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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 24 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 24 september 2003

07:16 Symantec stumps up $150m for PowerQuest © The Register
08:09 Atos Origin: tough turnaround for Sema © The Register
08:32 Kids targeted in mobile phone theft lesson © The Register
09:39 RIAA pushes ahead with suits, sues iMesh, stirs up Senate © The Register
09:45 Northants villages set up own BB network © The Register
09:51 Skype: putting the hype in VoIP © The Register
10:31 Sex and the City, Google-style © The Register
10:49 On mobile phones and spam © The Register
10:50 Opera releases 7.20 browser for Windows © The Register
11:46 Sophos buys ActiveState © The Register
11:56 Apple recalls OS update © The Register
12:01 Help! I wanna leave AOL and can't find my way out © The Register
12:21 A back door to Poindexter's Orwellian dream © The Register
12:39 RIAA withdraws $300m lawsuit against innocent pensioner © The Register
13:42 Palm, Symbian and Windows apps to spread from Visual Basic source © The Register
13:44 GeoTrust takes on VeriSign for Euro -certs business © The Register
14:30 So why is MSN Israel keeping its chatrooms open? © The Register
15:01 MSN chat stand is 'nothing short of reckless' - Freeserve © The Register
15:17 MSN Chat: It's the child protection lobby wot's to blame - LINX © The Register
15:45 European Parliament castrates software patent regs © The Register
15:59 HP offers Linux users SCO protection © The Register
17:40 Virus takes out US visa-checking system for nine hours © The Register
17:46 KaZaA sues RIAA for copyright infringement © The Register
18:19 Nokia 3650 carries US users out of the dark age © The Register
18:27 Nintendo GameCube price cut seen possible this week © CDR-Info
18:27 Innovation in media storage industry © CDR-Info
18:27 NTI launches new CD & DVD-Maker software © CDR-Info
18:27 Asus demonstrates 8X DVD burner © CDR-Info
18:45 MS bans mag cover discs for updates, blames Sun © The Register
19:00 Sun gets behind Athlon 64 with Linux OS © The Register
19:33 New Palm Tungstens debut on Web © The Register
20:40 Tundra out to buy PowerPC product lines off Motorola © The Register
21:15 Seagate pops Lindows onto hard drives at no charge © The Register
21:28 AMD-hosted WLAN used to infect security hack's PC © The Register

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