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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!

US Freestyle Skating Association " Welcome!
2007-09-13 09:32 bcunha

YouTube - Fannystyle
2008-01-11 14:36 kennethahn
C'est fantastique!

YouTube - Fanny
2008-01-11 14:43 kennethahn

Official STARWAY Slalom Cone
2008-01-22 19:34 dorn

Gijs - Soul
2008-04-03 00:50 nobody@flickr.com (Bojd)

Bojd posted a photo:

Gijs - Soul

WWW BBQ Session

2008 Speed Coaches Conference
2008-04-03 08:00



2008 National Speed Skating Championships Schedule (*4/3/08*)
2008-04-03 08:00

Tentative as of February 26th, 2008

2008 Speed Coaches Conference
2008-04-03 08:00



2008 California Memorial Day Invitational - Figure
2008-04-03 08:00

Download Meet Information Packet and Forms


Dear Coaches and Skaters:

 Sunrise ...

Mexico Photos
2008-04-03 08:51 peterdoucet

Click here for ‘Various photos taken by club members who traveled to Mexico for spring training. One week of training with the Yucatan team, and then one week of track racing in Tuxtla (the capital city of Chiapas)‘.

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

ASSB’s Ecoroll Cup Report & Pictures
2008-04-03 08:55 peterdoucet

Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog has an entry called Ecoroll Cup + Pictures.

Ecoroll Cup- photo posted on Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog & by Sonja Rumpf

Links for 2008-04-02 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-03 09:00

The prince of Zamundi has arrived to conquer Europe
2008-04-03 10:54
NICOLAS ZAMUDIO arrived yesterday at Frankfurt airport. The new member of the POWERSLIDE PHUZION team will make his first appearence this sunday at the Berlin half marathon.

One Issue 8: PDF Download
2008-04-03 12:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the cover. ONE Issue #8 is ready for online viewing! Revisit Jon Julio’s knowledge-dropping interview, hanging in Chile with Carlos Pianowski, Take 5 with JC Rowe, Cool Kids Sound Check, Fabio Enes Am Hour, Tom Hyser 15 Minutes and more. Sometimes keeping it fresh means making it free, so be sure to check out #8 [...]

Daily Fact
2008-04-03 12:57

Jeremy Spira: Razors Aragon 2 Revolution Edit
2008-04-03 13:06 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: JEREMYSPIRA-SLEDIT.mov (55 mb). Via Revolution.

Barnburner 08: RW & Rachard Johnson video
2008-04-03 15:35 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Rachard Johnson: Barn Burner 08 LARJ: Here is an edit featuring Rachard Johnson, Dominic Sagona, Ricky LA Way & AZN Jon. Edited by Rachard. USD FUCKInG STRETCH CREW! RW 2008 Barn Burner Pt. 2: Part 1 is availiable here. Featuring skating from Brian Aragon, Chris Haffey, Sean Keane, Jake Dotson, Rachard Johnson, Victor Arias, Erik Bailey, Ross Kuhn, Alex Broskow, [...]

(inner) balance
2008-04-03 16:34 nobody@flickr.com (magasara)

magasara posted a photo:

(inner) balance

....e non aspetto che qualcun altro provveda....

...Tengo al minimo il battito,
controllo che il respiro non ceda...

Cristina Donà-Samuel

Able: 2008 Clothing Line Photo Shoot & Team Edit
2008-04-03 16:54 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Able: 2008 Clothing Line Photo Shoot & Team Edit. The Able riders try out the new Spring clothing line from Able. Don’t miss the Team skating session. Via Empir3.

Nathalie and her new CUSTOM shoes by SERGIO McCARGO
2008-04-03 17:08
Nathalie Barbotin just received her brandnew custom b oots from Sergio McCargo. And they fit really great and are really goodlooking. Nathalies set up is now POWERSLIDE C4 custom boot, XXX Mean Machine frame 3x110/1x100 and Matter yellow wheels. If you are interested in Powerslide custom boots, then please contact Powerslide or your local Powerslide pro shop. Below you find some nice pics of Nathalie.


Nathalie is getting ready for the season

Pretty in pink

Paris jumpers #4
2008-04-03 18:22 nobody@flickr.com (Abu Ilai)

Abu Ilai posted a photo:

Paris jumpers #4

Speed Technical Skates Mania 2008
2008-04-03 18:58 peterdoucet

Check out the 2008 Speed Technical Skates (STS) Mania.

Aaron’s Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic Photos
2008-04-03 20:19 peterdoucet

Kevin Noh (nooooooooooo) posted his photos from last weekend’s Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic/ Aaron Arndt WIC fundraiser.

Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic/ Aaron Arndt WIC fundraiser; Melissa Maas leads Mr. Pauley, Georg, Mr Maas, and the rest of the gang at CTK 200-meter track- photo by Kevin Noh

Iguana Typ 2004 - Andrey Zayzev (Russia)
2008-04-03 20:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
About the Iguana Typ 2004 video: The Dvd is based on the Iguana tour, part of the USD tour, around Europe last summer. Six guys from Russia went on tour to show Europe that they aren’t a cold country far away but a country with some sick rollerbladers. Profiles: Andrey Zayzev, Kirill Gorbunov, Roman Moiseenkov, Kolya Krevis, [...]

Rennes Sur Roulettes
2008-04-03 20:24 peterdoucet

Rennes Sur Roulettes is the French Inline Cup’s 2nd stop. The race is set for May 24th/ 25th- find more information thanks to Roller En Ligne.

Start of the women’s race in 2007- photo from Roller En Ligne

Swiss Inline Cup Details
2008-04-03 20:30 peterdoucet

Check out when & where the 2008 Swiss Inline Cup events are taking place. The SIC races will take place between April 19th and August 9th. I might as well also point you to a calendar which has SIC & WIC race details.

USA’s Josh Wood Jumps
2008-04-03 20:35 peterdoucet

Check out these entries about Josh Wood jumping- JOSH WOOD-STUNT SKATER???????, RECORD NUMBER OF HITS TO SITE!!, and FINAL STORY - ” IN FLIGHT “.

Scandium 3-Point Frames
2008-04-03 20:41 peterdoucet

Check out the Scandium 3-Point Frames.

The Future Of Team USA- Revisited
2008-04-03 20:46 peterdoucet

The thread the future of the usa team keeps getting more and more comments- I figured you might want to weigh in and post your thoughts… or at least read the good ideas & thoughts.

Brickmonster hates when bladers ride his tummy x_x
2008-04-03 20:57 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Original photo: Gijs - Soul by Bojd. Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool. More photos on the Bojd Flickr Account.

Dream Chaser’s Scooter’s Practice
2008-04-03 22:20 peterdoucet

Dream Chaser On Wheels has an account of last night’s Scooter’s Indoor Speed Club practice; Candy Wong writes ‘Indoor practice was coached by AA today so it was back to a more intense pace. Warm up was a combination of simple dropbacks, three laps acceleration, and the echelon tower‘. Read more in And Now, Back To Our Regular Programming.

Videos From The Old Days
2008-04-03 22:26 peterdoucet

The thread Videos from the old days. continues to allow us to peek into and get a taste of some of the rich history of roller speed skating. And how about this from Racing Snake 71; ‘I’m not sure how accurate the “bearing extractor” incident referred to in the opening titles is though. I can tell you that De Persio hit Cruciani over the head with one in the changing rooms in Ostende during the 1979 European Championships. They were fighting one another down the finishing straight in the 20,000m and both were disqaulified - leaving GB’s Pat Feetham to take the gold‘.

Eastern Seaboard Series
2008-04-03 23:48 peterdoucet

I know I posted the dates before, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that the 2008 Eastern Seaboard Series website is updated with the dates & some information. The first race is set for May 24th.

Coupe Quebec Roller
2008-04-03 23:51 peterdoucet

The 2008 Coupe Quebec Roller dates are now posted;
#1- Sunday May 25th
#2- Sunday June 22nd
#3- Sunday July 6th
#4- Sunday August 3rd

Day 220-365 - New Blades...
2008-04-04 00:53 nobody@flickr.com (Tequila Biscayne)

Tequila Biscayne posted a photo:

Day 220-365 - New Blades...

I just picked up a set of new Rollerblades on Ebay.

Retail is around $249. I got them for about $140 including shipping. That's a great deal.

user id: fly757

Skate preview: RB 8 Platinum
2008-04-04 03:01
Rollerblade rolls out a stylish hard-shell skate with big-wheel ambitions.

Support for Josh Waggoner
2008-04-04 03:02
Dear Friends and Family,

Most of you are aware of the loss the freestyle rolling community suffered last week. On March 26th at about 2:30pm a dear friend of our family, Josh Waggoner, fell while street skating. The fall was to his ribs first and then Josh hit his head. He was immediately knocked unconscious. We got the phone call at about 3:30pm and gathered our kids to head to the hospital for what we thought was a concussion and maybe some stitches.

Upon arriving to the hospital we found out from Josh’s mom, Vicki, the severity of the situation was far worse. Tom and I thought it was best that he took the kids home and got them to bed. I stayed at the hospital with about 100 of Josh’s closest friends and family. At about 1:00am a hospital patient representative came into the room and told us the most unfortunate news we never wanted to hear. Josh was not going to make it. He continued to be on life support while the family and hospital staff quickly made preparations for organ donations.

By being an organ donor Josh helped save at least 6 other lives. We were able to find out that his heart was given to a person in their 30's in Georgia. His liver was given to two children in Florida. His lungs are breathing in Virginia. It is just like Josh to still be giving in this way.

Josh was only 17 years old. He was such a great young man. He was Bella and TJ's babysitter. He was an employee of Skatepile and a rider for Rollerblade too. Josh was very special to our family. He had so many close friends. He was loved by so many people.

I'm writing today to see if you can find it in your heart to help his family. Josh leaves behind his mother - Vicki, step-father - Eric, 13 year old brother - Brent, and 8 year old twin sisters - Ashley and Allison. I have set up a Paypal account that is taking donations for the family. All monies will go to them to help with medical expenses, funeral costs and day-to-day living expenses. Pass this email on to anyone you think might help. Thank you so much!!!

Please click here if you would like to make a donation.

Or you can visit: http://www.skatepile.com/orstore/news..aspx

Peace and love,


Racing at the Velodrome
2008-04-04 03:49
The IndySpeed series consists of four events at the Major Taylor Velodrome in Indianapolis.

450 Fside
2008-04-04 04:38 nobody@flickr.com (Tom McClelland)

Tom McClelland posted a photo:

450 Fside

An edit of this photo for a bita fun..

brian aragon razor edit
2008-04-04 04:55 nobody@flickr.com (nick_wellfair)

nick_wellfair posted a photo:

brian aragon razor edit

got bored so decided to make a blade make poster for razorrrr.... featuring idol blader brian aragon XD

The 2008 Vaypors
2008-04-04 06:13
Bont shows off 14 of its flashy new 2- and 3-point speed skates.

Andrew & Jessica Are Expecting
2008-04-04 07:02 peterdoucet

Check out ZATAOSS’s HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! Andrew says ‘Guys, I gotta tell you, when you see a heart beating on an ultrasound, and you know that someday that will be your son or daughter, it’s a soulquake like no other‘ and he goes on to write ‘Speedskating is so absorbing, it can become how one measures time, and I am well aware that my measurement of time, along with so many aspects of our lives, is going to radically change‘.

I think this is one of the top stories of 2008! Congrats Andrew & Jessica!

2008 Men and Women's Inline Hockey Nationals
2008-04-04 08:00


USA Roller Sports Announces Host Hotel for 2008 National Championships
2008-04-04 08:00


Links for 2008-04-03 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-04 09:00

Aragon 2: Uk team edit
2008-04-04 12:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Razors Uk team’s 1st week on the Aragon 2’s - Chaz Sands, Andy Spary, Dan Mclaren, Giles Mulligan, Scott Quinn and Dan Stirling showing how the Aragon 2’s are supposed to be skated… Filmed: Uk team. Edit Stew Game.

Barn Burner 2008 (Seattle): ASN Edit by Nico Sotomayor
2008-04-04 13:58 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Nico Sotomayor Teaser: Check the full edit here / More Barn Burner 2008 Media.

Krupa and Piotrek Combrzynski
2008-04-04 15:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Krupa and Piotrek Combrzynski (Hedonskate, Razors, 4×4) skating in local indoor skatepark in Bialystok. Via Hedonblog.

Texas Road Rash Photos
2008-04-04 17:03 peterdoucet

Check out the latest set of Texas Road Rash photos by Darlene Prois posted on the Inline Planet.

Start of the Texas Road Rash- photo by Darlene Prois

SkatEtrain’s Tabata-Based Training Method
2008-04-04 17:05 peterdoucet

Here’s a training article for you; SkatEtrain’s Tabata-Based Training Method. It is written that ‘High intensity interval training (HIIT), also referred to as Tabata, is becoming an increasingly popular training method that is proving to be highly effective for burning body fat increasing both aerobic and anaerobic performance. Short but very hard and extremely intense is what Tabata is all about‘.

2008 Bont Vaypor Images
2008-04-04 17:08 peterdoucet

Check out the images of the 2008 Bont Vaypor skates.

Crazysport Mag (Russia)
2008-04-04 17:11 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
More informations (russian language).

MTV Scarred - Hit And Pop (Corey)
2008-04-04 19:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Every scar has a story. This show is almost too painful to watch. Corey completely separates his tibia and fibula when he tries to land a high-risk rollerblading rail-grind. Watch the Correy Mtv Scarred episode.

Ohno Zone- Apolo In Arkansas
2008-04-04 19:26 peterdoucet

Check out Ohno Zone’s latest entry; Apolo in Arkansas which has links to a few articles.

Aaron Arndt; Still Swamped
2008-04-04 19:29 peterdoucet

Aaron Arndt’s latest entry is called Still Swamped. He touches on some ‘recent history’ of skating and explains his set-up. He writes ‘Speaking of cool, also notice the Bell Razor helmet, far and away the coolest helmet of the decade…‘.

I agree about the Bell Razor helmet. I’ll never forget the time I bought one. I cost me an arm and a leg, but I was thrilled and excited and hyped when I bought it. I felt like a true skater once I had it in my hands.

Making Use Of The Wind
2008-04-04 19:36 peterdoucet

In It’s Like Indoor, Only Outdoor, Candy Wong explains how making use of the wind was explained/ practiced at last night’s TISC practice. She says ‘To make the best use of wind, the attacker should force the pack to accelerate into the headwind. That means the attacker should be skating full speed and reaches the front of the pack when he comes out of the corner into the headwind‘.

Tampa Classic Invitational Pictures
2008-04-04 19:37 peterdoucet

Check out these pictures from the Tampa Classic Invitational.

Mexico- The Introduction Of The Players
2008-04-04 19:38 peterdoucet

Road Rash Chronicles has an entry called Before we begin….. You’ll be introduced to the Canadian faces that were recently skating & competing in Mexico. You can expect more entries & posts about Mexico.

Ed (aka Spiderman or Hombre de la araña)‘- photo from Road Rash Chronicles

Chile Selection Report
2008-04-04 19:43 peterdoucet

A few days ago, Patin Carrera published a report on the most recent of Chile’s National Selection competition.

Christopher Verdugo- photo posted on Patin Carrera and by Carlos Batias

Renard 507 Boots
2008-04-04 19:46 peterdoucet

Roller En Ligne has published a review of the Renard 507 (this is where Peter drools) boots. I know someone who really wants pink Renard boots.

Training & News’ Fastest Man On The Track
2008-04-04 21:13 peterdoucet

Training & News has a few of recent entries that you may enjoy reading (or looking at in case you can’t decode the language)- see FMOT, Fastest man on the track, and Stage dag 1 & 2.

Zen 10 Follow-up- Jennifer Rodriguez
2008-04-04 21:29 peterdoucet

Check out Andrew Love’s Zen 10 Follow-up, Jennifer Rodriguez. This Zen 10 is good and it is comprehensive- make sure you read it.

And once again, Andrew Love and Jessica are expecting their first child- see HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! for more. Exciting news, isn’t it??

2008-04-04 22:16 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


didnt get to do a white balance. trick was done with an a hurry

jared - ao soul
2008-04-05 00:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

jared - ao soul

jared - back royal
2008-04-05 00:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

jared - back royal

Memorial Fund for Josh Waggoner
2008-04-05 01:12 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
A Paypal account is now accepting donations. All monies will be sent to the Waggoner/Massey Family to help with medical expenses, funeral costs, and day to day living expenses. I know we all want to help them as much as we can. Thank you so much for all you have done so far. I will [...]

Is There An Inline Skating Marathon in Your Future?
2008-04-05 01:29
In addition to North American and International marathon events, there are fundraising races, festivals and local marathons that raise awareness and money for a lot of good causes. Many skaters...

Penguins Can Fly
2008-04-05 02:19 peterdoucet

I just think this is really cool; Penguins- see the video below- if you were waiting for penguins to fly as a sign to donate $ to SSW, well watch this video :)

Thank You CAN Fund
2008-04-05 02:20 peterdoucet

I would like to the Canadian Athletes Now Fund for their incredible and appreciated support. The fund, which ‘is a not-for-profit organization devoted solely to raising funds and awareness for Canada’s athletes‘, awarded me a grant to assist me with travel, competing & entries, equipment, nutrition & medical help, and training.

Best of all, check out CAN Fund’s header- they selected pretty neat guy in a TISC costume eh?

If you’re looking for a good cause to support- in addition to Canadian skating, SSW, & other charities- please consider supporting CAN Fund.

2008-04-05 02:33 nobody@flickr.com (hauntbetty)

hauntbetty posted a photo:


Maple Shade Skatepark

Skate Tip: Launch Your Skate Club!
2008-04-05 05:05
The founder of the country's biggest skate club tells you how to get your club up and growing.

2008-04-05 07:22 nobody@flickr.com (Micheal Martin)

Micheal Martin posted a photo:


Air Big Halfpipe
nikon d40
nikon 18-55mm f/3.5

2008-04-05 07:22 nobody@flickr.com (Micheal Martin)

Micheal Martin posted a photo:


Air Big Halfpipe
nikon d40
nikon 18-55mm f/3.5

Links for 2008-04-04 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-05 09:00

2008-04-05 09:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


i made a refuser out of my canon 50mm box tape and white paper
all under a dolla it works

2008-04-05 09:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


blake - 540
2008-04-05 09:28 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

blake - 540

2008-04-05 09:29 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


ryan - 540 to flat
2008-04-05 09:30 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

ryan - 540 to flat

US Freestyle Skating Association " Welcome!
2007-09-13 09:32 bcunha

YouTube - Fannystyle
2008-01-11 14:36 kennethahn
C'est fantastique!

YouTube - Fanny
2008-01-11 14:43 kennethahn

Official STARWAY Slalom Cone
2008-01-22 19:34 dorn

Gijs - Soul
2008-04-03 00:50 nobody@flickr.com (Bojd)

Bojd posted a photo:

Gijs - Soul

WWW BBQ Session

2008 Speed Coaches Conference
2008-04-03 08:00



2008 National Speed Skating Championships Schedule (*4/3/08*)
2008-04-03 08:00

Tentative as of February 26th, 2008

2008 Speed Coaches Conference
2008-04-03 08:00



2008 California Memorial Day Invitational - Figure
2008-04-03 08:00

Download Meet Information Packet and Forms


Dear Coaches and Skaters:

 Sunrise ...

Mexico Photos
2008-04-03 08:51 peterdoucet

Click here for ‘Various photos taken by club members who traveled to Mexico for spring training. One week of training with the Yucatan team, and then one week of track racing in Tuxtla (the capital city of Chiapas)‘.

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

Photo posted on OISC and by Wilby McKnight

ASSB’s Ecoroll Cup Report & Pictures
2008-04-03 08:55 peterdoucet

Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog has an entry called Ecoroll Cup + Pictures.

Ecoroll Cup- photo posted on Andrew’s Speed Skating Blog & by Sonja Rumpf

Links for 2008-04-02 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-03 09:00

The prince of Zamundi has arrived to conquer Europe
2008-04-03 10:54
NICOLAS ZAMUDIO arrived yesterday at Frankfurt airport. The new member of the POWERSLIDE PHUZION team will make his first appearence this sunday at the Berlin half marathon.

One Issue 8: PDF Download
2008-04-03 12:47 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Enlarge the cover. ONE Issue #8 is ready for online viewing! Revisit Jon Julio’s knowledge-dropping interview, hanging in Chile with Carlos Pianowski, Take 5 with JC Rowe, Cool Kids Sound Check, Fabio Enes Am Hour, Tom Hyser 15 Minutes and more. Sometimes keeping it fresh means making it free, so be sure to check out #8 [...]

Daily Fact
2008-04-03 12:57

Jeremy Spira: Razors Aragon 2 Revolution Edit
2008-04-03 13:06 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Download: JEREMYSPIRA-SLEDIT.mov (55 mb). Via Revolution.

Barnburner 08: RW & Rachard Johnson video
2008-04-03 15:35 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Rachard Johnson: Barn Burner 08 LARJ: Here is an edit featuring Rachard Johnson, Dominic Sagona, Ricky LA Way & AZN Jon. Edited by Rachard. USD FUCKInG STRETCH CREW! RW 2008 Barn Burner Pt. 2: Part 1 is availiable here. Featuring skating from Brian Aragon, Chris Haffey, Sean Keane, Jake Dotson, Rachard Johnson, Victor Arias, Erik Bailey, Ross Kuhn, Alex Broskow, [...]

(inner) balance
2008-04-03 16:34 nobody@flickr.com (magasara)

magasara posted a photo:

(inner) balance

....e non aspetto che qualcun altro provveda....

...Tengo al minimo il battito,
controllo che il respiro non ceda...

Cristina Donà-Samuel

Able: 2008 Clothing Line Photo Shoot & Team Edit
2008-04-03 16:54 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Able: 2008 Clothing Line Photo Shoot & Team Edit. The Able riders try out the new Spring clothing line from Able. Don’t miss the Team skating session. Via Empir3.

Nathalie and her new CUSTOM shoes by SERGIO McCARGO
2008-04-03 17:08
Nathalie Barbotin just received her brandnew custom b oots from Sergio McCargo. And they fit really great and are really goodlooking. Nathalies set up is now POWERSLIDE C4 custom boot, XXX Mean Machine frame 3x110/1x100 and Matter yellow wheels. If you are interested in Powerslide custom boots, then please contact Powerslide or your local Powerslide pro shop. Below you find some nice pics of Nathalie.


Nathalie is getting ready for the season

Pretty in pink

Paris jumpers #4
2008-04-03 18:22 nobody@flickr.com (Abu Ilai)

Abu Ilai posted a photo:

Paris jumpers #4

Speed Technical Skates Mania 2008
2008-04-03 18:58 peterdoucet

Check out the 2008 Speed Technical Skates (STS) Mania.

Aaron’s Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic Photos
2008-04-03 20:19 peterdoucet

Kevin Noh (nooooooooooo) posted his photos from last weekend’s Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic/ Aaron Arndt WIC fundraiser.

Pre-Season Tune-Up Clinic/ Aaron Arndt WIC fundraiser; Melissa Maas leads Mr. Pauley, Georg, Mr Maas, and the rest of the gang at CTK 200-meter track- photo by Kevin Noh

Iguana Typ 2004 - Andrey Zayzev (Russia)
2008-04-03 20:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
About the Iguana Typ 2004 video: The Dvd is based on the Iguana tour, part of the USD tour, around Europe last summer. Six guys from Russia went on tour to show Europe that they aren’t a cold country far away but a country with some sick rollerbladers. Profiles: Andrey Zayzev, Kirill Gorbunov, Roman Moiseenkov, Kolya Krevis, [...]

Rennes Sur Roulettes
2008-04-03 20:24 peterdoucet

Rennes Sur Roulettes is the French Inline Cup’s 2nd stop. The race is set for May 24th/ 25th- find more information thanks to Roller En Ligne.

Start of the women’s race in 2007- photo from Roller En Ligne

Swiss Inline Cup Details
2008-04-03 20:30 peterdoucet

Check out when & where the 2008 Swiss Inline Cup events are taking place. The SIC races will take place between April 19th and August 9th. I might as well also point you to a calendar which has SIC & WIC race details.

USA’s Josh Wood Jumps
2008-04-03 20:35 peterdoucet

Check out these entries about Josh Wood jumping- JOSH WOOD-STUNT SKATER???????, RECORD NUMBER OF HITS TO SITE!!, and FINAL STORY - ” IN FLIGHT “.

Scandium 3-Point Frames
2008-04-03 20:41 peterdoucet

Check out the Scandium 3-Point Frames.

The Future Of Team USA- Revisited
2008-04-03 20:46 peterdoucet

The thread the future of the usa team keeps getting more and more comments- I figured you might want to weigh in and post your thoughts… or at least read the good ideas & thoughts.

Brickmonster hates when bladers ride his tummy x_x
2008-04-03 20:57 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Original photo: Gijs - Soul by Bojd. Via the Rollernews Flickr Photo Pool. More photos on the Bojd Flickr Account.

Dream Chaser’s Scooter’s Practice
2008-04-03 22:20 peterdoucet

Dream Chaser On Wheels has an account of last night’s Scooter’s Indoor Speed Club practice; Candy Wong writes ‘Indoor practice was coached by AA today so it was back to a more intense pace. Warm up was a combination of simple dropbacks, three laps acceleration, and the echelon tower‘. Read more in And Now, Back To Our Regular Programming.

Videos From The Old Days
2008-04-03 22:26 peterdoucet

The thread Videos from the old days. continues to allow us to peek into and get a taste of some of the rich history of roller speed skating. And how about this from Racing Snake 71; ‘I’m not sure how accurate the “bearing extractor” incident referred to in the opening titles is though. I can tell you that De Persio hit Cruciani over the head with one in the changing rooms in Ostende during the 1979 European Championships. They were fighting one another down the finishing straight in the 20,000m and both were disqaulified - leaving GB’s Pat Feetham to take the gold‘.

Eastern Seaboard Series
2008-04-03 23:48 peterdoucet

I know I posted the dates before, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that the 2008 Eastern Seaboard Series website is updated with the dates & some information. The first race is set for May 24th.

Coupe Quebec Roller
2008-04-03 23:51 peterdoucet

The 2008 Coupe Quebec Roller dates are now posted;
#1- Sunday May 25th
#2- Sunday June 22nd
#3- Sunday July 6th
#4- Sunday August 3rd

Day 220-365 - New Blades...
2008-04-04 00:53 nobody@flickr.com (Tequila Biscayne)

Tequila Biscayne posted a photo:

Day 220-365 - New Blades...

I just picked up a set of new Rollerblades on Ebay.

Retail is around $249. I got them for about $140 including shipping. That's a great deal.

user id: fly757

Skate preview: RB 8 Platinum
2008-04-04 03:01
Rollerblade rolls out a stylish hard-shell skate with big-wheel ambitions.

Support for Josh Waggoner
2008-04-04 03:02
Dear Friends and Family,

Most of you are aware of the loss the freestyle rolling community suffered last week. On March 26th at about 2:30pm a dear friend of our family, Josh Waggoner, fell while street skating. The fall was to his ribs first and then Josh hit his head. He was immediately knocked unconscious. We got the phone call at about 3:30pm and gathered our kids to head to the hospital for what we thought was a concussion and maybe some stitches.

Upon arriving to the hospital we found out from Josh’s mom, Vicki, the severity of the situation was far worse. Tom and I thought it was best that he took the kids home and got them to bed. I stayed at the hospital with about 100 of Josh’s closest friends and family. At about 1:00am a hospital patient representative came into the room and told us the most unfortunate news we never wanted to hear. Josh was not going to make it. He continued to be on life support while the family and hospital staff quickly made preparations for organ donations.

By being an organ donor Josh helped save at least 6 other lives. We were able to find out that his heart was given to a person in their 30's in Georgia. His liver was given to two children in Florida. His lungs are breathing in Virginia. It is just like Josh to still be giving in this way.

Josh was only 17 years old. He was such a great young man. He was Bella and TJ's babysitter. He was an employee of Skatepile and a rider for Rollerblade too. Josh was very special to our family. He had so many close friends. He was loved by so many people.

I'm writing today to see if you can find it in your heart to help his family. Josh leaves behind his mother - Vicki, step-father - Eric, 13 year old brother - Brent, and 8 year old twin sisters - Ashley and Allison. I have set up a Paypal account that is taking donations for the family. All monies will go to them to help with medical expenses, funeral costs and day-to-day living expenses. Pass this email on to anyone you think might help. Thank you so much!!!

Please click here if you would like to make a donation.

Or you can visit: http://www.skatepile.com/orstore/news..aspx

Peace and love,


Racing at the Velodrome
2008-04-04 03:49
The IndySpeed series consists of four events at the Major Taylor Velodrome in Indianapolis.

450 Fside
2008-04-04 04:38 nobody@flickr.com (Tom McClelland)

Tom McClelland posted a photo:

450 Fside

An edit of this photo for a bita fun..

brian aragon razor edit
2008-04-04 04:55 nobody@flickr.com (nick_wellfair)

nick_wellfair posted a photo:

brian aragon razor edit

got bored so decided to make a blade make poster for razorrrr.... featuring idol blader brian aragon XD

The 2008 Vaypors
2008-04-04 06:13
Bont shows off 14 of its flashy new 2- and 3-point speed skates.

Andrew & Jessica Are Expecting
2008-04-04 07:02 peterdoucet

Check out ZATAOSS’s HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! Andrew says ‘Guys, I gotta tell you, when you see a heart beating on an ultrasound, and you know that someday that will be your son or daughter, it’s a soulquake like no other‘ and he goes on to write ‘Speedskating is so absorbing, it can become how one measures time, and I am well aware that my measurement of time, along with so many aspects of our lives, is going to radically change‘.

I think this is one of the top stories of 2008! Congrats Andrew & Jessica!

2008 Men and Women's Inline Hockey Nationals
2008-04-04 08:00


USA Roller Sports Announces Host Hotel for 2008 National Championships
2008-04-04 08:00


Links for 2008-04-03 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-04 09:00

Aragon 2: Uk team edit
2008-04-04 12:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Razors Uk team’s 1st week on the Aragon 2’s - Chaz Sands, Andy Spary, Dan Mclaren, Giles Mulligan, Scott Quinn and Dan Stirling showing how the Aragon 2’s are supposed to be skated… Filmed: Uk team. Edit Stew Game.

Barn Burner 2008 (Seattle): ASN Edit by Nico Sotomayor
2008-04-04 13:58 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Nico Sotomayor Teaser: Check the full edit here / More Barn Burner 2008 Media.

Krupa and Piotrek Combrzynski
2008-04-04 15:02 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Krupa and Piotrek Combrzynski (Hedonskate, Razors, 4×4) skating in local indoor skatepark in Bialystok. Via Hedonblog.

Texas Road Rash Photos
2008-04-04 17:03 peterdoucet

Check out the latest set of Texas Road Rash photos by Darlene Prois posted on the Inline Planet.

Start of the Texas Road Rash- photo by Darlene Prois

SkatEtrain’s Tabata-Based Training Method
2008-04-04 17:05 peterdoucet

Here’s a training article for you; SkatEtrain’s Tabata-Based Training Method. It is written that ‘High intensity interval training (HIIT), also referred to as Tabata, is becoming an increasingly popular training method that is proving to be highly effective for burning body fat increasing both aerobic and anaerobic performance. Short but very hard and extremely intense is what Tabata is all about‘.

2008 Bont Vaypor Images
2008-04-04 17:08 peterdoucet

Check out the images of the 2008 Bont Vaypor skates.

Crazysport Mag (Russia)
2008-04-04 17:11 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
More informations (russian language).

MTV Scarred - Hit And Pop (Corey)
2008-04-04 19:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
Every scar has a story. This show is almost too painful to watch. Corey completely separates his tibia and fibula when he tries to land a high-risk rollerblading rail-grind. Watch the Correy Mtv Scarred episode.

Ohno Zone- Apolo In Arkansas
2008-04-04 19:26 peterdoucet

Check out Ohno Zone’s latest entry; Apolo in Arkansas which has links to a few articles.

Aaron Arndt; Still Swamped
2008-04-04 19:29 peterdoucet

Aaron Arndt’s latest entry is called Still Swamped. He touches on some ‘recent history’ of skating and explains his set-up. He writes ‘Speaking of cool, also notice the Bell Razor helmet, far and away the coolest helmet of the decade…‘.

I agree about the Bell Razor helmet. I’ll never forget the time I bought one. I cost me an arm and a leg, but I was thrilled and excited and hyped when I bought it. I felt like a true skater once I had it in my hands.

Making Use Of The Wind
2008-04-04 19:36 peterdoucet

In It’s Like Indoor, Only Outdoor, Candy Wong explains how making use of the wind was explained/ practiced at last night’s TISC practice. She says ‘To make the best use of wind, the attacker should force the pack to accelerate into the headwind. That means the attacker should be skating full speed and reaches the front of the pack when he comes out of the corner into the headwind‘.

Tampa Classic Invitational Pictures
2008-04-04 19:37 peterdoucet

Check out these pictures from the Tampa Classic Invitational.

Mexico- The Introduction Of The Players
2008-04-04 19:38 peterdoucet

Road Rash Chronicles has an entry called Before we begin….. You’ll be introduced to the Canadian faces that were recently skating & competing in Mexico. You can expect more entries & posts about Mexico.

Ed (aka Spiderman or Hombre de la araña)‘- photo from Road Rash Chronicles

Chile Selection Report
2008-04-04 19:43 peterdoucet

A few days ago, Patin Carrera published a report on the most recent of Chile’s National Selection competition.

Christopher Verdugo- photo posted on Patin Carrera and by Carlos Batias

Renard 507 Boots
2008-04-04 19:46 peterdoucet

Roller En Ligne has published a review of the Renard 507 (this is where Peter drools) boots. I know someone who really wants pink Renard boots.

Training & News’ Fastest Man On The Track
2008-04-04 21:13 peterdoucet

Training & News has a few of recent entries that you may enjoy reading (or looking at in case you can’t decode the language)- see FMOT, Fastest man on the track, and Stage dag 1 & 2.

Zen 10 Follow-up- Jennifer Rodriguez
2008-04-04 21:29 peterdoucet

Check out Andrew Love’s Zen 10 Follow-up, Jennifer Rodriguez. This Zen 10 is good and it is comprehensive- make sure you read it.

And once again, Andrew Love and Jessica are expecting their first child- see HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! for more. Exciting news, isn’t it??

2008-04-04 22:16 nobody@flickr.com (dmxdogstar)

dmxdogstar posted a photo:


didnt get to do a white balance. trick was done with an a hurry

jared - ao soul
2008-04-05 00:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

jared - ao soul

jared - back royal
2008-04-05 00:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

jared - back royal

Memorial Fund for Josh Waggoner
2008-04-05 01:12 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger)
A Paypal account is now accepting donations. All monies will be sent to the Waggoner/Massey Family to help with medical expenses, funeral costs, and day to day living expenses. I know we all want to help them as much as we can. Thank you so much for all you have done so far. I will [...]

Is There An Inline Skating Marathon in Your Future?
2008-04-05 01:29
In addition to North American and International marathon events, there are fundraising races, festivals and local marathons that raise awareness and money for a lot of good causes. Many skaters...

Penguins Can Fly
2008-04-05 02:19 peterdoucet

I just think this is really cool; Penguins- see the video below- if you were waiting for penguins to fly as a sign to donate $ to SSW, well watch this video :)

Thank You CAN Fund
2008-04-05 02:20 peterdoucet

I would like to the Canadian Athletes Now Fund for their incredible and appreciated support. The fund, which ‘is a not-for-profit organization devoted solely to raising funds and awareness for Canada’s athletes‘, awarded me a grant to assist me with travel, competing & entries, equipment, nutrition & medical help, and training.

Best of all, check out CAN Fund’s header- they selected pretty neat guy in a TISC costume eh?

If you’re looking for a good cause to support- in addition to Canadian skating, SSW, & other charities- please consider supporting CAN Fund.

2008-04-05 02:33 nobody@flickr.com (hauntbetty)

hauntbetty posted a photo:


Maple Shade Skatepark

Skate Tip: Launch Your Skate Club!
2008-04-05 05:05
The founder of the country's biggest skate club tells you how to get your club up and growing.

2008-04-05 07:22 nobody@flickr.com (Micheal Martin)

Micheal Martin posted a photo:


Air Big Halfpipe
nikon d40
nikon 18-55mm f/3.5

2008-04-05 07:22 nobody@flickr.com (Micheal Martin)

Micheal Martin posted a photo:


Air Big Halfpipe
nikon d40
nikon 18-55mm f/3.5

Links for 2008-04-04 [del.icio.us]
2008-04-05 09:00

2008-04-05 09:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


i made a refuser out of my canon 50mm box tape and white paper
all under a dolla it works

2008-04-05 09:27 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


blake - 540
2008-04-05 09:28 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

blake - 540

2008-04-05 09:29 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:


ryan - 540 to flat
2008-04-05 09:30 nobody@flickr.com (dorraj39)

dorraj39 posted a photo:

ryan - 540 to flat

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