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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No29 (30) от 2008-06-28
Подписчиков: 1118 чел.

 Проверим домашнее задание.
1.I forgot to take the spaghetti out of the water and it went soft.
Почему здесь it?  
Meat, soup, tea , spaghetti – это все   неисчисляемые существительные.
2. This is my children’s room.

3.    Actions speak louder  than words.
4.    Bill is a lot  richer than Tom.
Почитайте правило  о словах, которые могут быть перед прилагательным или наречием в сравнительной степени.
Before the comparitive of adjectives and adverbs you can use:
a bit, a little, much, a lot, far= a lot.
Let's go by car. It's much ( or a lot) cheaper.
Don't go by train. It's much more expensive.
Ann works a lot harder than most of her friends. Could you speak a bit ( or a little) more slowly?
Her illness was far more serious than we at first thought.

5.    You can get a headache if you are very tired..

6.    We'd like three dozen eggs.

7.    The girls are with their father now.
8. The rich  collection of Hermitage regularly attracts millions of people.
9. It is nearly twenty years since my father saw   his brother.

10.Where  are your brothers? They are digging  a swimming pool in our garden.

//. This time next week  I will be lying on the beach in Spain.
12. It seems that they already  have decided everything without consulting us.
13. I'm sorry about you.

sorry about smth. - I'm sorry about the  noise  last  night.  We  were having a party.
but SORRY FOR doing smth. I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
But it's more usual to say : I'm sorry I.....
I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.
14. We haven't got much  money but we manage to get by.
/5. She convinced the court  that she was  innocent.

16.    If only I   were  a little bit slimmer.
17.    Farmers are expecting  a good harvest this year.
18.    Oh, I get it. -I have to press this key first.
19. They got married  last week.

20. I'd rather go  there by car, if you don't mind.

Would rather (do) = would prefer to do. After would rather  we  use
the infinitive without to
Compare: Shall we go by train?- Well, I'd prefer to go by car.
    Well, I'd rather go by car. ( not 'to go') Would you rather have tea or coffee? Coffee, please.
I'm tired . I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind.
Do you want to go out this evening? "I'd rather not.'
Постарайтесь запомнить эти примеры! Очень важно.

А теперь посмотрим на правила употребления
Use the PAST SIMPLE to ask or to say WHEN something happened.
When did it start raining? It started raining at 1  o'clock/  an  hour ago. When did Tom and Ann first meet? They first met when they were at school /a long time ago.

Use the Present Perfect /I have done, I have been doing/ to ask  or  say  HOW LONG something has been happening / up to the present/.
How long has it been raining? It's been raining since one  o'clock/for an hour. How long have Tom and Ann known  each  other?  They've  known each other since they were at school./for a long time.


We use both since and for to say how long smth has been happening.
I've been waiting for you since 8 o'clock. I've been waiting  for  you for 2 hours.
We use SINCE when we say the beginning of the period /8 o'clock/.

Небольшое задание для самостоятельной работы.  
VI.    Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скобках.
1.    A piano is (намного тяжелее)    than a table.
2.    Не didn't tell (никому)        about it.
3.    Could you (сделать)    me a favour?
4.    The store has two lifts and (ни один)    of them is working.
5.    It was more difficult than we had (ожидали)    
6.    They (имеют обыкновение)    to playing tennis every
7.    My friend doesn't enjoy science fiction books and (я тоже)
8. He was so (взволнован)    that he could hardly speak.

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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