Саммит по Brexit: букмекеры делают ставки на уход Терезы Мэй
Саммит по Brexit: букмекеры делают ставки на уход Терезы Мэй 2018-11-25 06:11 В Брюсселе уже через несколько часов начнется экстренный саммит по выходу Великобритании из ЕС. Эксперты называют эти переговоры ключевыми как для будущих отношений Лондона и Брюсселя, так и непосредственно для Терезы Мэй, которая в случае провала, скорее всего, лишится поста премьер-министра. Mexico: US doctors volunteer to help migrant caravan 2018-11-25 06:55 More than 20 doctors and medical students, along with a dozen volunteers, arrived in Tijuana from Los Angeles and San Diego on Saturday to participate in the so-called 'Caravan of Love' and to help migrants with their health needs. The Caravan of Love was organised by the NGO Border Angels with the aim of bringing further medical aid to the Central American migrants arriving in Tijuana, as well as some basic necessities such as diapers, clothes and hygiene products. Tensions are running high in the border town. Some local residents remain fearful that the migrants, most of whom are from Northern Triangle countries — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, will bring crime and disease. Peru: Thousands of women march in Lima against gender violence 2018-11-25 07:18 Thousands of women marched against gender violence through Lima on Saturday, on the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. «We will continue to act even though our authorities do not listen to us, they do not listen to us, they ignore us», said Arlette Contreras, one of the organisers of the event and herself a victim of violence. «It is outrageous that [despite] what a woman can feel in her country, it does not make her rights prevail, the rights of a woman are not respected.» В России сделали искусственное сердце 2018-11-25 07:19 К новым испытаниям искусственного сердца приступили новосибирские врачи. Эксперименты проводят на животных. Когда кардиохирурги будут готовы пересадить жизненно важный орган человеку? Mexico: Caravan migrants prepare to march on US border 2018-11-25 07:58 Preparations were underway in Tijuana on Saturday, as members of the Central American caravan prepared to make their way to the US border to plea for asylum the following day. Migrant Javier Canales explained that their goal is to send a message to the US government that «we are people who come in search of a job, we are not criminals like they are saying.» Outside of the centre, migrants painted the national flags of Honduras, El Salvador and the United States, which they will later take with them on their journey to the border. The migrants taking part in the march are planning on walking from the Benito Juarez sports centre, where many are currently staying, to the El Chaparral border bridge which joins Mexico and the United States. В приморском Дальнереченске исправляют ситуацию со здравоохранением 2018-11-25 08:30 В Приморье взялись решать проблему со здравоохранением в Дальнереченске — старейшем и самом северном городе края. Чтобы оценить ситуацию, в районный центр приехал временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Олег Кожемяко. Вести-Москва. Эфир от 25.11.2018 (08:40) 2018-11-25 08:40 Киберпреступники, похитившие 17 миллионов, и их жертвы увидели друг друга в суде. Окно в преисподнюю: кто снимает крышки с уличных люков, и кто потом несет за это ответственность? Чужие здесь не ходят: целый квартал Москвы решил отделиться от внешнего мира забором. Дворец молодежи на «Фрунзенской» вместе с окрестностями скоро превратится в оазис. Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 25.11.2018 (08:40) 2018-11-25 08:40 Страшные последствия атаки террористов в Сирии: репортаж из Алеппо 2018-11-25 10:04 Врачи в сирийском Алеппо делают все необходимое, чтобы минимизировать последствия отравления химическим оружием. У медиков свои данные о пострадавших: их более 70 человек. Большую часть пострадавших доставили в университетский госпиталь. В Москве пройдет концерт в поддержку рэпера Хаски 2018-11-25 10:32 Российские рэперы объединяются, чтобы поддержать Хаски (Дмитрий Кузнецов), который отбывает свое наказание в четырехместной камере без телевизора и холодильника. В понедельник планируют провести концерт солидарности. Музыканты уверены, что будущие выступления Хаски находятся под большим вопросом, а значит он не сможет честно зарабатывать. Поэтому все доходы от концерта они направят арестованному рэперу. На выставку Куинджи в Москве выстроилась очередь 2018-11-25 11:00 У Третьяковской галереи выстроилась очередь на выставку Куинджи, которая откроется она только в 10 утра. Посетителей будут принимать до 18:30. Вход в Третьяковскую галерею сделали свободным в рамках акции «Культурный марафон», которая проходит в России впервые. Участие в акции принимают четыре города: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Тула и Калининград. Вести. Эфир от 25.11.2018 (11:00) 2018-11-25 11:00 UAE: Sheikh Mohammed covers $230,000 expenses following Russian tourist's death 2018-11-25 11:08 United Arab Emirates Vice President and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum was thanked by the Russian Tambov region administration on Saturday, for covering the medical and repatriation costs of Russian tourist Natalia Popova, who died in a Dubai hospital during a family holiday. It was mentioned that Sheikh Mohammad paid the hospital bills as well as the return of the body back to Russia, and tickets for the whole family, with the costs reportedly amounting to $228,700 (€201,631). The woman's daughter Anastasia Popova recounted on Friday how her family was left with a bill costing hundreds of thousands of dollars after her mother died in a private hospital in Dubai. Fifty-seven-year-old Natalia Popova, from the city of Tambov, was on holiday with her daughter and granddaughters when she was hospitalised following an aortic aneurysm on October 29. After surgery, Natalia fell into a coma for nearly three weeks before she died. Иван Валентик: численность лесной охраны восстановится сама с собой 2018-11-25 11:41 Комментарий заместителя Министра природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации, руководителя Федерального агентства лесного хозяйства Ивана Валентика вызвал комментарии в среде экологов. По мнению Валентика, передача на региональный уровень функций лесоустройства и лесоохраны было неверным решением, при этом Иван Владимирович не уточняет чьим. Восстановление «статуса Quo», по мнению экспертов «ЭкоГрада», действительно влияют на ситуацию, в которой по факту главные нарушители «лесного закона», вынуждены были ко всему еще и содержать охрану, призванную с ними бороться. «Очень ярким, самым обсуждаем среди участников и гостей Всероссийского лесного форума, проводимого 22.11.2018 г. ОП РФ и Федеральным агентством лесного хозяйства РФ, было выступление нашей землячки, потомственной шаманки, Елены Баяндаевны Манжиновой. С присущей только сибирякам душевной тревогой и простотой она довела до участников форума реальное положение дел в лесу, в частности, отданных в аренду под вырубку водосборные территории лесов Эхирит-Булагатского района, в священных. сакральных местах, где лес рубят уже и в кедрачах, а вода уходит, в том числе и из священных родников, — сообщает участник форума корреспондент «ЭкоГрада» Любовь Аликина. — Именно ему (Ивану Валентику) предъявила претензии в первую очередь Елена Баяндаевна Манжинова, за то, что на 49 лет в аренду отдают леса на водосборных территориях, особоохраняемых природных территориях, сакральных, священных лесах... в общем обещали приехать с комиссией и Валентик И.В. во главе»… Ранее спикер СФ Валентина Матвиенко предложила Ивану Валентику и главе МПР Дмитрию Кобылкину взять по полгода на приведение современного отечественного лесоводства «до ума». Полная версия на сайте журнала «ЭкоГрад» http://ekogradmoscow.ru. Саммит по Brexit в Брюсселе начнут без Терезы Мэй 2018-11-25 11:43 В Брюсселе стартовал судьбоносный саммит по выходу Великобритании из ЕС. Эти переговоры называют ключевыми как для будущих отношений Лондона и Брюсселя, так и непосредственно для Терезы Мэй, которая в случае провала может лишиться поста премьер-министра. Ранее Испания обещала заблокировать принятие соглашения по Brexit из-за вопроса о статусе Гибралтара. Претензии есть и у других стран. Три украинских военных корабля незаконно зашли в территориальные воды России 2018-11-25 11:53 Три корабля украинских Военно-морских сил незаконно пересекли государственную границу России и вошли в территориальные воды РФ. Об этом сообщило пограничное управление ФСБ России по Республике Крым. Belgium: Merkel, Macron arrive for Brexit summit in Brussels 2018-11-25 12:01 German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived at the Brexit summit in Brussels to join other EU leaders in attempting to finalise the Brexit deal on Sunday. French President Emmanuel Macron and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz also arrived on Sunday morning. Macron told reporters he believes the current Brexit deal was a good one and that it had his support, adding that the next step will be to establish good relations between the EU and UK. «We evoke also the future relations between the UK and the EU, a relationship that is still to be defined and that will be worked on over the next month,» Macron said. If the EU agrees to the deal, UK Prime Minister Theresa May will then have to convince the British parliament to ratify it. Корабельный таран: Киев устроил провокацию и решил свалить все на Москву 2018-11-25 12:15 Три корабля ВМС Украины, которые незаконно пересекли государственную границу России и вошли в территориальные воды РФ, движутся к Керченскому проливу, в котором действует разрешительный порядок движения и стоянки судов. В Москве у Третьяковской галереи собралась внушительная очередь 2018-11-25 12:25 Там в воскресенье бесплатно показывают работы Архипа Куинджи. Вход сделали свободным в рамках акции «Культурный марафон». За ажиотажем наблюдает наш корреспондент Павел Рыбальченко, он на прямой связи со студией. Хорошая, приемлемая, лучшая: в ЕС оценили сделку с Британией 2018-11-25 12:27 Главы государств-членов Евросоюза положительно оценили проект договоренностей о выходе Великобритании из ЕС. France: Streets of Paris cleared of debris following violent fuel tax protest 2018-11-25 12:28 Multiple service vehicles were seen on the streets of Paris on Sunday, with personnel clearing up following the damage caused to the French capital by Saturday's anti-fuel tax protest that descended into violent clashes with police. The streets were seen being cleared of debris, with parts of barricades still remaining untouched reading 'Macron resign'. Tensions at Saturday’s 'yellow vest' protest, which drew together thousands, flared quickly with water cannon and tear gas being being used to disperse protesters who in turn hurled stones at police and set vehicles aflame. The 'yellow vest' movement has grown in the past few weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices. Belgium: Merkel arrives for Brexit roundtable discussions 2018-11-25 12:42 German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived for roundtable discussions at the Brexit Summit in Brussels on Sunday. Merkel spoke with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker before discussions began. If the EU agrees to the proposed Brexit deal, UK Prime Minister Theresa May will then have to convince the British parliament to ratify it. Belgium: May arrives for Brexit deal talks in Brussels 2018-11-25 12:52 UK Prime Minister Theresa May arrived at the Brexit summit in Brussels on Sunday morning. The prime minister has the task of convincing EU leaders to endorse her Brexit withdrawal deal. If successful, May will then have to convince the British parliament to ratify the agreement. Russia: 3 Ukrainian naval vessels breach Russian border near Crimea — FSB *STILLS* 2018-11-25 12:54 Three Ukrainian navy vessels entered Russian territorial waters and headed towards the Kerch Strait on Sunday, as seen in footage released by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). According to an FSB statement, “This morning, at around 7 AM MSK [04:00 GMT], three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have breached articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which determines coastal states' right to ensure security at sea.» «They have crossed the state border of the Russian Federation, and they have unlawfully entered the temporarily closed area of the Russian Federation's territorial sea,» the statement adds. *MORE INFORMATION TO FOLLOW* «Песня с историей»: «Главное, ребята, сердцем не стареть» 2018-11-25 13:31 Этот выпуск программы «Песня с историей» посвящен шлягеру. Он появился в 1962 году и впоследствии стал настоящим хитом целого поколения. В это же время на Ленинских горах открывается комплекс Московского Дворца пионеров, а Клавдия Шульженко становится Народной артисткой РСФСР и поет на «бис». На экраны выходит первый номер сатирического киножурнала «Фитиль», а Афанасий Белов утверждает в песне, что он не подхалим. На территории Советского Союза впервые в эфире звучат сигналы радиостанции «Юность», а Александра Пахмутова, Николай Добронравов и Сергей Гребенников призывают — «Главное, ребята, сердцем не стареть». Об этом − в программе «Песня с историей». Лидеры ЕС поддержали соглашение по «Брекситу» 2018-11-25 13:34 В Брюсселе лидеры стран Евросоюза одобрили проект соглашения о выходе Великобритании из ЕС. Об этом сообщил глава Европейского Совета Дональд Туск после заседания, которое продолжалось около часа. Одобрена также политическая декларация. Морская провокация: из-за действий Украины Керченский пролив закрыли для гражданских судов 2018-11-25 13:37 Преднамеренной провокацией назвали в ФСБ заход кораблей ВМС Украины в российские территориальные воды. Проход через Керченский пролив закрыт для гражданских судов из-за возможных провокаций со стороны украинских кораблей. Switzerland: Swiss vote in 'Self Determination' referendum 2018-11-25 13:37 Swiss citizens headed to the polls to cast their vote in a series of referenda including one on the so-called 'Self Determination Initiative,' in Zurich on Sunday. Put forward by the Swiss People's Party (SVP) the proposal seeks to prioritise Swiss legislation over international agreements so that the 'Yes' outcome could change the constitution. One voter, Tahir, said he would accept the opinion of the majority adding though that «self determination is something that the Swiss people always have.» The Initiative Committee, in turn argues that the move aims to «protect direct democracy». However, the Swiss Federal Council and the Swiss Parliament have both opposed the initiative, saying it would «endanger stability and legal certainty, which weakens the economy and human rights protections.» While not a member of the EU, Switzerland’s inclusion in the European Common Market depends on adherence to particular European-wide laws. If a majority vote for the proposal, it could change Switzerland’s relationship with international institutions such as the European Court of Justice, as well as conventions on human rights and refugees. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Михай Волонтир 2018-11-25 13:39 Никто и подумать не мог, что фильм о цыгане, который находит могилу жены и решает остаться в селе, где она похоронена, станет хитом на все времена. Дуэт Михая Волонтира и Клары Лучко до сих пор будоражит фантазию поклонников и вызывает десятки вопросов. Почему так веришь их отношениям? Почему Клавдия заботилась о своем Будулае спустя годы после съемок? И был ли он цыганом на самом деле? Подробнее — в программе «Раскрывая тайны звезд». Belgium: Tajani positive over Brexit deal, praises Barnier 2018-11-25 14:24 President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani said the legislative body had a «positive» view of the draft Brexit withdrawal deal, during a press conference at the Brexit summit in Brussels on Sunday. «During the meeting with the heads of state and government, I reiterated the [European] parliament's positive assessment of the documents, the draft agreement and the political statement,» he stated. Tajani also praised the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier for his work in the Brexit negotiations. Tajani went on to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women at the Brexit summit. «It's not normal for this to be normal,» Tajani said, while painting his face with red marker in solidarity with female victims of male violence. «The European Parliament would like to endorse the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women» Пограничный корабль России протаранил украинский буксир 2018-11-25 14:51 Командование Военно-морских сил Украины обвинило Россию в агрессивных действиях против украинских военных кораблей в Черном море. Проход через Керченский пролив перегородили для всех судов 2018-11-25 14:52 Преднамеренной провокацией назвали в ФСБ заход кораблей ВМС Украины в российские территориальные воды. Как заявили в Центре общественных связей ведомства, цель этих действий — создать конфликтную ситуацию в регионе. В ФСБ также добавили, что суда опасно маневрируют и не подчиняются законным требованиям российских властей. На выставку Куинджи у Третьяковской галереи выстроилась очередь 2018-11-25 15:00 В воскресенье, 25 ноября, все желающие могут посетить выставку бесплатно в рамках акции «Культурный марафон». Экспозиция состоит из почти 200 шедевров живописца. Belgium: 'A very sad day' says Juncker as European Council endorses Brexit deal 2018-11-25 15:03 President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker expressed his sadness at the United Kingdom's departure from the EU, after the Brexit withdrawal deal was endorsed by the European Council in Brussels on Sunday. «Brexit is a sad moment for the European Union and, I want to say, for Britain too. The future will prove this.» Juncker said, but maintained that «this is the best deal possible, this is the only deal possible.» European Council President Donald Tusk said that while the ratification process and future negotiations could be difficult, the EU and UK «will remain friends until the end of days. And one day longer.» Although the European Union has agreed to the terms of Britain's withdrawal, UK Prime Minister Theresa May is now faced with the task of convincing the British parliament to ratify the deal. Владимир Джабаров: действия Украины — грубейшая провокация 2018-11-25 15:04 Утром 25 ноября три корабля ВМС Украины незаконно пересекли госграницу РФ и, по последним данным, следуют в сторону Керченского пролива. Присутствие украинских военных кораблей в российских территориальных водах комментирует первый зампред комитета Совета Федерации по международным делам Владимир Джабаров. Belgium: Anti-Brexit activists demand 'final say' on UK withdrawal 2018-11-25 15:07 Around 100 anti-Brexit activists staged a protest in Brussels demanding UK Prime Minister Theresa May backtrack on her Brexit plans, Sunday. Anti-Brexit activists chanted 'Theresa May, Theresa May, we demand a final say' and 'Stop Brexit', holding banners demanding Britain remain in the EU. One protester, who called herself 'Euro Super Girl,' said that the Brexit referendum should be considered «void» stating that the leave campaign broke the law due to alleged «criminal activities» surrounding it. EU leaders signed off on the withdrawal agreement in Brussels on Sunday. В Общественном совете при Рослесхозе наступил период откровенности, время ругать Лесной кодекс 2018-11-25 15:09 В интервью корреспонденту «ЭкоГрада» Валерию Ломову председатель Общественного совета Рослесхоза Владимир Морозов назвал Лесной кодекс 2006 года разрушительным. Напомним, Лесной кодекс был принят Государственной думой 8 ноября 2006 года, одобрен Советом федерации 24 ноября 2006 года и подписан Президентом Российской Федерации 4 декабря 2006 года. Владимир Евгениевич Морозов возглавил Обшественный совет Рослесхоза в результате открытого голосования. В своем вступительном слове на первом заседании Совета руководитель Федерального агентства лесного хозяйства Иван Валентик напомнил, что Общественной палатой Российской Федерации проводился конкурс, в ходе которого принимались заявления от граждан, желающих вступить в ряды Общественного совета при Рослесхозе. В ходе жесткого конкурса на одно место в Совете претендовали 8 кандидатов. В итоге, в новый состав Общественного совета вошли не просто настоящие профессионалы своего дела, но и неравнодушные к лесному хозяйству и экологии России люди. Владимир Евгеньевич Морозов — исполнительный директор ЗАО «Медиахолдинг «Эксперт» с октября 2006 г. (Как сообщает РБК Медиахолдинг «Эксперт», основанный главой Общественной палаты Валерием Фадеевым, может быть признан несостоятельным. Процедуру банкротства операционной структуры «Эксперта» запустил один из его кредиторов — Транскапиталбанк). В.Е. Морозов родился 29 марта 1964 г. в Москве. Окончил с отличием Московский государственный институт иностранных языков имени Мориса Тореза и Краснознаменный институт имени Ю.В. Андропова. Создал и руководил рядом отечественных и международных торговых и производственных проектов в секторе soft commodites в компаниях Nidera Handelscompagnie b. v., Intec Holdings Limited, группе «Разгуляй». До октября 2006 г. управлял мультипроектным голландским холдингом Consida b. v. Женат, имеет двоих детей. Развод ЕС и Британии одобрили, удовлетворив Испанию 2018-11-25 15:10 Главы государств и правительств 27 стран Евросоюза в воскресенье на внеочередном заседании Европейского совета утвердили соглашение о выходе Великобритании из ЕС, сообщил в воскресенье глава Евросовета Дональд Туск. Belgium: Brexit deal a 'diplomatic piece of art' says Merkel 2018-11-25 15:24 Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed that the rights of EU citizens living in the UK will be protected after Brexit while holding a briefing at Sunday's Brexit summit in Brussels, Belgium, following the European Council's endorsement of the Brexit withdrawl agreement. She termed the deal a «diplomatic piece of art.» Полиция задержала более 100 демонстрантов во Франции 2018-11-25 15:30 Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон поблагодарил сотрудников правоохранительных органов, которые в субботу обеспечивали порядок во время массовых акций протеста в Париже и других городах, и назвал «позором» нападения на полицейских со стороны демонстрантов. «Насилию нет места в республике», – заключил он. Syria: 50 hospitalised after militants shell Aleppo with poison gas — State TV 2018-11-25 15:47 At least 50 residents of Aleppo received treatment at a city hospital on Saturday, following an attack in which the Syrian government accused militants of using chlorine gas, Syrian state media reports. Footage aired on Syrian state TV shows wounded civilians, including children, receiving treatment at a hospital in Aleppo, where many were given oxygen masks. According to government news agency SANA, the attack on the al-Khalidiye and Al Zahraa neighbourhoods, as well as al-Neel Street, led to 50 people being rushed to hospital. Many of the victims were reportedly treated for asphyxiation. Ruptly cannot independently verify the reports of the gas attack. Local militant leaders have denied using poison gas in an attack on the city. ФСБ: действия ВМС Украины — преднамеренная провокация 2018-11-25 16:32 Два бронированных артиллерийских катера ВМС Украины на предельной скорости следуют в направлении Керченского пролива из порта Бердянск. Ранее погранслужба ФСБ России сообщила, что рано утром еще три украинских корабля незаконно пересекли госграницу и также следуют в сторону Керченского пролива. В ФСБ эту ситуацию назвали преднамеренной провокацией. После развода ЕС и Британия «останутся друзьями до конца дней» 2018-11-25 16:35 Евросоюз и Великобритания сохранят дружеские отношения и после Brexit, заявил глава Евросовета Дональд Туск в воскресенье по итогам внеочередного заседания совета ЕС. На нем главы государств и правительств 27 стран Евросоюза утвердили соглашение о выходе Великобритании из ЕС. Виктор Литовкин: Порошенко — кукла, которой играют другие государства 2018-11-25 16:36 Утром 25 ноября три корабля ВМС Украины незаконно пересекли госграницу РФ и, по последним данным, следуют в сторону Керченского пролива. Присутствие украинских военных кораблей в российских территориальных водах комментирует военный обозреватель РИА «ТАСС» Виктор Литовкин. Belgium: Paris is prepared for all post-Brexit options — Macron after Brussels Summit 2018-11-25 16:51 France has prepared itself for all scenarios following the finalisation of Brexit in Brussels on Sunday, according to French President Emmanuel Macron speaking at a presser. «It is our responsibility to be prepared for all options. That is what we have done,» declared Macron who warned it would be up to the UK government to offer alternative proposals in case the Brexit deal is not ratified by the country's parliament. «Those who told British people it [Brexit] will be fast and easy, lied to them,» added Macron who advised the remaining member countries to learn lessons from the UK's departure. The remarks came after the European Council endorsed the Brexit withdrawal agreement in an emergency summit in Brussels. Пушков: провокация Украины в Черном море может привести к боевому столкновению 2018-11-25 17:05 Два бронированных артиллерийских катера ВМС Украины на предельной скорости следуют в направлении Керченского пролива. Ранее погранслужба ФСБ РФ сообщила, что около семи часов утра еще три украинских корабля незаконно пересекли госграницу и также следуют туда. Ситуацию комментирует глава комиссии Совета Федерации по информационной политике Алексей Пушков. Провокация в российских терводах: Киев отправил подкрепление 2018-11-25 17:12 Суда ВМС Украины на предельной скорости следуют в направлении Керченского пролива в район провокации, организованной украинской стороной. Russia: Kerch Strait closed after Ukrainian vessels violate Russian waters 2018-11-25 17:12 Russian authorities decided to close the Kerch Strait after three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces entered Russian waters in the Black Sea on Sunday. According to the Russian side, three Ukrainian ships left the Mariupol port and headed towards the Kerch Strait. They did not react to the Russian side’s warnings and instructions. «They have crossed the state border of the Russian Federation, and they have unlawfully entered the temporarily closed area of the Russian Federation's territorial sea,» a Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) statement says. The FSB added that the closure of the Kerch Strait was a counter-measure to Ukrainian provocation. According to Ukrainian authorities, their vessels had a right to pass freely over the Kerch Strait based on international law. The Command of the Naval Forces of Ukraine put the blame on the Russian side for “its aggressive essence.” Ради карьеры Порошенко противопоставил себя вере 2018-11-25 17:15 Крайне непопулярный олигарх-президент Петр Порошенко думал, что переустроит в стране Церковь, а оказалось — противопоставил себя вере. Для него это стало искренней неожиданностью. В результате новый для себя ресурс не создал, а старых раскольнических лидеров спалил. Пьяный Порошенко и пьяная Рада: Украина живет от Майдана до Майдана 2018-11-25 17:20 В конце ноября, то есть буквально в эти дни, исполняется пять лет со дня запуска на Украине так называемого Евромайдана — стояния в центре Киева за лучшую жизнь, против коррупции и олигархов, за все светлое, что есть в Европе, и все романтично-украинское. Украинская провокация у берегов России: что это было 2018-11-25 17:27 С мнением, что для Порошенко провокация в Черном море — это предвыборный ход, согласны многие политики и эксперты. И по мере приближения украинских президентских выборов подобных инцидентов может стать больше. Кому это выгодно? Россия перекрыла украинским кораблям путь через Керченский пролив« 2018-11-25 17:30 Россия в очередной раз продемонстрировала свою агрессивную сущность и полное пренебрежение нормами международного права», – говорится в сообщении украинского командования, которое намерено передать данные об инциденте в международные органы. Spain: Activists stage mock fashion show with BLOOD and FURS in Madrid 2018-11-25 18:05 Animal rights activists staged a fake fashion show wearing furs and fake blood in Madrid on Sunday, to protest against the fur industry. The show was organised by Gladiadores por la paz (Gladiators for Peace), a vegan association which fights for animals' rights. Activist Oscar del Castillo claimed that people are not aware of the exploitation behind the fur industry, pointing out that more than fifty animals are necessary to produce one coat. Belgium: 'Spain wins' over Gibraltar after Brexit deal finalised in Brussels — Sanchez 2018-11-25 18:15 Madrid has declared victory regarding the co-sovereignty of Gibraltar in the aftermath of the finalisation of the Brexit deal, at the emergency Summit in Brussels, according to Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, speaking to reporters during a presser. «We obtained a political declaration of the European Council and the (European) Commission where the position of Spain is strengthened for the future negotiations regarding Gibraltar,» Sanchez said, reiterating his remarks from Saturday, that the UK has notably softened its stance on its territory’s sovereignty in exchange for a Brexit approval vote from Spain. «The UK is the one losing. But in relation to Gibraltar, Spain wins,» concluded the Spanish leader. The remarks came after the European Council endorsed the Brexit withdrawal agreement in an emergency summit in Brussels. Mandatory Credit: Palacio De La Moncloa Hijab is no boundary for ambitions of parkour girls in Egypt 2018-11-25 18:48 A group of girls with Hijab practiced parkour in Cairo, the first of its kind in the country, footage filmed on Sunday showed. «At the beginning, it wasn't preferable to go and train with boys, but now girls and boys practice this sport with each other usually and the coach trains us on how to play this sport,» 15-year-old Rahma Ahmed stated. «Sometimes people criticise us for playing parkour with guys in the streets,» 16-year-old Nermeen Khaled Shaban said. «I have heard lots of bad comments but I ignored them because I'm feeling confident and proud of what I do.» Both girls expressed their ambition of representing Egypt in international parkour competitions. Russia: Coast Guard traces Ukrainian vessels after breach of Russian waters 2018-11-25 19:07 Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) released the video of Russian Coast guard ships tracing Ukrainian vessels through the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea on Sunday. Three Ukrainian vessels, including missile boat Nikopol, Gurza-class boat Berdyansk and Tugboat Yani Kapu, left the Mariupol port and headed towards the Kerch Strait. According to the FSB, Ukrainian vessels «have crossed the state border of the Russian Federation, and they have unlawfully entered the temporarily closed area of the Russian Federation's territorial sea.” Russian authorities decided to close the Kerch Strait while the Ukrainian side protested against the decree referring to international law. According to a statement by the Ukraine Naval Forces, two Ukrainian gunboats and a sea mule tugboat were on a planned journey from Odessa to Mariupol, about which Russian officials had been informed. The statement also alleges that the Russian border ship ‘Don’ rammed the Ukrainian tugboat, breaking its engine. Syria: At least 50 injured due to alleged gas attack in Aleppo 2018-11-25 19:48 At least 50 residents of Aleppo received treatment on Saturday, following an attack in which the Syrian government accused militants of using chlorine gas, Syrian state media reports. Footage shows wounded civilians, including children, arriving for treatment at a hospital in Aleppo, where many of them were given oxygen masks. Victims suffered from «itching in eyes and nose, pain in the throat, and difficulty in breathing,» one medical official said. According to government news agency SANA, the attack happened on the al-Khalidiye and al-Zahraa neighbourhoods, as well as al-Neel Street. RUPTLY cannot independently verify the reports of the gas attack. Local militant leaders have denied using poison gas in the attack. Russia: Ukrainian vessels did not apply for Kerch strait pass — FSB 2018-11-25 20:00 Russian Federal Security Service employee Anton Lozovoy said that three Ukraine ships ignored the application procedure for passing the Kerch strait, in a statement recorded in Sevastopol on Sunday. Lozoboy added that the FSB makes every effort «to ensure safety» in the area. According to the FSB statement, “This morning, at around 7 AM MSK [04:00 GMT], three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have breached articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which determines coastal states' right to ensure security at sea.» According to Ukrainian authorities, their vessels had a right to pass freely over the Kerch Strait based on international law. The Command of the Naval Forces of Ukraine put the blame on the Russian side for “its aggressive essence.” Uganda: 29 people killed in Lake Victoria as boat capsizes 2018-11-25 20:20 A cruise ship capsized in Lake Victoria off the shore of Uganda's Mukono District, on Sunday, resulting in at least 29 deaths, with the death toll expected to rise over the next days. Rescue operations were underway as police and emergency forces retrieved bodies, which were washed up along the shore, and carried them in tarpaulins to a waiting truck. The boat was reportedly carrying as many as 90 people, giving way to speculation that many victims' bodies may still be stuck under the wreckage. The boat was reportedly on a pleasure cruise — a favourite pastime of nearby residents — despite not having a valid permit due to its poor condition. Russia: Russian jets begin patrolling Kerch Strait 2018-11-25 21:14 Jet aircraft Sukhoi Su-25 Grach began patrolling the area above the Kerch Strait in the Black Sea on Sunday. Kamov KA-52 helicopters were also witnessed in the area. According to an FSB statement, «This morning, at around 7:00 AM MSK [04:00 GMT], three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have breached articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which determines coastal states' right to ensure security at sea.» According to Ukrainian authorities, their vessels had a right to pass freely over the Kerch Strait based on international law. The Command of the Naval Forces of Ukraine put the blame on the Russian side for «its aggressive essence.» Pakistan: Thousands attend MMA protest over Asia Bibi's acquittal in Sukkur 2018-11-25 22:02 Thousands of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) members and supporters flooded the streets of Sukkur on Sunday, condemning the Supreme Court's recent acquittal and subsequent release of a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy. MMA president Fazal-ur-Rehman attended the mass rally and addressed the protesters from a makeshift stage. «We will not allow you [Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan] to govern Pakistan like this,» said Fazal-ur-Rehman who said that Asia Bibi's acquittal had far-reaching implications for the Pakistan society. Over the weekend, a key figure in organising Pakistan's recent protests and leader of Tehreek-e-Labbaik political party Khadim Hussain Rizvi and thousands of his supporters were arrested. Asia Noreen, better known as Asia Bibi, was sentenced to death by hanging in 2010 for allegedly making derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad during a dispute with co-workers. The dispute arose after she was reprimanded for drinking water from her neighbours' glass because she's not a Muslim, reports say. Bibi has denied the allegations, but has spent most of the last eight years in solitary confinement. However, Pakistan's Supreme Court overturned her conviction in October, citing flimsy evidence. Syria: Russian airstrike hits mortar section that attacked Aleppo — MoD 2018-11-25 22:51 The Russian Ministry of Defence released aerial footage of airstrikes in the village of Khan Tuman in Syria's Aleppo Governorate, on Sunday, that allegedly eliminated the mortar section which shelled Aleppo a day earlier. Russian Sukhoi Su-24 jets reportedly delivered two aerial bombs to a location four kilometres away from Aleppo Governorate's Khan Tuman village and destroyed the mortars there. According to government news agency SANA, a chlorine gas attack on the al-Khalidiye and al-Zahraa neighbourhoods, as well as al-Neel Street, led to 50 people being rushed to hospital. Many of the victims were reportedly treated for asphyxiation. Local militant leaders have denied using poison gas in the attack. The Russian Ministry of Defence stated that Aleppo was attacked on November 24, 2018. UAE: 'Sent from Heaven' — Anastasia Popova thanks Dubai ruler for paying hospital bill 2018-11-25 23:20 Anastasia Popova, whose mother died at the American Hospital in Dubai, told her story in an RT interview filmed on Sunday. Anastasia thanked United Arab Emirates Vice-President and Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for covering the medical and repatriation costs of Russian tourist Natalia Popova, who died in a Dubai hospital during a family holiday. “The bill was really big. Everybody said that the treatment at this hospital is very expensive. But we had no choice,” Anastasia recalled the situation she was in after her mother died. Sheikh Mohammad paid the hospital bills as well as the return of the body to Russia, and tickets for the whole family, with the costs reportedly amounting to $228,700 (€201,631). The Sheikh decided to help the Popov family, after the story was covered by RT Arabic with the help of Ruptly. Turkey: Clashes erupt at march condemning anti-women violence in Istanbul 2018-11-25 23:44 A march opposing violence against women in Istanbul turned violent, on Sunday, as police reportedly teargassed rally-goers. Police blocked protesters' path with shields, reportedly ordering crowds to disperse which resulted in a tense two-hour standoff between security forces and protesters. Protesters had taken to Istiklal Avenue on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women carrying banner and signs reading «women are life.» Italy: Tango dancers denounce violence against women in Rome 2018-11-26 01:17 Dozens of couples marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women with a tango in Rome on Sunday. The male participants carried red roses while the female dancers wore red shoes, which were emblematic of the issue being protested worldwide. «The red shoe is, unfortunately, the symbol of the femicide, but it is also the symbol of the female tango dancer,» said Fatima Scialdone, Artistic Director of 'Associazione Culturale Tango Eventi’, which organised the gathering. «We are here with red shoes. But there is a difference. If the femicide shoe is an empty shoe, we here today are filling them with our legs and our steps for a better future,» she added. Russia: Criminal case initiated — FSB on Ukrainian vessels trespassing Kerch Strait 2018-11-26 01:33 Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) employee Anton Lozovoy said that a criminal case has been initiated against the crew of the Ukrainian vessels which left the Mariupol port and headed towards the Kerch Strait, in Sevastopol on Sunday. «A criminal case was initiated in accordance with part 3 Article 322 of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation — illegal trespassing of the state border,» he explained. According to the FSB, the Ukrainian vessels did not respond to the Russian navy's requests to halt their reported manoeuvres, leading to the use of weapons from the Russian side. Moreover, three Ukrainian soldiers were reportedly injured, but were also provided with medical attention. Lozovoy said that the Ukrainian side was aware of the existing procedure of peaceful passing through Russian territorial waters, but failed to follow it. Russia: It is 'our holy duty' to organise Russian and US presidents meetings — Lavrov 2018-11-26 01:51 Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Many have already spoken about it, including serious European leaders who see the interests of their countries in strengthening energy security. Those who — simply for manifesting allied, wrongly perceived solidarity — support any anti-Russian measures, think above all about how to please the USA, or more correctly not the USA but those circles which try to torpedo any constructive enterprise in relations between Moscow and Washington.» Correspondent (Russian): «Has preparation for a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump on an experts’ level started?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation’s Administration have already spoken about this. The preparation does not require much effort because all previous contact between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump followed drafting of documents that, I would call, systemise the current state of relations, [and] demonstrate the loses which took place when the Barack Obama administration smashed the lion’s share of dialogue channels and give clues to our negotiators what kinds of enterprises we can report to the presidents to take into account. They are not sensational at all. There is a need to begin a normal, professional and non-politicised work without any ideology regarding those areas, which are considered to be vital importance for Russian and US interests and are also important for the interests of the international community — the fight against terror, organised crime, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, stopping threats in the field of cyber security, where there are many cooked-up things thrown into the public space. And so far our Western partners do not desire to get down to the professional harmonising of assessments, to experience the exchange. The success of the effort towards settlement of an immense number of conflicts, which unfortunately are not reducing, depends without any doubt on Russia and the USA. Syria maybe is the most acute and pressing example. By the way, regarding this, as well as the Korean Peninsula, unlike a range of other situations there are good possibilities to join efforts. Russia has influence on different sides of any situation, including the Syrian and the Korean Peninsula crisis. It’s important to use this influence for good, not for harm. It is necessary to come to such measures, which will yield results, instead of trying to turn this or that situation into a confrontational dispute with the goal of gaining immediate credits in domestic policy right now.» Correspondent (Russian): «Unfortunately, all aspects of Russian-US relations deteriorate after every meeting between Putin and Trump. Is there a possibility that the situation will get worse?» Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister (Russian): «We cannot vouch for avoiding new provocation from the US' internal political forces, which are trying to undermine Trump’s presidency. Probably, it’s quite the opposite. Attempts to new provocative acts, along with attempts to ruin our relations, probably will be made, however this doesn’t stop the necessity for dialogue. On our side, we are ready for this dialogue, when the president of one great country is ready to negotiate with the President of another great country, I assume, it is our holy duty to make such contacts possible. Especially since some progress in [rebuilding] dialogue at other levels, including Russian and US Security Council dialogue, had been showed.» Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that meetings between the Russian and US presidents must take place, during an interview in Moscow on Sunday. «Regarding our side we are ready for this dialogue. When the president of one great country is ready to negotiate with the president of another Ukraine: 'Act of aggression against Ukraine' — FM on Kerch Strait incident 2018-11-26 02:48 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin denounced the Russian response to three Ukrainian vessels breaching Russian waters in the Kerch Strait, as 'an act of aggression against Ukraine', speaking from Kiev on Sunday. «With this unprecedented provocation, Russia carried out an act of aggression against Ukraine. So we see the aggression on the territory of Ukraine, and also in the neutral territory, as this act of aggression took place in neutral waters,» claimed Klimkin. «In the following hours, the President will be in touch with international organisations to create a coalition to stop Russian aggression,» he added. Head of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov reiterated this position and stated that a NSDC meeting was scheduled for the same day to announce the legal circumstances of the martial act. Romania: Cathedral of National Redemption's consecration draws tens of thousands 2018-11-26 02:59 The Cathedral of National Redemption was consecrated after eight years of construction works in Bucharest on Sunday, before an estimated 40,000 worshipers. The service was officiated by the Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, alongside a hundred priests. Two thousand guests were handpicked by the organisers to attend the ceremony inside the church, which can accommodate up to 5,000 people. Mexico: Migrants try to breach US border — reports *EXCLUSIVE* 2018-11-26 03:32 A group of migrants tried to force their way through the Mexican border near Tijuana on Sunday, prompting the closure of the border on both the Mexican and the US side. Exclusive footage from the scene shows the migrants returning to Mexican territory, before being dispersed by riot police. Ukraine: Protesters launch flares near Russian embassy after Kerch Strait incident 2018-11-26 04:36 Scores of protesters gathered outside of the Russian embassy in Kiev on Sunday to protest against Russia's response to three Ukrainian vessels breaching Russian waters in the Kerch Strait earlier during the day. Scuffles broke out between riot police and the protesters, who were filmed launching flares and smoke canisters near the building. Tyres and paper ships were also laid in front of the embassy. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) released a statement on the incident, saying, «This morning, at around 7:00 AM MSK [04:00 GMT], three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have breached articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which determines coastal states' right to ensure security at sea.» In response to the incident, Russian authorities decided to close the Kerch Strait while the Ukrainian side protested against the decree referring to international law. Ukraine: Poroshenko proposes introduction of martial law after Kerch Strait incident 2018-11-26 04:39 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko chaired an emergency meeting with ministers and army officials in Kiev on Sunday, where he proposed the introduction of martial law, as a response to the Kerch Strait incident. «The martial law doesn't mean declaration of war. Ukraine doesn't plan to start war against anyone, we are just reacting in favour of defending our land and territory, as well as the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine,» said Poroshenko. «Martial war is only introduced as a reaction to the acts of growing aggression as well as violation of international laws by the Russian Federation,» he stated, adding that he hopes the Verkhovna Rada will «make a responsible decision without a delay tomorrow.» According to an FSB statement, «This morning, at around 7:00 AM MSK [04:00 GMT], three vessels of the Ukrainian Naval Forces have breached articles 19 and 21 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which determines coastal states' right to ensure security at sea.» According to Ukrainian authorities, their vessels had a right to pass freely over the Kerch Strait based on international law. The Command of the Naval Forces of Ukraine put the blame on the Russian side for «its aggressive essence.» Mexico: Border crossing closed after migrants attempt to breach fence 2018-11-26 05:03 Mexican border guards erected additional fencing at the border with the US near Tijuana on Sunday, shortly after a group of migrants tried to force their way through the crossing. The attempt prompted the closure of the border crossing, halting the traffic in both directions. Mexico: US police fire teargas as migrants try to breach border fence 2018-11-26 06:06 Migrants clashed with police as they tried to breach the US-Mexico border crossing near Tijuana on Sunday. US authorities deployed tear gas as scores of migrants crossed the dry bed of the Tijuana River and attempted to make their way towards the US. The border was temporarily closed after the incident, with traffic being stopped in both directions. |
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