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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 135 от 2009-01-30

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 135 от 2009-01-30
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Коллеги, будьте любезны, подскажите, как исправить ошибку?
Пользователь забыл пароль на свою почту. С помощью ID-recovery можно заменить старый пароль на пароль восстановительный (получив его от администратора). Однако, при выборе ID-файла Lotus пишет ошибку: Nonexistetnt or invalid recovery information.
В чем может быть эта ошибка?
По хелпу все понятно и работает
Sub WriteNote
   Dim taskId As Integer, note As String
   note$ = InputBox("Start your note:")  
   taskId% = Shell("notepad.exe", 1)
   SendKeys note$, TRUE
End Sub

но если изменить код на

Sub WriteNote
   Dim taskId As Integer, note As String
   note$ = "ping"
   taskId% = Shell("CMD", 1)
   SendKeys note$, TRUE
End Sub

то как бы банан получается, понятно что можно сделать

taskId% = Shell("ping", 1)

но мне нужно передавать параметры в CMD и запускать приложение так, стартовать из LS могу но появляется ошибка, о том что не видится девайс т.е. я так понимаю приложение не имеет доступа к ключу реестра.

тоже самое с hyperterminal он стартует но sendkeys не передаются.

Пните в нужную сторону.
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Right then. Where were we? Monday we created a simple Flex app to fetch some data. Tuesday we messed with the layout. What today? Can you tell I'm ad-libbing with this whole quick start Flex week thing?

Tell you what, why don't we add some navigation elements to the left hand side pane we added yesterday?!

Notice the element we added was an <mx:Tree>. It should be fairly obvious what that does. Let's add some leaves to it. In Source mode let's define some XML nodes, as so:


Notice we've created this above the VBox as it's a non-visual element, so we want it out of the way.

Now we've defined some XML we need to tie it to the tree, so to speak. To do this we use the Tree's DataProvider property.


Here, the dataProvider is bound to the XMLList we created. Notice also that tree to the use the label attribute of each node as the label of the tree item.

Run the app and you'll see a hierarchy of elements in the tree, like so:


Dadah! Not that it does much though. Clicking the tree nodes won't do much as it is. We need to add some script.

Up near the top of the page add an <mx:Script> tag, in which you can write custom functions, much like the HTML script tag which you'd put up in the Head of a HTML page. It would look something like this:


I've started by writing an empty function called myFunction. Notice already, it's not quite like JavaScript. In fact it's called ActionScript and is similar to JavaScript, but different in a few ways. It doesn't take long to adjust though, if you're comfortable with JavaScript already.

We want to run some code when a user selects an item in the Tree. So we add a function call to the itemClick event of the Tree:


Notice we've also given the tree an ID, which comes in to play in the treeItemClicked function below:


Notice we've imported some classes we need. Looks a bit more like Java than JavaScript doesn't it? Variables aren't loosely-typed either!

All our function is doing is getting the XML object of the selected Tree node and then alerting us to its label. For now I'll leave it at that. Need to get some real work done.

Take another look at the example to see it in action (and right click it to View Source if you want to download/copy etc).

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SearchDomino.com recently spoke with two expert analysts about their views from Lotusphere 2009. In this Q&A, both analysts share insight technologies introduced at the show, such as LotusLive and Lotus Foundations as well as some predictions on the Lotus Notes/Domino market throughout the coming year.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Aigars Perkons
Tags: richtext rich text input enabled
Please give option also for rich text fields same as all other field types - Input Enabled.
It's really obviously that all field types need this option. There are a lot of situations where specific document fields shouldn't be changed by user including RichText(work flow databases for example)

Almost everyone knows that Computed Richtext field is not an option for this. TBH not sure what's the purpose of it at all.
Only eligible workaround to solve this problem so far I know is access controlled section. But this small option could make life so much easier.

Author: Lisa Whitsell
Tags: notes client line spacing font sizes picture borders document management html conversion
a) fix all the html rendering (ie. even font sizes, 1.5 line spacing, picture borders etc) so then when you create a document in the client using these features in the client it looks the same on the web
b) have a database option that you could tick to hide all elements from user that will not display on the web so as they create documents they want to post on the web they simply will not have the options.

Author: Lisa Whitsell
Tags: notes client line spacing font sizes picture borders document management html conversion
a) fix all the html rendering (ie. even font sizes, 1.5 line spacing, picture borders etc) so then when you create a document in the client using these features in the client it looks the same on the web
b) have a database option that you could tick to hide all elements from user that will not display on the web so as they create documents they want to post on the web they simply will not have the options.

Author: Lisa Whitsell
Tags: business partners
Make it easy to get to the information you are looking for and rank partners based on search criteria. Have phone staff search this area when they take calls to ensure customers are routed to partners that can help them effectively.

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: Move user other server
By a simple right click , you can move a user to a new server and even make a replica on the cluster of that server.
User comes in the morning and gets the new details added to their Location document. User will not even notice..
The problem is those with Local Replicas will point to the old database (which is now no longer in the loop of replica) until it is either deleted or the user forces a replication with the new server.
If the user does nothing, he/she can send mail but will not see new ones..  This usually opens a new call to the help desk.
I am thinking changing the ACL on the old DB or changing the replication location should help in this matter..
I know, we should keep that adminp clean and do the work as it comes but it is not always possible..

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: adress book replication
I would like an option to prevent the address book from replicating with another one (same replica ID)  if it has not seen in a while.
I would set mine to 2 months.  If my address book as not seen you since then, there would be no replications (automatic anyway as it would be nice if it could be manually allowed.)
This would prevent any rogue address book from dumping documents and settings that have either been modified or deleted.
This could also be useful with other databases

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: adress book replication
I would like an option to prevent the address book from replicating with another one (same replica ID)  if it has not seen in a while.
I would set mine to 2 months.  If my address book as not seen you since then, there would be no replications (automatic anyway as it would be nice if it could be manually allowed.)
This would prevent any rogue address book from dumping documents and settings that have either been modified or deleted.
This would be especially good for administrators who take over domains as there is no realy way of knowing how many rogue servers exist in the environment and what practice the old administrators had to decomission servers.  This could also be useful with other databases

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: adress book replication
I would like an option to prevent the address book from replicating with another one (same replica ID)  if it has not seen in a while.
I would set mine to 2 months.  If my address book as not seen you since then, there would be no replications (automatic anyway as it would be nice if it could be manually allowed.)
This would prevent any rogue address book from dumping documents and settings that have either been modified or deleted.
This would be especially good for administrators who take over domains as there is no realy way of knowing how many rogue servers exist in the environment and what practice the old administrators had to decomission servers.  This could also be useful with other databases
Thinking more about it, it would be nice to prevent replication of the Names.nsf with ANY replica that is not officially on a server (such as a local replica on an admin desktop).  This would help prevent an administrator from replicating the NAB locally, deleting half of it and have the changes replicated up..(don't laugh, I seen it happen...))

Author: Richard Moy
Tags: buttons images

In form, page, and view action buttons you can include images and menus.  It would be great if we were able to do the same thing with regular buttons.

Author: Lisa Whitsell
Tags: xpages date dates date time calendar calendars
I like the calendar time control for date/time fields on the client.  These should also work on the web like they do in Xpages but without having to use Xpages.  Would be a huge timesaver instead of having to use js.  Would be nice to be able to specify a color scheme for it as well.

Author: Sue Topliss
Tags: embedded view collapse single category
The business requirement that I have is that I need to present the users workload to them.  Am doing this via a single category view embedded onto a page.  First category on the view if the users name, so that is the single category to be displayed.  Unless I do some fancy coding the embedded view opens expanded - not what they want.  This is because Collapse All has the effect of appearing to empty the view. (Credit where its due I have found a workround to this from interfacematters.com, thanks Chris).
The view in question has user name, workflow stage, unit, responsible person as categories.
What we want to be able to do is (a) open it collapsed & (b) open with workflow stage & unit expanded.
So how about enabling us to control whether an embedded single category view opens expaned or collapsed.  Plus lets have the ability to open a view with a number of categories expanded (0,1, or more)  so that we can provide a better user experience.
Lastly, apologies if this has already been posted as a request.  T'internet is not playing at the moment & I'm having trouble opening anything on this site.

Author: Miguel Angel Calvo
Tags: Notebook capturing documentation
The idea is trying to improve notebook ( new feature in 8.5 release , formerly known as Journal ) utility. The notebook is used mainly to document and store general ideas, attachments, documents, etc.
When you are working outside Lotus Notes, maybe using the browser, or MS Office or Acrobat Reader, you use the clipboard to capture text, files, screens. Then, in order to store this in Notes, you have to switch to Notes, create a new Notebook entry, paste the contents, tag the document, save the document and go back where you were working. Then again and again. Not a very productive persperctive.
In order to solve this, Lotus could develope, and package with the Lotus Notes client, a tiny program that could be installed on Lotus deployment that:
- Started with the O.S.
- Captured text and screens
- Opened Notes and left it backwards or minimized.
- Created a new Notebook document
- Pasted the text or screen capture into the document
- Tagged the document automatically from preferences
There are commercial products that offer this functionality. Integrating this in Lotus Notes could make it more attactive for the end user and open the door to be used by the Home user.

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You move to a new server and upgrade your Lotus Notes mail file to 8.0.1. Then when you try to create meeting invitations or accept invites, you receive an error message.
In Notes 8, when you attempt to launch a URL within the body of a memo, the client launches a separate browser instance instead of re-using the same browser session. This functionality provided using Notes 8 is different than the result in 6.x and 7.x code stream using either Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7.
Reporting operational status of an IT system can be a difficult task. Collecting the required information is often time consuming, and finding a suitable delivery mechanism for multiple interested parties can be a challenge. This article discusses an effective mechanism for reporting operational status of an IT system using a Web 2.0 approach with IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator and Lotus Connections.
Health Statistics are not populating the Monitoring Results (statrep.nsf) database on the Domino Server.
Update_No_Fulltext=1 prevents MTStore.nsf from full text indexing.
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