22 de octubre en frances, cunas de identificacion, “Africa N? 1”, tonos horarios, locutora con titulares y boletin de noticias, referencias al Congo, SINPO 43433 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

4777 RTV Gabonaise (Moyabi), 0501-0510, 10/17/2007, French.
News by man. Segments from additional reporters. Moderate signal
with heavy utility interference (SINPO 32333). The only African
station heard with a decent signal tonight. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 25/10/2007)

Галапагосские о-ва
Not much broadcast DX possible from here, so I was satisfied to
hear HC8N on the Oct 25 ten-meter opening, at 2047 on 28515-USB working North
American hams. Not much info via QRZ.com page. BTW, The Ecuatorians, or at
least the Voice of the Andeans, refer to this as ``Our Columbus Archipelago``
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

15705 REINO UNIDO: Deutsche Welle, via Rampisham, Hindi, 14/10 1512. OM:
talks, vinheta musical da DW, YL: talks, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

15715 ALEMANHA: CVC Australia, via Wertachtal, EE, 14/10 1506. YL/OM: talks,
‘CVC’, mx pop (interessante a pronuncia do EE australiano, diferencas
acentuadas em relacao ao EE da Inglaterra e dos Estados Unidos), 35543
(Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

7450 Radio Makedonias, 18:43-18:45, escuchada el 22 de octubre en griego con programa musical, temas de musica pop local, SINPO 45343
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

11750 Adventist World Radio (KSDA, Agat), 2132-2159*,
10/16/2007, Chinese. Alternating segments of religious music and
talk by man. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 25/10/2007)

4780 21.00 RTD DIJBOUTI arabic l. id news good signal. (19-10-2007)
(F. Cecconi, Italy - playdx2003 20/10/2007)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 2050-2101*, Oct 20, Arabic talk.
Sign off with National Anthem. Poor, weak in noisy conditions.
(Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

9345 Kol Israel, 18:15-18:30, escuchada el 22 de octubre en espanol a locutora con presentacion, ID, boletin de noticias, locutor con entrevista a director de una escuela judia en Argentina, anuncian emitir la entrevista completa el proximo sabado 27 octubre, locutora con pronostico del tiempo, anuncia que se pueden escuchar el servicio en espanol de Kol Israel por Internet, SINPO 44444.(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

9425, AIR Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore) - National Channel,
1530-1550, Oct 21, pips, AIR ID, "The news at nine" (about Bobby
Jindal, an Indian-American, being elected governor of Louisiana;
Dussehra religious celebrations; sports news, etc.), gives phone
numbers to call to hear the news, 1545 ads (vernacular), into program
in English ("Spotlight"), good reception (500 KW does the job) (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

11785 khz (nominal). VOI heard from 17:00 utc through 21:00
utc sign-off. One hour blocks of Spanish, German, French and English.
Regional news at top of hour into indigenous/local pop music. Good to
very good signal. Easy copy. English ID's with "gongs" interval signal
at top of each hour.(Jim Ducharme, PR - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

11784.87, Suara Indonesia/Voice of Indonesia, 0839-0847,
Oct 20, programming in English, poor reception, another day that
9524.96 was not heard from (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1020-1030 Male announcer talking with
listeners on the telephone. He mentions place names during his
comments like "Jakarta" and others. On the half hour, canned
AD or promo. Signal was fair, (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/10/2007)

Must add another transmitter site with problems: Noblejas. REE, 6055
is normally very well heard and very well modulated, unlike the Costa Rica
relay, but Oct 21 at 0530 I found the 6055 audio cutting off for several
seconds at a time, more than it was cutting on, while 5965 CR was not doing so
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

4812.49, CBC, Sackville, *1100-1110+, Oct 19, thanks
to Dave Valko tip. French talk. Good signal. Sub-harmonic of 9624.98.
? x 9624.98. The 4 MHz frequency was actually stronger than the 9
MHz frequency. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060), 0450-0520, Sept 22,
the usual clear Monday (Marti and jammer are off), C&W songs, promo
(The Classic Country bumper sticker contest, giving away a deluxe
fly-fishing trip to Wyoming) poor-fair. Radio ICDI (Central African
Republic) still not heard at their *0500. (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/10/2007)

5050 CHINA: Voice of the Strait (t), Fuzhou, Ch, 17/10 2318. OM: talks, OM:
phone-in, entrevista, referencia a ‘Fuzhou’… (?), 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

9500, China National Radio 1, 1020-1035 (Tent) A really polished format with Chinese
comments and promos. Tried to find a parallel to confirm this, but nothing found this early.
Signal was fair but dropped to poor once in awhile. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/10/2007)

6034.9khz,10/25/07. HJOY,La Voz de Guaviare,In SP from tune in
11:25 until tune out 12:16. ID at 12:06. Om's and YL in banter,jingles,MX. Fair sig. QRM until 11:59, then clear.
(Jim Ducharme, Puerto Rico - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

13760.10, Voice of Korea, at 0835, Oct 20 checking
again for any hint of Cotton Tree News programming via UK. Nothing
but VOK Russian programming heard, no het or carrier on 13760.0 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

R. Rebelde, 11655, on late(?) Oct 21 at 1320 with a special for
elexion day in Cuba featuring a quiz, SFX, and a `sorpresa de Rebelde` which
was that at 1322 it cut abruptly to open carrier and then went off. Elexions?
Cuba? Like, ``which Commie would you prefer``? Not ``I`m voting the straight
Counter-Revolutionary ticket``. A bit later on RHC. it seemed that the elexions
concerned were municipal ones in the oriental province of Las Tunas, but this
was being played up as a great event, proof that Cuba enjoys true democracy, in
the form of Socialism Forever, whereby those not performing their duties may be
recalled by People Power. Ah, the Big Lie technique. Does it ever fool anybody?

Axually, the municipal elexions are nationwide, as explained on RHC`s website:
``Comenzo en Cuba eleccion de delegados municipales del Parlamento --- La
Habana (AIN) La prensa cubana refleja hoy la realizacion de las elecciones a
delegados en los 169 Asambleas municipales del Poder Popular bajo el lema de ?A
votar sin amos ni imposiciones!``

At 1500-1505 rechecked to find out what Cuba is doing this Sunday. Like last
week, no Esperanto on 11760, just // other RHC frequencies in Spanish, 9550,
11805, 12000, 15370 with more about elexions, apparently on extended schedule.
Featured a report on the event via a ham radio repeater in Villa Clara, yay.

Meanwhile, the separate Alo Presidente service was running on 17750, 13680,
11875 and 11670, but the 25m frequencies were barely audible, now aimed
elsewhere? BTW, the recently discovered RNV at 1500 on 11680 was missing again,
at least on this Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Later we heard
that HCF didn`t do a show this week because he had a cold; but the SW
transmission still ranю (Glenn Hauser, Enid, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

11990 Radio Kuwait, 19:10-19:20, escuchada el 22 de octubre en arabe con emision de musica disco dance, me sorprende escuchar este tipo de musica en una emisora arabe, este tipo de musica solo la escucho en algunas emisoras locales de FM aqui en Valencia, SINPO 55555. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

6130, Lao National Radio (presumed), 1440-1605, Oct 20 & 21,
in vernacular, nice program of SE Asian music and songs, fair, on past
their scheduled 1600 sign-off (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

5469.96, Radio Veritas, Monrovia, 2103-2110*, Oct 19,
English talk about local politics. Local African vocals. Pulled plug
mid-song. Weak. Poor. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

17870 FRANCA: Voice of Africa, via Issoudun, EE, 14/10 1432. OM: talks, mx
ao piano, YL: ‘Voice of Africa’, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

TDF GUF DRM, 17870-17875-17880, was missing this Monday Oct 22 around
1330 check; another air-conditioner breakdown? So something analogous was
audible on 17870, presumably Libya, but rechecked after 1400, no signal audible
when English is scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

11835 Voice of Africa / Radio Jamahiriya (presumed),
2140-2200, 10/16/2007, Arabic. Traditional music. Talk by man and
woman with short bridges of more modern music. No identification
heard. Moderate signal (SINPO 34333). I assume transmission is via
France. (Jim Evans, TN, USA - CumbreDX 25/10/2007)

7270 Wai FM (pres.) 1137-1149 Long tlk by W in vern. lang
w/brief period of indigenous vcl by W. 1149 W anncr w/clear ment of
'radio'. Into middle-east-like mx 1150-1154, then M anncr w/rapid
vern. tlk w/ment of Indonesia and Malaysia (nx??). 1200 deadair, W anncr
briefly (ID??), deadair, then weak mx. Was hoping they'd have streaming
audio on their Web site for a // but they don't. Good signal and
better than 7295. Some Ham QRM. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 20/10/2007)

6049.64 Asyik FM via Kajang 1237-1255 Oct 21. Noted off the
previous day (20 Oct) but back on today. YL ancr with phone chat to 1245,
then sub-continental vocal mx to 1255 tuneout. Fair signal. (J. M.Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 21/10/2007)

XEYU missing for at least a week as of Oct 21 from 9599.3v, as checked at random times day and night. I see Ron Howard had them on Oct 9
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

4755.25 PMA 1138-1400 Oct 19. Sermon to about 1150, then
mostly mx afterward with occasional "88.5 Cross Radio" ID's and
occasional periods of dead air - i.e. pretty much the same format as they
were running last week. Usual poor signal with an occasional fair peak.
Not heard on Oct 20 & 21. (J. M.Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 21/10/2007)

VON, presumed the one with drums and singing on 7255, Oct 20 at
2119, French scheduled during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

Новая Зеландия
5950, Radio New Zealand International, 0905-0915 Noted a
broadcast of local and world news in English Language. Other features
follow. Signal was good and dominated the frequency.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/10/2007)

Re the item concerning Radio Pakistan's Gujrati service (0400-0430 on API-3
9350 KHZ currently) via Aslam Javaid, Lahore Pakistan, Oct 19, DX LISTENING
DIGEST 7-126.............

This service did indeed once beam towards East Africa, but for at least two
years (maybe longer) it is now included within South Asia services using an
azimuth of 147 degrees according to the current PBC transmitter listings.
This beam angle is also used for services in Hindi, Tamil and Sinhala. The
PBC frequency schedule doesn't indicate target area, but the PBC folder type
schedule does list 'Gujrati for South Asia' .

The one remaining transmission intended for East Africa is at 1600 on 11550
via API-3 233 degrees - English News & Commentary. This is parallel 9380 and
11570 (API-5 & 6) intended for the Middle east via 282 degrees, and which,
if projected onwards, will also include a large part of northern Africa.

Gujrati: This broadcast is primarily aimed at Gujrati speaking
communities of South Asian origin residing in East and South East
Africa. This broadcast is also available for listeners of Radio
Pakistan Karachi on medium wave. A few years back it had considerable
listenership in East Africa but owing to transmitter problem it is
losing listeners. Since this is simultaneously available on medium
wave and shortwave it used to connect Gujrati speaking communities in
Africa and Karachi. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

4774.97, Radio Tarmac, 1037-1045 Huaynos music heard at tune-in.
At 1039 a male in Spanish comments, possibly canned promos and ID.
That CODAR(?) is right on top of this freq pulsating against my ear drums.
Back to music at 1040. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/10/2007)

9720, Radio Victoria, 1059-1120 Noted a woman in comments for a
brief time at 1059. After the hour male in comments over music. At
1103 canned promos and program notes presented. Something like a
political speech heard from male at 1107. Signal was fair this morning.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/10/2007)

PERU 4826.46 R. Sicuani 1012 Nonstop tlk by M and W in what sounded
like a mix of SP and Indian lang. Ment of radio, informativa, estudios,
Peru, campesina, 'Peru Andina'. 1017 campesino mx began w/anncrs still
tlking over. In nx-like pgm after 1031 w/same M anncr and several
actualities. Campesino mx at 1044, and clear simple "R. Sicuani" ID
followed immediately by promo. Fading by this time. Decent signal
w/horrible CODAR QRM. Drifted up 40 hz. (20 Oct.)

PERU 5039.2 R. Libertad *1025:50 Was listening to the OC off and on
for abt 4 minutes, then began pgm w/melancholy male choral dirge. 1028
beautiful canned opening ID anmnt by M over haunting mx, then canned anmnt
w/slight echo by M w/ment of "Cusco, Cerro, Cusco", Peru, and San
Martin. 1030 M w/shouting anmnt w/ment of nacional, and into nice Huayno
mx. This is one of the toughest 'regular' LAs here. Very nice signal
though this morning and not logged since Oct. 1996. (20 Oct.)

PERU 4774.96 R. Tarma 1048 pleasant LA male choral song. 1050 M anncr
w/rapid-fire anmnts over mx. Ment of melodia and Peru. Lively LA Tropical
Pops. Canned ID/promo at 1057 then live M anncr briefly and cont. mx, and
canned echo anmnt w/ment of Peru. Voice lvl abt the same as mx lvl made
anmnts hard to copy. Fading very fast towards ToH. (20 Oct.)

PERU 9720.03 R. Victoria 1108 M w/impassioned preaching, and
audience. Good signal and just barely got //6019.51 which was heaily QRMed
of course. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 20/10/2007)
(Chuck Bolland, October 21, 2007)

Peru, 5939.24, Radio Melodia, 1002-1020 Noted a male in steady Spanish comments. He's
putting a lot of expression into his comments, indicating this might be something other than
just news. Splatter from a lower freq interferes with the audio. Lots of splatter in this neighborhood.
At 1009, Huaynos music heard. Canned ID by a female while music is playing. Signal was poor.
(Chuck Bolland, October 21, 2007)

Peru, 4826.45, Radio Sicuani, 1013-1020 Initially heard a female in Spanish comments. This followed with
Spanish comments by a male. Mentions Iquitos and Lima once or twice, Also TC's periodically. Comments
continue by male. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 21/10/2007)

6019.50, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0600-0615, Oct 21, Spanish
religious music. Lite instrumental music. Spanish religious talk.
// 9720.04 - both frequencies weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

6019.43, Radio Victoria, 0843-0900 Noted a female and male in Spanish
Language comments At 0845, a canned sermon heard by a male preacher.
Noted words like, "Gloria!". Signal was poor and continued to drop down over
the period. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/10/2007)

6114.87, Radio Union, 0945-1000 Noted a female in Spanish
comments which continue during period. At 0953, heard Huaynos music.
At 0957 a male comments briefly. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/10/2007)

6193.29, Radio Cusco, 1015-1025 Can barely hear this station
this morning, even so, noted a male in Spanish comments. At 1020.
music heard. This followed with a female in comments. Signal was threshold.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 23/10/2007)

9720, Radio Victoria, 1102-1115 Noted a male in Spanish comments. Initially
heard mentions of "Lima" and "Iquitos" and other place names. Heard carrier prior
to 1100, but no audio. At 1102, audio faded in with above details and just got better
by the minute. Later announcer has a conversation with a second person - seemed
like a female. This format continues during period. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 24/10/2007)

5939.30, Radio Melodia, 2335-2359 With the usual commentary and features,
noted two males in conversation. Mentions of "Lima" and "Peru" heard. Signal
stays in until about 2356 at fair level, but starts to fade beyond that time.
Also heard with a good signal the following morning at 0855-0915 with
same format of Spanish comments and news by male. Heard live ID
as, "Radio Melodia..." during comments. Condx of the signal in at this
time was good!. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 26/10/2007)

3137, Weather, 0925--0933 Female relaying surface weather to
a male in English in Simplex mode. Female had American accent while male
had a British accent. At close, ID given by female as, "This is Puerto Rico out ..."
Could not find and reference for the location of the Puerto Rico Station in the Confidential
Frequency List. Signal was good for both stations. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 26/10/2007)

A month ago I remarked that Oct is the annual peak for 13mb
reception, but that certainly has not panned out this year with sunspots zero
and solar flux minimum. Nevertheless, I occasionally patrol the band in case
something beyond NAm make it through. And so it did, besides WYFR on 21455,
21525, Oct 25 at 1938, good signal from RDPI on 21655 in silly ballgame. 1942
made it // 15560 which had a huge SAH of 4 Hz, as if a second transmitter at
the same site were inadvertently turned on the same (almost) frequency. But
only one audio source. However, these `SAH` fades also put out pulses audible
out to plus/minus 20 kHz from 15560, so maybe it was really one transmitter
malfunxioning. By 1952 the signal on 15560 had recovered when the important SBG
coverage was interrupted for a pending QSY announcement, 21655 to 15295 in ten
minutes for Cabo Verde. A brief check of 15560 at 2001 found some other noise
on the transmission. At 2030, 15295 was also coming in. When may we hear 21655
in B-07? Per full tentative sked via Carlos Goncalves in DXLD 7-125, 13 m usage
0800 – 1500 .....ss Af 21830
1100 – 1300 mtwtf.. B/Af 21655
1100 – 1700 .....ss B/Af 21655

12065, R. Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok, 0848-0900*, Oct 20,
fair with Russian programming, IDs for Tikhiy Okean and several for
"Primorskoe Radio" (I had always thought I was hearing them say
"Moscow Radio" in their IDs, which did not make sense to me. I was not
connecting the "Pri" with "morskoe", which I mistook for what sounded
like Moscow. Finally got it right!) ToH 2 pips. 9465 had strong open
carrier, but zero audio (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

7210 R Rossii-Moscu-Taldon 1516UTC el dia 20 de octubre en ruso, un excelente programa musical multicultural, con varias canciones en Espanol, variedad de idiomas y estilos musicales, realmente bueno, SINPO 35333 (Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 20/10/2007)

9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0835-0900 At 0835 noted music briefly,
then ID by a male and Russian comments or news follows from a female. This
format continued until 0849 when music was heard. At 0855 after some music,
male gives an ID, "... Radiostansya Tikhiy Okean ...". Signal was poor
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/10/2007)

9765, Radiostantsiya Tikhiy Okean, 0845-0900 Tuned in late after
the sign-on. Heard a male and female either in news or commentary at
that time. At 0853 music presented. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 26/10/2007)

9515, Radio Romania International, (PRES)1110-1130+ Noted a program of features and
comments in the German Language from a male and female. Music filler between topics.
Many mentions of "Romania" and "Buchuresti". All of my hardcopy references lists this
transmission between 1200 to 1300 UTC and none mention this freq. Signal was fair.
(Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/10/2007)

Nominal 15660 kHz VoRussia's SoEaAS service daily 1200-1500 UT
produced two spurious outlets today Oct 22 again.

Noted at 1240 UT on 15133.6 - 15146.4, and 16174 - 16191 kHz.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 22/10/2007)

Сан Томе/США
4960 SAO TOME & PRINCIPE: Voice of America, via Pinheira, EE, 20/10 0428. //
4930 Voice of America Botswana (vide logging 4930), 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

6095 SAO TOME & PRINCIPE: Voice of America, via Pinheira, PP, 20/10 0434. Px
em PP (pronuncia de Portugal), OM: talks, mx pop em EE, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

Саудовская Аравия
BSKSA Riyadh, 15435, Oct 22 at 1505 with muezzin, in Call of
Islam service within First Program, good here but fluttery, 320 degree beam
toward NAm, // much weaker 15225. These two are expected to continue in B-07
(Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

6185, RSI, 1115-1315, Oct 20, programming in Chinese,
IDs "RSI", often mentions RSI website, several "Singapore" jingles.
Good reception. Scheduled for 1100-1400. I occasional see postings for
China Huayi Broadcast Co. here during this same time period, but I
wonder how CHBC's 15 KW could compete with RSI's 250 KW. Not a trace
of them today. Does CHBC still change to 4830 in the winter? (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

6055, Radio Slovakia International, 0758-0810+, At 0758 in English, "you are listening to
Radio Slovkia International". On the hour, a program of news and features in the German Language.
Plenty of ID's in German heard. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/10/2007)

Radio Miraya: Glenn, Here's what I have finally
received from Sudan regarding shortwave. They are using Nexus out of
Italy [a.k.a. BULGARIA --- gh]. Hope you can use this (Albert Muick,
Broadcast Technology Officer/Technical Director, Radio MINUSTAH
(United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti), Oct 23, DX LISTENING

Dear All, It is my pleasure to announce to you that we have selected a
frequency and timeline for short wave. Miraya Radio on short wave will
broadcast form the 9825 kHz frequency on the 31 meter band. The
broadcast time will be 6-9 PM. [UT +3 = 1500-1800] Regards,

(Leon Willems, OIC PIO / Chief of Radio, UN mission in Sudan
Khartoum, Sudan willems @ un.org +249 9 12170124 (mobile)
+249 187 086250 / 6068 (direct line)
190 6250 / 6068 (intermission line)

PLOT 16-17 Block 25
New Bridges Street
Manshiya Khartoum,
Oct 9, via Muick, DXLD)

FYI - we launch this Thursday (25 Oct/ 6-9 PM Sudan time). If you
listen, please let us know the quality of our reception. xxxx (Nanci
Hersh, Broadcast Technology Officer / Radio Operations,
UNMIS/PIO/Radio, Office/Dect : +249 (0) 187 08 7562, Mobile: +249 (0)
912 178782 e-mail: hersh @ un.org via Al Muick, UN, DXLD)

Just a few days before A-07 becomes B-07. At first the only co-channel
problem A-07 should be VOR Samara at 17-18 at 140 and/or 188 degrees.

But in B-07 there will be more problems unless a lot of stations are
persuaded to get out of the way. 9825 is planned for IBB Biblis at
1500-1600, 88 degrees. Numerous stations are scheduled for 9820 at
various times within the trihour: Goa, Dhabayya, Moscow, Julich,
Taiwan, Wertachtal. And on 9830, Samara and Wertachtal, both aimed in
the general direxion of Sudan, as are some of the 9820 ones (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 24/10/2007)

On tuning through 31m at around 1315 (yes 1315) I came across a transmission
on 9825 that eventually identified as Miraya FM. The language is unknown but
there was a discussion between several male voices in which Sudan was often
mentioned. I also heard details of frequencies, and a email address that
sounded like >www.mirayafm.org< as well as another not fully recognised.

Now - at 1335 - there is a programme of Afro-pops. The signal is a good one
and peaking to 9 on my meter with no QRM. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 25/10/2007)

Miraya FM began regular SW service on Oct 25, 9825 scheduled at
1500-1800 via IRRS Bulgaria, but on the first day ran at 1300-1600 instead by
mistake, they tell me. All I could get was a weak carrier, but confirmed with
good reception in England, by Noel Green, Alan Pennington. Details in DX
LISTENING DIGEST 7-128 and 7-129 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

Reverend Melissa heard on all regularly scheduled
frequencies at 0140+. 5935 WWCR, 6090 Anguilla, and 5030, 6150 and 7375
via Costa Rica. 7375 has been fairly clear lately. None of the Costa
Rican frequencies are listed on her website. 23 October.
(Liz Cameron, MI, dxldyg 24/10/2007)

25950 kHz 10/26/07, 0225+ UTC, KOA Denver (studio link) with play-by-play of Rockies/Red Sox World Series game. "850 KOA" ID, commercials for UMB Bank and Rockies-related promos. Listed as being FM mode, but having a tough time getting my receiver to lock it in on FM, so I've been listening to it as distorted SSB. WWV on 20 mHz also coming in well at this time, albeit a little fluttery. Long fades, else fair. (Schiefelbein-MO-USA - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

7260 R. Thailand 1114-1129* Oct 20. Chimes to 1115, then EG
ID: "This is Radio Thailand World Service broadcasting from
Bangkok...transmitters...in northeast Thailand" and into presumed Khmer
broadcast. Off at 1129:30. Good signal. (J. M.Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 21/10/2007)

9835, Radio Thailand, 1230-1259, Oct 21, Sign on
with gongs, opening English ID announcements & English news at 1231.
Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

VOT, 15450, Oct 22 at 1321, just intuned in time for sign-off and
IS, but the audio was somewhat distorted, which would have made it unpleasant
to try to listen to, had I tried earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

*0000-0500; 7530; Lviv; 600; 303; Northeastern America

Подскажите пожалуйста, этот передатчик ранее был на 7510? Одно время я регулярно принимал довольно стабильный сигнал.
Кто нибудь знает, почему у Дегена эта частота уже "за диапазоном" и попасть на неё можно только введя частоту с клавиш?
Весьма туманен вопрос о чётких границах КВ-диапазонов..
Заранее спасибо за разьяснение!
(Евгений Токарь, Минск, Беларусь - open_dx 26/10/2007)

> Подскажите пожалуйста, этот передатчик ранее был на 7510? Одно время я
> регулярно принимал довольно стабильный сигнал.

На 7440, а 7510 было из Харькова.

> Кто нибудь знает, почему у Дегена эта частота уже "за диапазоном" и
> попасть на неё можно только введя частоту с клавиш?

Это недостаток Дегена: вверх по частоте нельзя проскочить 7500, а обратно можно.
(А. Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 26/10/2007)

Шри Ланка/США
7580 Radio Farda, 18:49-18:52, escuchada el 22 de octubre en persa con emision de musica pop local, cuna de ID “A Radio Farda”, SINPO 44343.
(J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/10/2007)

7110 ETIOPIA (t): R. Ethiopia, Adis Abeba, Ve, 20/10 0449. OM: talks (idioma
africano ?), OM: talks de estudio, 25532 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

6110 CHILE: CVC, via Santiago, PP, 20/10 0443. Mx pop crista, mx instrumental, ‘CVC’, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 20/10/2007).

Ю. Африка
25/10/07, South Africa, 11810khz, Channel Africa heard in ENG from
17:49 tune in until 18:12 tune out. ID at TOH. Regional affairs talks.
EL MX bumpers. Fair sig. QRM from both sides. Jim Ducharme, Puerto Rico, dxldyg 25/10/2007)

Conditions on 31m were rather different Oct 23 than they had
been lately. At 0531, Channel Africa was coming in well on 9685 in English with
that curious variety of accents their people use.
This is 500 kW at 335 degrees, so not too far off for NAm reception (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

Since as I pointed out, the other three remaining broadcasts in
English from R. Japan to NAm have interference problems, I finally checked out
the fourth, 0000-0020 UT via Sackville 6145, Oct 21 and found it in the clear!
World Interactive was indeed playing already at 0001, despite showing as
``09.10 JST`` on their website schedule; but presumably its final repeat in the
true cycle, W&W discussing remedies for sore throat in different countries,
then mailbag item about too-early Xmas celebrations.

If there has been any breaking news in Asia since 1410 UT, you will not hear
about it in English on R. Japan until 0500 the next day, as there is no news on
the only intervening broadcasts at 2200 and 2400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

9595, Radio Tampa, 1115-1130 Steady music until 1124. At 1124 male gives
ID, "Radio Tampa" inclosed within Japanese language comments. Following that, a
female in Japanese language comments. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 24/10/2007)

Usually it`s DGS Costa Rica on 9725, but has been missing
lately, and propagation differed too on Oct 23 as on 9725 with hum, until 0530
I was getting NHK Warido, R. Japan. Before signing off, announcer gave all the
frequencies for the next broadcast at 0900. Since Oct 1, I`ve never heard them
give frequencies for the broadcast actually in progress! So to find out the
frequencies for 0500, one needs to listen at 0019? This is 250 kW from Gabon
beamed 170 degrees toward South Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/10/2007)

1510 WWZN Belmont Park, Boston

Possibly one of the first winter trans-atlantic mediumwave catches.
Heard between 2230 and 2330 carrying some "silly ballgame" with
adverts mentioning Boston. Reception only fair 33333 with some
fadeouts. A quick scan of other North American frequencies brought
nothing - even on the usually reliable 930. (Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

783 Mauritania, Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott. Traditional African
music, poor to fair, parallel with 4845 Khz SW feed, first catch
(10/22/2007, 22:37).

1385.92 (prob.) Guinea, Radio rurale, Labe. According to EMWG, this
station is off frequency (should be 1386)on 1385.92. Carrier present
with weak audio. Seems talk w.african accent, barely audible to poor,
first catch (10/23/2007, 22:33). (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, Canada - mwdx 24/10/2007)

105.00 20:23 2007-10-19 E RNE Radio 5 Lierganes/Pena
Cabarga News E515 RNE_5___ 875Km
90.60 20:32 2007-10-19 E RNE Radio Clasica Bilbao/Monte
Artxanda Music//Web stream 864Km
(Mike Fallon, Saltdean, U.K. - FM 20/10/2007)

Below is a log including some PTY codes of stations heard whilst on
holiday in Sissi N.E of Crete, i have tried too keep the log as
honourable as possible with the PTY codes as were noted using the
now much sought after Grundig Satellit 700 + it's own telescopic
antenne. Our hotel was set in a beautiful bay with views out towards
the sea facing north & the Cretian mountains to the south, each
evening around 19:00hrs local time fog could be seen
formind/descending over the mountains. Anyway less of the talk now
for the log, feel free if dx'ers are able to help in ID'ing certain
stations or their country of origine if any?

87.9 Eroto Kritos = PTY 3036 OO
88.1 Radio Fono = 1070 10
88.7 Capital Radio = PTY ??
90.4 Super 90.4 Akouses = 105E O1
91.0 Pomanit Kos 91.0 = 10AB 10
90.2 Power FM = ??
91.7 Malta Magic = ??
92.1 Sky News 92.1 = 1397 10
92.3 Radio Lasithi = 9000 00
92.5 PRX FM = 1033 00
94.7 Best FM = 1870 10
94.7 Radyo 5 = ?
94.8 RIK 3 = ??
95.3 DRS FM Sissi = 1057 10
95.5 Radio Antenna 5 = ??
96.1 Kiss FM = 50F7 10
96.7 Voc FM = 5400 11
97.2 RIK 1 = ?
97.3 Astra FM = ??
97.7 Radio Nisoos = 10C6 10
97.9 KPTHO Pcma FM = 100B 10
98.0 Antenna 4 = ??
98.4 Radio 98.4 = 101B 00
98.7 Vanilla Shake 98.7 = 1118 00
99.7 Radio Irras? = 1086 10
100.0 Radio Fondu (City FM) = 1018 00
100.2 Power FM = ??
100.3 KPOOI FM? = 10D1 10
101.0 Kriti FM = 1045 00
101.5 Kriti FM = 1045 00
101.7 Kriti FM = 1045 00
101.9 Studio 19 FM = 1020 00
102.8 Radio 102.8 Love FM = FFFF 10
103.1 Creta FM = 11BB 01
103.3 Lato FM = 103C 00
103.3 RTK = FFFF
103.3 Super Radio FM = FFFF
103.4 TRT 4 = FFFF
103.9 Radio Anamnisi = 5158 00
104.2 Nile FM ??? But not 100% sure
104.4 104.4 FM = 209F 00
104.4 Mix FM = FFFF
105.1 Music Channel = 1003 00
105.1 Heart FM = FFFF
105.3 Radio Astra = FFFF
105.8 Erotiko Music Club = 1165 10
106.2 Radyo Mydonose = FFFF
106.4 Top FM = FFFF
106.5 Radyo Mydonose = FFFF
106.8 Melody 106.6 FM = FFFF

I also tried TV'dxing but was hampered by use of only the JVC CX-60ME's small telescopic aerial, so i gave up.
(Dave, U.K. - skywaves 20/10/2007)

Just come back from a visit to my mum's and noticed on the way back that the Holme
Moss nationals were coming in well on the car radio. So I stopped for a few minutes at
White Hill above Kingsclere and logged the following:

95.6 BBC Radio WM clear
95.9 BBC Radio Humberside strong!
96.9 Viking FM poor with splatter from 2-Ten FM Reading
104.9 BBC Radio Leicester good
105.8 Galaxy FM fair

So it looks like there's some tropo to the north. Home set-up is still picking up enhanced signals from Essex/Tacolneston including BBC Radio Norfolk 95.1 & Dream 100 100.2. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, U.K. - skywaves 20/10/2007)

87.9 Eroto Kritos = PTY 3036 OO (This is a local Pirate
station !!!!)
88.1 Radio Fono = 1070 10 (listed as Dimotikon Radiofono in
88.7 Capital Radio = PTY ?? YES YOU GOT Malta right on 88.7
CAPITAL RADIO !!! 8 kW TX Gharghur
http://www.capitalradio.com.mt A great catch !!!!!
90.4 Super 90.4 Akouses = 105E O1 OK TX in Iraklion Crete.
91.0 Pomanit Kos 91.0 = 10AB 10 (may be Erotikos 91 in Iraklion ??)
90.2 Power FM = ?? OK this is in KATERINI !!!!
http://www.power.gr/main.html )
91.7 Malta Magic = ?? YES THIS IS REALLY FROM MALTA !!!!! Great
Catch !!!
this station is operated by PBS Malta http://www.pbs.com.mt/
92.1 Sky News 92.1 = 1397 10 (relay from IPERIXOS FM ,
Iraklion ??)
92.3 Radio Lasithi = 9000 00 OK TX in IERAPETRA, CRETE
92.5 PRX FM = 1033 00 OK is IPERIXOS FM, TX in IRAKLION
94.7 Best FM = 1870 10 OK TX Iraklion
94.7 Radyo 5 = ? Yes you got Turkey !!!! TX MARMARIS !!
see map : http://www.radyo5.com.tr/frekanslar.asp
94.8 RIK 3 = ?? Yes you got Cyprus Greek Radio 3rd Progr. TX
Mt.Olympus !!!
95.3 DRS FM Sissi = 1057 10 OK TX Iraklion Rogdia
95.5 Radio Antenna 5 = ?? (new name for Radio Sitia, Sitia,
Crete ????)
96.1 Kiss FM = 50F7 10 OK TX Iraklion Rogdia
96.7 Voc FM = 5400 11 OK University of Crete Radio = UoC Radio
correct name see WEB : http://www.radio.uoc.gr
97.2 RIK 1 = ? Yes you got Cyprus Greek Radio 1st Progr. TX Mt
97.3 Astra FM = ?? OK this is from VOLOS Mt Pilion Greece.
97.7 Radio Nisoos = 10C6 10 (not listed, may be in Lefkas Island
97.9 KPTHO Pcma FM = 100B 10 OK KRITORAMA FM TX Iraklion
98.0 Antenna 4 = ?? OK in VOLOS, Mt Pilion , Greece
98.4 Radio 98.4 = 101B 00 OK TX Iraklion
98.7 Vanilla Shake 98.7 = 1118 00 OK TX TX Iraklion
99.7 Radio Irras? = 1086 10 should be IAK, Iera Arhiepi TX
100.0 Radio Fondu (City FM) = 1018 00 OK Radio City FM 100 TX
100.2 Power FM = ?? OK this is from VOLOS, Mt Pilion POWER FM 100.2
100.3 KPOOI FM? = 10D1 10 Should be WELCOME KRITI FM TX Iraklion
(Local Progr.for tourists) WEB : http://www.kritifm.gr/new/
101.0 Kriti FM = 1045 00 OK TX Iraklion-Yiouktas
101.5 Kriti FM = 1045 00 OK TX Fodhele-Mt Vasiliko
101.7 Kriti FM = 1045 00 OK TX Neapoli-Stavros
101.9 Studio 19 FM = 1020 00 OK TX Iraklion-Yiouktas
102.8 Radio 102.8 Love FM = FFFF 10 OK TX Iraklion
correct name is Radio Juke Box - Love FM Radio 102.80
103.1 Creta FM = 11BB 01 OK it is MEGA Creta http://www.a14.gr/
they are same group as above 102.80 MHz TX Iraklion
103.3 Lato FM = 103C 00 OK TX Neapoli-Stavros, Crete
103.3 RTK = FFFF Are you sure it was on 103.30 MHz ??
on 103.00 MHz operates RTK MALTA TX Gharghur 8 kW
103.3 Super Radio FM = FFFF OK This is from Volos-Mt Pilion, Greece
103.4 TRT 4 = FFFF OK this is Turkey, and in Istanbul is listed 30
kW TRT 4
103.9 Radio Anamnisi = 5158 00 OK TX Iraklion
104.2 Nile FM ??? But not 100% This is another great catch !!!
You got Egypt !!! the new commercial station NILE FM !!!! from Cairo.
104.4 104.4 FM = 209F 00 OK TX Neapoli-Stavros, Crete
104.4 Mix FM = FFFF the only MIX FM results in Lebanon Beiruth
TX Achrafieh 50 kW ......but it is a tentative ....
105.1 Music Channel = 1003 00 OK http://www.mousikokanali.gr/ Crete
105.1 Heart FM = FFFF OK this is from Volos-Mt Pilion, Greece
105.3 Radio Astra = FFFF OK this is from Cyprus Radio Astra 92.80
MHz relay
TX Vavatsinia, Larnaca, Cyprus http://www.astra.com.cy/
105.8 Erotiko Music Club = 1165 10 OK TX Fodhele-Mt Vasiliko,
106.2 Radyo Mydonose = FFFF OK THIS IS FROM TURKEY
TX : Izmir or Mudanya-Gundogdu Tepe 5 kW both TX
106.4 Top FM = FFFF OK this is from Volos-Mt Pilion , Greece
106.5 Radyo Mydonose = FFFF OK This is in Turkey 4 TXs listed
Alanya, Gaziantep, Samsun, Zonguldac......... no power listed from
106.8 Melody 106.6 FM = FFFF OK this is Melody 106.8 FM from Volos-Mt Pilion, Greece .
(D. Monferini, Italy - skywaves 21/10/2007)

87.5 Links FM, London pirate
87.5 UK's Finest, Berkshire pirate
87.7 Arrow Classic Rock, Lelystad
87.7 RTL, St Omer, 62
87.7 Redroad FM, Kiveton Park (Sheffield) RSL
87.7 UNID London house music pirate "..... FM, It's all about the house"
87.9 Contact FM, Montreuil, 62
87.9 Omroep Zeeland, Goes
87.9 Shine 879, London pirate RDS: SHINE879
89.4 France Musique, Brest, 29
89.4 UNID London pirate with reggae
89.6 Deep FM, West Midlands pirate
89.9 France Musique, Rennes, 35
90.0 UNID London pirate with strong African-English dialect
90.2 France Musique, Neufchatel-en-Bray, 76
90.2 Point Blank FM, Slough?
91.0 France Musique, Alencon, 61
91.4 BBC R3, Pontypool likely
91.5 France Culture, Caen, 14
91.6 BBC R3, Machynlleth or Llandecwyn?
91.6 Genesis FM, London pirate
91.6 RNE Clasica, Monte Xalo, Galicia
91.8 Passion FM, London pirate
91.8 RTE-2, Mount Leinster
92.2 Midlands Rush, Telford
92.4 BBC R3, Swingate
92.6 NOS-2, Lopik
93.2 Sheffield Live, Sheffield
93.4 SER, La Coruna
93.4 UNID pirate, prob neither Birmingham nor London
93.6 BBC R Cymru, Pontypool
93.6 BBC R4, multi-tx
93.6 UNID Spanish, sports commentary - Barcelona playing. A few
93.8 Smooth FM, West Midlands pirate
94.0 France Culture, Rouen, 76
94.0 UNID London pirate, three listed
94.0 UNID pop station, Belgium. R Mi Amigo, Koolskamp?
94.3 NOS-4, Lopik
94.6 BBC R Berkshire, Henley-on-Thames
94.6 UNID London pirate. Kool FM, Hackney?
95.0 BBC R Gloucestershire, Stroud
95.2 BBC R Cornwall, Caradon Hill
95.2 RTE-1, Clermont Carn
95.3 BBC Essex, South Benfleet
95.4 BBC R Newcastle, Pontop Pike (received at Alport Height)
95.4 France Inter, Brest, 29
95.5 BBC Somerset Sound, Mendip
95.8 BBC R4, Black Hill (received at Alport Height)
95.9 BBC R Wales, Christchurch or Haverfordwest
96.1 Rother FM, Rotherham (received at Alport Height)
98.1 Mystic FM, London pirate
98.3 France Culture, Rennes, 35
98.5 BBC R1, Crystal Palace
99.0 UNID London pirate. Horra FM, Batersea?
99.2 UNID London pirate
99.2 UNID Spanish. RNE-3, Bilbao? Jazz music
99.6 France Inter, Caen, 14
99.8 KC FM, Kingston-upon-Hull
99.8 Millennium Supreme, London pirate
99.9 R Norwich, Stoke Holy Cross
100.0 Kiss 100, Croydon
100.8 Classic FM, Blunsdon
101.0 Kiss FM, Mendip
101.2 Holland, whichever network it is now. Damned if I can remember!
101.2 Unique FM, London pirate
101.5 Silk City R, Birmingham pirate
101.8 WCR, Wolverhampton
102.3 HFM, Market Harborough
102.6 Essex FM, Bakers Wood
103.1 Invicta FM, Bluebell Hill
103.4 BBC R Devon, North Hessary Tor
103.5 BBC Wiltshire Sound, Newton Barrow
103.6 BBC Swindon, Blunsdon
103.8 BBC 3CR, Zouches Farm
103.9 BBC R Wales, Wenallt
104.1 BBC R Berkshire, Hannington
104.3 BBC Wiltshire Sound, Naish Hill
104.7 BBC R Gloucestershire, Churchdown Hill
105.0 RNE-5 Santander, Lierganes
105.8 Wave 105, Poole
106.5 Original 106.5, Mendip
106.8 Dublin's Country Mix 106.8, Three Rock Mountain (received at
Alport Height)
106.8 Jack FM, Oxford
107.2 The Wire, Kidderminster
107.3 Unique FM, Nottingham pirate
107.4 Sting FM, Birmingham pirate
108.0 Unknown FM, London pirate
(J. Faulkner, U.K. - skywaves 21/10/2007)

Meteor Scatter
103.00 06:01 2007-10-21 I RAI Uno Menconico/Monte
Penice Unattended rx 5201 RADIO1__ 964Km

Some short range tropo logged today
105.50 06:59 2007-10-21 G Palm FM Beacon Hill (Devon)
Music//Web stream 257Km
105.10 07:00 2007-10-21 G Atlantic FM Caradon Hill
(Cornwall) News 314Km
103.90 07:05 2007-10-21 G BBC Radio Cornwall Redruth
(Cornwall) News 372Km
103.70 07:06 2007-10-21 G Channel 103FM Fremont Point
(Jersey) Ads/Voice ID//Web stream 227Km
102.80 07:07 2007-10-21 G Pirate FM Redruth (Cornwall)
Music/Voice ID 372Km
101.20 07:10 2007-10-21 G South Hams Radio
Kingsbridge/Soar (Devon) Ads/Voice ID//Web stream 274Km
103.00 11:25 2007-10-21 G Gemini FM Stockland Hill
(Devon) Ads/Voice ID//Web stream 218Km
104.30 14:28 2007-10-21 F RTL Paris/Tour Eiffel (75)
Talks F211 __RTL___ 272Km
103.90 14:30 2007-10-21 F RFM Paris/Tour Eiffel (75)
Music F212 __RFM___ 272Km
103.10 14:33 2007-10-21 F France Bleu Armorique
Rennes/St.Pern (35) Music F905 BLEUARMO 314Km
102.20 14:38 2007-10-21 G Pirate FM Caradon Hill
(Cornwall) Ads/Voice ID//Web stream 314Km
96.40 14:43 2007-10-21 G Gemini FM Beacon Hill (Devon)
Ads/Voice ID//Web stream 257Km
96.60 18:50 2007-10-21 F France Bleu Mayenne Laval/Mont
Rochard (53) Music FC05 BLEU.MAY 288Km
93.00 18:53 2007-10-21 F France Bleu Breiz Izel Brest/Roc
Tredudon (29) Music FF05 BLEU.BRE 386Km
90.60 19:00 2007-10-21 F France Inter
Nantes/Haute-Goulaine (44) News F201 __INTER_ 415Km
89.90 19:15 2007-10-21 F France Musique Rennes/St.Pern
(35) Talks F203 MUSIQUE 314Km
89.00 19:18 2007-10-21 F France Culture Le Mans/Mayet
(72) Talks F202 _CULTURE 338Km
104.10 19:32 2007-10-21 F NRJ Laval (53) Music//Web
stream 311Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 21/10/2007)

105.00 09:31 2007-10-24 POR Terra Nova FM Ilhavo Unattended rx 807A TERANOVA 1313Km
(Mike Fallon, U.K. - FM 24/10/2007)

1038 E2 TVE Caption with text along bottom of screen.

Also 'seen' on waterfall was Muro, Portugal. Spain was noted very high around 250.460.
(Paul, Sussex, U.K. - TV 24/10/2007)

tropo to france with
87.8 courtoise
94.6 fun
98.9 sea fm
95.0 france bleu cotentin stereo
100.2 tendance ouest
100.7 fb cotentin clear
101.9 nrj weak
102.3 2cr fm stereo
102.4 queywest fm comp
102.6 france bleu basse normandie clear to stereo
105.2 wave 105 and nostalgie competing
basically the first ones to normally come on a tropo this is in v
(Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 25/10/2007)

104. r4
103.8 r4
103.6 r4
105.2 kerrang
105.4 real stereo
105.7 smooth weak
106.3 bridge fm clear
107.0 atlantic clear
107.2 star fm clear
107.7 star fm clear
107.9 gtfm clear
103.3 radio ceridgn clear
102.8 pirate fm clear
102.2 pirate fm stereo
102. beat? clear
101.9 classic clear
100.8 classic clear
100.7 classic clear
95.3 bbc wales stereo
95.2 bbc cornwall clear
95.1 bbc wales clear
94.8 bbc devon clear
94.7 bbc h and w clear
94.5 bbc r4/bbc ulster? comp
104.7 bbc gloucster weak to clear
96.0 bbc shropshire clear
90.8 bbc r3 clear
(Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 26/10/2007)

На этой неделе переписал программный код скрипта DRM Recorder, которые
улучшили стабильность в работе при записи логфайлов программой Dream и
заодно протестировал его работу. Напомню - DRM Recorder v1.0, скрипт по
сценарию Macro Scheduler, который я в основном закончил к лету этого года,
позволяет без присутствия оператора делать скриншоты интерфейса и записывать
аудио и логфайлы пяти сессий радиоприема с использованием Icom PCR 1000.
Хороший шанс проверить скрипт предоставила Немецкая Волна, которая в этом
сезоне работает из Португалии в течение дня на пяти частотах диапазона 21
метр - 13660, 13790, 13800, 13810 и 13820 кГц. Передачи на 13790 и 13810 в
коллекции уже были, оставшиеся три частоты - для меня новые. Слышно очень
хорошо на всех частотах, CDA приближается к 100%. Так что все скриншоты
передач Немецкой Волны от 16 октября на этот раз сделаны без моего
непосредственного участия. Возможно, до конца года напишу вторую версию, в
которой хотелось бы реализовать уже появившиеся идеи - в программный код
просятся дополнительные функции автоматической регистрации параметров
приемного сигнала.
Перед тестами на 12060 кГц принимал передачу Голоса России в последние
минуты трансляции на немецком языке с 09.55 до 10-и часов. Заметил, что
диктор называет новый адрес электронной почты и интернет-сайта, а в эфир
транслируется еще старый, "воровской". Похоже, что так называемый
человеческий фактор не способна победить ни одна даже самая передовая
технология, в т.ч. и DRM. Ну и сразу видно, что синхронизации транслируемых
данных между студией и техническим приемным центром нет никакой, ни
административной, ни, тем более, автоматической.
Еще на этой неделе попробовал работать с программой DRM Log Plotter
http://www.aiphone.ch/drm/drmlogplot.html - конкурент DRMCalc, анализ
логфайлов. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 21/10/2007)
Неофициальное вещание

Болгария (?)
9510, IRRS-Milano, Italy, 1150-1200*, Oct 21,
presumably via Bulgaria with continuous lite pop music. ID at
sign off. Sundays only. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

12035khz, SWRadio Africa, Heard in ENG from
18:22 tune in until 18:59 sign off. "Hot Seat" interview of OM by YL on
opposition political parties to Mugabe in upcoming March,08 Zimbabwe
elections. VERY STRONG sig. Clear freq. No jamming. ID at 18:58. s/off
with short carrier note. Anyone know where this is originating from?
(Jim Ducharme, Puerto Rico, dxldyg 25/10/2007)

4699,37 19/10 2301 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, talks, poor

4746,9 19/10 2254 Radio Huanta 2000, Peru, songs, poor

4845,25 20/10 0145 Radio Cultura, Manaus, Brazil, songs, good

9575 19/10 2330 Medi 1, Morocco, songs, good

9875 19/10 2340 Radio Kuwait, songs AA, good

9630 19/10 2337 CNR1 Chinese invasion !

9985 19/10 2354 WWCR Nashville, USA, EE,id, end of BC on this freq at 2359,

11815 19/10 2315 Radio Brasil Central, songs and jingles, fair

12020 19/10 2325 HCJB, Ecuador, songs, talks PP fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 20/10/2007)

17770,0 1508 AFS CHANNEL AFRICA-Meyerton Entrevista- 20/10 Ing 45433
17700,0 1511 G Radio Solh-Rampisham Mx tipica 20/10 Pas 35333
7120,0 1516 RUS R ROSSII-Moscu-Taldon Px MX multicultural, ESP-HINDU Etc 20/10 Rus 35333
7440,0 1555 BLR R BELARUS-Minsk-Kalodzicy PX Musical 20/10 Blr 35333
9395,0 1608 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Com 20/10 Pas 35333
9510,0 1613 SNG BBC-Kranji Dep-Retrans Futbol 20/10 Ing 25332
9590,0 1618 MDG FAMILY RADIO-Talata-Volondry Com+Id completa+Com 20/10 Swa 44444
9720,0 1653 TUN RTV TUNICIA-Sfax COM 20/10 Ara 44444
9795,0 1702 RUS LV RUSIA-Samara Id+Nx 20/10 Fra 45444
(Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 20/10/2007)

1520 : 0405 posibly siggnals from Brazil with marginal carrier level . cant get except carrier Liangas 19-10-7

USA 9450 EWTN/WEWN 2157 with IS Off at 2159* 34323 Liangas 19-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

N ZEALAND 9615 RNZI with old songs 'i have to go' and 'i just called' then a series with classical or operas ID at 0619 with an old play . NIce
signal at S& 35424 with deep fades - First time listening them with so 'strong' signal Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

S ARABIA 9675 SABC 0701 with ID , arab song and new ID S5 334x2 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

?? 9825 unIDed arab sattion with mainly arab songs, dull and under modulated S5 34443 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

unIDed 17490 VoA? 0704 with lang seems to Hausa , mentioning BUsh . QRMing CRI Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

[LIBERIA] 13760 Star radio 0711 with hilife songs then talks. QRMed. S9 to S10 , 43434 Liangas 20-10-7Thessaloniki GReece

LATVIA 9290 EMR 0800 -0815 heard somewhere in the city with PL200 tecsun and old songs . 45544 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki

MOLDAVIA 11530 denge Mezopotamia 0959 turkish pop songs passing the 10 o clock . Good modulation S10 45544 Liangas 20-10-7
Thessaloniki GReece

JAPAN 9750 R ajpan a heard as early as 1018 for SAturday Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

UAE 11675 SOlh 1023 with bolywood songs posislby with the same singer in series. 1035 man in dari , with posisble IS , then with afghan
songs. Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

GUAM 15200 KTWR 1042 in indonesian , spiritual songs ,ending the program 'wanita pengharapan' adn thanking people for listening them
S8 max 34333 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

PHILIPINES 12095 FEBC 1117 Hmong service S5 34232 . LOcal noise level is now S2 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

TAJIKISTAN? 7245 1419 with turkic songs 1420 posibly talks by YL in russian . Best in SSB vw\th very low passband filter, mixed with a CC station , plus.... 32xx2 around S7

USA 12160 WWCR3 1428 man with religious talks S3 to 5 24232 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

BLR 6255 R racya 1540 with news by YL in russian. 1542 with a song 1545 with more news refere nce to Alex Lukashenko A song and back to talks . 1605 with ID and a hip hop song. Liangas 20-10-7

GABON 9580 R Africa NO1 1629 with pop and hilife songs . MAn with short talks in between songs. S9 43343

GABON 4777 RTV Gabonaise 1647 hiife song , 1750 talks by man in seemingly french , very low modulation to catch more . S9 , 34331, QRm by Djibuti on 4780 anda a carrier on LSB (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 20/10/2007)

603 14/10 16.30 R. France - Lyon FF pgr. Locale Notre Dame des Ondes
666 15/10 21.55 R. Barcelona - Catalano ID e pubblicita locale buono
783 16/10 19.03 Rock & Gol - Barcelona SS ID locale buono
1062 17/10 16.45 RAI R.1 - Cagliari IT NX reg. Sardegna buono
1125 17/10 17.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Castellon SS NX reg. Comunidad Valenciana
1287 19/10 21.57 R. Castilla -Burgos SS ID " Cadena SER en Burgos " suff.
1305 18/10 17.45 R.N.E. R.5 - Ciudad Real SS NX reg. Castilla La Mancha
1503 16/10 17.45 R.N.E. R.5 - La Linea SS NX reg. Andalucia buono
1539 18/10 21.55 R. Manresa - Catalano Id e pubblicita locale suff.
1550 17/10 21.45 R. Nac. Sahauri - Tindouf Arabo MX buono
3932 20/10 22.15 MRF R. - EE ID e MX buono
4775 20/10 03.50 T.W.R. - Manzini Lomwe predica suff.
4790 20/10 03.55 R. Vision - Chiclayo SS predica suff.
4840 20/10 16.15 A.I.R. - Mumbai Hindy nenia buono
4990 20/10 04.05 R. Apintie - Paramaribo Dutch MX suff.
5770 20/10 15.20 Defence Force Broad. Unit - Taunggyi Birmano MX buono
6275 20/10 16.10 R. Rainbow - EE ID e MX buono
6280 21/10 09.30 R. Shadowman - Dutch ID e MX buono
6295 21/10 08.48 R. Nothpole - EE Id e MX buono
6305 21/10 09.05 R. Underground - EE ID e MX buono
6325 20/10 16.00 R. Brigitte - Dutch ID e MX buono
9565 20/10 22.30 R. Tupi - Curitiba PP predica buono
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - bclnews 21/10/2007)

06340.4 MGJ Marine ang. 0817 TTY 75/850 carbs 21oct07
02H 03CPK 03F 04BOO 06A 06G 08A 12B 16A 22C MGJ
02H 03CPK 03F 04BOO 06A 06G 08A 12B 16A 22C

04278.5 PBB Marine hol. 0905 TTY 75/850 carbs 21/10/07
02A 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02A 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AAE 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AAE 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A 0920
02AAE 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AAE 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02APK 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02APK 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02APK 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02APK 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A
02AOO 04B 06A 08A 08B 12A 16A PBB

A quoi correspondent les 2 lettres qui suivent les bandes de freq et
qu'on retrouve sur MGJ et PBB -> PK par ex ?

08728.1 A3C Monaco radio 1034 USB Francais Bulletin meteo mediterranee

08957.20 Shannon Volmet 1216 USB Ang Met reports 21/10/07
(fra_mar, France - dxuti21/10/

4915 Difusora Macapa 0520 songs S6 33333 (CBN ANHANGUERA IS OFF AIR)
4885 Clube Para 0522 songs S6 34333
4825 ?? 0524 songs S1 ---- Cancao Nova is again ACTIVE !!!!!!!
4790 Radio Vision Chiclayo,Peru 0526 talks S3 24232 Zacky UNDERSTAND this matter please !!!!!!!
4770 Nigeria 0528 carier S2 --
5030 University Radio Costa Rica 0530 spiritual talks S5 32232 Co-ch CW
5035 ?? 0532 musik S5 nothing listed ......
5070 WWCR 0533 adverts S5 32433
6855 WYFR Family R 0535 bible S8 45544
15100 Pakistan 0537 talks S7 35434
9615 RNZI 0548 laughs S8 34433
9430 CVC Afr 0550 email S9 44444
9390 Farda 0553 sx S2055534

Two more :
CHINA 15390 //15410 CNR 8 0557 in uighur with opera songs S3 3533 CNR-1 on 1000

TURKEY 15515 VoT multilanguage IS clip 0945 34433

LW :
Romania 155kHz R ANTENNA satell 0607 S3 with news in romanian S3 23443
(Zacky Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 21/10/2007)

17.555 khz - EUA - Family Radio. Ekeechoobee, Florida. Programa em
portugues com perguntas e respostas. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30
UTC. GHMC 23322
21570 khz - Espanha. Radio Exterior de Espanha. Madrig. Programa em
espanhol. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC.GHMC 34332
21655 khz - Portugal - RDPi. Programa realizado pela RDP da Ilha da
Madeira para a RDP Internacional. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC.
GHMC 45544
17750 khz - Cuba. Radio Nacional da Venezuela via Havana. Programa
de noticias Mundo Siete, produzido por Cubanos. 21/10/07. Entre
13:00 e 14:30 UTC. GHMC 45444
11785 khz - Brasil. Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre. Programacao
Esportiva, com comentarios diversos. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30
UTC. GHMC 34333
11735 khz - Brasil. Radio Transmundial, Santa Maria. Apresentacao de
musicas evangelicas.21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC. GHMC 45444
11725 khz - Brasil. Radio Boas Novas, Santa Maria. Apresentacao de
musicas religiosas. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC. GHMC 23222
9665 khz - Brasil. Radio Marumby, Florianopolis. Comentarios sobre
os resultados das contribuicoes dos ouvintes durante o Programa
Madrugada com Deus. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC. GHMC 23222
11690 khz - Equador. Radio HCJB Voz dos Andes. Apresentacao do
Programa Luis Palau responde em espanhol.21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e
14:30 UTC. GHMC 23222
9645 khz - Brasil. Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo. Comentarios sobre
o inicio da corrida de formula I. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC.
GHMC 23222
9630 khz - Brasil. Radioa Aparecida, Aparecida. Audio ruim, mas
possivel de indentificacao da emissora. 21/10/07. Entre 13:00 e 14:30 UTC. GHMC 22111
(George, Brasil - radioescutas 21/10/2007)

9630 khz - Brasil. Radio Aparecida, Aparecida/SP. Programa Padre
Jair Franzi. Interessantes comentarios sobre micoses. 21/10/07.
Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 34322

9645 khz - Brasil. Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo-SP.Comentarios
sobre o jogo Sao Paulo x Cruzeiro, com a participacao de Milton
Neves. 21/10/07. Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 34333

11785 khz - Brasil. Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre-RS. Comentario
durante o intervalo do jogo Flamengo x Gremio. 21/10/07. Entre 16:00
e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 44333

11815 khz - Brasil. Radio Brasil Central, Goiania-GO. Narrracao do
jogo: Vila Nova 0 x1 Atletico. Sinal muito ruim, mas possivel de
identificar a emissora. 21/10/07. Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC

9685 khz - Brasil. Radio Gazeta-SP. Musica sertaneja. 21/10/07.
Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 33222

4775 khz - Brasil. Radio Congonhas/MG. Missa dominical. 21/10/07.
Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 33222

11925 khz - Brasil. Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo-SP. Entrevista com
o goleiro Rogerio Ceni. 21/10/07. Entre 16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 44433

5970 khz - Brasil. Radio Itatiaia. Comentarios sobre os resultados
dos jogos do Atletico e do Cruzeiro. Enquanto a Itatiais apresenta
uma boa propagacao do seu sinal, a Inconfidencia nao apresenta sinal
alguma, aqui em Brasilia na frequencia de 6010 khz. 21/10/07. Entre
16:00 e 17:15 UTC. GHMC 44444. (George, Brasil - radioescutas 22/10/2007)

2007-10-08 0545 15215 Radio Mustaqbal, Rampisham, Somali AM Yablonovka
2007-10-13 1700 15650 Radio Oromo Independence, Julich, Oromo AM Yablonovka
2007-10-12 0705 88.5 BBC R2, Barnstaple RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0706 89.1 BBC R2, Wrotham FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0707 89.5 BBC R2, Oxford FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0707 90.7 BBC R3, Barnstaple, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0709 91.0 BBC R3, Crystal Palace, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0713 91.3 BBC R3, Wrotham, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0714 91.5 ANGEL IW, Newport RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0715 91.7 BBC R3, Oxford FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0715 92.1 BBC R3, Ivybridge FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0715 92.3 BBC R3, Basingstoke FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0715 92.9 BBC R4, Barnstaple, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0715 93.5 BBC R4, Wrotham, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 93.7 Express FM, Portsmouth/Ladywood House,En. FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 93.9 BBC R4, Oxford, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 94.3 BBC R4, Ivebridge, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 94.5 BBC R4, Basingstoke, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 94.9 BBC London, Crystal Palace, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0717 95.2 BBC Radio Oxford, Beckley, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0720 94.5 BBC Radio Bristol, Mendip, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0728 96.1 BBC SLNT, Rowridge, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0729 96.6 Spirit FM, Chichester, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0730 96.7 Ocean FM, Winchester, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0731 97.5 OCEAN FM, Portsmouth, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0731 97.9 RADIO 1, Westwood, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0732 98.2 RADIO 1, Rowridge, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0733 98.8 RADIO 1, Wrotham, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0734 99.1 RADIO 1, Oxford, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0734 99.5 RADIO 1, Swingate, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0734 100.3 CLASSIC, Rowridge, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0734 100.9 CLASSIC, Wrotham, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0734 101.1 Unity Community Radio,Southampton,E,Hindi FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0749 101.3 Classic, Oxford, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0749 101.6 Delta FM, Alton, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0753 101.7 Classic, Wenvoe FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0754 102.0 IW RADIO, Cowes, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0755 102.3 2CR FM, Bournemouth, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0755 102.7 Mercury FM, Reigate, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0756 102.9 2TEN FM, Hannington, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0757 103.2 POWER FM, Southampton, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0758 104.1 BBC Radio Berkshire, Hannington, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0759 104.5 BBC Southern Counties R., Heathfield, En. FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0800 104.8 BBC Southern Counties R., Burton DOwn,En. FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0801 105.2 WAVE105, Solent, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0801 106.0 ORIGINAL, Solent, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0801 106.6 ORIGINAL, Poole, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0802 107.0 Isle of Wight Radio, Chillerton Down, En. FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0805 107.2 Dream, Winchester, English FM Cowes
2007-10-12 0806 107.4 THE QUAY, Portsmouth, English RDS Cowes
2007-10-12 0806 107.8 Radio Hampshire, Southampton, English FM Cowes
(Sergey Koleosv, Kiev, Ucraine - open_dx 22/10/2007)

4915 21/10 0220 Radio Difusora Macapa, songs & ids, fair

5954,16 23/10 2315 Radio Republica, tx? political talks about Cuba, SS

5995 23/10 2340 RTV Mali, FF talks, better USB, id "Radio Mali" fair

6035 24/10 0015 BBS Bhutan, usual monks sound, poor

6135 & 6155 23/10 2359 R. Republica, id and announcement of change frequency
from 6135 to 6155. After 0000 on 6155. Both good signal

6400 21/10 0200 WMR Weekend Music Radio songs and talks, also about Pirate
Radios and MW dxing, old pirate recordings, Good

13363,5 23/10 2045 Unid, Feeder from Argentina, LSB, talks, music Poor

15344,8 22/10 2100 R.Nacional, Argentina, Sport, fair

15476 23/10 1900 LRA36 Arcangel San Gabriel, Antartica, talks poor/fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 23/10/2007)

7185 23/10 0030 R Myanmar, start of BC with mx and yl talks, fair
7811 23/10 0045 AFRTS USB Saddlebunch Keys, Florida, USA talks EE poor/fair
(Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 23/10/2007)

SPORE 7275 Oli FM 1350 . Clips, adverts, ie Tamil music at 1354
.1400 with man into news mentioning Malaysia and Singapore. S9 to
S10 , 44544 at best . Underneath another Hindi station Liangas 22 Oct

INDIA 4759 AIR , news in English till 1545 . 1546 00 ID 'this is AIR' then
with news in Hindi S6 , 32233 QRM carrier on 4760 Liangas 22 Oct 07

INDIA 4965 AIR Shimla(p) Hindi song at 1705 ,1709 OM mentioning
LAta Mangeshkar adn songs continue. S4 ,32332 (low level flutter)
Liangas 22 Oct 07

[ZWE] 4880 SW Shortwave Africa ,1725 talks in an afro lang
(Swahili?) mention of Zimbabwe , a web site and telephones
00795054212 ,079037.. Zwe, Mixed with Hindi station and ULX on USB
.English program in 1731 with mention on Mugabe Liangas 22 Oct 07

BLR 6010 Byeloruysskoye radio 1735 , Russian song , YL IDing as
'Mezhunarodna R R', wuth songs to follow ,1741 with YL with talks
and mentioning Byelorusskoye R S9 with strong QRM from 6015 and
low from co-channel. Best LSB . Liangas 22 Oct 07

PIRATE 6295,4 R Lowland (?),ID by OM on 1745 ,Germanic and R&R
songs nearly stady signal S7, 34343 (with AM narrow )Liangas 22 Oct

unIDed 6235.4 Turkic songs . Poor S2 strongly QRMed by ARQ
station Liangas 22 Oct 07

?? 4940 VoA 1906 with VOA news now S9 At 1930+ with special
English prg , 45434 Liangas 22 Oct 07

BRAZIL 4805 R Diffusora Amazonas 2054 with songs , talks by OM in
PP mentioning Brazil . Short music interval on TOH wtih man again in
PP . S3 over S1 noise floor , 241-1 The strong local noise made me
very difficult to look at ID Liangas 22 Oct 07

KOREA 6250.46 Pyongynag Pangsong 2104 with hymns and talks
(prg schedule?) after 2107 , Again 2113 with operas . 43433 FDM type
QRM on its upper side // 6398.8 S6 33434 Liangas 22 Oct 07

BRAZIL 9630 R Aparecida 2120 with 'radio de Brazil'(?) and many
mentions of Brazil , short news on 2123-4. S3 24232 Liangas 22 Oct 07

spy : 6855 with 5fgs in Portuguese? on 2112 (9 was as nueve) passes
2123 24232 , Origin?

CUBA 11760 Radio Havana Cuba 2128 wiht Arnie Coro's DXer's
unlimited mentioning the lowest sunspot ever. S9 45423 Liangas 22
Oct 07

MW : 1550 RASD //6300 with exact synching , with signal S6 over S4
local noise , due to nearby electronic lamps on 2130 with talks
mentioning Sahara .
2140 talks over beautiful music
2143 traditional singing

Liangas 22 Oct 07

4865: marginal signal with S1 level on 0405 : Alvorada Brazil?
Liangas 23 Oct 07

BRAZIL 5035 possibly Aparecida (reactivated?) with talks in PP ,
mention in Brazil , Yesus coracao. Monitoring for only 2 minutes before
(pressed for) leaving the house for work! Signal S3 , 2x232 on AM
narrow Liangas 23 Oct 07
Also noticed on 22th with same fading rate
(Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 25/10/2007)

1655,00 1910 2210 R.Spaceman,D, rock, ID, polka 24222
3910,00 2010 2220 WMR,E, ballad, rock // 6400 sinpo 24332 24222
6220,00 2110 1325 Mystery R, disco funky 35443
6255,00 1910 2205 KBC,E, IDD, pops, jingle The Beatles, rock and roll, K-po promo 35443
6255,00 2010 2200 KBC+R Mi Amigo, E, jingle, pops, rock, promo 35543
6265,00 2110 0855 Premier R?, rock ballad 24211
6275,00 2110 1550 R.Borderhunter,D, polka, ID, hello amateurs, schlager pops 24322
6305,00 2110 0850 R.Underground,E, pirates logs 24311
6305,00 2110 1335 R.Brandaris Int, D, polka schlager non stop 24311
6310,00 2010 1446 VOTN,D, pop, ID, report 24432
6310,00 2010 1500 R.Scotland Int, D, pop rock, ID 24432
6310,00 2110 1328 R.Malaysi?, non stop disco dance no Ids 24432
6400,00 2010 1815 WMR,E, pops, ID 24322
6400,00 2110 0640 WMR, E, Yellow submarine, old pirates report, ID rock and Roll, R. Invicta//3910 Sinpo:24211 24322
9290,00 2010 0800 R.City,E, jingle ID, pop oldies, rock and roll 35443
12257,00 2110 0900 WR Int, E, Interview, jingle 24222
(Roberto Pavanello, Italy - playdx2003 25/10/2007)

1520 : 0405 posibly siggnals from Brazil with marginal carrier level .
cant get except carrier
Liangas 19-10-7

USA 9450 EWTN/WEWN 2157 with IS Off at 2159* 34323 Liangas 19-
10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

N ZEALAND 9615 RNZI with old songs 'i have to go' and 'i just called'
then a series with classical or operas ID at 0619 with an old play . NIce
signal at S& 35424 with deep fades - First time listening them with so
'strong' signal Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

S ARABIA 9675 SABC 0701 with ID , arab song and new ID S5 334x2
Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

?? 9825 unIDed arab sattion with mainly arab songs, dull and under
modulated S5 34443 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

unIDed 17490 VoA? 0704 with lang seems to Hausa , mentioning
BUsh . QRMing CRI Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

[LIBERIA] 13760 Star radio 0711 with hilife songs then talks . QRMed .
S9 to S10 , 43434 Liangas 20-10-7Thessaloniki GReece

LATVIA 9290 EMR 0800 -0815 heard somewhere in the city with
PL200 tecsun and old songs . 45544 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki

MOLDAVIA 11530 denge Mezopotamia 0959 turkish pop songs
passing the 10 o clock . Good modulation S10 45544 Liangas 20-10-7
Thessaloniki GReece

JAPAN 9750 R ajpan a heard as early as 1018 for SAturday Liangas
20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

UAE 11675 SOlh 1023 with bolywood songs posislby with the same
singer in series. 1035 man in dari , with posisble IS , then with afghan
songs. Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

GUAM 15200 KTWR 1042 in indonesian , spiritual songs ,ending the
program 'wanita pengharapan' adn thanking people for listening them
S8 max 34333 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

PHILIPINES 12095 FEBC 1117 Hmong service S5 34232 . LOcal
noise level is now S2 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

TAJIKISTAN? 7245 1419 with turkic songs 1420 posibly talks by YL
in russian . Best in SSB vw\th very low passband filter, mixed with a CC
station , plus.... 32xx2 around S7 Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki

USA 12160 WWCR3 1428 man with religious talks S3 to 5 24232
Liangas 20-10-7 Thessaloniki GReece

BLR 6255 R racya 1540 with news by YL in russian. 1542 with a song
. 1545 with more news refere nce to Alex Lukashenko A song and
back to talks . 1605 with ID and a hip hop song. Liangas 20-10-7

GABON 9580 R Africa NO1 1629 with pop and hilife songs . MAn with
short talks in between songs. S9 43343
Liangas 20-10-7

GABON 4777 RTV Gabonaise 1647 hiife song , 1750 talks by man in
seemingly french , very low modulation to catch more . S9 , 34331
,QRm by Djibuti on 4780 anda a carrier on LSB Liangas 20-10-7
(Zacharias Liangas, Greece - CumbreDX 25/10/2007)

Ascolti BC

06ut30 - 6220 kHz (S500)
Disco music anni 70.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono

06ut44 - 6306 kHz (S500)
Musica pop e ids OM.
Segnale sufficiente-molto buono

06ut53 - 5720 kHz
DD/EE, ids OM.
Segnale buono-molto buono

10ut50 - 6205 kHz (S500)
Musica raock e annunci OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie a
Dr. Tim's Piraten News.

05ut43 - 9600 kHz (DE1103)
Musica del corno d'Africa.
Horn of Africa music.
Emittente/station o/or jamming?
Segnale sufficiente-buono

07ut16 - 5910v kHz (S500)
MARFIL ESTEREO - Lomalinda (Colombia)
Spagnolo, tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente

07ut19 - 5930 kHz (S500)
Russo, tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente

07ut23 - 6185v kHz (DE1103)
Canzone popolare messicana.
Segnale buono-insufficiente
QRDRM 6175 kHz.

07ut27 - 7125 kHz (S500)
Francese, tk OM.
Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente
QRM contest HAM 40m. estesa

07ut33 - 7245 kHz (S500)
ORTM - Nouakchott (Mauritania)
Tk OM e musica locale.
Segnale buono-molto buono
Di solito qui apre alle 08ut00.

Iniziano ad arrivare gli ascolti
mattutini via long-path (per ora
soltanto sui 31m):

07ut45 - 9500 kHz (DE1103)
CNR 1 - Shijazhuang (Cina)
Musica melodica locale.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente

07ut47 - 9510 kHz (DE1103)
CNR 8 - Urumqi (Cina)
Mongolo, tk OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente

07ut49 - 9570 kHz (DE1103)
prob. CNR 2 - Qiqihar (Cina)
Solo tk YL.
Segnale insufficiente
Modulazione molto bassa a causa
probabilmente del lungo percorso
del segnale da ovest.
QRM Medi 1 9575 kHz.

07ut53 - 9680 kHz (DE1103)
Solo portante con tracce di musica.
Segnale insufficiente
WYFR chiude alle 07ut45. RRI 4
Indonesia via long-path?

07ut58 - 9810 kHz (DE1103)
CNR 2 - Xi'an (Cina)
Ballata soul USA!!!
Segnale sufficiente-buono

14ut51 - 6310 kHz (S500)
QSO con R. Scotland Int.
Segnale buono-molto buono
Identificata grazie al
blog shortwave dx.

14ut56 - 6307.9 kHz (S500)
Segnale buono-molto buono

15ut14 - 6348 kHz (DE1103)
Coreano, tk OM/YL.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
QRM UTEs+jamming simile a 6600 kHz.

15ut22 - 6306.2 kHz (S500)
Inglese, ids OM, mx e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Prima del s/off anche qui
QRM +/- 100 Hz.

15ut30 - 6310 kHz (S500)
Musica e tk OM a bassa modulazione.
Segnale buono-sufficiente
A +/- 100 Hz appariva il solito burlone
a creare battimento.
Identificata grazie al
blog shortwave dx.

15ut56 - 6305.3 kHz (S500)
Musica rock, tk OM e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Modulazione un po' bassa.
Identificata grazie a
Dr. Tim's Piraten News.

21ut36 - 4910 kHz (DE1103)
VL8T - Tennant Creek (Australia)
Inglese, nxs OMs.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

00ut26 - 6035 kHz (R7)
BHUTAN BS - Thimpu
Canti monacensi e dibattito OMs.
Segnale molto buono-buono
Raramente tracce di una stazione in

06ut42 - 6400.1 kHz (R7)
Musica UK e tk OMs.
Segnale sufficiente-buono

06ut44 - 6373 kHz (R7)
Solo musica rock.
Segnale insufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie a
Dr. Tim's Piraten News.

06ut45 - 6325 kHz (DE1103)
Disco music anni 70-80.
Segnale insufficiente-buono

06ut50 - 5720 kHz (DE1103)
Aspettando il s/on delle 07ut00.
Segnale molto buono

07ut00 - 6275.9 kHz (S500)
Musica pop anni 80-90 e ids.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Modulazione un po' distorta.

07ut22 - 7265 kHz (DE1103)
Hrodna (Bielorussia)
Musica pop USA!!!
Segnale sufficiente-buono

07ut42 - 9705 kHz (DE1103)
LV DU SAHEL - Niamey (Niger)
Vernacolo, tk OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
QRM Ethiopia 9704.2/Bulgaria 9700 kHz.

07ut44 - 9720 kHz (DE1103)
SS/PP, sermone OM.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente

07ut47 - 6295 kHz (DE1103)
Musica e s/off.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie a
Dr. Tim's Piraten News.

07ut50 - 6305.4 kHz (S500)
Inglese, tk OM e mx pop.
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Identificata grazie al
blog shortwave dx.

08ut05 - 6280.8 kHz (DE1103)
Musica pop e olandese.
Segnale sufficiente-buono
Identificata grazie al
blog shortwave dx.

08ut25 - 6295 kHz (S500)
Musica pop tedesca/UK e ids OM.
Segnale insufficiente-buono

08ut56 - 6540.4 kHz (S500)
Musica live italiana!!!
Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente
Identificata grazie al
blog shortwave dx.
(Luca B. Fiora, Pisa, Italy - playdx2003 25/10/2007)

5954,12 26/10 0024 Radio Republica, politics, SS, fair

6105,5 26/10 0005 Radio Panamericana, Bolivia, sport, poor

6134,8 26/10 0018 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, songs, talks, poor LSB to avoid

6135 26/10 0015 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, PP religious, //9630 fair

9675 26/10 0031 Radio Cancao Nova, Brazil, religious talks and songs, good
(G. Bernardini, Italy - playdx2003 26/10/2007)

Repport from:
Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu
DX'ing with his trusty Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot and with it's Sangean CST-818 along with a 20 meters long-wire in Pierrefonds-Roxboro (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada

Trans-Atlantic DX:

585 SPAIN, Radio Nacional de Espana, Madrid OCT 17 0138 - talkshow about miscellanous topics such as work "trabajo" and other kind of stuff. Although the signal was usually fair, it was difficult due understand beacause of a relatively low modulation. Even so, while this was the only TA signal noted during the quick DX sessions I did during the last couple of weeks, its signal was slightly better than I expected (in spite of a relatively low modulation amount !). I only wished I had less English and less Spanish
on the AM dial and more French Caribbean stuff. It's boring to always hear the same regular LAs and, to some extent, the same regular TAs as well as, of course, the same regular NA domestics and nothing from the French Caribbean (ex.: Haiti), from Africa, out of Belgium or even from remote Asia. (Chiochiu-QC)

Pan-American DX:

530 TURKS AND CAICOS, Radio Vision Cristiana, South Caicos OCT 14 0255 - Spanish gospel song with lots of Hallelujas in it. Good. (Chiochiu-QC)

550 VENEZUELA, YVKE, Quinientos-Cincuenta Mundial, Caracas, estado del Distrito Federal OCT 14 0217 - Tropical-sounding (YV gaita ?) Latin American music. Very fadey, not very strong, though not extremely weak either; quite poor though. Condx toward South America not too good then. (Chiochiu-QC)

555 ST KITTS AND NEVIS, ZIZ, Basseterre OCT 14 0244 - back-to-back soca and calypso music. Fair at best, but very nice reception with overal a minimal amount of fadings and very slight splatter from 550 (mostly YVKE and not much out of the usual CHLN pest) and nothing noticeable out of the weak domestic mess that the 560 kHz channel featured at the time. Now, if I could just get Jamaica, at leats RJR Galina 580, as RJR-700 is jammed by CINF-690 and RJR-720 is jammed by both WGN-720 and CKAC-730. With a lots
of antenne twinking, I can get away to some extent from the horrendous CKAC local splatter, but then WGN is SEMI-nulled. If I completly manage to null out WGN, then CKAC is killing it and killing my years along with my heart just as much. (Chiochiu-QC)

640 CUBA, CMBC, Radio Progreso, Guanabacoa OCT 14 0312 - w/ old-fashioned cuban music. Fair with some QRM. SIO 332. (Chiochiu-QC)

670 CUBA, CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas OCT 14 0233 - Musica Viva // 5025 (which is seldom relaying the 96.7 Rebelde FM feed) and 1180. WFAN had briefly stayed with its IBOC atrocity off the botton line, thanksfully, but the IBOC hash-maker was reactivated after 0300 UTC. (Chiochiu-QC).

750 VENEZUELA, YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, estado del Distrito Federal OCT 16 0133 - tuned-in to nice instrumental jingle w/ voice ID over it. Strong at tune in, but very quickly after, in serious fight with Atlanta's WSB powerhouse which is moderately difficult to null out when looking for "RCR". (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA, HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basica, Barranquilla OCT 14 0227 - Commercial ads, several IDs as well as the "RCN, La radio de Colombia" jingle were noted. All this stuff was followed by a newscast segment regarding terrorism. Although WJR-760 Detroit-Michigan was sometimes hard-to-null (due to the very non-auroral ionospheric condx), the HJAJ signal it's self was often huge, short-skip like !!!! Overall SINPO 43523. With the WABC's IBOC nightmare standing on only during the daylight hours, the 760 and the
780 kHz channels are once again open for South American DX for us, in the Montreal area. (Chiochiu-QC)

780 VENEZUELA, YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, estado Falcon OCT 14 0013 - tune-in to the end of an ID announcement "...sintonia de Radio Coro" and "la fiesta de sabado noche" followed by dark-edged sonera salsa. In and out, mostly out, but when in, they were quite strong. With WABC shutting off their IBOC shiet at night, this has become once again as regular as it ever used to be in the last couple of years. (Chiochiu-QC)

1180 CUBA, CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Villa Maria OCT 14 0237 - Cuban dark-edged reggaeton track, chopped by a fadey, yet distorted residual WHAM signal (out of Rochester, New York). SINPO 42422 (Chiochiu-QC)

Shortwave DX:

5030 BURKINA FASO, RTB, Ouagadougou OCT 15 2257 - w/ soukous-cale mx (a stylistic mixture of the ivorian "coupe-decale" and the congolese "soukous" musical genres). Fair-good. SINPO 33343 with some relatively minor Rebelde-5025 splatter. (Chiochiu-QC)

5200 unID OCT 15 0153 - man in Spanish with a fairly lenghty newscast. Good modulation, although the signal itself was mostly on the very poor side with brief fair peaks and occasional words readables such as "ultimas noticias" (latest news). Suspect an out-of-band Peruvian. The only oddity I came across that Sunday evening. Any idea on what this could have been ? (Chiochiu-QC)

9575 MOROCCO, Medi Un, Nador OCT 20 2247 - with looth-based traditionnal music. The looths is a very popular type of guitar, typical of Morocco. SINPO 34444-3. Morocco-9575 was way much stronger than Gabon-9580 which was suffering co-channel QRM (a fairly odd event, to say the least) ! (Chiochiu-QC)
(Bogdan Chiochiu, Canada - mwdx 26/10/2007)

4990 KHz Suriname R.Apintie Paramaribo 23/10 23:50 Dutch/Sarnami mx (maybe local) 23:55 mv tkls, 23:58 mx pop 22222 (LOB-B).
5995 KHz Mali R.Mali Bamako 23/10 23:29 FF/AA mv e fv tkls, 23:32 pop mx sequence alternating short anmnts. by mv 22222 (LOB-B).
(Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 26/10/2007)

15245.05 Voice of Korea produces again spur signals 60 kHz
away symmetrically, as happened in 2006 year also. Noted at 0705 UT with
Russian service in progress, S=6 signals on 15185.13 and 15304.90, but
wandering downwards. 0700-0900 Ru, 0900-1000 UT Korean.

At same time strong signals from FE and China, i.e. NHK Yamata 15195 S=8-9 signal.
(W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 20/10/2007)

15660 spurs Oct 24th, 1200-1500 UT Moscow 250 kW 100 degr.
approx. 714 kHz away, 14938-14946 and 16365-16383 kHz, varying from day to
day. (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 24/10/2007)

6150, Firedrake, 1054-1100 Noted Firedrake jammer here which
is blocking even University Network. I have Taiwan listed here in my database
between 0900-1400 in Mandarin, so Firedrake must be after that? Not sure
how current RTI's listing is? Usually University Network blocks this freq
with their signal, so I don't hear much here. Signal of Firedrake was good and strong
blocking everyone else. It was gone after the hour. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/10/2007)

Tried again for reported R. Republica on 5954v, 24 hours later,
Oct 19 at 2345. Tried to get a good frequency reading on the DX-398 in the
yard, but barely enough signal, especially with WYFR 5950. Did not find
anything above 5954 this time, but something closer to 5953. By 2355 I decided
it was about 5952.55, which makes it more likely the Bolivian. No audio to help
with ID this time; I have never heard a R. Republica ID myself tho two others
report it. It`s hard to see how this tiny signal would have any effect in Cuba
right next to WYFR.

5954.1, Radio Republica from unknown site. Altho did not hear it Oct 19,
checked again Oct 20 at 2308 and found usual signal just above 5954 and
suffering severe splash from WYFR 5950. M&W were speaking in Spanish, and as
usual not // RR on jammed 6135. Recheck at 2355, definitely heard R. Republica
theme and ID, no mention of frequency, and into discussion of Fidel & Raul. Got
badly squeezed from *0000 CRI via Sackville 5960, but could still detect
Republica in between 5960 and 5950 past 0000 and again at 0017.

BTW, the last LAm station that used to be on 5954 (as opposed to 5955) was TIQ,
Radio Casino, Costa Rica, which went inactive several years ago. Possibly this
old transmitter was resurrected in CR, if not moved elsewhere? How well does
Raul Saavedra hear it? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 21/10/2007)

very good conditions. Many UK-stations heard. 48m band closes around 1500 Utc. 73 achim

Date Frequency Utc Hour Utc Minute Station SINPO Swert Audio

071015 3932 18 30 MRF Radio 34433 8

071015 4025 18 34 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

071017 4025 18 10 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8 G

071018 1636 19 23 Radio Tijdbreker 43443 9

071018 1645 19 25 Zender Mustang 43443 9

071018 1645 20 20 Radio Schaduwjager 44433 9

071018 4025 19 35 Laser Hot Hits 44433 8 G

071018 4025 19 20 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

071019 1620 21 28 Radio Armada 33433 8

071019 1636 20 36 Radio Tijdbreker 33433 8

071019 1648 21 40 Radio Euromast 32332 8

071019 1655 20 10 UNID 43443 9+5dB

071019 1655 20 17 Radio Barones 43443 9+5dB

071019 3927 19 10 Zender Quintus 34433 8

071019 4025 19 15 Laser Hot Hits 23322 6

071019 4025 21 20 Laser Hot Hits 24322 6

071019 6255 22 00 KBC Radio 34433 8

071019 6301 14 55 Radio Zeelandia 34433 8

071019 6375 16 05 Westcoast Radio 33433 8

071020 1620 21 43 UNID 43443 9

071020 1640 21 13 UNID 43443 9

071020 3910 20 28 WMR 32322 7

071020 3925 20 14 Bogusman 34433 8

071020 3940 21 35 Radio Underground 23322 5

071020 4025 20 20 Laser Hot Hits 33322 8

071020 4025 05 55 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5 G

071020 6255 22 00 KBC Radio 45434 9

071020 6275 15 45 Laser Hot Hits 34433 8

071020 6275 10 53 Radio Rainbow 24333 5

071020 6275 08 01 Laser Hot Hits 24433 7

071020 6281 14 11 Zender Black Power 44444 8

071020 6282 14 20 Radio Scotland 44444 8

071020 6287 13 59 Radio Scotland 33433 8

071020 6289 14 08 VOTN 43443 8

071020 6295 14 29 XTC (tent) 24322 5

071020 6300 14 14 UNID 23322 5

071020 6301 15 13 Radio Zeelandia 34444 8

071020 6305 14 07 Westcoast Radio 34433 8

071020 6307 14 26 Max Radio 23433 6

071020 6307 14 27 Radio Rob 007 23322 5

071020 6307 15 00 Radio Scotland 45444 9

071020 6308 15 56 Radio Fox 48 23333 6

071020 6309 14 03 Max Radio 23433 7

071020 6310 14 02 UNID 24333 7

071020 6310 14 17 Zender Quintus 24333 6

071020 6310 16 44 Radio Fox 48 23322 5

071020 6310 15 26 Orion Radio 34444 8

071020 6325 15 48 Radio Brigitte 24433 6

071020 6400 20 07 WMR 24333 7

071020 6421 15 41 Laser Hot Hits 24322 5

071020 9290 08 00 Radio City 55444 9+20dB

071021 3910 06 04 WMR 23322 5 G

071021 3927 19 05 Radio Atlantis 45444 9

071021 4025 05 55 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

071021 5720 07 00 Orion Radio 35444 9

071021 5805 07 34 Radio Telstar South 24333 6

071021 6200 06 40 Radio Rapido 23433 6

071021 6210 09 31 Radio Geronimo 23433 6

071021 6220 17 44 Mystery Radio 44444 9

071021 6220 12 05 Mystery Radio 32332 6

071021 6255 09 19 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

071021 6268 10 11 UNID 33443 8

071021 6271 09 39 VOTN 43443 9

071021 6276 09 41 UNID 23433 7

071021 6276 06 55 UNID 24333 6

071021 6280 09 22 Radio Shadowman 45444 9

071021 6280 13 22 Westcoast Radio 43443 8

071021 6281 08 07 Zender Black Power 45444 9+5dB

071021 6281 10 25 Radio Scotland 44444 9

071021 6283 10 11 VOTN 33443 8

071021 6283 09 59 Radio Scotland 44444 9

071021 6290 13 21 UNID 24433 7

071021 6290 14 27 UNID 34444 8

071021 6292 09 58 Magic AM 34433 8

071021 6295 07 55 Radio Northpole 35444 8

071021 6300 10 43 Zender Shadow 33443 8

071021 6305 07 45 Radio Underground 24333 6

071021 6306 13 15 Radio Brandaris International 43443 9

071021 6310 09 00 Radio Condor 33443 8

071021 6310 12 19 UNID 43443 9

071021 6316 11 42 Radio Alice 45444 9+5dB

071021 6325 06 29 RWI 23433 7

071021 6400 17 54 WMR 34433 8

071021 6400 06 17 WMR 34444 8

071021 6421 07 29 Laser Hot Hits 23333 6

071021 6421 18 00 Laser Hot Hits 23322 5

071021 6540 08 17 Radio Brigitte 32332 7
(ACHIM BRUECKNER, Germany - playdx2003 22/10/2007)

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