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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 140 от 2009-02-11
Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 140 от 2009-02-11
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java рассылка:выпускархивлентаблогсайт Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008comp.soft.prog.lotuscodesrore
Column | Description |
Title | Text which appears at the top of the page |
Name | Used as unique the key in URL |
Body | Main content in HTML format |
Menu | Name of the page that this page sits under. If blank then it's used as a main tab in the nav bar. If it has a parent then it appears in the dropdown navigation under that page's tab. |
That's all it needed. I then created a file called page.php which accepted the Name of the page to display as a parameter and then displayed its content.
Through the correct use of the Menu field it's a simple task to build the whole site navigation. So simple it hurts.
Obviously there's a bit more to it than that, but you get the idea. It's all I needed and I now have the basis for any future brochure site I'm asked to do as a favour for a mate. Each site will no doubt require an extra table here and there - a "Guestbook" for holiday lets for example, but I have the starting point now.
What About Notes?
Now, I know what you're thinking, why didn't I do it Notes. Various reasons. None of them being that I can't. Obviously I could have done, but would it really have been the best use of Domino?! We all know Notes is great at what it does, but it would be like driving to the supermarket in a Ferrari. Kind of.
Another reason not to is portability. If for any reason I want to hand responsibility for the site over to them or another web developer/host then I can easily do that with a ZIp of the PHP files and a SQL data/schema export. If I gave them an NSF they'd be a bit lost.
Then there's hosting. While I won't hear a bad word said about the Prominic guys I'm sure they'd agree the process of hosting a Domino website isn't as simple or as widely available as LAMP hosting. Although, on the flip side, I don't have a good word to say about Fasthosts the server I have hosted with allows me to have a new domain registered and a site live inside of an hour.
Using Notes for a simple brochure site would be daft.
I received an email the other day where the sender asked the following:
I am trying to learn Domino development fairly quick, so do you have any recommendations for a new developer? I am from a Java background, so I am not completely new to programming.
It's not the first time I've had an email along these lines, although it has been a while (read what you will in to that).
Trouble is I never know what to say. It's normally something along the lines of:
Download some templates or freely-available databases and pick them apart. You'll learn all the tricks as you go.
Is that good advice though?! It's the easy answer, but is it the best?
Is picking other people's code apart any way to learn. I guess it might be with other platforms and if you're that type of person (I know I am -- I prefer to pull things apart than sit in a class or watch a video).
What about Notes though? The trouble with Notes development is the myriad ways of achieving the same goal. After all my years developing Notes apps I can still look at a database designed by somebody else and just stare at it nonplussed, with no idea how on earth it's doing what it somehow manages to do.
Imagine you're learning Notes and looking at the HTML produced for a Form and you can see a Field has an ID property different to its name. Imagine how long a newcomer to Notes might take to find out where the ID had been set. Especially if it had been set in the Help Attributes section of the field (can you still do that?). It's the little things like this (that make little sense, even now) that will trip them up.
Maybe the best way to learn is in fact to take a blank Form, add a Field, create a Document with it, open the View, add some columns etc. Maybe you have to start from scratch. Once you realise how easy Notes is then it might help reduce any confusion.
Anyway, my reply this time said that I'd ask you lot and get the general opinion. Next time I'm asked I can just point them here.
- What is the best way to learn?
- Are there any decent books to help?
- Any online video/tutorial-based training?
- Are free templates best avoided or not?
I open it to the floor...
Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут
Tags: Replication citrix
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
- We have two DAOS-enabled Domino 8.5 servers: "ServerA" and "ServerB".
- There are replicating databases on both servers and mail DBs of users - "A-User*" on ServerA and "B-User*" on ServerB, and all of the DBs use DAOS, as well as server mailbox’s.
- There are NRPC-connections for mail transfer and replications between these servers.
Why two servers communicating by its own proprietary protocol (NRPC), cannot agree among themselves about transfer only references, instead of the file?
Especially considerable economy of the traffic can be received with cluster replication of numerous users’ mail DBs. Let’s assume that ServerA and ServerB are connected in cluster, and all users have mail db replicas on both servers. Let the same memo with a file is sent to all users. On delivery of this memo each server’s router will keep one copy of a file in each server’s DAOS. But saving the memo in each user’s mail db will cause it’s replication to other server, thus a file will be again transferred on a network. So we will receive N-fold transfer of the same file between two servers on every memo with a file sent to N users.
Tags: DAOS server replication mail NRPC network attachments
Tags: default_fonts fonts
Tags: rich text default content
I do not know how hard this is to create but what would be a timesaver for a lot of us is to create some default content for a rich text field in Designer and have it generated in the Notes client.
For example for new documents I would like to have a table in the rich text field. Nowadays I could create a table via lotusscript in the rich text but then it comes to programming. Especially if you want to have good looking tables it takes much more work.
A timesaver would be to define already the table in Designer and show it in Notes when creating a new document.
Tags: attachment attachments
Tags: inotes type-ahead
Tags: Quickr connectors offline DOLS
Idea: Using DOLS, you can take Quickr Places offline. While the process to do is far from fool-proof, it does work very nicely (after you beat your head against it a bit).
However the Quickr Connector integration with MS Office, etc. does not access these "offline places".
They need to.
Tags: quickr dols connectors
Idea: When one installs the Quickr Connector for Domino, it should provide both online & offline functions. You should not have to load a rather finicky addition (DOLS) to take Quickr Places offline.
Tags: mail template hotlist follow up to do
Tags: mail template hotlist follow up to do
Tags: Templates
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