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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 19 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 19 september 2003

05:49 Grasso has the last laugh as he exits the NYSE © The Register
06:42 Net censorship hits 'all time high' © The Register
07:40 Peoplesoft support promises - good for customers © The Register
07:42 Cisco under threat in VoIP stronghold © The Register
08:03 Nasty worm poses as MS security update © The Register
09:02 Verisign's SiteFinder finds privacy hullabaloo © The Register
10:09 The Reg opens Research Store © The Register
11:14 PDA implicated in Gilligan WMD dossier probe © The Register
11:14 Palm Pilot implicated in Gilligan WMD dossier probe © The Register
11:22 DSL growth outstrips demand for cable © The Register
11:54 Software guru wants New Accounting © The Register
12:56 Fiorina quits Cisco board © The Register
14:02 Telewest Business to axe 120 jobs © The Register
14:52 Verisign backlash gathers force © The Register
18:25 Waitec presents new Mp3/CD player © CDR-Info
18:25 Infodisc sets up blank DVD disc factory © CDR-Info
18:25 Sony sets date for PS2 hard drive © CDR-Info
18:25 Recordable DVD Council to expand recordable DVD market © CDR-Info
18:25 Recording companies consider 'smart' CD © CDR-Info
18:25 Seagate drives first DVD Multi-Drive video recorder from Toshiba © CDR-Info
19:24 eBay to Feds: come and get what you want © The Register

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