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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 134 от 2009-01-28

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 134 от 2009-01-28
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

I loaded the Yahoo User Interface via WebDav, into a Domino Database. Works well, and you don't need to beg the Administrator to put the files on the server for you.
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

В локальной адресной книге одного из пользователей введена куча контактов, которая может быть интересна и остальным сотрудникам. Поскажите, пожалуйста, как сделать их общедоступными?
Клиент и сервер 8.0
Проблема заключалась в том, что перед тем как произошел всеобщий "Not Authorized" английские имена пользователей были изменены (подкорректированы),но не проведена процедура ресертификации их локальных id файлов! Когда это было сделано все встало на свои...
Всем большое спасибо за обсуждение и извините за задержку ответа
В локальной адресной книге одного из пользователей введена куча контактов, которая может быть интересна и остальным сотрудникам. Поскажите, пожалуйста, как сделать их общедоступными?
Проблема заключалась в том, что перед тем как произошел всеобщий "Not Authorized" английские имена пользователей были изменены (подкорректированы),но не проведена процедура ресертификации их локальных id файлов! Когда это было сделано все встало на свои...
Всем большое спасибо за обсуждение и извините за задержку ответа
Клиент и сервер 8.0
А Notes Minder запущен?
Базу names.nsf этого пользователя переимоновать и разместить на сервере. Только переименование обязательно, ибо будет путаница с адресной книгой домена Domino.
Привет всем. Мало опыта, поиском проблему не решил, везде ответы как лотусовским скриптом перегнать вьюшку. А мне
нужно сделать это макросом excel, т.е импортировать содержимое вьюшки Lotus в Excel.
Создал код (упрощенный вариант)
Sub ImportView2Excel()
Dim session As Object
Dim db As Object
Dim view As Object
Dim dataview As Object
Dim As Object
Set session = CreateObject("Notes.Notessession")
Set db = session.getdatabase("", "test.nsf")
Dim i As Integer
Set dataview = db.GetView("view")
Set view = dataview.createViewnav()
Set row_ = view.GetFirstDocument
i = 1
While Not (row_ Is Nothing)
ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = doc.columnvalues(1) ' и вот здесь
'возникает Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic (Error 458)

Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)
End Sub
Где я неправ, не могу понять.
Может немного не в тему , скорее это в ветку vba'шников, но все же . Буду рад любому ответу.
Как установить Lotus domino redhat enterprise 4 какие обезательные компоненты
Как установить Lotus domino redhat enterprise 4 какие обезательные компоненты
установки сервера с набором компонент по умолчанию достаточно
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Tips. Советы

If you want to give Lotus Notes/Domino users an easy method to jump to other pages on a website, follow these steps using JavaScript code to create a jump box in a Lotus Notes Web form.

Back to the simple application I started building yesterday. Let's take it a bit further and add some more elements and lay them out like a more normal application -- header, navigation and main content area. This is the layout of the app.

First we'll create the header area. To do this we'll drag an <mx:VBox> element in to the design area and give it a width and height of 100%. The VBox is a layout element which stacks its child elements vertically. We're going to add two <mx:HBox> elements as direct children of it. The HBox does the opposite and arranges its children horizontally.

Using these two layout containers it's a doddle to do what with HTML is often a frustrating nightmare. Consider the code below:


First we have a VBox. Consider this a bit like a "container" DIV that takes up the whole page. Inside it are two HBoxes. Consider these as being like two rows of a table. Anything we put in these "rows" will be arranged horizontally, just like TD table cells would be.

The really clever bit with Flex is the way it works out sizes. Notice that the first HBox (the "header" area) has a fixed height of 60 pixels. But the HBox below it has a height of 100%. How can that work!? Don't the two conflict? Well, no. Flex is intelligent about it and makes the second HBox equal to the full height of the browser minus 60px. As you resize the browser the header's height remains fixed as the region below it resizes to take up the remaining height.

The same happens with widths. Notice I've added an <mx:Tree> element as the first child of the second HBox. This is our "navigation" area. It has a width of 25% while the DataGrid to the right of it has a width of 100%. Again Flex knows the second element should just take up all of the remaining horizontal space. We could just as well have made the width of the grid 75% but I wanted to make a point.

That's all you have to do for the layout! Yep, no CSS required. Just a few width and height settings and you've created a cross-browser (all Flex apps are by nature anyway) layout that adjusts to the browser size and looks something like this:


How simple was that!?

Now let's look at another really nice element -- <mx:Spacer>. Let's say we want to add a "Login" button to the right-most side of the header area. To do this with HTML and CSS involves understanding the intricacies of floating elements. Not so Flex. Consider this code:


We've added two new elements to the header - a <mx:Spacer> and a <mx:LinkButton>. Again we've given an element a width of 100% but Flex knows not to take this literally. It knows we merely want it to take up all the space not taken up by the other elements it's in line with. In this case it pushes the login button to the very right of the screen.

Notice also that I've told the HBox that makes up the header to align child element in the middle of it. The result looks something like this:


You can see the end result here. Still nothing fancy, but, hopefully, you're starting to see how easy Flex makes things?

Your challenge for today is to take the updated source dode (right-click the demo app and "View Source") and compile it in Flex Builder. Then update the NSF I made available yesterday with the new SWF. Do it!

More tomorrow...

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Tim Brown
Tags: sametime connections businesscard integrate
Make it possible natively to consume the Sametime business card data with information from the Lotus Connections profile database out of the box without having to do a custom blackbox or code customization? I was hoping for a easy way to do this via a wizard or something along those longs.  I believe that bleedyellow.com does this but they use custom blackbox code to do so.
I'm just not sure if this is something that needs to happen on the Sametime side of things or the Connections side of things.  I think more on the Sametime side, but this needs to be possible either way, especially as more and more customers adopt Lotus Connections in their environments.  This type of integration needs to be there to leverage existing data that already exists in only one place.
-Tim E. Brown
I'm fully aware of the ST plug-in you speak of. We tested it when we got it from support last year. Here are some of its down falls and things I'd like to see with it or this functionality in general:

- Does not work in our environment with our implementation of Lotus Connections with SSL and SSO. Works fine with no SSO and SSL in a test environment scenario. I think Lotus support is aware of this.

- Pushing out a client side plug-in is fine but it's not always the best method. I think you would get a much higher success rate if this was done on the backend, and most administrators would prefer to do this all on the backend anyway instead of a client side plug-in. It's easier to support also from the backend perspective. Client side support for the client side plug-in can't get nasty, especially in large enterprises.

- Also, with this plug-in you can't mix and match data sources. For example, what if I wanted to pull photos from profiles, but I wanted to pull some custom field I wanted to display from another source? This plug-in can't do that.

- What if you want to still use the default Sametime business card look and feel, but still just pull the profiles data only (like bleedyellow.com does), this plug-in replaces the entire look and feel of the business card with the Connections business card look. Again, no flexibility with the plug-in on the way it looks or pulls data. The data all comes from Profiles and no where else is an option.

I do feel the plug-in is a good first step, but administrators need more flexibility as mentioned above, hence the reason for posting this to IdeaJam.

I also wanted to add that the plug-in option does not help if you want to display the data from Profiles in Connections in the Blackberry Sametime business cards also, nor will it if we have a web application that uses business cards.

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: trash restore
I have no idea if this is already addressed in 8.5
If you click Restore all in your trash folder, you do not get a confirmation and all your trash is restored. Not much fun if you clicked it by mistake.

Author: Paul Davies
Tags: trash restore
I have no idea if this is already addressed in 8.5
If you click 'Restore All' in your trash folder, you do not get a confirmation and all your trash is restored. Not much fun if you clicked it by mistake.

Author: Jim Casale
Tags: DAOS Adminp
We all know the benefits of DAOS. One draw back is when a user leaves the company, you have a mail file that has no attachments. When you try and restore that mail file in the future, you will have to do a little leg work to get those attachmements back into the mail file or on the DAOS drive. I think IBM should add an option to retrieve all attachments for a mail file when the user is terminated. The option would be just like the options that exist now
What should happen to the user's mail database?

What should happen to the user's ID in the ID vault?

What should happen to the attachment's stored in DAOS for this user's mail database? <---Add this option and

Do not retrieve attachments
Retreive all attachments

Author: Jim Casale
Tags: DAOS Adminp
Idea: <div>We all know the benefits of DAOS. One draw back is when a user leaves the company, you have a mail file that has no attachments. When you try and restore that mail file in the future, you will have to do a little leg work to get those attachments back into the mail file or on the DAOS drive. I think IBM should add an option to retrieve all attachments for a mail file when the user is terminated. The option would be just like the options that exist now</div>
<div>What should happen to the user's mail database?<br />
<br />
What should happen to the user's ID in the ID vault?<br />
<br />
What should happen to the attachment's stored in DAOS for this user's mail database? &lt;---Add this option and <br />
<br />
Do not retrieve attachments<br />
Retreive all attachments</div>
Author: Jim Casale
Tags: DAOS Adminp
We all know the benefits of DAOS. One draw back is when a user leaves the company, you have a mail file that has no attachments. When you try and restore that mail file in the future, you will have to do a little leg work to get those attachments back into the mail file or on the DAOS drive. I think IBM should add an option to retrieve all attachments for a mail file when the user is terminated. The option would be just like the options that exist now

What should happen to the user's mail database?

What should happen to the user's ID in the ID vault?

What should happen to the attachment's stored in DAOS for this user's mail database? <---Add this option and

Do not retrieve attachments
Retreive all attachments

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: swiftfile
SwiftFile has been around for about 5 years.  Everyone who discovers it loves it.  So when will it be included as a part of the client installation kit so I can deploy it at the same time I deploy the Notes client?
At this point if I am using the whole suite of Notes-related tools, it requires 4 separate software installations:
Notes client
Quickr connector
Sametime connect client
This is  a major obstacle for a company-wide deployment to thousands of users.  And once you deploy it, you have to manually enable it.  This should be manageable via user policies.

Author: Rob Wills
Tags: Traveler Linux
By porting Traveler to Linux we could run it on Lotus Foundations appliances.  This would be a great sell into SMBs and would help keep those businesses on Domino once they grow out of the SMB space.  Very small businesses can't afford to administer Domino or Traveler and need the simplicity of the Foundations architecture that does it for them.
There is an idea "Traveler on Domino for Linux" which I fully support but couldn't link to because it's in a different idea space.

Author: Rob Wills
Tags: linking idea-space
When posting an idea that is related to an idea in another idea space, it would be nice to be able to link to it.  Currently it seems like you can only link to ideas in the same space.  I realise you would want to restrict the number of ideas in the drop down list but it would be nice if there was an option to somehow get to other ideas (or perhaps a "post related idea" option against existing ideas that pre-populated a link into the new idea).

Author: John Dillon
Tags: security acl public access forms accesscontrol access
The ACL has a couple of valuable check boxes available for Reader and below:  "Read public documents" and "Write public documents"
However, we just discovered that there's no option for "Create public documents"
Here's where we would use it.
We define a group of people that have Reader access.
The form's query open event calls a script library that in turn checks a personal profile document to see what version (of the app) the person last opened.  If the current version is newer, we automatically clear the cache and suggest that they may want to restart Notes.
Here's the problem:  You must have author access or better in order to create a profile document, even if the document is available to public access users.
We'd like, in this scenario, an option to allow users to create public documents.
FYI: we're using Notes 6.5.x clients on Windows boxes.

Author: Michel Poleur
Tags: resource reservation web
Used in a browser, the R&R db is quite old. It should be updated to be more useable.

Author: Jason Hook
Tags: Web Content-Type Mobile
Imagine going to buy your morning coffee and being told by the vendor "I only make expresso and tea".  But "I want a Latte" you say. She says "I could make a Latte but then I'd have to make a Latte for everyone".  She doesn't sound very flexible and neither is the way Domino traditionally handles the HTTP Header Content-Type.
When a client makes an HTTP request the Content-Type HTTP Header is sent from server to client with the response telling the client what kind of resource is being sent.

The content-type header is related to the ACCEPT header which is sent to the server with a request and tells the server what kind of content the client can accept.

Currently Domino Pages and Forms allow the designer to specify the following Content-Type options: Notes, HTML or Other (which a text field).  Alternatively Domino has a @SetHTTPHeader function but when used to set Content-Type the value seems to be overwritten by the form property.

Being able to compute the Content-Type based on the ACCEPT header would be useful where a client may be a full-fat or microbrowser.

Potential values of Content-Type for an HTML page might include:


It's possible to dynamically generate the header in other webservers that for example use PHP or JSP

I would like to be able to set the Content-Type programatically either by making the content-type form property computable or giving the @SetHTTPHeader precedence over the form property.

It may be possible to reproduce this functionality with xPages but it would be useful to have this in the 8.0.x code stream.
What do you think, am I missing a trick somewhere?

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