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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 142 от 2009-02-16

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 142 от 2009-02-16
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Подскажите пожалуйста, пользователь при отправке почты шифровал свои сообщения. Теперь этого пользователя нет, нужно расшифровать сообщения. Id ключ не сохранился, каким ещё образом можно разшифровать его почту.
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Tips. Советы

A couple of people have asked me about caching and Flex. Once or twice about the datagrid and a couple of times about the session object not accepting that the user was logged-in in the simple demo.

To get round this you can add an extra parameter to the HTTPService to add anti-caching to it, like so:


Each time the service requests the session.object form it adds a different ending to the URL, such as:


Problem solved.

Note also that you can pass the parameters to the HTTPService via (Action)Script rather than by nesting them in an <mx:request> object, with a function like this:

private function requestSessionData():void{ var params:Object = new Object(); params.nocache = new Date().getTime(); httpSession.send(params);

Which you use is down to both personal preference and, to a degree, circumstance. With the latter method you get the choice of which parameters you do or don't want to send. Not so with the request object.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: administration adminp user_deletion
This is an admin thing, but to you developers who feel our pain, thank you for your supportive votes.
Who out there hasn't performed a Delete Person (either intentionally or not) and then needed to go back and restore that person.  If you were smart enough to have a database that you put a copy of all documents in before you delete them from the Domino Directory, then at least you can recover the person document easily.  And if you have a recent backup of the directory, you can create a view of groups sorted by member and identify all the groups the name must be added back into.  If you have the discipline to avoid putting names directly into ACLs, then you don't have to track down that list of databases to re-add the name, though you may have to guess at what access levels they should have.  Let's not even talk about reader/author names fields!
As easy as it is to delete a person from the domain, we really need a process to make it less painful to undelete one.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: administration adminp user_deletion
This is an admin thing, but to you developers who feel our pain, thank you for your supportive votes.
Who out there hasn't performed a Delete Person (either intentionally or not) and then needed to go back and restore that person.  If you were smart enough to have a database that you put a copy of all documents in before you delete them from the Domino Directory, then at least you can recover the person document easily.  And if you have a recent backup of the directory, you can create a view of groups sorted by member and identify all the groups the name must be added back into.  If you have the discipline to avoid putting names directly into ACLs, then you don't have to track down that list of databases to re-add the name, though you may have to guess at what access levels they should have.  Let's not even talk about reader/author names fields!
As easy as it is to delete a person from the domain, we really need a process to make it less painful to undelete one.
If you choose to demote this (or any ideas posted), be sure to comment on why to foster discussion.

Author: wouter aukema
To my (limited) knowledge, there currently are no simple methods available to display the contents of files underneath the domino data directory of remote servers. If for instance I do have access to a remote Domino server thru the notes nrpc protocol, but no shell/root access to the file system of that remote server, you depend on the local administrator to get nsd's or console.log files.
It would be very efficient if the server console would allow me to display a directory listing of these files in e.g. the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT directory, and allow me to display the contents of console.log or nsd files. I could then parse the output thru e.g. lotusscript.

Author: Darren Duke
Tags: directory
office and home both appear, how about cell too?

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: errors formula
When a web form contains a field with an errant formula, Domino HTTP spits out the error text with no reference to the field that threw the error.  Simply mentioning the field name would be very useful and save a lot of process-of-elimination time to find the rogue formula.

Author: Ninke Westra
Tags: ID Vault CA process certifier certificate
Currently when creating an ID vault you don't have the option to use the CA process to generate the certifier trust, instead you need to use the certifier id file.
This is all nice and dandy until you've decided to perform a certifier key roll over of a certifier in the CA, which will make the original certifier id file pretty much worthless.
One reason to perform the key roll over once a certifier is imported into the CA process is for security reasons, because over the years chances are that old certifier id's gotten around quite a bit.
Unfortunately for now the ID vault is not an option if you have moved your certifiers to the CA process and performed the key roll over, unless there is a way to export the certifier's new key to a certifier id file.

Author: Oliver Regelmann
Tags: crash nsd restart
When Notes crashes and while NSD is running a dialog is presented to the user. When NSD finishes the user has a button to close that dialog and the Cancel button gets inactive.
I'd like to see the Cancel button replaced with a Restart button.
I added a quick mockup. Sorry for the german screenshot.

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: spell check spelling
If you use the Request Information function in a calendar entry, then a dialog is used to get your input. This produces an email to the chair, however inline spell checking does not work.
Spell checking should be available for all text fields in email/calendar, including subject fields.

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After phase 1 deployment of the Notes ID vault, IBM began the second phase by setting up a Notes ID vault in two more production domains. This article describes the ID vault configurations in each dom
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