Dim session As New NotesSession Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim uidb As NotesUIDatabase Set uidb = workspace.CurrentDatabase Dim db As NotesDatabase Set db = session.CurrentDatabase 'get list of roles assigned to a user roles = db.QueryAccessRoles(session.UserName) 'Now, use Arraygetindex to set isuerInRole to true or false for later usage in the application isUserInRole = Not Isnull(Arraygetindex(roles, "[SuperAdmin]")) If isUserInRole Then Messagebox "Super Admin",, "Yes - I am superman" End If
Currently, images are only resizable as a percentage of their original dimensions. We should be able to:
See the current and original dimensions
Specifiy new dimensions in inches or pixels (or percent of containing box)
Lock the aspect ratio to ensure the image does not look warped.
These are standard features available in MS Word, in open source web editors such as FCKeditor, and virtually anywhere else images are allowed. I have included an example of the FCKeditor version to show what I mean.
We are able to create a page to display an outline horizontally. However, if you have long entries, the only options are to use a small or narrow font or to make each entry wide. It would be nice for the entries to wrap to multiple lines (even if it was limited to only two lines) if the text was too wide to fit in the defined width.
I know it is possible to make horizontal navigators using other means but this would open new interface possibilities using outlines, which are easier to maintain and have easy to use options like mouse over and background image wells.
I'd like a Clear All button on the Breakpoints tab which will, you know, clear all the breakpoints. It could be setup like the Clear All button on the Output tab.
I just opened a several year old database in Designer 8.5 for the first time. There were literally 30 breakpoints listed which I've probably set at one point or another. Having the Clear All button would have made clearing things a lot easier (don't get me started on why breakpoints were disappearing with the 6.5 client even though I said to persist them)
Include a section when posting a new idea to allow the user to choose to email the idea to people to come check it out. (Such as Email in the linkage section after it's created.) The option to email where it is now isn't very intuitive, and it took me a while to find it. Including it as an option when creating the idea would make it easier to broadcast new ideas beyond the site to get people to come back and vote/comment.
It should be able to call up the address book so they can select who.. and send it directly from the page.. or if not possible, at least bring up notes like it does currently so they can select people, and have a default configurable message to send out.
The 'Move to My Contacts' button is only available at the Recent Contacts view. It would be nice to have it in the Contact form, too.
I use Mac's Spotlight to search for contacts. Sometimes it finds the name amongst the Recent Contacts. It opens the form, but I have no way to make this a permanent contact. I end up having to open my address book, go to the recent contacts view, search it, find the contact, move it. Then go to the Contacts view. Search the view. Find the contact. Edit it and add phone number and other information. Way too many steps.
Should be a lot simpler. Desktop search to find the contact, edit it, update the information, click on a button and it becomes a permanent contact.
Turn on the email preferences for ideas posted and commented on by default. This will get people returning to the site to keep updated. I've found most users don't know to go edit it and turn them on as a feature unless you tell them.
Our company does not want anyone using BCC, so I have to modify the template everytime we upgrade to a new version and push that change out to all the servers. Users come to me wanting to use BCC for certain projects and to mail info to customers. My idea is to make the BCC field display via an ACL Role. Then we could assign users to a BCC_Group and assign that group to the role in the mail file. Then we can control who has BCC.
I want to be able to right click on an attachment in an email message, select Copy, and then paste the attachment into a new message. Even in 8.5 I often get other pieces of the original email together with the attachment. The only way to reliably do it is to put the original email in Edit mode. It should work better than that. How many end users know that you can Edit an email message that you received?!
The Lotus Domino server crashes with "PANIC: System Resource Failure during Transaction Recovery : Alloc failed (memory dump created): Insufficient memory".
This document describes the supported configurations of Lotus Notes/Domino 8.x when interoperating with servers, template, and/or clients from other releases such as 7.x and 6.5.x. The entire document applies to the Notes/Domino 8.0 release; however, it does not represent Domino Web Access.
During the registration of a new roaming user in Domino 8.5, a message that displays on the status bar seems to indicate that an older template is being used for creating the Bookmarks application: Creating Roaming Database: Bookmarks (6). However, when the user is fully set up and roaming, it is apparent that the application is using the updated 8.5 template.
If you attempt to edit a request, or a Leave or Trip modification, you may receive a "An error occurred while searching for free time..." warning. For example, if you do the following, Alloy displays "An error occurred while searching for free time." 1. Submit a leave request and receive an error report in response to your request. 2. Open the error report and click "Open the Original request." 3. Edit the original form and resubmit the request. You will be able to submit the request and it will be added