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News of the Federal Legislation

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News of the Federal Legislation




There are approved the Rules of application of communication vehicles subjects for declaring of accordance

      The Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication of the Russian Federation N 159 of December 7, 2006 (document is in Russian) approves the Rules of application of technical means (interface boards) added in personal computers for secure of connection with networks of fixed telephone communication, which shall be applied on declaring of accordance of interface boards for secure of connection with networks of fixed telephone communication and technological communication networks in the case of their joining to the communication networks of general use. In annexes there are given requirements to parameters of two-wire analog connection for porting of users (finished) equipment, digital connection of primary access, digital connection of base access.
The Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication of the Russian Federation N 166 of December 11, 2006 (document is in Russian) approves the Rules of application of communication vehicles used for secure of access to information of informational-technology networks, transfer of e-mails and facsimile information, which establish obligatory requirements to aforesaid communication vehicles within the communication networks of general use and technological communication networks in the case of their joining to the communication networks of general use.

The procedure for declaring of goods by natural persons in the tacit form is approved

      The Order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia N 1208 of November 22, 2006 (document is in Russian) approves the Procedure establishing specific features of declaring of goods subjects for declaring in  verbal form, by means of performance of activities evidencing that, there is no goods subjects for declaring  in written form in hand luggage and accompanied baggage of a natural person, as well as there is no goods transferred by not accompanied baggage. So, the Procedure establishes specific features of arrangement and designation of special places for pass of natural persons choosing tacit form of declaring of goods transferred by them. The Order of the State Customs Committee of  Russia N 38 of January 25, 1999 (document is in Russian) is considered to lost its force, which established the Instruction for customs clearance and customs control of goods transferred through the customs boarder of the Russian Federation by natural persons and not intended for production or other commercial activity.

The amendments are maid to the rules of accounting in credit institutions

      The Directions of the Bank of Russia N 1757-U of December 11, 2006 (document is in Russian) makes amendments to the Provisions of the Bank of Russia N 205-P "On rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation" of December 5, 2002
Accounts in credit institution, there are given new wording of titles of certain accounts in a number of sections, a number of accounts is excluded, amendments are maid to text of certain accounts.
      In particular, amendments are maid to
section 1 "Capital and funds", section 3 "Interbank operation", section 4 "Operations with clients", section 5 "Operations with securities", section 6 "Funds and property" of the Chapter A. " Balance account". A number of accounts are excluded from section 4 "Settlement operations and documents" of the Chapter C. "Outbalance accounts".
     The amendments according to amendments to
the Accounts in credit institutions are maid to the part II "Characteristics of accounts" of the Rules of accounting in credit institutions.
annex 10 "Procedure of accounting of fixed assets, intangible assets, material stocks" to the Rules of accounting in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation is given in the new wording.

The amendments are maid to the Provisions of the Bank of Russia "On the Procedure and Criteria of Estimation of the Financial Standing of Legal Entities - Founders (Participants) of Credit Institutions"

      The Directions of the Bank of Russia N 1764-U of December 15, 2006 (document is in Russian) makes amendments to the Provisions of the Bank of Russia N 218-P "On the Procedure and Criteria of Estimation of the Financial Standing of Legal Entities - Founders (Participants) of Credit Institutions" of March 19, 2003 (document is in Russian), which concern the procedure for evaluation of financial position of trust manager in the result of receiving of shares (stocks) of credit institution in trust management, as well as the list of persons is changed, for which there may be applied the procedure and criteria of evaluation of financial position.
     This Directions shall putt into effect upon expiration of 10 days after the day of its official publication in the "News Bulletin of the Bank of Russia".

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