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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 23 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 23 september 2003

00:48 US set to make massive H1-B visa cuts © The Register
01:19 Microsoft ordered to pay Mass legal fees © The Register
08:16 European telecoms: light at the end of the tunnel © The Register
09:34 Bruce Green of Death © The Register
09:42 Tesco Mobile hits the streets © The Register
09:52 Fake Bluetooth gear swamps UK retail © The Register
09:59 VeriSign stands firm on Site Finder © The Register
10:58 Users 'vote with their mouses' for Site Finder © The Register
11:05 Net not to blame for tearaway kids © The Register
11:33 Looked at porn? The boss can't just fire you (if you're Dutch) © The Register
12:19 Yahoo! launches shopping search site © The Register
12:48 Jury convicts DirecTV pirate on DMCA charges © The Register
13:24 Cable ISP kneecaps heavy users © The Register
13:52 World's biggest Luddite 'factually incorrect' over porn claim © The Register
15:06 Blunkett states ID card aims - but can he achieve them? © The Register
15:48 Sun lines up more Java support on the PC © The Register
16:01 AMD Athlon 64 doubles up for desktop, mobile roles © The Register
16:25 DivXNetworks and ITRI enter technology partnership © CDR-Info
16:25 BenQ officially announces the DW800A © CDR-Info
16:25 Top Taiwanese manufacturers to make 8x DVD+R/-R discs © CDR-Info
16:51 AMD unwraps 2GHz 64-bit Athlons © The Register
17:21 Multi-core Athlons 'inevitable' - AMD © The Register
17:25 TI counter-sues Qualcomm © The Register
17:55 eBay trader arrested in missing DVDs probe © The Register
18:59 CCC Network Systems apologizes for Chapter 7 inconvenience © The Register

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