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Support Engineer (Microsoft Customer Service Support)

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Support Engineer (Microsoft Customer Service Support)
Microsoft Russia Role Purpose The successful candidate will work within a team of support engineers focused on resolving our Premier and Partner customer’s technical issues. This requires scoping the customer’s expectations and collaborating with others to meet those expectations in the shortest possible time. This includes providing customers with reliable technical solutions and a consistently exceptional service experience. This involves reactive remote support, working with and collaborating with EMEA colleagues. The successful candidate will work in a team with engineers based in Russian Federation and will support mainly Russian speaking customers within CEE region. Knowledge, Skills and Experience ∙ Higher education (graduation in 2008 – 2010) ∙ Excellent written and spoken English ∙ Ability to manage customer communication on the phone or through email ∙ Good communication skills in international environment ∙ Customer focused ∙ Great team player and sharing of best practice ∙ Able to work well under pressure and meet commitments Technical / Functional Skills ∙ Benefit is to have technical overview of Microsoft operatin systems ∙ Windows Core operation system (domains and networking is plus) Desirable: ∙ MCSE/MCPs, vendor qualifications, professional qualifications is advantage ∙ Most important is the willingness to gain new skills and learn further Please, send all questions and CV to the following address: v-ksenp@microsoft.com Contact person – Ksenia Ponomareva
Младший консультант по правовым вопросам
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Место работы: Москва Подразделение: Юридический департамент Основные обязанности: ∙ Корпоративное право: o обеспечение соблюдения предусмотренных законодательством процедур в отношении российских компаний группы (АО, ООО, представительство иностранного юр.лица); o правовая поддержка реструктуризации российских компаний группы (в т.ч. ликвидация компаний); o ведение переписки с иностранными материнскими компаниями; o техническая помощь в организации заседаний совета директоров. ∙ Договорное право: правовая экспертиза договоров. ∙ Подготовка доверенностей; ∙ Подготовка правовых заключений. Квалификация Образование: высшее юридическое Опыт работы и знания: 1 год (по специальности) Ключевые компетенции: Организованность, ответственное отношение к работе, внимание к деталям, способность выполнять задачи в сжатые сроки без потери качества Знание языков: Английский свободный Компенсационный пакет: ∙ Конкурентная заработная плата ∙ Бонусы по результатам работы ∙ Добровольное медицинское страхование (для сотрудника и членов семьи) ∙ Страхование жизни и от несчастных случаев ∙ Оплата мобильной связи ∙ Оплата питания Пожалуйста, направляйте свое резюме и сопроводительное письмо по адресу: julia.bulat@sanofi-aventis.com
Business Analyst
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Job location: Moscow Department: Pasteur (vaccines) Business Unit Key accountabilities: ∙ Participate in evaluation of market potential and preparing of calculations on regular basis of budget and forecast and market share of sanofi paster within defined markets; ∙ Assist in preparation of Market Monitor and maintaining regular reporting system to provide and interpret market data for decision-making; ∙ Participating in managing market research activities conducted by external agencies; ∙ Work on routine Operational Departments market information requests; ∙ Collect and structure the statistical data of different sectors of the market as they affect the marketing of sanofi pasteur products ∙ Analyze and interpret market intelligence from a range of sources, including market research to ensure that knowledge is up to to date and appropriate for input into the decision making ∙ Monitor pharmaceutical literature and editions related to the marketing of sanofi pasteur products; ∙ Search for new information sources; ∙ Monitor internal Web-sites; regular update of information ∙ Regularly to get feedback from different departments to improve the business information delivery. Qualifications Education: Higher Experience and knowledge: At least one year experience in the same position Core Competencies: Analytical and administrative skills, advanced computer user (Windows, Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, and Power Point, as a must) Languages: English fluent Compensation package: ∙ Competitive salary ∙ Bonuses based on performance ∙ Health Insurance (for employee and family members) ∙ Life and accident insurance ∙ Corporate mobile phone ∙ Lunch allowance To apply, please, send us your CV and cover letter to julia.bulat@sanofi-aventis.com
Медицинский представитель
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Место работы: Москва, Санкт-Петербург Подразделение: Бизнес-подразделение кардио и госпитальных препаратов Основные обязанности: ∙ Осуществлять ежедневные визиты в медицинские учреждения с целью информирования врачей и других медицинских специалистов о продвигаемых препаратах. ∙ Организовывать и активно участвовать в круглых столах, презентациях по продвигаемым препаратам. ∙ Участвовать в выставках, конференциях и других специальных мероприятиях, организуемых местными органами здравоохранения и/или дистрибуторами с целью дальнейшего развития продаж. ∙ Взаимодействовать с лидерами мнений (opinion leaders) по подготовке научных симпозиумов или публикаций по продвигаемым препаратам, обеспечивать включение продвигаемых препаратов в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных средств (ЖНВЛС), региональную льготу (РЛО), формуляры и др. с целью дальнейшего развития продаж. ∙ Сотрудничать с местными представителями органов здравоохранения, ответственными за формирование тендерных заявок, с целью обеспечения включения продвигаемых препаратов в региональные тендеры и бюджетные закупки. ∙ Активно участвовать в пост-маркетинговых исследованиях. ∙ Регулярно взаимодействовать с пациентскими ассоциациями и школами для пациентов с целью повышения известности продвигаемых препаратов. ∙ На регулярной основе собирать, анализировать и предоставлять региональному менеджеру, менеджеру по продукту и Менеджеру по работе с ключевыми клиентами, информацию о рыночной ситуации на вверенной территории. ∙ Своевременно выполнять план по продажам. Осуществлять перспективное планирование своей деятельности, согласовывать планы деятельности и предоставлять регулярные отчеты по продажам/прогнозам продаж вышестоящему менеджеру. Квалификация Образование: Высшее образование в области медицины/фармацевтики или другое естественнонаучное Опыт работы и знания: Опыт работы медицинским представителем не обязателен, знание MS Office Ключевые компетенции: Нацеленность на результат, умение эффективно устанавливать и поддерживать отношения с клиентами, ответственность, готовность учиться, умение работать в команде Знание языков: Владение английским языком является преимуществом Другое: наличие водительских прав категории В Компенсационный пакет: ∙ Конкурентная заработная плата ∙ Бонусы по результатам работы ∙ Добровольное медицинское страхование (для сотрудника и членов семьи) ∙ Страхование жизни и от несчастных случаев ∙ Оплата мобильной связи ∙ Служебный автомобиль Пожалуйста, направляйте свое резюме и сопроводительное письмо по адресу: julia.bulat@sanofi-aventis.com
Фармацевтический представитель
SANOFI-AVENTIS, Russia Место работы: Москва Подразделение: Классические безрецептурные препараты Основные обязанности: ∙ Выполнять норму ежедневных визитов в аптеки. Инициировать заказы в аптеках. ∙ Работать с клиентской базой согласно сегментации и целевой частотой посещения. ∙ Активно вовлекать аптеки в торговые акции, отслеживать запуск акций в аптеках и контролировать сроки исполнения. ∙ Организовывать и активно принимать участие в круглых столах и презентациях по продвигаемым продуктам, выполнять норму фармкружков в день. ∙ Поддерживать выкладку на полках согласно планограмме. ∙ Участвовать в выставках, конференциях и других мероприятиях в областях фармацевтики, организуемых местными органами здравоохранения и (или) дистрибьюторами, которые могут увеличить продажи. ∙ Эффективно работать с ПОС-материалами. ∙ Развивать лояльность и знания о препаратах у первостольников ∙ Полноценно заполнять паспорт аптеки ∙ Вести отчетность по своей активности на регулярной основе. Квалификация Образование: Высшее медицинское/ фармацевтическое или естественнонаучное образование Опыт работы и знания: без опыта работы Ключевые компетенции: Коммуникация, аналитические способности, ориентированность на результат, ответственность, приверженность ценностям Компании Знание языков: Владение английским языком является преимуществом Другое: Наличие водительских прав категории В Компенсационный пакет: ∙ Конкурентная заработная плата ∙ Бонусы по результатам работы ∙ Добровольное медицинское страхование (для сотрудника и членов семьи) ∙ Страхование жизни и от несчастных случаев ∙ Оплата мобильной связи ∙ Служебный автомобиль Пожалуйста, направляйте свое резюме и сопроводительное письмо по адресу: julia.bulat@sanofi-aventis.com
Специалист по работе с заказами
Danone Russia Основные обязанности: ∙ Создание централизованных заказов ∙ Ведение отчетности ∙ Отслеживание остатков продукции в магазинах ∙ Тесное общение с супервайзерами по продажам Основные требования: ∙ Опыт продаж в должности торгового представителя ,аналитика продаж или опыт работы в логистике в области управления товарными запасами желателен ∙ Желание развиваться в сфере логистики ∙ Знание ПК на уровне пользователя ∙ Excel-уверенный пользователь обязательно ∙ Английский желательно Условия: ∙ Офис м. Белорусская ∙ Обучение ∙ Возможность карьерного и профессионального роста Тип занятости Полная занятость, полный день Отправьте ваше резюме по адресу recruitment.excellence@danone.com , указав в теме письма Специалист по работе с заказами!!!
Director Of Marketing, Communications
Michael Page, a worldwide leader in recruitment and interim management, listed on the London Stock E You have experience in a senior marketing / communications position, if possible within a services company. You also have an excellent understanding of the social media universe (LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, wikis etc.), from the creation to management of content. Finally, fully bilingual in French/English (plus knowledge of Spanish and / or German would be ideal), you are comfortable in an international environment and in a leadership role with teams in 20 countries. Requirements: If you are interested in this international and creative position, please send your CV to Charles-Henri Dumon at sophiebaravian@michaelpage.ch.
Marketing Coordinator
Leading international management consulting company KEY DUTIES: - Managing of press and PR-activities; - Administration and update of relevant PR tools; - Development of marketing strategy for the office, based on target clients/priorities. Development of client marketing and press plan based on the strategy; - Organizing and coordinating local and regional Marketing activities within key global campaigns and initiatives; - Organizing and coordinating of social and local events; - Russian website updates including content updating and development of new features and sections; - Capturing and coordinating global marketing initiatives; - Managing marketing budget and Russian marketing plan; - Internal Communications and Institution Building; - Maintenance of relevant, Marketing related stock material Requirements: REQUIREMENTS: - Higher education in Marketing/PR; - 5-7 years experience in a marketing department in consulting/PR-agency or as a journalist with leading business media; - Fluent in English (written & orally), excellent knowledge of Russian language. German language is a plus; - High willingness to take over additional responsibilities, ability to organize and structure complex tasks; - Strong interpersonal skills required to deal effectively with all levels of staff, as well as outside contacts; - Strong organizational skills and effective management of work; - A broad knowledge about the Firm?s business and activities; - Extensive knowledge in Office PC-programs; - Excellent communication skills and high energy level
Business Development Manager, Energy
Leading global engineering company is looking for an extremely strong salesperson for an exciting po - Business development, large electric energy projects - Being a point of contact for the customers' top management and technical personnel - Management of existing accounts, service development - Development of customized solutions for customers, negotiations, contracts management Requirements: - A self-motivated and energetic person - An experienced salesperson, who was educated and worked in the field of electric energy generation - A good networker and negotiator able to reach and convince decision makers at top companies and government institutions - Fluent English is a must
Internal Audit Consultant
Major national mix-capital organisation working in telecom and it-technology industry Our Client is looking for experienced internal auditors to lead the projects in business effectiveness, design and optimisation of internal controls system, risk-management and internal audit methodology Requirements: A successful candidate will have extensive experience in internal audit, internal controls and risk-management, should be familiar with SOX, COSO, etc. He/she should have strong analytical skills, should be experienced in team-management and guidance.
Crm Project Manager
Brand international company (CRM company) - To take part in Client' Meetings. - To gather Client' requirements for CRM / ETMS System. - To develop and to discuss with Client Plan of Actions in order to implement CRM / ETMS System. - To discuss Project Plan with Client and Project Team. - Responsibility for results of Project Implementation. - Implementation (development) of new projects in proper timelines discussed with Client. - To control all stages of Project Implementation. - To schedule resources which will be required for Project. - Preparation, creation and writing of Guide Documentation. - Preparation and realization of training sessions for Clients. - Creation of Technical Documentation for new projects. - Timely completion of tasks which were raised by first-hand leader. - To record data into internal Time Management System on daily basis. Requirements: - University degree (Programmists); - Excellent project Management skills; - Minimum of 3 years of experience in CRM project management; - Strong analytical skills; - Proficient in Russian and English; - Excellent communication and presentation skills; - Persuasion/negotiation; - Leadership; - Team player
Marketing manager
A global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture Our client, a global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture that thrives on the continued development of its business, team, brand and customers, is seeking the following first-class professionals to join its fast-growing business operations in Russia and the CIS. MARKETING MANAGER - responsible for the development and implementation of the brand’s strategic and operational marketing strategy in Russia and the CIS. You will have a degree in Marketing/Communications, a minimum of 5/7 years Marketing/Communications experience in a managerial role with at least 3 years experience of premium brand marketing in the leisure, retail or FMCG industries. An understanding of CRM would be an advantage. The successful candidate will be a highly motivated and positive individual who is a team player, tenacious, extremely well organized and able to work well within a team. You must be able to demonstrate experience in providing marketing communication leadership and consensus building among diverse functions and cultures. Experience in planning, budget setting and management of agencies is required. All candidates must be fluent in Russian and English (verbal and written) Please send your resume and cover letter, in English, clearly quoting the relevant position title in the subject line, to Allan Sullivan (Executive Director) at asullivan@staffwell.com
Finance & Administration manager
A global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture Our client, a global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture that thrives on the continued development of its business, team, brand and customers, is seeking the following first-class professionals to join its fast-growing business operations in Russia and the CIS. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION MANAGER – responsible for the day-to-day financial and administrative functions of the business, you will be a member of a professional finance organization (ACCA, CIMA) and have a Bachelor of Commerce or equivalent qualification. You will have 5/6 years financial transaction processing, financial reporting and SAP experience and be commercially aware. Practical experience of legal and tax issues are required. You are a team player with very well-developed interpersonal skills, including communication, conflict management and negotiation as well as a high level of assertiveness in order to implement the necessary company policies and procedures. All candidates must be fluent in Russian and English (verbal and written) Please send your resume and cover letter, in English, clearly quoting the relevant position title in the subject line, to Allan Sullivan (Executive Director) at asullivan@staffwell.com
After sales manager
A global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture Our client, a global company with truly international iconic brand recognition and a corporate culture that thrives on the continued development of its business, team, brand and customers, is seeking the following first-class professionals to join its fast-growing business operations in Russia and the CIS. AFTER SALES MANAGER – responsible for providing guidance and motivation to the company's s dealer network. You will have 3/4 years technical automotive experience and a strong commercial awareness. The successful candidate should be strong in building trusting interpersonal relationships and should be organized and tenacious with excellent communication, presentation and analytical problem solving skills. You will be result-orientated and be able to work independently or well within a team. The ability to travel frequently in Russia, the CIS, Europe and the USA is essential. All candidates must be fluent in Russian and English (verbal and written) Please send your resume and cover letter, in English, clearly quoting the relevant position title in the subject line, to Allan Sullivan (Executive Director) at asullivan@staffwell.com
An experienced finance and economics reporter
DJN-Wall Street Journal Dow Jones Newswires is looking for an experienced finance and economics reporter for the combined DJN-Wall Street Journal bureau in Moscow. Applicants should have a track record of reporting on currencies, government budgets, and debt management, and fluent Russian and a command of English are required. The job will require the reporter to burrow into the policy-making circles of Russian government agencies and the financial market, with a focus on breaking news that affects the ruble’s exchange rate and producing exclusive stories relating to the Russian economy, the movement and exchange of currency, and the market interventions of the Bank of Russia, which has the world’s third-largest international reserves. Stories will appear on Dow Jones Newswires, as well as frequently in the three global editions of The Wall Street Journal, WSJ.com, and its blogs. Please send applications to nonna.fomenko@wsj.com
Business Development Manager
Russia's leading online projects developer and localizer looking for a skilled business development - To develop new business opportunities into full-fledged profitable projects by communication with the company's partners all over the globe - To build and improve long-term relations with partners to maximize the company's financials in the long run Requirements: - A self-driven business development professional - A fluent English speaker, Chinese or Korean are a plus
Business Development Manager
Russia's leading online projects developer and localizer looking for a skilled online marketing pers - To develop new business opportunities into full-fledged profitable projects by communication with the company's partners all over the globe - To build and improve long-term relations with partners to maximize the company's financials in the long run Requirements: - A self-driven business development professional - A fluent English speaker, Chinese or Korean are a plus
Online Marketing Manager
Russia's leading online projects developer and localizer looking for a skilled online marketing pers - To oversee the whole range of web marketing and community marketing tasks for the company's projects - To supervise all the contacts of the company with the press and the public Requirements: - A skilled marketing person experienced in web marketing projects - A good communicator and a fluent English speaker
Cfo / финансовый директор
One of the leading national food-production companies Our Client, a major national company from the food-production sector is looking for a Finance Director to head the finance function. The role will be reporting directly to the General Director and Owner of the company. Primary focus will be made on development of the business processes related to finance and accounting, business development support, preparation to expansion of the company, potential IPO, partnership, etc. Requirements: A successful candidate will have extensive experience in finance and accounting on leading roles in large Russian and multinational companies and will have experience with complex finance, including M&A, investments, change management, business process optimization, etc. He/she will have strong communication and team-management skills, will be able to work independently. He/she will be target-oriented and will have strong leadership capabilities required to work in a challenging environment.
Business Controller
International wholesale company of equipment Finance controlling, IFRS Reporting, Budgeting, Participant of merger of two LLCs into 1 further becoming BU Controller for one of 2 streams of business, Assist and partner with existing Finance controller and Finance director of company in the merger Requirements: Previous big 4 experience and real sector work afterwards in controlling functions HIGHLY DESIRED Axapta, 1 c8 STABLE working experience (min 2 years in present and previous companies) INTERNATIONAL companies ONLY last 3-5 years
Business Unit Finance Manager
Russian subsidiary of international company, dealing with trade and services of machinery We are looking for Finance Manager for business unit which is involved in sales of heavy machinery and after sales support. The role would be fully responsible for the financial support of the business unit, including implementation of financial policies, financial and management reporting, analysis, budgeting, planning, cost control, cash flow management, risk management, etc. The project type of business cycle requires heavy focus on the client side. The role requires two reporting lines: to the CFO of the company and the GM of the business unit. Requirements: *Diploma in economics or finance *ACCA, CPA, or other international certificate preferable *Financial managers from international companies with similar type of business preferable *Previous Big4 experience is a plus but not a must *Upper-intermediate level of English (oral and written) *Strong proven experience in financial reporting, analysis, budgeting, planning, cash flow management, AR control ,risk management ,cost controls *Knowledge of ERP systems (SAP, Oracle, etc.)
Deputy Cfo
International Telecom Company - Lead and review the management reporting function and focus on KPIs - Assist with the analysis of accounting and finance operations and comment on results - Provide the business with added value through insight into the financial performance - Supervision of finance and accounting operations on an active basis, - Identification of issues and implementation of improvements - Contribution of financial expertise to the team and development of the employees knowledge Requirements: At least 5 years of finance experience, Well-trained and mature professional with controlling background, Excellent interpersonal skills, Complete understanding of finance and accounting processes, Genuine problem-solving skills, Commitment, loyalty, integrity and work-ethics.
Head Of Sewage Solutions
Our client is a leading corporation, operating in the Russian Market with industrial solutions, are Our client is looking for an autonomus professional, with technical background who will be responsible for a part of the business. Functional will include both, commercial development and technical assistance to the client The head of department will be developing new client, managing key accounts. We are looking for a manager, who will be staffing and developing the new department Requirements: - technical background - knowledge of the sewage solutions - managerial experience - good command of English - work experience from 3 years
Commercial Representative
Leading multinational, Auto sector Our client is looking for a B2B commercial representative to increase the volume of sales in the Moscow Region Functions will include: - Communication with clients - cold calling, sales negotiations - Representation of the company - Partner Management - dealer segmentations - Market Research - consumers, competitors - Product Portforlio Management Requirements: We are looking for someone with: - ASM/RSM experience - from 3 years in sales structure - management experience - good command of English language
Financial Reporting Manager
One of our Clients, a leading international mining corporation is looking for an experienced finance A successful candidate will be responsible for a range of functions in financial and management reporting. Among others, the duties will include - Analysis of financial and accounting information and preparation of technical documents to support decision making - Participate in the process of budgeting, operational planning and CAPEX - Participation in development of internal standards, policies and procedures and other methodology related work - Ensure compliance with industry and professional regulations in Russia - Close liaison with other business activities and external parties - Management and guidance of the reporting team The position will report directly to the Finance & Administration Director. The job is rotational and requires more than 50% of the time to be spent in the offices on Far East of Russia. Requirements: Key requirements include but are not limited to: - University degree in Finance or Accounting - 5+ years relevant experience on senior roles with financial reporting and technical accounting issues in large public companies - Western accounting qualification (ACCA, CPA or equivalent) - Fluent English and Russian - Previous experience in mining&metals / utilities is preferred
Finance Manager
International fast growing food and beverage chain A major international company from HORECA sector just outside Moscow on the South-East is looking for a leading finance professional to head the finance and accounting function for Moscow office. A potential finance manager will be able to apply his strong theoretical knowledge and practical experience in accounting and reporting, including controlling of full RAS and IFRS reporting procedure (BS, PL, CF, consolidation and transformation from RAS to IFRS), management reporting, budgeting and forecasting, financial analysis and business support. Requirements: A successful candidate will have extensive experience in finance and accounting (including actual controlling of reporting for RAS and IFRS-purposes), have very strong knowledge in RAS and IFRS, practical experience with 1C and/or other accounting software. He/she will be good in English, will be able to manage, motivate and develop a team of up to 15 subordinates and have strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Regional Sales Director
Leading multinational Building Materials company with newly built sales team are looking for a leade The successful candidate will be leading a team of 5-10 sales specialists and account managers, implementing a sales structure and field management. We are looking for an independant sales leader with understanding of building materials market and experience in management. The responsibilities will include complete management of Volga Region, including field force management, account management, channel development Requirements: Please reply if you have: - higher education - sales management experience - ASM/RSM positions in the past We are looking for a professional with good ambitions and motivation to work with a very dynamic, hardworking team
Lifestyle - Sales Manager
A B2B and B2C company is looking to develop product for those individuals that like the good life... This role is all about innovation, creativity and execution. You will integrate into a young and active team and develop the activity of the company of the Russian market Requirements: Experienced in working with sales best practices - you should be a "doer" and not someone who can't execute without a team of 20 support staff...
Sales Manager Oilfield Chemicals
A world leading chemical company - Sales of chemicals for oilfield and drilling companies, oil service companies and formulators - Commercial and technical negotiations, tender participation, presentations, speeches at exhibitions and conferences - Maintenance and control of all sales and introduction projects - Business trips to oil regions Requirements: The successful candidate will have the following: - Industry elevant professional education and good knowledge of Oil&Gas production processes - Ability to work in a laboratory and analyze large amounts of information - A strong and charismatic personality and good commercial and communication skills - Driving license and driving experience - Fluent English
Key Account Manager, Business Process Outsourcing
World's leading solution provider for information and document processing, looking to start a new bu - Develop and manage sales of advanced business process outsourcing solutions - Market the company products based on sales and marketing strategy - Establish and develop strong strategic business relations with clients - Prepare, negotiate and implement the sales and marketing plan in dedicated key accounts Requirements: - Higher education, fluent English - Minimum 5 years of key account management experience with an international high-tech or IT company - Previous experience with business oursourcing and/or advanced call center solutions will be a decisive advantage - Proactive, result-driven personality with excellent communication and negotiation skills
Key Account Manager, Commercial Printing Solutions
World's leading solution provider for information and document processing. - Develop and manage sales in key accounts in the field of polygraphic and commercial print companies - Market the company products based on sales and marketing strategy - Establish and develop strong strategic business relations with clients - Prepare, negotiate and implement the sales and marketing plan in dedicated key accounts Requirements: - Higher education, fluent English - Minimum 3 years of key account management experience with an international high-tech or IT company - Previous experience with commercial printing companies as key accounts will be a decisive advantage - Proactive, result-driven personality with excellent communication and negotiation skills
Account Manager (crm)
Brand international company (CRM company) - To monitor on weekly/monthly basis the assigned Clients; - To gather Client requirements for CRM / ETMS System and to suggest new products to the Clients; - To develop and to discuss with Clients' Plan of Actions in order to implement CRM / ETMS System; - To discuss new Project Plans with Clients and Project Team; - Timely creation and sending to Client of invoices for provided services and notification of Client about it. Requirements: - University degree; - Minimum of 3 years of experience in Account Management; - Knowledge of CRM project management; - Excellent project Management skills; - Excellent communication and presentation skills; - Strong analytical skills; - Proficient in Russian and English; - Persuasion/negotiation; - Leadership; - Team player
Key Account Manager
Global leader in home appliances - Focus on personal sales targets, new business development, and troubleshooting on problem or key markets - Prepare annual trade partner plan by month and product category in accordance with model matrix - Negotiate annual Trade Partner plan and annual contract with trade partners - Control accounts receivables - Coordinate actions within sales team and with marketing department - Carry out trade marketing activities and gather competitive intormation Requirements: - Good English, native russian - Minimum 2 years experience in similar role - built-in equipment experience is a great plus - Experience in multinational organization. Preference on white goods industry - Energetic with 'can do' approach

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