Компания “Трето” приглашает принять участие в разработке корпоративного портала программиста Lotus с опытом создания web-проектов. Корпоративный портал объединяет все корпоративные и внешние коммуникации и бизнес-процессы. Все решения для портала пишутся под тонкого клиента.
- Необходимы знания Lotus Script, Lotus Formula, HTML, JavaScript, XML/XSL, CSS, Dojo. - Необходим опыт разработки web-приложений для IBM Lotus Notes & Domino
- Разработка новых модулей для корпоративного портала, участие в доработке и развитии написанных проектов.
- Работа может осуществляться дистанционно, все обсуждения проходят через корпоративный портал. Поэтому Ваше место жительства значения не имеет – мы ищем лучших, а не ближайших. - Решение о сотрудничестве принимается на основании удачно выполненного тестового задания. - Возможно совмещение или более плотное сотрудничество с оформлением по ТК. - Масса интересных задач, все условия для профессионального развития, открытые бизнес-процессы и коммуникации внутри компании. -Занятость не менее 25 часов в неделю -Доход 40000 рублей в месяц
С вопросами и предложениями обращаться: Менеджер по подбору персонала Анна e-mail: Моб.тел.+ 79030101775 Icq 558526473
Здравствуйте, все! Вопрос на засыпку — возможно ли в Lotus сгенерить html-таблицу, чтобы в заголовке часть названий столбцов была повёрнута на 90° ("лежала на боку"). Откопал в нете пример, в IE, FF работает, в LN (8.0.1, 8.5.1) наотрез отказывается.
спасибо за конкретный ответ!
не могли бы Вы мне ссылочку на admin client кинуть, те что я нашел идут в комплекте с domino 7, а мне необходим под 8.5.x
помогите пожалуйста, заранее спасибо!
Since becoming an iPad owner I've been forced to question my previously-un-questioned love of Flex.
With no sign of Apple ever letting iOS run the Flash player, there's little chance of ever running a Flex app on an iPad.
I tend to use Flex apps for the behind the scenes admin of websites. Sometimes that's for sites I own, but often I build the Flex app for the use of whoever actually owns or runs the website. El Administrator.
At the moment I'm working on a website for which I'll be responsible (contractually) for the day-to-day upkeep. The obvious choice, for me at least, is to create a Flex-based tool that lets me keep an eye on things and perform any required admin tasks and changes as and when needed.
There's a chance I might need to take the tool on the road though. If I go away for any amount of time I'll still be required to keep things ticking over. I could always just take my laptop with me, but I'd much rather take the iPad, for obvious reasons.
The natural alternative to a Flex-based tool is to build one using HTML5. The problem here is that I'd have to learn HTML5 (although that's probably more of an added bonus than a problem) and so it will take longer to make. With Flex you can create powerful admin tools in no time at all and with not much code. With HTML5 I don't know if the same is true? Is HTML5 as powerful and rich an interface as Flex?
Then again, maybe I should just buy an Android-based tablet, as that would run Flex apps and be just as (if not more) portable. Decisions, decisions.
GET AND STAY ON TOP OF ALL YOUR LOTUS NOTES SCHEDULED AGENTS With Agent Auditor you can easily gather detailed information on all of your agents or be notified when selected scheduled agents aren't running.
In addition to reporting most agent properties, Agent Auditor provides a tremendous amount of incredibly valuable information about your Notes scheduled agents.
Plus, source code for all agents (LotusScript, Formula, and Java).
I just updated the DEXT survey demos to include a graphical image of a pie chart, rather than the amateurish bar charts created with CSS. You can see an example here:
Looks good doesn't it. Wondering how complicated it was to do? Be surprised if I said it was very, very simple?
Earlier on today I Tweeted about how much I was liking the ASP.NET's built-in Chart component for creating charts on the fly. In reply my wife's friend's husband suggested I look at the Google Chart API, which is what I've used to create the charts above.
So simple it hurts.
I won't bother with a "how to" as it's very simple and well documented on the Google Charts site I just linked to.
Obviously it's a simple way to add a chart to a page generated with any server, so why did I add Lotus Domino to this blog's title? To keep the people who voted "no" in the this survey :-)
At some point soon I'm planning on adding the surveys to this site itself. I'll use the Google charts when I do.
Who knew you guys loved YouTube so much? Last week's bust on Ray Ozzie leaving Microsoft got such a response, that we're back this week with a whole new YouTube bit for your listening enjoyment.
This week, Howard Stern (of all people) defends Lotus Notes as the most secure email system around. Howard Stern. If you're going to have anyone in your corner, Howard's the man to have.
So without further ado, we present Howard Stern on Lotus Notes.
Similar to LSGMTTime and LSLocalTime, it would be nice if it was easier to get a UTC formatted date.
(ps It would also be nice to fix LSGMTTime so that it returns a time component when it works out to midnight. This would make writing our own UTC functions, among other things, much less of a pain! If you weren't aware of this, be sure to test for it!)
Pressing "Continue" means "Continue within current module / event". So if you have accidentally left debugger on and go to open a memo, you have to press continue 10 times and lose a few hairs.
In any case, you might know when you want debugger to kick in (eg when you click a button), and not run through every module on form open.
A Sleep button would keep debugger, it would go to sleep until woken up by another "Wake" button on the debugger bar.
Hey I know someone in Lotus is probaby quietly writing a brand new debugger, but this would be a great (and hopefully easy) improvement.
Add a setting to the setup policy settings to allow for the journal.nsf/notebook.nsf to be created automatically on first Notes client launch.
Add a setting to the desktop policy settings to be able to create the jouranl.nsf/notebook.nsf if it doesn't already exist.
We enable roaming before activating BlackBerries. Without the journal.nsf/notebook.nsf, memos created on the BlackBerry do no sync and are not backed up.
Add a setting to the setup policy settings to allow for the journal.nsf/notebook.nsf to be created automatically on first Notes client launch.
Add a setting to the desktop policy settings to be able to create the jouranl.nsf/notebook.nsf if it doesn't already exist.
We enable roaming before activating BlackBerries. Without the journal.nsf/notebook.nsf, memos created on the BlackBerry do no sync and are not backed up.
The Sametime limited-use entitlement for chat and presence awareness in Notes and webmail should include the ability to allow screen captures and images in the rich text.
Sametime Standard should not be required to get this functionality especially where web-conferencing, voice and video chat etc. are not needed. This a basic chat function that should be pushed down to Entry rather than requiring the large leap in functionality and cost to Standard.
The Sametime limited-use entitlement for chat and presence awareness in Notes and webmail should include the ability to allow screen captures and images in the rich text.
Sametime Standard should not be required to get this functionality especially where web-conferencing, voice and video chat etc. are not needed. This a basic chat function that should be pushed down to Entry rather than requiring the large leap in functionality and cost to Standard.
Given the growth of mobile device deployments, the Sametime limited-use entitlement for just chat and presence awareness in Notes and webmail should be extended to mobile devices.
For just text chat and presence, the jump in cost and functionality to Standard isn't justifiable when web-conferencing, voice, and video chat are not required.
Given the growth of mobile device deployments, the Sametime limited-use entitlement for just chat and presence awareness in Notes and webmail should be extended to mobile devices.
For just text chat and presence, the jump in cost and functionality to Standard isn't justifiable when web-conferencing, voice, and video chat are not required.
For example, if you have 10 emails selected in a view, when you drag them to the desktop only 1 document is exported as .eml file. All of them should be saved as .eml files
As of Notes 8.5.2, application developers
can specify an image resource as the database (application) icon. (You
do this in Domino Designer. Kathy Howard explained how to do it in
this blog
posting on the Notes Design Blog.
The icon shows ...
I wonder what the plans are for integrating Project concord functionality in and amongt Quickr?
From the labs description - "Project Concord is a collaborative, browser-based office application suite for creating, editing and sharing documents. Project Concord will leverage the collaboration, task management and file sharing services of LotusLive to deliver a new approach for collaborative authoring and content creation."
So, it sounds like it would be pretty nice if they could rip the editor out of there, and make it a native editor in a Quickr Place - just seems like some overlap, that might be nice to have integrated into a Quickr server setup...
Apple contact dates (Birthday Anniversary) off by a day Creating or modifying a contact containing a birthday or anniversary date from an Apple device running iOS4.x may result in the birthday or anniversary date being a day earlier in your Domino contact. An iOS4.x device converts the date you ...
Updated 28 October 2010 -- Optional dojo update for IBM Lotus Notes Client Standard 8.5.1 Fix Pack 5 for W32/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 18 October 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.