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_English_: Подготовка к тестированию
за 2 года

  Выпуск No27 (28) от 2008-06-14
Подписчиков: 1104 чел.

 Проверим упражнения.

Have you heard from Ann recently?
Have you read a newspaper recently?
Have you seen Tom in the past few days?
Have you played tennis recently?
Have you seen any good film recently?

 It's the second time you have  been late  this week.
 It's the third time the car has broken down this month
 It's the fifth cup of tea she has had ( drunk) this morning.
Давайте   вспомним  Present Perfect Continuous.
  Is it raining? No, it isn't but the ground is wet.
  It  has  been raining. This is THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS.

We use the Present  Perfect Continuous when we talk about
 an action /quite a long action/ which began in the past
 and  has  recently  stopped  or  just stopped.

Обратите внимание на слова has  recently  stopped  or  just stopped
Это очень важно.

 Here are some examples:
You are out of breath. Have you been running?
That man over there is bright red. I think he has been sunbathing.
Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you  been  doing?

 Чтобы запомнить предыдущий пример, представьте себе чумазого пятилетнего парнишку, у которого мама спрашивает: Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you  been  doing?

    We also use the Present Perfect Continuous to ask or
to say how  long  something has been happening.

 This time the action or  situation  began  in  the past and is still happening or has just stopped.
It is raining now. It began to rain  2  hours  ago  and  it  is  still raining. IT HAS BEEN RAINING FOR 2 HOURS.

We use  it with HOW LONG, FOR and SINCE.

How long have you been learning English?
They've been waiting here for over an hour.
 I've been watching television since  2  o'clock.

 George hasn't been feeling very well recently.
 Have  you  been  working  hard today?
We also use the Present Perfect Continuous  with  HOW  LONG,  FOR,  SINCE/
 for actions repeated over a period of time.

She has been playing tennis since she was eight.
 How  long  have  you been smoking?

 к Present Perfect мы вернемся еще не раз.
А теперь новые задания.
 1. If I ... some fish, will you cook it for me?
a) will catch, b) catch, c) caught, d) am catching
2.be attentive and more serious. You always ....something!
 a)lose, b) are losing, c) have lost, d) have been loosing.
3.If he... when I come, I won’t  wake him up.
a) sleep, b) will be sleeping, c) will sleep, d) is sleeping
 4.At colledge the work is harder than the work we did at school,
 but it is much... interesting.
a)    more, b) most, c) many, d) a few.
5.My friends tell me that professors are people who think a lot, but say...
a) little, b) few, c) a few, d) some
 6.A person with a good education usually gets ...better job.
a)-, b)a, c) the, d) an
7. ... Hyde Park  is a very large park in central London.
A)a, b) the c) a, d) an
8) They go to work by car and come home ...foot.
a) by, b) on, c) with, d) in
 9)I am afraid my hands are a bit dirty. I... in the garden since morning.
 a) have been working, b) was working, c) work, d) worked
10 )He ... in the Army for 18 months. This is his last month.
 a)serves, b) is serving, c) has been serving, d) have served.

.1. The man ( who, whom, what) robbed you has been arrested.

2.The woman ( which, that) we spoke to give us directions.
3.  She heard steps  behind ( her, herself).

 4. Among all the crowd  who came  and went she cared for ( anybody, nobody).  ( интересоваться кем-то).
5. Busses into town  run ( each, every, all) 20 minutes  or so.

6. – What would you like to eat? – I don’t  mind ( anything, nothing, something).
 Whatever  you’ve got.
 7. He’s lazy. He never does ( any, some, no, none) work.

8. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of ( my, mine, me) is getting married.
9. We couldn’t buy anything, because  ( no one, none, ) of the shops were open.

10. The climate here is just right, neither cold ( not, or, nor, neither) hot.

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Желаю успеха!

А. Соболевская

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