О себе - Don't stand still!
PARIS78 2008-06-18 07:42 (WKumberger) WKumberger posted a photo: Mad Rollerbladers! We were walking near or in) the Latin Quarter and came across a huge group of people about to start a RollerBlade tour. Remz: Cameron Card back with style! 2008-06-18 12:01 (David Durrenberger) Last time you heard of Cameron Card might have been sad news. Well, today is good news: not only is he back on skates, but he looks smoother than ever! Check his OS2 edit. [live it] (high... - Don't stand still!
Peter Dearden 24hrs Nimh V2 2008-06-17 13:25 (David Durrenberger) We have just finishing putting together an edit of Nimh Skates, 4*X4 Wheels, Vicious Bearings and Rampworx Skatepark rider Pete Dearden skating the new Nimh boot for the first time yesterday on an actual sunny English day! Thanks Matthew. THANK'S by Macro: Full Video 2008-06-17 13:44 (David Durrenberger) Hey, my name is Romain (although people usually call me Macro . I am 20 years old and I have been ska... - Don't stand still!
Australia: Skaters in the News at Eastlink 2008-06-16 10:45 CadoMotus News <> CadoMotus' Mick Byrne featured in a TV News story following the public opening of Melbourne's newest freeway over the weekend. Mick Byrne (AUS) interviewed following the speed skaters' arrival in the festival zone. Skaters from across Australia including Byrne, 2007 WIC skater Danny Finster, world-team sprinter Andy Finster and Junior World 200m Champion Daniel Grieg took part in the freeway Valo Ab1 &... - Don't stand still!
USA Outdoor Champs- 10km Results/ Report 2008-06-15 10:23 peterdoucet Patin Carrera has a report and results from the 10km (and 1000-meter) race at the USA Outdoor Championships that are taking place in Colorado Springs. World Class Senior Men 10km Points Elimination 1. Michael Cheek 2. Dane Lewis 3. Joshua Wood 4. Joey Mantia 5. Jason Korbel World Class Senior Women 10km Points Elimination 1. Emily Scott 2. Chelsea Creveling 3. Katelyn Horning 4. Erin DiJulio 5. Sara Sayasane Incheon World Inline Cup Prel... - Don't stand still!
Grinding the streets 2008-06-14 18:41 (loochie) loochie posted a photo: _DSC0479 2008-06-15 02:17 (Ghostwriter D) Ghostwriter D. posted a photo: _DSC0483 2008-06-15 02:17 (Ghostwriter D) Ghostwriter D. posted a photo: _DSC0492 2008-06-15 02:18 (Ghostwriter D) Ghostwriter D. posted a photo: _DSC0501 2008-06-15 02:18 (Ghostwriter D) Ghostwriter D. posted a photo: _DSC0490 2008-06-15 02:18 (Ghostwriter ... - Don't stand still!
Links for 2008-06-12 [] 2008-06-13 09:00 Ignition Sausage Cup 2008 Winterclash 2008: The DVD (Trailer) 2008-06-13 13:18 (David Durrenberger) quoting Jojo Jacobi: we are proud to announce that the Woldpremiere of the Winterclash 2008 DVD will be at the Summerclash. Dont miss it on Sunday at 19:00 ! Download: Worldpremiere_Teaser.m4v Heat Wheels: Summer 2008 Designs 2008-06-13 13:47 (David Durrenberger) Sneak peak of the new wheels for Summer 08. Should be ava... - не стой на месте! - международный портал, посвященный роллер-спорту. Основная задача - объединение людей и их интересов, связанных с роллер-спортом, а также его развитие и укрепление в поддержку здорового образа жизни.
29 Июня в Минске пройдёт второй открытый чемпионат Белоруси по роллер-спорту 2008-06-14 01:06 Это будет уже второй Открытый чемпионат Беларуси по артистик(стайл, спид-слалому и фриджампингу. В Москве пройдёт роликовый пробег "Спорт против наркотиков" 2008-06-14 01:48 7 июня, в 11 часов, от здания Московского государственного технического университета имени Н.Э. Баумана (Рубцовская набережная, д.2/18) начался роликовый пробег по маршруту Москва-Сочи под девизом "Спорт против наркотиков. 29 Июня в ... - Don't stand still!
Kowal's photo 2008-03-25 13:36 New photo of Mateusz Kowalski has been added to his profile and was also published as photo of the week on Mirek's photo 2008-03-26 14:01 New photo of Mirek Ragan was added to his profile. Kojot's new photo 2008-03-28 18:07 New photo of Radka Kojtycha was added to his profile. 2008 USA ROLLER SPORTS FALL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 2008-06-12 08:00 FACT SHEET 2008 USA ROLLER . 2008 USA Roller Sports Board of Directors Election 2008-06-12 08:00 Under the USARS By-La... - Don't stand still!
Online! 2007-05-25 11:21 Hedonskate Team Website is Online! Kojot Profile 2007-05-25 14:19 Last profile of Radosl/aw Kojtych on Razors Skates is avaible online and for download. Now Radek is skating REMZ. Honza Profile 2007-05-25 14:25 Honza profile from czech movie "Vagina Balance Video" is avaible. Two interview with Adam 2007-05-25 14:28 Two interviews with Adam Z.urawiecki published on and websites were added. Two photos 2007-05-25 14:38 Two new photos made by Konrad Pluci... - Don't stand still!
New Team Rider! 2008-03-04 11:08 Profile of new Hedonskate team rider - Martina Svobodova has been added. Rolkowisko Advert 2008-03-05 13:24 Rolkowisko video advert edited by Radoslaw Kojtych with tricks of Hedonskate Team Riders was added to Clip section. Urban Concept 8 2008-03-07 14:07 8th issue of Urban Concept magazine with few photos of Honza Puchyr has been added to his profile to media section. Pumpii issue 9 2008-03-10 12:22 Link to online magazine Pumpii issue 9 with photos of Martina Svobodova, ...