О себе - Don't stand still!
2008 INLINE SPEED SKATING WHEEL REGISTRATION 2008-05-09 08:00 For the benefit of speed skating competitors with an existing investment in speed wheels, USA Roller Sports is continuing the . 2008 INLINE SPEED SKATING WHEEL REGISTRATION 2008-05-09 08:00 Please use the download version if this article does not display correctly in your browser - What's New Week Of May 9th, 2008 2008-05-10 03:00 New or Updated: USA ROLLER SPORTS PROUDLY ANNOUNCES THE 2008 WOMENS INLINE HOCKEY . Links for 2008-05-09 [del.icio.u... - Don't stand still!
USA ROLLER SPORTS PROUDLY ANNOUNCES THE 2008 WOMENS INLINE HOCKEY WORLD TEAM 2008-05-07 08:00 At the recently concluded Team USA Trials in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the following athletes . 2008 Northeast Figure Pre-Regional Results 2008-05-09 08:00 Download Results here: 2008 NE Figure PreRegional . Jacob Juul by J.Noor 2008-05-09 11:59 (David Durrenberger) Enlarge the picture. Jacob Juul by J.Noor. Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool. Enlarge the picture. Rat Tail: Cobra & Medus... - Don't stand still!
Daily Fact 2008-05-05 01:02 Pictures from the Skate challenge in Frankfurt 2008-05-05 10:20 The three Powerslide Phuzion guys were keen to get the big beer mug and made the triple victory perfect left to right: Pascal Ramali GER, Nicolas Zamudio COL, Felix Rijhnen GER YANN GUYADER WINS WORLD CUP IN SURSEE 2008-05-05 12:12 Yann Guyader just won the second race for the World Inline Cup, just in front of his Powerslide Alessi teammate Stefano Galliazzo. Not only did he win the stage, he also claimed the first... - не стой на месте! - международный портал, посвященный роллер-спорту. Основная задача - объединение людей и их интересов, связанных с роллер-спортом, а также его развитие и укрепление в поддержку здорового образа жизни.
17 Мая в Москве пройдут соревнования по слалому и прыжкам в высоту 2008-05-08 11:56 17 мая Департамент физической культуры и спорта г. Москвы (Москомспорт, при поддержке телеканала "Спорт" проводит спортивный праздник "Планета Спорт. Программа мероприятия включает церемонию открытия, соревнования по различным видам спорта, культурно - развлекательную программу для гостей праздника и концерт. На празднике будут представлены самые лучшие площадки, принимающие участие в городских торжествах. 15-16 Июня в Моск... - Don't stand still!
Chaz Sands Invite HIGHLIGHTS! 2008-04-28 14:38 Matty Watky brings us the first high quality streaming edit of the HIGHLIGHTS that went on this weekend at the CHAZ SANDS INVITE over in Glasgow. Click on -TheConferenceTV> on the right menu. Element frame report on TheConferenceMAG 2008-04-29 03:36 Kenneth and Daniel Prell teamed up for some Kizer Element news. Check it on the right hand side of the page, on TheConferenceMAG > Jeff Stockwell on TheConferenceTV! 2008-04-29 03:55 Wait for it, wait for it, at 12... - Don't stand still!
Video: XC-C Free Binding System in Action 2008-02-02 04:30 CadoMotus News Video: CadoMotus XC-C Binding System in Action @ G.G.Alpincenter, Bottrop GER The Video shows XC Skater Andreas Hachmann taking the XC-C Free Binding through its paces at the amazing Alpincenter. Thanks go to Malte Vollmecke and Matthias Lederer from the GG Alpincenter, Bottrop. More on the XC-C Free Binding System | Shop online | Email enquiries Bones Bearings: The Labyrinth 2008-02-03 05:18 CadoMotus News Part 1: Swiss, the beginni... - Don't stand still!
Our Second Line 2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra Stygma releases its second line, remaining stylish and original. There is now something for everyone, even more so now that sizes go from S to XXL. This season the line includes great items ideal for presents, for example the belt which comes gift packed in a high quality box with silver logos, a girls range, truckers and pants. All of ] Carlos Pianowski 2006-10-09 16:18 davidzafra Pure adrenaline, technicality and courage. Carlos Pianowski is an awesome force in... - не стой на месте! - международный портал, посвященный роллер-спорту. Основная задача - объединение людей и их интересов, связанных с роллер-спортом, а также его развитие и укрепление в поддержку здорового образа жизни.
3 Мая в Москве пройдёт стритконтест University street contest 2008 2008-04-27 23:12 Соревнования проводятся в личном зачёте. Все участники соревнований должны быть действующими студентами ВУЗа, которые они представляют. Финальная регистрация участников будет производит только при наличии у райдера студенческого билета ВУЗа, который он представляет. Контест будет проходить в 3 тура. Все этапы будут проходить в 1 день. Контест является открытым. Каждый, кто прошёл финальную регистрацию допускается до соревно... - Don't stand still!
Matt Andrews 2007 Reel: One Issue #9 Folio 2008-04-26 11:28 (David Durrenberger) You know how when you watch a skate video you tend to memorize the whole thing? The tricks, the order of the sections, the audio from the DVD menu, even the commercials? Well, those commercials are often just as much work as what you see in the video itself. A long drawn out process of ] Mark Wojda - KSPS Edit by Hawke Trackler 2008-04-26 11:37 (David Durrenberger) Genre and Denials Mark W... - Don't stand still!
Sheraton Hotel partners with USA Roller Sports as the host hotel of the 2007 Outdoor Speed Skating National Championships 2007-04-07 21:23 Lincoln, NE - The Sheraton Hotel in Colorado Springs, Colo. has been named the host hotel of the 2007 USA Roller Sports (USARS) Outdoor Speed Skating National Championships from May 29 through June 7th. The Sheraton is conveniently located just off of Interstate 25, and just 5 miles from downtown. 2007-04-10 19:06 1st World Fr...