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Business Unit Finance Manager

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Business Unit Finance Manager
An International FMCG Company My client a Top International FMCG is looking for a Business Unit Finance Manager to run the Finance department of business unit. The candidate will be fully responsible for all areas of Finance and Accounting and manage a small team.

Ifrs Specialist
International company, part of a leading chemicals producing group Our client is looking for an experienced IFRS Specialist who will be in charge of the following tasks: - Coordination of the process of the monthly accounts closing in China, Austria and Moscow; - Monthly verification of data via reconciliation with the Head Quarters; - Maintaining the information flow between the Austrian legal entity and Russian Head Quarters in terms of resolving accounting issues; - Restatement of accounts from Austrian GAAP to IFRS; - Monthly preparation of the IFRS reporting package (Hyperion); - Consolidation of 2 legal entities on a monthly basis; - Preparation of additional analytical breakdowns to the reporting package; - Preparation of different ad-hoc reports upon request from the Head Quarters; - Further development of the Austrian accounting software (MS Navision) in order to simplify and automate the reporting process; - Regular interaction with auditors and support of the audits (Big 4);

Financial Controller
One of the leaders in electical equipment production - Analysis, planning and economic performance monitoring;<br/>- Analysis of sales profitability in the context of production plans;<br/>- Analysis and monitoring of working capital effectiveness : inventory, accounts receivables;<br/>- Participation in the annual budget preparation and monitoring;<br/>- Participation in monthly IFRS reporting preparation;<br/>- Preparation of management reports upon the request of direct supervisor.

Senior Tax Accountant
World-known american FMCG company - Calculate taxes and prepare/submit tax returns (e.g. VAT, excise tax, profit tax, local taxes and ect.);<br/>- Coordinate and prepare answers to the tax authorities requests;<br/>- Preparation of tax registers and declarations;<br/>- Participation and coordination of tax returns;<br/>- Take active part in tax desk/field audits.

Junior Financial Controller
International luxury brands company Our Client, a major international luxury products company is looking to fill a position of a Junior financial controller to be responsible for support of financial control activities inside the company.<br/><br/>He/she will be responsible for:<br/><br/>- Computation, Consolidation and Analysis of Volumes and Financial reporting<br/>- Checking of mid-month volumes reporting<br/>- Analysis of cash & tax reporting<br/>- Calculation and input of Margin in stock<br/>- Analysis of Balance Sheet<br/>- Computation, Consolidation and Analysis of Volumes and Financial estimates (forecasts) <br/>- Control of marketing expenses

Бухгалтер по расчету с поставщиками
Международный производитель бытовой техники - Ведение базы данных по Поставщикам (в части Поставщиков товара).<br/>- Контроль правильности заполнения счетов-фактур от Поставщиков<br/>- Раздельный учета НДС по товарам, реализуемым на внутреннем рынке и на экспорт.<br/>- Анализ дебиторской и кредиторской задолженности. Подготовка данных для произведения оплаты Поставщикам товара.<br/>- Составление актов сверок и актов взаимозачетов с Поставщиками, таможенными органами на регулярной основе. Выявление расхождений, отражение корректирующих проводок в системе.<br/>- Предоставление информации для валютного контроля, проверка паспортов сделок в части Поставщиков товара, Покупателей-экспортеров.<br/>- Формирование книги покупок, книги продаж, журнала счетов-фактур полученных и выданных.

Bank Accountant
International producer of luxury goods - Prepare bank payment orders based on the invoice and Payment Request and process rouble and hard currency payments twice a week <br/>- Proceed with hard currency operations (purchasing, sales, etc.)<br/>- Prepare and adjust Passports of transaction for import/export transactions<br/>- Organize preparation of Bank guarantees upon request of Logistics department<br/>- Supervise local currency legislation and bank requirements on a regular basis including regular reporting on all hard currency operations following the Central Bank instructions

Financial Store Controller
World's retail company Job Objectives:<br/><br/>- As the Store Manager's business partner, to optimize his management duties and assist in making decisions which contribute to lasting profitability <br/>- Act as a counter-power, alerting as needed and proposing corrective actions<br/>- Ensure that all accounting records reflect precisely the business reality and adhere to both company standards and local tax and accounting regulations<br/>- Communicate accounting figures simply and effectively to operational contacts<br/>- Be an active player in the development of CFO administrative processes; challenge current practices if needed and propose new approaches<br/>- Have a deep understanding of the store's business activity, its constraints, rhythm and risks related to its business activity<br/>- Generate an overall PnL report each month that triggers speedy decisions<br/>- Know the key indicators of your scope of operations and create action plans, together with the store manager, to improve them <br/>- Promote a spirit of low costs and simplicity; seek to optimize your entities' expenses using cost break down analysis , improving fixed costs, and sharing best practices within your scope of responsibility<br/>- Regularly go over the 12 and 24 month forecasts in order to facilitate the budgeting process<br/>- Guarantee, document and provide (by means of the road book) accounting audits of your entities <br/>- Your entities' PnL accounts accurately reflect monthly income and expenses, and comply with the company's standards

Заместитель главного бухгалтера
Международная сервисная компания в сфере фармацевтики - Проведение сверок с клиентами и поставщиками;<br/>- Участие в процедуре возмещения налогов из бюджета;<br/>- Подготовка деклараций по НДС;<br/>- Контроль и ревью договоров компании на соответствие законодательству;<br/>- Консультирование сотрудников компании по возникающим вопросам;<br/>- Всесторонняя помощь главному бухгалтеру компании, координация работы сотрудников отдела бухгалтерии;

Финансовый аналитик
Ведущий производитель товаров народного потребления - Сбор и анализ управленческой отчетности по каналам дистрибьюции <br/>- Проведение анализа доходности, окупаемости и эффективности продуктовых линеек<br/>- Подготовка презентаций для руководства

Ifrs Specialist
One of the leading international leasing company with rapidly growing business in Russia - Managing transformation from RAS to IFRS in 1C on a monthly basis; <br/>- Managing postings in the system in IFRS book to cope with company's methodology. <br/>- Analysis from one month to another fluctuations and prepares audit files accordingly. <br/>- Getting evolution of 1C system following evolution of business model and the implication in RAS/IFRS books. <br/>- Adapting 1C system when there is some upgrading in the company.

Старший бухгалтер по расчетам с покупателями
Международная торговая компания - Руководство работой на участке расчетов с покупателями (2 бухгалтера в подчинении); <br/>- Учету расчетов с покупателями; <br/>- Общение с Поставщиками (агентами), получение от них первичных документов, регулярная сверка; <br/>- Учет доходов, задолженностей (дебиторской/кредиторской) в бухгалтерской программе; <br/>- Проверка отчетов агентов; <br/>- Составление Книги продаж для отчета по НДС; <br/>- Контроль за соблюдением внутренних процедур контроля по расчетам с клиентами;

Financial Analyst
International FMCG company - Provide timely and accurate internal and external financial reporting, budgeting and planning;<br/>- Ensures effective procedures and controls surrounding the timely closing of the financial records including review for accuracy, variance analysis and explanation, business review;<br/>- Ensures all capital expenditure is carefully monitored and doesn’t exceed approved amounts;<br/>- Performing analysis of Sales by products and customers;<br/>- Manage all customer related accruals;<br/>- Review financial information for potential risks and proactively suggest opportunities to improve profitability;<br/>- Develop succession plans, provide support to and supervise Financial Manager;<br/>- Maintains effective working relationships with HQs, colleagues, subordinates and external partners (auditors, legal counsels, banks, tax authorities etc.).

Младший финансовый аналитик
Ведущий прозводитель химии в мире - Мониторинг продаж<br/>- Анализ структуры продаж по номенклатуре продуктов<br/>- Подготовка бюджета расходов/доходов<br/>- Анализ прогноза расходов/доходов<br/>- Расчет и анализ ключевых показателей развития бизнеса<br/>- Подготовка плана капитальных вложений<br/>- Выполнение других поручений руководителя отдела контролинга

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