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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Piotrek's photo 2008-06-16 14:07 New photo of Piotrek Combrzyn'ski made by Kuba Urbanczyka during Never Winter Jam was added to his profile. Chad & Lynsey: a love story 2008-06-17 04:32 Lucretia Adams shares the story of her daughter's on-and offline courtship with Chad Hedrick. Piotrek's photo 2008-06-18 16:18 New photo of Piotrek Combrzyn'ski was added to his profile. The Str8 Sk8 Needs You! 2008-06-19 03:25 Supporting this Twin Cities inline race series can do wonders for your skating. Des's photo 2...

2008-08-29 10:32:43 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Rollerblade sisters 2008-08-25 20:59 nobody@flickr.com (Mr Thomas Piskortz) Mr Thomas Piskortz posted a photo: Sk8r Boy 2008-08-26 10:44 nobody@flickr.com (NixPixChicago) NixPixChicago posted a photo: Revolution/BHC Arizona Weekend 2008-08-26 10:52 REVOLUTION - BHC - AZ WEEKEND from BHC on Vimeo . Mind The Gap 2008: Promo Edit & Infos 2008-08-26 11:10 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) One day to go for the Mind the Gap 2008 contest at `Binnenrotte' in Rotterdam (The Netherlands. The prepation is ...

2008-08-27 11:08:15 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

When Winning Counts, Winners Wear MPC! 2008-08-01 23:00 I wanted to pass this along as a testimony to what a GREAT job our TEAM has done in. Links for 2008-08-24 [del.icio.us] 2008-08-25 09:00 Jon Julio on Adobe TV (video working under firefox now) Skatemeet No.8: Dagenham (uk, september 14th) Denial: Max Ballestro, swagger like us (Edit) 2008-08-25 12:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Max Ballestro came to town for a week and this is something lil for your enjoyment. Expect more clips to come.swa...

2008-08-26 10:40:33 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

McAllen: Rolling Edit 2008-08-24 10:57 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Featuring Jeremy Raff, Ray Soto, Dominic Garcia, Damien Garcia and Pat Leal. Thanks Rafire. Street Gears: Online Multiplayer Game 2008-08-24 11:13 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Here is Street Gears, an Online Multiplayer Game about blading. So this this time it's not only about speed races, you can do a lot of grinds! Check 4 trailers about the Rendered intro, tricks & more! Thanks Tafiola_22. Street Gears Trailer: Mor...

2008-08-25 10:32:19 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Links for 2008-08-22 [del.icio.us] 2008-08-23 09:00 Blade Comedy Jam (San Diego - 8/30/08: Flyer & Infos Grindhouse / University Survey: Get 800 euros In Prizes Brian Bruno Photos (Denial Clothing) SDSF edit by Eric Schijn w/ EscoZoo 2008-08-23 11:33 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) A new edit by Eric Schrijn, features some well known faces as well as some undiscovered talent. Featured SDSF Riders: Robert Lievanos, Brent Hicks, Alex Wick, Jay Moreno, Russell Day & Winston Wardwell. Undercover: 2...

2008-08-24 10:31:21 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Supergirl Inline Rail Jam 08 2008-08-22 11:40 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) from the (old) press release: Los Angeles, Calif. (May 28, 2008) - Southern California is set to host the premiere all-female action sports competition when the 2nd Annual S3 Supergirl Jam hits Huntington Beach on July 25 - 27 in conjunction with the 2008 Honda U.S. Open of Surfing. More than 100 of the world's top ] Mami (IBMK: Pudslide Master (2004) 2008-08-22 11:56 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Mami is not hu...

2008-08-23 10:33:16 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Online! 2007-05-25 11:21 Hedonskate Team Website is Online! Kojot Profile 2007-05-25 14:19 Last profile of Radosl/aw Kojtych on Razors Skates is avaible online and for download. Now Radek is skating REMZ. Honza Profile 2007-05-25 14:25 Honza profile from czech movie "Vagina Balance Video" is avaible. Two interview with Adam 2007-05-25 14:28 Two interviews with Adam Z.urawiecki published on rolling.ro and therolling.lv websites were added. Two Z.et photos 2007-05-25 14:38 Two new photos made by Konrad Pluci...

2008-08-22 10:35:59 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

1st World Freestyle Skating Championship 2007-04-10 20:41 The 1st Freestyle Skating Championship scheduled in Gessate (Milan- Italy on August 31- September 1 and 2, 2007 We are glad to inform you about this latest evolution: official partnership FIRS-IFSA. The IFSA disciplines are now under the umbrella of FIRS/CIC. The IFSA is in charge of Freestyle roller sports inside FIRS/CIC.Those are about Results world inline cup Seoul 2007-04-10 20:59 Results SEOUL World Inline Cup http://www.rollerplace.com/en/new...

2008-08-21 10:38:56 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - не стой на месте!

RollerPlace.com - не стой на месте!

RollerPlace.com - международный портал, посвященный роллер-спорту. Основная задача - объединение людей и их интересов, связанных с роллер-спортом, а также его развитие и укрепление в поддержку здорового образа жизни.

подписчиков: 84

Теперь у RollerPlace.com есть свой блог! 2007-05-30 12:26 Теперь нас можно найти в ЖЖ по адресу http://community.livejournal.com/rollerplace/ Обращение к Главе Росспорта Вячеславу Фетисову 2007-06-04 21:49 По просьбе нашего друга исследователя Льва Адакона мы публикуем его обращение к Главе Росспорта Вячеславу Фетисову. Принять его сторону или нет решать Вам. Наша первая Пятничная-Инлайн-Ночная! 2007-06-13 21:50 Итак, приезжаю я к цирку, в душе надеясь увидеть там если не 50 то хотя бы 10 катунов А там Анд...

2008-08-21 10:09:00 + Комментировать Автор:

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

RollerPlace.com - freshest news from the world of roller skating

подписчиков: 20

Mirek's photo 2008-02-15 14:22 Photo taken by Kuba Urbanczyk has been added to Mirek Ragan's profile. Adam's new photo 2008-02-19 17:48 Last photo of Adam Z.urawiecki from 2007 made by Konrad Clupik was added to his profile. Szyszka's photo 2008-02-20 17:04 New photo has been added to Szyszka's profile. Mirek's photo 2008-02-21 17:04 New photo has been added to Mirek Ragan's profile. Honza's photo 2008-02-26 14:11 New photo of Honza Puchyr has been added to his profile. Interview with Adam 2008-03-03 16:57...

2008-08-20 10:31:53 + Комментировать Автор:
