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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation

The amendments are made to certain acts of the RF Government on questions of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received by a criminal way and financing of terrorism
2008-04-30 08:00


The amendments are made to certain acts of the RF Government on questions of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received by a criminal way and financing of terrorism

  The Decree of the RF Government N 307 of April 25, 2008 (document is in Russian) approves the amendments made to acts of the RF Government on questions of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received by a criminal way and financing of terrorism, and in accordance with them the commercial institutions concluding contracts of financing under cession of pecuniary claim as financial agents shall submit to the Federal Service on Financial Monitoring of information provided by the Federal Act "On taking actions against legalization (laundering) of Incomes drawn by criminal way and financing of terrorism", and besides they shall develop rules of internal control providing in the purposes of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes received by a criminal way and financing of terrorism, and they are subjects for record in the Federal Service on Financial Monitoring.

The amendments are made to the Statute of issue to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship of permits on temporary residence
2008-04-30 08:00


The amendments are made to the Statute of issue to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship of permits on temporary residence

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 313 of April 26, 2008 (document is in Russian) makes the amendments to the Statute on Issuance of a Permission for Temporary Residence to Foreign Citizens and Persons without Citizenship approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 789 of November 1, 2002 (document is in Russian).

In particular, there are approved the form of mastic stamp on the permit to foreign citizen (person without citizen ship) for temporary residence in the Russian Federation (the annex N 1), and the form of blank of permit for temporary residence (the annex N 2).
Besides, there is established that to foreign citizen (person without citizenship) attained age of 14 years, including foreign citizen entering to the Russian Federation in the procedure not requiring visa, the permit on temporary residence shall be draw up with use of mastic stamp in the document identifying his person, in the form according to the annex N 1.

The permit on temporary residence of foreign citizen (person without citizenship) not attained age of 14 years shall be draw up with use of mastic stamp in the document identifying personality of every parent or in the document identifying personality of one of them received the permit on temporary residence, in the form according to the annex N 1.

The permit on temporary residence of person without citizenship having no documents identifying personality shall be issued as document in the form according to the annex N 2.

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