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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 26 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 26 september 2003

07:39 'Push to talk' poised for Europe launch © The Register
07:41 Nintendo braves Chinese pirates with iQue player © The Register
07:47 mmo2 takes Blackberry into SME market © The Register
08:53 Manchester PC dealer refused credit licence © The Register
09:20 Tundra buys PowerPC tech for $20m © The Register
09:37 Nintendo preps wireless add-ons for GBA © The Register
09:37 Nintendo preps wireless add-on for GBA © The Register
09:45 PlusNet raises 2Mbps prices © The Register
09:57 IBM brings Instant Messaging to Lotus Notes © The Register
10:06 Red Hat makes money, promises full open architecture © The Register
10:06 Red Hat makes money, pledges full open architecture © The Register
10:25 WiMax: weapon or threat as wired carriers lose to wireless? © The Register
10:28 Nokia launches trendiest phone yet © The Register
10:31 UWB standards battle remains unresolved © The Register
11:11 Big Issue unveils lifestyle list e-biz © The Register
11:27 Microsoft celebrates Longhorn 'Gold Release' - two years early © The Register
11:27 Microsoft celebrates Longhorn 'Gold Release' early © The Register
12:31 DoCoMo goes Symbian © The Register
13:03 Logica to bring MMS to land lines © The Register
13:18 Broadband vital to rural economy - e-envoy © The Register
14:20 European security appliance sales grow 13.5% © The Register
15:07 Microsoft: a threat to global IT and job security? © The Register
17:17 German police smash massive child porn ring © The Register
17:23 Doctor Who to return to TV - official © The Register
18:25 Nintendo to offer wireless playing on Gameboy © CDR-Info
18:25 Huge seizure Of blank CD-Rs in Italy © CDR-Info
19:33 Battery and assault, Segway style © The Register

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