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1. Bob Picciano о NSFDB2 Кратко. По словам главного менеджера IBM формат NSFDB2 бесперспективен и развиваться не будет. Вместо этого они сосредоточатся на улучшении самого NSF. Подробнее
2. ActiveSync, Traveler... iPhone Анонсировано, что в Traveler будет добавлена поддержка Microsoft ActiveSync, которая позволит получать рилтайм доступ к почте/календарю/задачам на всех устройствах, поддерживающих этот протокол. В том числе с помощью iPhone. Подробнее
3. Sametime 8.5 Обещан во втором полугодии. Озвучили некоторые новые плюшки. Подробности будут позже.
в домене два сервера: R8 и R6 оба могут принимать и отправлять почту в инет по SMTP. Между серверами есть репликация (Connection document)
Внутренняя почта ходит, R6 принимает и отправлять наружу успешно.
А R8 только принимает, отправлять не хочет. Пытаюсь отправить письмо на ya.ru с R8. Лог Routing Event: Router: No messages transferred to YA.RU (host YA.RU) via SMTP: The server is not responding. The server may be down or you may be experiencing network problems. Contact your system administrator if this problem persists.
лог фаервола: запрос в DNS, потом SMTP:
Код **.**.187.186:1030 2 sec. sent=75 rcv=354 **.**.187.186:1303 21 sec. sent=132 rcv=0
смущает то, что SMTP идет на адрес, хотя MX запись яндыкса показывает совсем в другую сторону.
Тот же эксперимент на R6 дает хороший результат. Обращение SMTP идет на адрес, что соответствует mx1.yandex.ru и письмо доставляется.
Здравствуйте! Возникла такая проблема. Перестало приходить оповещение о приходе почты в почтовый ящик. Проверили настройки: проверка прихода почты через каждые 2 минуты, звуковое и визуальное уведомление включено. Подскажите пожалуйста, а то никак...
Хочу уточнить: дело не столько в оповещениях, сколько в сас=мой проверке прихода новой почты. Она почему-то не работает? Подскажите, пожалуйста, как это можно исправить и почему это случилось?
You get a lot of mail from a particular customer for instance for a specific projet.
You decide to create a folder and a mail rule to deliver mails from your customer's domain into this folder.
Wanted :
It should be possible to apply this new rule on mails existing before creation of the rule and thus gather all the mails from this customer into your newly created folder.
When receiving an e-mail with in-line image, you cannot save this image except from going into Edit mode, right-click, copy, go to your favourite image editor, paste and save....
Even performing a screenshot of your e-mail is faster!
According to Lotus, the Eclipse environment gives the possibility to deploy functional updates to things outside a major release. We've seen the new and upcoming LotusScript editor for DDE, shown off at Lotusphere 09.
So of course I asked: why not release the LS editor for DDE when it is ready, as an Eclipse update, rather than wait for 8.5.1. Doing that would show that Lotus could do such a release, and for sure the developer community would like it.
Currently if you have a form/document open in edit mode and you want to copy text that is not in an editable field, you can't select the text. You have to CTRL+E to switch to read mode. Then the text can be selected for copy and paste. This is a pain in the neck to try to explain to users higher up in the organisation. Example text would be a reference number that is in a computed when composed field.
When you haev a view column it would be great if the next one you add could inherit the font settings for the column entry and title. This may not be applicable in all situations but I'm sure I spend far more time setting the text formats for 'standard' columns than I do changing the settings slightly for categorised or numeric columns. 'Standard' columns usually greatly outnumber the other kinds. It would be a HUGE time saver and get rid of a really boring job :-)
Now that we have the possibility to use multiple datasources from an XPage (and soon perhaps also RDBMS databsources), it would be very good if support for transactions were to be built into Designer/Domino. Trying to update (for example) 4 different datasources where the third goes wrong, would lead to inconsistencies.
A Commit/Rollback mechanism would surely be good in this context.
DB2 access, ecpecially in the context of mainframes, often requires (due to monitoring issues, security issues, etc) static sql when accessing the database (SQLJ from java). It would be nice if LEI would support binding and customization of sql queries.
When will IBM create it's own version of the Microsoft Exchange Connector for Notes? Even though one exists by Microsoft, it is intentionally bug-ridden and support for it is even worse. Also, the documentation for their connector only describes how to move to Exchange, which is useless for migrating to Notes.
When will IBM make its own product and give it to anyone buying new Notes licenses and provide the same high quality support for it that you do for other products? This will make it easy to move to Notes and will demonstrate IBM's commitment to migrate customers to the Lotus platform. This would help in merger situations and coexistence situations intended to be permanent. I have seen a company switch from Domino to Exchange simply because they couldn't get good connectivity to it's subsidiaries that use Exchange.
The current connector product from Microsoft does not support Domino 8 and probably won't for years to come. That is because anyone using Notes 8 has no good reason to migrate off Notes and it would just facilitate migrations AWAY from Microsoft's products and Microsoft knows that.
This idea has to do with education and CLP certifications, but there is no such category. So first, I recommend adding the category.
Next, I want to recommend to IBM to add a certification test module (and training modules as appropriate)to the CLP certifications for performing migrations from various platforms to Lotus Notes. Make the Certified Lotus Professionals your infantry in gaining market share. (Microsoft already does this and it works.)
Would like a status or properties window or tab that could be turned off and on by policy that allows users to easily find out out what the status is of their sent email and appointments.
The status for each recipent would show delivered or opened for mail and would show delivered, accepted, or declined for appointments.
For external people, the could simply receive back a successfully transferred status if the message didn't get returned.
Example of sent email status to an email that was sent to 2 internal people and 1 external person
John Doe Read 7:23:44
Sally Smith Delivered but not read
LJohns@externalcompany.com Transferred
On a side note, my company is migrating to Domino 8.5 first quarter of 2009. The current email system has this functionality and is very popular among the users. I have attached screenshots of what these screens look like.
The dates assigned for the Canadian Victoria Holiday in the Lotus Notes/Lotus Domino® calendar are listed below. The dates for the years 2009, 2010, and 2011 are not correct. The holiday should be the Monday preceding May 25th.
Scheduled Archive policy that specifies source server to "Local" does not run against the local replica. The policy runs only against the server replica.
z/Linux Platform Only: When you run the install script for Lotus® Domino® 7.0.2 Fix Pack 'n', an error occurs unless you set the NUI_NOTESDIR environment variable.
The checkbox in the Select Working Set dialog box in Lotus Domino Designer should designate what should be displayed. However, no working sets are available to select in the dialog box.
An issue was discovered with the DAOS Estimator files that were originally posted for download on January 19, 2009. This issue was corrected on January 21, 2009.
This document discusses the change in Lotus Domino 8 server that enforces a new limit for the maximum size of the UBM (also known as the NSF Buffer Pool). The UBM is the pool that caches disk I/O allowing improved performance when accessing structures within a database.