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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 5 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 5 september 2003

06:57 PS2 and Xbox to see price cuts - in weeks © The Register
07:25 Is it a worm, a virus, or a trojan? © The Register
07:28 FBI reportedly hunting Adrian Lamo © The Register
08:50 eBay pulls iTunes song auction © The Register
10:02 Linksys connects PC to Hi-Fi, wirelessly © The Register
10:18 Disasters proving to be terminal for many small firms © The Register
10:23 The case of the two stolen mainframes © The Register
10:36 The way to do Wireless Internet is: start with wired © The Register
10:45 IT recovery: once bitten, twice shy © The Register
13:41 The trouble with anti-virus © The Register
14:45 RIAA to offer file sharers amnesty - report © The Register
14:55 IBM, Dell make the best of a down storage market © The Register
15:04 Broadband surge nets 75% of UK population © The Register
15:12 Garage door makers battle over DMCA © The Register
15:19 Full Monty writer premieres new film on Net © The Register
15:20 UK music biz tackles Nominet over domain nobbling © The Register
16:11 Sony Ericsson 3G phone set for January launch © The Register
16:13 ID theft hits 10m Americans a year © The Register
17:45 IBM accused of poisoning workers © The Register
18:25 MediaTek August sales rise to cover demand from Korea, Taiwan © CDR-Info
18:25 Universal sets DVD-A release schedule © CDR-Info
18:32 Universal's CD price cut comedy gets five stars © The Register
22:08 I'm Carly, Fly Me © The Register
22:25 Universal to cut wholesale prices of CDs © CDR-Info
22:25 Asus SCB-2408 and LiteOn LSB-24081MX hardware review © CDR-Info

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