Доброго всем дня! Надеюсь, подобной темы ещё не было. По крайней мере поиск по формулировке ошибки ничего *цензура*ожего не выдал. Суть такова: необходима автоматическая настройка рабочего места пользователя - копирование в папку лотусового клиента нескольких нужных dll. Как из File Resources файлы по-простому выдирать - не нашёл, по-непростому - знаю, что можно, но с dxl'ом разбираться времени нет. Сделал профильную форму с RichText полем, сделал ProfileDoc, приаттачил в это поле 10 dll'ок. Всё вроде бы хорошо, документ открывается/сохраняется, файлы в поле показываются и мышой из документа перетаскиваются. При попытке скриптом выгрузить эти аттачи в папку клиента на первом же файле ошибка: Could not locate attached file name.dll (4260). код такой:
Dim rti As NotesRichTextItem Set rti = pdoc.GetFirstItem("ScanEZdlls") Dim rtnav As NotesRichTextNavigator Dim att As NotesEmbeddedObject Set rtnav = rti.CreateNavigator If rtnav.FindFirstElement(RTELEM_TYPE_FILEATTACHMENT) Then Do Set att = rtnav.GetElement() If Dir$(lotuspath & "\" & att.source)="" Then Call att.ExtractFile (lotuspath & "\" & att.source) Print att.Source Loop While rtnav.FindNextElement() End If
* pdoc - полученный заранее профайловый документ, lotuspath - путь к папке клиента клиент, дизайнер - 7.0.2 Если не делать ExtractFile, то все аттачи код перебирает нормально (названия файлов по крайней мере принтятся ок). Если приаттачить только 1 файл в поле, то он экстрактится без проблем. Если зайти с другой стороны и попытаться шуршать по ричтексту не навигатором, а rti.EmbeddedObjects, то свойство сие возвращает Empty. Никто с этим не сталкивался? ЧТо я делаю не так, или как подругому реализовать копирование библиотек клиентам?
Есть вопрос: когда лазишь по базе (по папкам, видам, навигаторам) в ходе открывается некое кол-во страниц (закладок). Как закрыть, например, 3 страницу при нажатии кнопки из 5-й открытой? Может они именют какую нумерацию или индекс?
Since complaining of a lack of work a few weeks back I've been thrown a life-line and now find myself with a spring back in my step and enough work to see me through the year - if not longer. In a year where it feels like every prospect I was given fell through (my annus horribilis), one of the bigger ones finally came off.
It's crazy how a lack of work affects me. Financial worries and stress aside, it makes me lose almost all interest in my chosen career.
Whenever I'm really busy and have no time to spare I always say to myself that when I'm next in a quiet spell I'll use the time wisely and learn new skills. But then, when I'm the quiet spell, I lose my mojo and any interest in learning new IT skills. Then when work picks up I kick myself for feeling like that and wasting the chance.
Never thought I'd use such an obvious cliché but I think I "strive under pressure". Now that I'm back in a position of having lots of work on I find myself with a new thirst for anything and everything IT.
Last week was one of those weeks that makes glad I do the job I do. During the week I worked on two new websites as well as fixing the odd bug and making amendments to existing apps.
This list just about sums-up why I love my job. I love having to know so much stuff and being able to delve in to a many and varied pot of skills. Variety is the spice of life, as they say.
Back To My Roots
As we speak I'm working on a traditional website. It's LAMP-based and has a backend CMS, but, in essence, it's just a plain old website. This is normally the kind of work I shun, thinking of it as "below me" and not real work. But I've now realised that (assuming the customer is willing to pay a reasonable amount) it's just as rewarding as any other work - if not more so. I've really enjoyed it and think I'll stop telling people "I'm a web developer" only to later say "I don't really do websites" if they happen to mention knowing somebody who needs one. What kind of business practice is that!
It's been nice to get back to basics. No XML. No Flex. No Web Services. Just good ol' fashioned HTML and CSS. That's where it's at.
I'll talk some more about the website I'm working on at some point as it makes an interesting case-study. I might even add it to Rockall's dire-looking portfolio page.
NEW COURSE - LEARN XPAGE DEVELOPMENT! Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.
Edward Lee was asked to help a user book a room. The user was getting messages saying they weren't authorized. After much testing, the "problem" was discovered to be one of mis-communication not mis-configuration.
After a morning spent ironing-out browser-specific CSS bugs on a new website I went inside for a cup of tea. While there I thought I'd check it on the iPad - despite already having tested it in Safari on a Mac.
To my dismay the previously-plain text of the phone number had become a link, as you can see below (right hand side about 1/3 way down).
My instinct was that I'd left an <a> tag unclosed, so I went back to the office, double-checked and came back to the house to try again (no wifi in office). The link was still there, so, in desperation, I clicked it to see what it was linking to and this is what I saw:
At this point I realised the iPad had made the phone number in to a link. A link that lets me create a contact from it. Clever?
This is behaviour I'd expect on a phone and have found useful in the past when I've Googled for a company and then rang them directly from their website.
Is it something I'd expect on something that isn't a phone? No. I can't see any use to having this feature on the iPad. Smells to me like the iPad just uses the exact same browser build as the iPhone, perhaps?
If only I could work out why the iPad browser is adding the thin white lines down the sides of the magenta header area. Wishing I'd never looked at it on the iPad now. I was feeling quite happy with it until then.
BTW: Wondering how I took screen-grabs from the iPad? Quinn showed a trick whereby you press the power button and "thingy" button on its face at the same time to print screen. No idea how she worked that out. To get them to my PC I then added them to my Dropbox folder using the iPad app.
I've got a dedicated Linux server with Fasthosts and - despite vowing to leave them a couple of times - have had it for years now. The server hosts various LAMP-based websites that I've knocked up for people over the years on a get-what-you-pay-for support basis (none, that is).
Now that I'm starting to charge for these websites (and contemplating offering pure web design/hosting as a service) I need to take the support of the sites a little more seriously. For a start I need to consider backups. As it stands the server isn't backed up. At all. It's just a single-disk server disaster in waiting.
So I'm thinking of moving to a newer, bigger, better server. What I'm unsure of is whether a server with RAID 1 are as good as having daily backups? I know it's not the same thing -- if you want to restore to a previous version or something then RAID won't help, but all I care about really is never losing everything. Is a server with RAID 1 going to help me sleep better at night?
Update: Out of curiosity I looked at the spec of the current server and was shocked to see it only has 500MB of RAM.
Not sure why I was shocked though. This is testament to the beauty of LAMP servers that it will happily chug away endlessly with such little resource. Would increasing it to 2 or 4GBs really make that much difference to what are already fairly fast websites?
The "floating" properties is quiet annoying because you have to move it around the design area when it is on top of items.
For traditional Notes design elements (Forms, Views) it would be more handier to have the properties box appear in the Outline panel, simply because that panel is not available for tradional design elements.
Enable the ability to reduce the size of one, multiple or all images in presentation file- similar to the capability in PPT. This allows you to reduce the size of the file, and improve the performance overall (because the file size is smaller)
Symphony has trouble when you are working with very large (greater than 10MB) presentation files. every couple of minutes it seems to hang up- it is not doing an autosaveor anything like that (I have even turned that off) , and this can happen while working on slides or in presentation mode- it will just stop responding for 15-20 seconds and then it will start again.
The option to View a file attachment in Notes rather than Open or Edit it is great. Skip the overhead of loading the application and avoid the risk of malicious code in the file. This works so well, I would like to be able to use these viewers for files stored outside Notes as well. Currently if I want to view the contents of a file without risk, I will attach it to a mail message just so I can use the View option.
I would like to be able to right click on a file in Windows Explorer and then in the context menu, the 'Open With...' option would have 'Notes File Viewers' as one of the choices. This could probably be done with a feature similar to the connectors. Yes, it would be nice if Microsoft would fix the OS to do this. But once again Lotus already does it...within their software.
Type ahead in 8.5 is pretty good, like most IDE's out there now, type ahead is quite a common and intuitive feature, but it needs to go a little further.
When coding script/java/whateva, the developer needs to remember what the name of fields are on a form before referring to them in code. Typically in larger/complex systems, I will not remember the hundreds of fields I use. I have to go open the form with the field in question and get the correct spelling so I can refer to it in code.
Extend type ahead to list all fields defined on forms. As multiple forms may have the same name list them like this.
fieldname - formname
So then I can see exactly which field I want to refer to. So, if I define a NotesDocument variable, any time i start typing out a property I should be able to see a list of matching properties and field names I have defined. At least I can see what fields I want to use, or know that I am coding an unlisted field onto a document..
I would expect that this is a relatively easy inclusion as all you need to do is look up relates to existing meta data in a Domino database.
A common issue that Lotus Notes administrators find is how to massively install a Lotus Notes addin (an extension manager, an addin menu). This operation frequently involves copying a .dll file in the Lotus Notes client binary folder, and adding one line in the notes.ini file. This is not a problem for 10 users but when you need to distribute an addin for too many users this is usually a problem.
In future Notes versions, the administrator may put the addin in the names.nsf of the Domino mail server (in a special tab in the Server document) so all users having this server as their Mail server would automatically download and install the addin. When an addin needs to be updated, the Notes client should realize that and it should update the local copy of the addin. This is quite similar to updating the ECL... the client synchronizes its ECL against the server policy.
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This technote covers collecting data for a Lotus Domino server crash. Gathering data before contacting IBM Support will help to understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.