Мне надо написать агент который будет обходить все доступные domino сервера и в определенной базе создавать документ
подскажите пожалуйста 1) как из Lotus Script получить доступные сервера (подозреваю что смотреть в notes.ini список доступных NAB и смотреть в них) 2) при постоновке задачи сказали что должен использоваться Directory Assistance (я не администратор но насколько понял из help это механизм позволяющий синхронизировать NAB) но как мне кажеться при программировании мне не надо учитывать наличие Directory Assistance
Есть у меня Java агент, в котором идёт вызов веб сервиса и последующая работа с ним и с лотусовым документом.
Агент должен вызываться из веб интерфейса.
Делал сначала его на тестовом сервере, запускал агента по кнопке с веб формы - отрабатывало всё нормально и без ошибок. У агента стоит свойста 2. Allow restricted operation....
Перенёс весь интерфейс с агентом на продакшн сервер. Версии у серверов одинаковые 7.0.3FP1
попытался запустить агента сначала локально - всё отработало, коннект есть, действия происходят итд итп.
Потом прикрутил его опять на кнопку к веб форме - и тут в логах вот такая ерунда:
10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission axis.socketSecureFactory write) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlContext.java:292) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:476) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:538) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at java.lang.System.setProperty(System.java:726) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at JavaAgent.NotesMain(JavaAgent.java:43) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source) 10.10.2010 17:12:42 HTTP JVM: at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source)
т.е. при запуске на сервере агент выдаёт такую вот билеберду... Перепроверил права на запуск агента на сервере у пользователя - всё ок. Сравнил настройки продакшн и тестового сервера - не нашёл больших отличий.
RemoteIssue rIssue = testCreateIssue(service,sc,System,VC,SystemKey,Originator,OriginatorDep,Subject,Type,IntrNum ,body, AssToGroup); //метод для создания нового Issue.
// Add custom fields RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10030", "", new String[] { System }); //System RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue2 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10004", "", new String[] { Originator }); //Originator RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue3 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10040", "", new String[] { OriginatorDep }); //OriginatorDep RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue4 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10008", "", new String[] { body }); //body RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue5 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10011", "", new String[] { VC }); //VC RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue6 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10000", "", new String[] { IntrNum }); //INTR Num RemoteCustomFieldValue customFieldValue7 = new RemoteCustomFieldValue("customfield_10009", "", new String[] { AssToGroup }); //Assign To Group
Yesterday I knocked together a password management page for an ASP.NET web application I've been working on.
Nothing special. Just the kind of thing any average web user would expect of a website. Most importantly, that any password change is instant. As is access after an initial registration. More than can be said of Domino.
It was always with huge professional embarrassment that I found myself having to add messages to an already-hacked version of Domino's change password form that said something along the lines of:
Your password has been changed. While this may take effect immediately, please allow up to 24 hours for this change to take place. If you find yourself unable to use your new password straight-away please continue to use your old one until it stops working, at which point you should switch to your new one.
No, seriously, I had to add that to a Domino website! Lord knows what users who read it must have thought.
Now I know there are things you can try and do to help prevent the caching of passwords in Domino, but I don't really relish the idea of calling view refreshes on the address book or whatever it is you need to do. And it misses the point that I really shouldn't have to.
Part of me always thought this would get addressed in Domino at some point, but, unless I've missed something, it's just another aspect of Domino that's gone without attention for what must be 10+ years.
So, you can imagine how nice it felt yesterday to finally have the complete control I've always wanted over things like this. Sure, I had to create the Users table in SQL and create the registration process from scratch (things that using Domino means I don't have to do), but I'd happily spend a day of my time at no cost adding my own processes, just so I know I can make a website that works like it ought to.
IBM® developerWorks® recently introduced its first native iPhone application to the Apple Application Store, a great tool for users to explore and discover developerWorks content and community, connect with other IT professionals and subject matter experts, and seek out opportunities to share experience.
After you change the Connections preferences (File > Preferences > Connections), there is a delay before the Activities sidebar reacts to these changes. This delay is more prominent on Microsoft® Windows workstations.
When user marks a to-do item as private, the option to assign the to-do item to another member should be disabled. Currently, the user can assign a private to-do item. Since the item is private, the person to whom the to-do item has been assigned does not see it.
Quick find using 'People' option in 'Browse All Entries' view only returns activities. It should find activity entries that match the search criteria as well.