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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 137 от 2009-02-04

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 137 от 2009-02-04
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Установил 1-й сервер. Всё нормально.
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Авторизация с использованием e-Token(какие возможности как для Web, так и для лотусового клиента), можно ли создать некую свою аналогию e-Token, например с помощью защищенной флешки

Вообще любая информация, хотелось бы собрать это все в одном месте
Установил 1-й сервер. Всё нормально.
Есть такая проблема, хочется насроить ICM (Internet Cluster Manager) на серверах, для этого прописываем в DNS имя хоста для двух IP адресов Domino серверов, которые в кластере, например xxxx-rrr. Т.о. при обращении по xxxx-rrr, URL будет открываться на...
По какому имени ты обращаешься к основному серверу (административный сервер домена)? Прописан ли он в DNS, попробуй обратиться к нему по IP. Просто твой клиент (Lotus Notes) не знает такого имени, соответственно не знает откуда брать щаблон (Template)...
По какому имени ты обращаешься к основному серверу (административный сервер домена)? Прописан ли он в DNS, попробуй обратиться к нему по IP. Просто твой клиент (Lotus Notes) не знает такого имени, соответственно не знает откуда брать щаблон (Template)...
Есть такая проблема, хочется насроить ICM (Internet Cluster Manager) на серверах, для этого прописываем в DNS имя хоста для двух IP адресов Domino серверов, которые в кластере, например xxxx-rrr. Т.о. при обращении по xxxx-rrr, URL будет открываться на...
Не помогло. НИ перезагрузка хоста, ни domino сервера
Привет все! Здесь уже подымалась тема про политику архивирования в Lotus Domino 7.0.2. см. тему "архивирование почты на r7.x", но так как там описаны методы борьбы с этой проблемой, у меня не получается включить расписание.
Хотелось бы узнать у кого-нибудь работает (подтягивается) расписание при применении политики "Архивирования" для отдельных учетный записей в Lotus Domino 7.0.2? Может это баг Lotus Domino?
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Are you looking for a simpler way to search for information in your Lotus Notes/Domino databases? Use this LotusScript agent to automatically index databases according to specified keywords.

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Author: Patrick Kwinten
Tags: themes replica centralize
in 8.5, you would have to ensure that the file existed on each server's file system. it would be better to have the file existing on a replicable db and refer to that db via a replicaID.
my administrators will shoot me if I come with the request to add a new file on the server everytime a theme changes...

Author: Lauri Laanti
Tags: templates designer task design inheritance
When running the Designer task manually, we should be able to limit design to refresh from selected template only. Currently you can limit by filename, directory, or by separate list file. Command could be something like this:
load design -d mail -t dwa7
this would refresh only those database files in directory /mail which inherit design from template 'dwa7'.
Granted, you can do this by creating manually a file listing all the databases inheriting from said template and using the -i option, but this is cumbersome & error prone.

Author: Adam Gartenberg
Tags: Notes Download
One of the things I find myself doing many, many, many times a day is saving an attachment from Notes to my hard drive, and then immediately navigating in file manager to that file to launch it locally.  (I know I can edit documents in place, but much more often, when I make edits or changes as a work in progress, I want to do it from the file in it's final location on my HD so I can easily find it later).  

Ideally, I'd like something like Firefox's download capabilitiy (or the Download Status Bar add-on), so I can with a click open the file locally from the location I saved it to on my hard drive.  (I could envision this either as a sidebar widget, or an additional option.  OK, truth be told what I really want is a "Save and Delete and Open" capability for the attachment in addition to the "Save and Delete" option.

Author: Robert Ibsen Voith
Tags: search

The fulltext searchengines should be replaceable so a customer can for example select to leverage X1 Enterprise Server instead of Domino's own.

Author: Darren Duke
Tags: mail profile document archiving
When archiving with a "all documents not access in" or "not modified since" selection the calendar profile document seems to get archived too. Hence a nice user now becomes irrate user due to their signature, mail and view customizations disappearing.
Now, this maybe to the letter of the law but this is not what users expect. Please exempt  the calendar profile from all archiving by default.

Author: Gregg Eldred
Tags: lotussphere business partners BDD
As long as I can recall, registered Business Partners at Lotusphere have never been able to get the slides for the Business Development Day (BDD) sessions. I would like to see the BDD session slides be made available to registered Lotusphere Business Partners (BP).
There is a wealth of important information presented to the BP's at Lotusphere, including sales training. However, having to write notes, pay attention, and to consider the content presents some people with not enough time to digest the information. Having the slides be made available would allow IBM to keep the sessions fresh, allow BPs to refer to them prior to sales calls, and provide an additional training source, outside of traditional channels. Further, some of the content could be used to further educate BP employees not able to make the trek to Lotusphere.

Author: David Bailey
Tags: Notes Mail preferences
Idea: I've been using Notes Mail for years. I always use the All Documents view --never the inbox.

For performance reasons from time to time, I open the inbox, select all documents, and click Folder\Remove from Folder. I would much prefer that the inbox just didn't exist.

I would like a User Preference to have/not have an inbox.
Author: Mats Ingelborn
Tags: domino server business licensing
Make Domino free to install and use. Maybe restricted to web access, but IBM can always charge for the client...
The Domino web server offer some unique and extremely powerful development features but when developing new online applications the user licences will put off most developers and startups. There are many other interesting platforms out there that are in direct competition with Domino (as a web app server), Ruby on rails and Django just to mention the two I've had a closer look at. But when compared to Domino they both come out short... But FREE!
So, my suggestion for IBM is to FREE Domino from its licence chains so it can live on and not just slowly fade away and die.

Author: Starrow Pan
Tags: vote sort category
Sometimes I want to see those ideas I promoted or demoted as they were most of what I was interested. They scatter in the sea of my "no comments" votes. A sorting or category feature will be helpful.

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: Formula @Formula
Might be a stupid idea because I have no idea how well optimised this critical function is.  But throwing a genius at it might yield a fantastic performance improvement.  Surely IBM has some nutters in there with 2 key keyboards (0 & 1) :)

Author: Jim Casale
Tags: DAOS Logical size
There needs to be an option to limit DAOS enabled databases to 64GB. This will eliminate he issue of restoring or replicating a database that could well be over 64GB when attachments are brought back into the database. 

Author: Jan Schulz
Tags: errorcode designer adminstration help documentation
What error will be thrown if db.CreateDocument() fails or can it fail? Your designer documentation for this methods does not tell you (at least in 8.0.x). Please add more information about errorcodes to the method documentation.

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Статьи и Документация

A Lotus Notes Data directory (C:\Notes\Data) is not created when upgrading or installing Notes using a silent install. Why does this happen?
The delegated user is displayed as the "Sent by" originator or else the recipient will have no indication that the mail was sent by a delegated user, and not the mail file owner.
What is the best method for upgrading or installing Lotus Notes on Microsoft Vista for standard users?
One of the latest additions to the Domino Web developers' toolkit of technologies, XPages, is also arguably its most powerful and revolutionary to date. XPages allows for functionality and capabilities previously thought impossible to achieve in Domino application development. With the inclusion of XPages, you now have the ability to easily create Web 2.0 user experiences in your existing applications. To demonstrate the power of XPages, this tutorial shows you how to Web 2.0-enable the personal address book Domino application template.
Creating a server certificate to enable HTTPS on Domino® Mail servers, using Microsoft® Certificate Services returns the response: "Certificate request does not contain the proper information. " What causes this message to appear?
Using IIS for Domino, the browser may display error message ?dojo? is undefined or ?XSP? is undefined when accessing database containing xPages.
In Notes/Domino 8.0.2 and 8.5, folders that contain documents in an archive database are removed when that folder is deleted from the corresponding mail file. Note that the documents themselves are not deleted. They still appear in the All Documents view of the archive database. [<b>]Steps to reproduce[</b>] 1. Create a folder in the Inbox and copy or move some documents into it 2. Navigate to the folder, select all the documents and then select "Archive Selected Documents" 3. Verify t
In the Notes 6.5.1 client, the Instant Messaging User Preferences (General tab) includes a new entry: "Use canonical name for instant messaging status lookup." What does this preference do?
Running COMPACT with the -i option can cause server to panic.
The IBM® Lotus® Sametime® connect client user interface can be customized with images, icons, logos, slogans, design schemes, and more. Users can brand the Lotus Sametime xlient to provide a unique and personal experience. A company can brand the Lotus Sametime xlient so that all employees see the company’s branding when they use Lotus Sametime. This article describes installing and modifying a Lotus Sametime branding plug-in, using the branding plug-in of a fictitious company, Your Co.
This white paper addresses the key areas that would help users adapt third-party financial applications such as Microsoft® Excel to IBM Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets. Originating from a request from IBM's Finance divisions, the paper is meant to help any user who wants to accelerate their migration to, and proficiency with, Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets.
This white paper provides an in-depth explanation of how the single sign-on (SSO) feature works between IBM WebSphere Portal and Lotus Domino. Learn the basics of how cookies are written to―and used in―Internet browsers, how the cookies are used to enable SSO, and exactly what is in the token and why it's needed for SSO between two servers. Included are specific details of where the WebSphere Portal and Domino servers configure each part of the cookie used for SSO, the LTPAToken.
This article is part 2 in a two-part series that discusses the relationship of usage and architectural patterns that can be used for deploying enterprise mashups to address business needs. This article addresses the solution architecture and the architectural patterns used to implement the business scenarios and usage patterns covered in the initial article, "Mashup business scenarios and patterns: Part 1."
Server Crash On AllocHandle Call.
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