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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Apple profile fails to launch the Install Profile action

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 395 от 2010-10-01
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Да. Я ж написал, что Windows утилитой ldp.exe подключаюсь нормально к Active Directoru LDAP серверу по SSL.
При заведении пользователи с правами EDITOR при помощи Lotus Script этому самому пользоватилю выставляется галочка, дающая разришние на удаление документов, а при добавлении пользователи руками эта галочка не проставляется. А теперь уважаемые знатоки "Внимание вопрос". Что сделать чтоб эта самая галочка дающая разрешение удалять документы не выставлялась при заведении пользователя через Lotus Script
Всем привет.

Вроде банальный вопрос, но все же, какой способ наиболее простой и без подводных камней. Мне приходит на ум несколько вариантов:
1. Купить новый жесткий диск например на 1 Тб (сейчас стоит 300 Мб). Подсунуть его вместо имеющегося, проинсталировать на него Винду, Лотус как на старом на диск "C", подсунуть со старого все необходимые БД. Старый диск использовать как архивный.
2. Купить новый жесткий диск например на 1 Тб (сейчас стоит 300 Мб). Сделать архивную копию лотуса с диска "С". Сделать новый диск диском "D". Деинсталировать Лотус с диска "C", почистить реестр и программ файлес. Проинсталировать на новый диск Лотус (на новый диск "D"). Подсунуть все необходимые БД с архивной копии лотуса на диске "C". Здесь сразу возникает вопрос - не получится ли так что так как буква жесткого диска сменилась сплывут косяки из-за этого.
3. Установить новый сервер Lotus и перенести на него часть почтовых ящиков пользователей (к сожалению нет сервера для этой цели)
4. Shared mail (уже один раз было использовано здесь, как результат тоны неудаляемых писем - может быть накосячили во время настройки, но больше не хочется)

Какой вариант используют бравые админы по лутусу? ))
Есть задача.
Есть коллекция документов. В них необходимо в каждое запихнуть автоматически фотку. Фотки все разные -> в каждый документ своя фотка. Фотка берется из файла на жестком диске.
Какие есть Классы, методы на Lotus Script что бы это сделать?

P.S. Пишу, потому что ни разу с этим не сталкивался
Всем привет.
Замечаю такую проблему. Есть несколько компов с Windows XP, Vista и 7. Железо примерно одинаковое. Lotus везде одинаковый 7.0.2. Так вот, на компах с Windows XP лотус работает отлично, а на Vista и 7 базы данных документооборота, особенно имеющие много документов и сложную структуру открываются медленнее больше чем в 2 раза и лотус подвисает бывает что на несколько минут (не больше 10 минут) при обращении к таким БД. Кто нибудь замечал такие особенности? и есть ли способы борьбы кроме даунгрейда или обновление лотуса на 8.5 (обновление лотуса до 8.5 пока не по карману)
Мне в универе задали создать динамический сайт с помощью Lotus Notes and Domino 7.0.3, а перед этим создать html документ... HTML создала, а как он дальше мне может помочь в создании динамического сайта в лотусе, как перенести данные в лотус и вообще...
Большое спасибо за ответ!
Может подскажите можно ли другими способами разрешить группе посылать почту на один внешний домен ?
Если можно через скрипт автоматизировать работу то где этот скрипт взять ?
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Tips. Советы

Rob Salerno thinks it's great that Notes now has the ability to recall messages sent in error. However. There are several limitations to keep in mind. Or. You could try metaLogic's Retriever product.

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Bob Balfe was struggling with an application in Dojo. Then, probably after too many pickles on his ice cream sundae, he dreamt of the problem. Lo and behold. He had a vision of a version issue.

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Adam Osborne says user mail preferences were set by policy, apparently hiding some earlier preferences. When the policy was removed and changed, the hidden names could be removed, solving the problem.

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This hour-long video is a recording of the Community Meeting covering the IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog. The presentation is also available as "audio only" or as a transcript.

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With Agent Auditor you can easily gather detailed information on all of your agents or be notified when selected scheduled agents aren't running.

In addition to reporting most agent properties, Agent Auditor provides a tremendous amount of incredibly valuable information about your Notes scheduled agents.

Plus, source code for all agents (LotusScript, Formula, and Java).

Tap here and keep tabs on your agents.

Victor Toal was reading some documentation when he ran across a Technote explaining how turn on DAOS for archives upon creation.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Susan Bulloch knows you may have run into problems finding information on the fields and forms in the calendar schema. She wants you to know it has now been pulled together in one place, for which she provides a link.

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Bruce Elgort has posted a 40-minute podcast with Marie Scott and Tom Duff on the subject of "Everything you wanted to know about using Sametime or writing a book (but were afraid to ask)".

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Christian Petters had to take down his Sametime gateway and re-install it. The first part went fine. But re-installing it didn't go as smoothly.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Bastian Wieczorek
Tags: shortcut sametime client embedded
I think it would be nice if the screen capture tool in the embeeded sametime client and the stand alone client could be accessed via shortcut key. Many companies bought 3rd party software to do that. We could save some money with that and it would eliminate the need to install / rollout / maintain / update / ... a 3rd party software.
As long as the notes client is open and working the shortcut key should allow us to capture things. Most screenshots are also pasted into emails or sametime chats, so this would be a great new option.

Author: Jochen Mueller
Tags: calendar preferences calendar entry calendaring calendar calendars meeting calendar
Some of our users suggested the following calendar functionality.
One meeting follows another, there is usally no time to get on time to the next meeting, because the last meeting with your Exec lasted till the very end, and you didn't want to get out off the room early...
There should be an Option or Cal. Pref. that adds an additional 5 or 10 Minutes to the TimeSlots of an Meeting (Availability) if a person accepts an invitation.
The Find Free Time Functionality would therefore not allow a meeting to last til 3pm and the next to start at 3pm, but at 3:05pm or 3:10pm

Author: Femke Goedhart
Tags: lotus notes clients email eml
With 8.5.2 the option of saving to .eml was introduced. Great addition, am absolutely loving it!!
There's just one inconsistency.
When I'm in a mail I have the option to click [FILE]; [SAVE AS...] which allows me to save that individual message to an external location as an .eml file.
In the view though I don't see any option to save under the [FILE]  menu. This however doen't mean I can't save (multiple) messages to .eml files at the same time. You just have to do it by using Drag&Drop. So the functionality is there.
If the functionality is there, why isn't there a corresponding menu option?? Users look for consistency, they think it isn't possible to save multiple messages at a time as there is no menu option and don't realize the Drag&Drop will work. It's a minor request but it would make the functionality more consistent for the users.

Author: Teoman ONAY
Tags: address book shared
What about adding Department Address book in Notes ? We have a lot of requests about this.
Each department has contacts they want to share with their collegues without having to had them in their own personal address book.
We would like to be able to create an IT, HR,... address books where only that department members have access and where the Notes client looks up when sending a mail.
It's the most basic feature a collaborative product should have (even Outlook has it for 10 years now as Shared folder)
Same Idea for calendars

Author: Mattias Hermansson
Tags: Transitions presentation cool Enhancement symphony
Why does we not enhance the trasitions in symphony presentations like the Mac users have with Keynote '09, look @ this Example, It think that if we had that kind of capabilities in symphony it would attract alot of people !

Author: Nikolay Yushmanov
Tags: lotusscript sub function parameters optional
I want to have ability to define some last parameters of a sub/function as 'optional' with default value like in native lotusscript subs/functions.

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: dead mail
Dead mail could be purged from mailboxes in certain configurations.  This could be implemented as a policy, and could be based on certain SMTP return statuses and not others (eg mailbox invalid).

Author: Serdar Basegmez
Tags: security url address
 I just blogged about it.
When a user clicks a url coming with e-mail, referrer information is going to the remote web server. This information includes iNotes server url and name of the mail database.

Author: Serdar Basegmez
Tags: security url address
I just blogged about it.
When a user clicks a url coming with e-mail, referrer information is going to the remote web server. This information includes iNotes server url and name of the mail database.

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Статьи и Документация

In some cases, after generating the Apple profile from the Traveler servlet page, the profile may fail to launch the "Install Profile" action and the browser may display an icon similar to the following: This indicates that an application on the Apple device has become associated with the standard ...
Reproducible steps: 1. UserA receives a calendar invitation mail from userB in
IBM WebSphere Portal 7.0 exposes many integration capabilities, including multiple ways to integrate with the workflow system of IBM WebSphere Process Server. One of the integration possibilities is using the Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) API, which requires the installation of the WebSphere Process Server Client on WebSphere Portal. The integration is supported by an out-of-the-box Task List Portlet. This white paper provides detailed instructions for configuring and setting up this integration between WebSphere Portal 7.0 and WebSphere Process Server.
IBM Lotus Domino supports the following server virtualization platforms.
The Notes Client 8.5.2 crashes intermittently when addressing in a new memo. This is caused by an issue when looking up names in a local directory catalog (also known as a dircat).
Error: "Notes hotfix did not install. Error encountered while installing Notes Core Hotfix component."
If you have Apple users that were installed (especially iPads) on traveler 8.5.1 and you migrate to 8.5.2 take special care to not select any security policy until the devices security policies become fully compliant . There are problems with them running an older version of Active Synch that ...
Planning adequate Domino Directory Services performance for deployment of 8.5.1 - Tips and Hints
When examining the crash stack of an NSD taken from an AIX system, you notice that there are no calls below the signal frame in the crash stack. This makes problem determination impossible.
DAOS can save space...but only if the DAOS prune operation is working correctly. This document describes the DAOS prune operation, conditions that can impact its behavior, and best practices implementation tips.
Introduction Lotus Domino is a robust and scalable platform that can be used for the mail messaging requirements of an enterprise. A Domino administrator has different options to choose from when assigning a mail client to the end user; for example, the following types of clients are ...
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