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USA: Pompeo, Ukraine FM Klimkin slam Russian 'aggression' in Crimea

USA: Pompeo, Ukraine FM Klimkin slam Russian 'aggression' in Crimea
2018-11-17 06:25
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the White House will continue to reject 'Russia's attempted annexation of Crimea' as he spoke in Washington DC on Friday, alongside his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimkin. Pompeo stated: «We will continue to impose consequences against Russia until Moscow fully implements the Minsk Agreements and returns control of Crimea to Ukraine.» «We do not want our European friends to fall prey to the kind of political and economic manipulation Russia has attempted in Ukraine since it cast off its Soviet shackles,» Pompeo added. Klimkin affirmed Ukraine's unity with the US, noting that conflict between Russia and Ukraine has claimed around 11,000 lives «We see shelling of our land and lives being lost every day,» Klimkin said, adding that the countries will continue to work together to strengthen resilience. Mandatory Credit: US Department of State

Papua New Guinea: Medvedev wants 'truly open market' over protectionism
2018-11-17 06:32
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev demanded clear and transparent rules on international trade, based on the principles of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), while speaking at the APEC CEO Summit in Port Moresby on Saturday. Medvedev pointed out that Russia, like many other countries, was supporting the reformation of the WTO, however, he rejected any downgrade of its authority to avoid the «fall of civilised trade.» The prime minister said: «We can create an Asia and the Pacific free trade zone and make it truly open market, not a narrow-format system of the collective protectionism.» The 26th summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

Papua New Guinea: VP Pence greeted on the tarmac at Port Moresby
2018-11-17 07:20
US Vice President Mike Pence landed in Port Morseby before attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit on Saturday. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

Самый дорогой художник современности
2018-11-17 07:39
Картина Дэвида Хокни «Портрет художника (Бассейн с двумя фигурами)» ушла с молотка за $90,3 млн. Раньше самым дорогим из ныне живущих был американец Джефф Кунс. Что значит для британского мастера признание в долларовом эквиваленте?

Papua New Guinea: APEC CEO Summit closes, chairmanship handover to Chile
2018-11-17 08:55
The future of the Asia-Pacific region is looking bright as it continues to promote and advocate free open trade, Chairman of APEC CEO Summit 2018 Isikel Taureka said at the closing speech in Papua New Guinea’s capital of Port Moresby on Saturday. Taureka stressed that «we have to improve productivity and raise real income growth of the low and middle income groups in order to become an inclusive society.» He then handed the gavel, a symbol of the chairmanship, to Chilean Jean-Paul Luksic, the Chairman of the APEC CEO Summit 2019. «Trust, transparency, collaboration are essential to achieve the common dream shared by all of us in this room today to build a better, more prosperous, healthier and inclusive future for everyone,» Luksic stated. Closing the ceremony, President of Chile Sebastian Pinera urged the US and China to “find ways to end the tariff and trade wars which benefit no one and at the end of the day will hurt all countries.» “Entrepreneurs and innovators are always trying to see and to stand on the shoulders of giants, as the great Newton said, to be able to see further to anticipate times to look for ways to create more wealth and more opportunities for the people of the world”, Pinera said, concluding that this is “how economy prospers and this is precisely what makes the business community so relevant at times with the benefits of free trade and globalisation are in big dangers.”

Лавров: Россия — наиболее последовательный и искренний союзник Сербии
2018-11-17 10:36
Россия последовательно защищает позиции Белграда на мировой арене, заявил глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров. В интервью изданию «Сербский телеграф» министр оценил отношения двух стран.

Министр кибербезопасности Японии признался, что не умеет пользоваться компьютером
2018-11-17 10:37
«За компьютером не работаю, но справляться с обязанностями это не мешает» — с таким заявлением выступил министр кибербезопасности Японии. Эти неосторожные слова Иоситаки Сакурады привели к огромному скандалу и волне критики со стороны законодателей.

Papua New Guinea: Pence says US could 'double' tariffs on China
2018-11-17 11:10
The United States could double the tariffs imposed on Chinese goods, US Vice President Mike Pence warned at the 26th Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in the city of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on Saturday. «We've taken decisive action to address our trade imbalance with China», Pence said, warning that 250 billion-dollar tariffs imposed on Chinese goods could increase twofold. He stated that China has «taken advantage» of the US for years and that whilst it holds an «honoured place in our vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific», this is dependent upon whether it will respect its neighbours' sovereignty. «We are aware of the concern that the US-China competition is felt among many of you,» Pence said, before making clear that the US seeks to secure a better relationship with China. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

В Вологде идут работы по реконструкции набережной
2018-11-17 11:41
В Вологде идут работы по реконструкции набережной. Это вызывает противоречивые чувства у жителей города. Никто не отрицает необходимости благоустройства, но то, в каких формах оно проводится, многих возмущает.

Papua New Guinea: Xi, Moon, Medvedev spotted at APEC summit
2018-11-17 11:50
Leaders from across the world attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on Saturday. Chinese President Xi Jinping, South Korean President Mook Jae-in, Canadian President Justin Trudeau and the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo where among those to attend. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

На Владимира Винокура подали в суд за неуплату коммунальных услуг
2018-11-17 12:00
На Владимира Винокура подала в суд управляющая компания. Юморист и его соседи задолжали за коммуналку 1,5 миллиона рублей. Владимир Винокур говорит, что долгов у него никаких нет, а все счета он оплачивает вовремя. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24.

Papua New Guinea: Japan PM Abe arrives in Port Moresby for APEC summit
2018-11-17 12:09
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, accompanied by his wife Akie, landed in Papua New Guinea on Saturday to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. The couple touched down at Port Moresby’s Jackson International Airport, where they were greeted with a welcome ceremony by tribesmen and women. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

«Кинофакты»: Новые подробности фильма «Труффальдино из Бергамо»
2018-11-17 12:10
В первые же дни съемок фильма «Труффальдино из Бергамо» Константин Райкин хотел отказаться от роли. Виной тому стали натянутые отношения с режиссером Владимиром Воробьевым. Приступая к работе над фильмом, Воробьев хотел максимально задействовать в картине актеров Ленинградского театра музыкальной комедии, где режиссер занимал пост художественного руководителя. Однако на главных ролях руководство «Ленфильма» хотело видеть именитых актеров. Если с исполнительницей роли Смеральдины режиссер определился быстро, она досталась Наталье Гундарьевой, то вокруг роли Труффальдино разгорелись нешуточные страсти. Подробности — в программе «Кинофакты».

Вести-Москва. Эфир от 17.11.2018 (11:20)
2018-11-17 12:25
Мощный пожар в Капотне. 160 пожарных пытаются справиться с огнем на нефтеперерабатывающем заводе. Участок метро от Саларьево до Столбово уже строится. Новая жизнь старых фабрик в Подмосковье. В выходные обещают снег — куда отправиться, чтобы не замерзнуть?

Итоги: спецвыпуск «Европа. Американский фокус»
2018-11-17 12:31
Столетие Первой мировой войны и заочная пикировка Трампа с Макроном в качестве постскриптума. Так и не поговорили: встреча президентов США и России переносится на саммит G-20. 100 лет американо-чешских отношений: как они менялись и какое место в них отведено Москве

Саммит АТЭС: АТР бурно развивается, и Россия не останется в стороне
2018-11-17 12:42
В Папуа — Новой Гвинее, которую когда-то бесстрашно изучал Миклухо-Маклай — саммит АТЭС — такой же, как был у нас во Владивостоке. Хотя, конечно, другой.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 17.11.2018 (11:20)
2018-11-17 12:46

France: 'Yellow vests' block Paris streets over high fuel taxes
2018-11-17 13:00
French protesters blocked the streets around Port de Bercy in Paris on Saturday morning, in protest over rising fuel prices and diesel taxes. The demonstrators, dubbed the 'yellow vests' after their high-visibility jackets, called for a mass blockade of highways and roads all across France. Protesters chanted slogans denouncing the hike of fuel prices and called for French President Emmanuel Macron to resign. According to local media, a female protester was killed in a road accident during one of the demonstrations in the eastern region of Savoie, in the town of Pont-de-Beauvoisin. The increase of fuel taxes is part of France’s long-term ecological plan and is meant to decrease the use of fossil fuels.

Случай в Междуреченске: мэр назвал подчиненных дебилами из-за детской площадки
2018-11-17 13:03
В Междуреченске во дворе одного из домов установили детскую площадку. Правда, жители недолго наслаждались видом качелей и песочниц — оборудование сфотографировали, погрузили обратно и увезли.

Евгений Спицын. История СССР № 156. «Горбачевский «Фултон наоборот»«
2018-11-17 13:17
Сто пятьдесят шестая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная внешней политике СССР во второй половине 80-х годов.

Молодым врачам Приморья помогут материально
2018-11-17 13:33
Депутаты Приморья поддержали инициативы временно исполняющего обязанности губернатора — назначить доплаты медикам и единовременное пособие на жилье тем из них, кто только устроился на работу. Об этом Олег Кожемяко сообщил во время рабочей поездки в поселок Чугуевка, где посетил районную больницу.

Первый концлагерь в России построили англичане
2018-11-17 13:37
Где закончилась Первая мировая война? В Архангельской области до сих пор лежат американские снаряды. Как получилось, что первый концлагерь в России построили англичане?

Papua New Guinea: APEC leaders pose for photo with PNG Prime Minister
2018-11-17 13:59
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill received leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Port Moresby on Saturday evening. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Chinese President Xi Jinping, South Korean President Mook Jae-in, Canadian President Justin Trudeau and the Russian Prime Minister greeted the prime minister warmly upon their arrival and posed for photos with him. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

Бывшую фабрику в Реутове превратят в арт-пространство
2018-11-17 14:33
От купеческой мануфактуры до творческой мастерской. Бывшую хлопкопрядильную фабрику в подмосковном Реутове превратят в арт-пространство. Некогда крупнейшее предприятие, продукцию которого знали не только в России, но и в мире, закрыто более 10 лет, помещения сдаются под офисы и склады.

Латвия с размахом празднует 100 лет независимости
2018-11-17 15:20
18 ноября Латвия отмечает 100 лет провозглашения независимости республики. Именно в этот день в 1918 году в Латвийском национальном театре состоялось заседание Народного совета лидеров национального движения. На праздник приехала экс-президент Вайра Вике-Фрейберга, при которой страна вступила в ЕС

Балтия: 100 лет Латвии, чего добилась страна
2018-11-17 15:24
100 лет назад Латвия стала независимой, латвийские кинематографисты к юбилею сняли несколько фильмов о истории страны. «Могила Одина»: спецрепортаж Настоящего Времени с эстонского острова Осмуссаар. В Литве началась президентская кампания: выборы главы страны состоятся в 2019 году

Мэй спасается от проблем при помощи виски
2018-11-17 15:25
Премьер-министр Великобритании Тереза Мэй призналась, что на этой неделе она справлялась с проблемами благодаря виски. По словам Мэй, большую поддержку ей также оказал муж: после сложного совещания по Brexit он налил ей алкогольный напиток и приготовил фасоль с тостами.

«Специальный репортаж»: Кубанский рецепт
2018-11-17 15:26
Краснодарский край — один из наиболее многообразных регионов России. Здесь вековые традиции не отменяют экономических новаций, что позволяет Краснодарскому краю занимать лидирующие позиции во множестве отраслей экономики — от виноделия до курортного гостиничного бизнеса. И в основе этого — творческое, крайне бережное отношение к родной земле.

«Церковь и мир»: Государство не просило вас рожать? Оно вам ничего не должно?
2018-11-17 15:30
Митрополит Иларион считает иначе. Мнение иерарха Русской Православной Церкви об обязанностях государства по отношению к гражданам.

France: Protester killed in road accident at Savoie roadblock
2018-11-17 15:34
A female protester was killed in a road accident in Pont-de-Beauvoisin, in the south-eastern department of Savoie on Saturday morning, at a demonstration over rising fuel prices and diesel taxes. According to reports, the driver had panicked and accelerated into a person who later died. Footage shows the site where the accident took place, several hours after the incident. Dozens of protesters garbed in yellow continued to block the road, standing beneath umbrellas in the rain as they spoke to drivers. The ‘Yellow Vests’, named after their high-visibility jackets, called for a mass blockade of highways and roads all across France. Protesters denounced the hike of fuel prices and called for French President Emmanuel Macron to resign. The increase of fuel taxes is part of France’s long-term ecological plan and is meant to decrease the use of fossil fuels.

В Ингушетии задержали противников передачи земель Чечне
2018-11-17 17:20
В Ингушетии задержаны участники акции против передачи земель Чечне. По данным портала «МБХ медиа», в отделения полиции доставили активистов Магомеда Муцольгова, Руслана Яндиева, Бараха Чемурзиева и Ахмеда Погорова. Они участвовали в так называемом субботнике на территории башенных комплексов в районе реки Фортанга у границы с Чечней. Руководитель регионального отделения партии «Яблоко» Руслан Муцольгов рассказал журналистам, что глава Ингушетии незаконно собирается передать территории башенных комплексов Чечне. Власти республики начали препятствовать проведению акции еще со вчерашнего вечера, а с чеченской стороны к комплексу стянули строительную и военную технику, заявил оппозиционер.

Afghanistan: Six siblings and cousin maimed by explosion learn to walk again
2018-11-17 17:22
Six Afghan siblings and their cousin, all from a single family in Nangarhar province, were struggling to walk again and continue their lives after being maimed by an explosion on April 28, footage filmed in Chamtala area of Khogyani District on Friday shows. The children can be seen walking near their home using crutches, while another requires a wheelchair to move around. They can also be seen doing their school work with their sets of crutches on the wall behind them. The children have reportedly also been fitted with prosthetic limbs, provided by various NGOs. «When we were healthy, we used to play, to go to school and the Mosque for praying,» said one child, Basheer, while his sister added that now their teacher came to their home to continue their studies. The tragedy occurred in the wake of fighting between the Taliban and government forces in the area. According to reports, the children found an unexploded rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) while they were walking to school the next day. «There was fighting in the afternoon between Afghan forces and the Taliban and an unexploded bomb was left. When we were on our way to the school, it exploded. Four of us were killed and the others were wounded,» recalled Rabia, a six-year-old girl who had lost a leg. Hamisha, the father of six of the children and uncle to one, confirmed that on top of losing four children, two kids lost both of their legs, and 5 others each lost one leg in the blast. According to the UN, more than 3,000 children were killed or wounded in 2017, accounting for one-third of total civilian casualties for the year. Explosive remnants of war killed or wounded 1,063 of them, reports say.

USA: Helicopter combats Camp Fire in Butte County
2018-11-17 17:32
A UH60M Black Hawk helicopter of California's national guard flew over fire-afflicted areas of Butte County, California on Saturday to assist in combatting the fires. Footage shows the helicopter as it flies through the smoky mountainous area, and as it lowers onto a dip site. According to the authorities, the California wildfires have so far claimed the lives of at least 63 people statewide, with the number of people missing or unaccounted for having soared to 631. The fire has razed nearly 12,000 homes and buildings, and has led to the evacuation of some 52,000 people. Mandatory Credit: Crystal Housman / DVIDS

«Дороги к свободе»: «Гибридная война» на Азове
2018-11-17 17:33
Ситуация далека от нормализации. К чему может привести новое противостояние в Азовском море? Есть ли шансы для урегулирования конфликта? Об этом Виталий Портников беседует с журналистом и экспертом Ларисой Волошиной в Киеве и политологом и политиком Сергеем Станкевичем в Москве.

«Кинофакты»: Новые подробности фильма «Военно-полевой роман»
2018-11-17 17:33
Перед съемками фильма «Военно-полевой роман» Наталья Андрейченко предсказала Петру Тодоровскому всемирную славу. Как только актриса прочитала сценарий, то поняла, что это шедевр. Все, кроме самого Тодоровского, уже понимали, что фильму цены нет. Все зашкаливало: сценарий, актеры, музыка и главное — сам режиссер. Однако поначалу Андрейченко от своей роли отказалась. Актрисе к началу съемок было 27 лет, за плечами у нее около 20-ти сыгранных ролей. Всесоюзная слава, а тут некий Тодоровский, с которым она даже не была знакома. Но самое главное, что Наталья только что родила своего первого ребенка. Подробности — в программе «Кинофакты».

State of Palestine: Israeli forces deploy teargas on protesting journalists
2018-11-17 18:18
Dozens of Palestinian and international journalists were teargassed by Israeli security forces as they held a protest near the Qalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem on Saturday, to denounce Israel's violations against reporters. Several people, including the head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate Nasser Abu Baker, reportedly suffered from suffocation as Israeli forces deployed teargas against the rally participants. The President of the International Federation of Journalists, Philippe Leruth, took part in the demonstration and condemned the actions of the Israeli security forces saying: «this is not acceptable. If Israel is a democracy, it has to accept the role of journalists: Palestinian, Israeli journalists, journalists from all over the world.» «Reacting with teargas is not reaction of a democratic state,» he added.

Оппозиционера Сергея Мохнаткина обвинили в дезорганизации работы колонии
2018-11-17 18:35
Следственный комитет завел уголовное дело на 64-летнего оппозиционера Сергея Мохнаткина, который отбывает срок в колонии, сообщает «Медиазона» со ссылкой на общественного защитника Андрея Кракова. Его обвинили в дезорганизации работы исправительного учреждения. Информацию о возбуждении подтвердили архангельскому порталу 29.ru в региональном отделении Следственного комитета. Суть обвинений Мохнаткина неизвестна. Защитник предположил, что дело связано с инцидентом во время этапирования Мохнаткина из областной больницы управления ФСИН. Во время обследования в больнице, рассказал Креков, оппозиционера отправили на 15 суток в штрафной изолятор, несмотря на его плохое состояние его здоровья. Оппозиционер отказался от этапирования из больницы и попросил вызвать ему скорую помощь, но его все равно насильно доставили в колонию.

События недели: юная спортсменка против маньяка и кошмар в роддоме
2018-11-17 18:42
12 ноября в Самарской области полицейские приступили к розыску преступников, которые тяжело ранили экс-руководителя регионального управления Росимущества. 13 ноября в Петербурге был обнаружен огромный склад с препаратами для диабетиков и онкобольных. 14 ноября суд вынес приговор организаторам массовой драки на Хованском кладбище.

France: Protesters clash with police over petrol price hikes
2018-11-17 18:42
Tear gas and pepper spray were deployed by French police in Paris on Saturday, as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to protest against the recent spike in petrol and diesel prices. Emmanuel Macron's government raised the hydrocarbon tax in an effort to transition France from petroleum products to clean energy sources, which has resulted in higher prices and sparked a nationwide call for protests and road blocks. Rallies and roadblocks took place across the country on Saturday in protest over the price hikes, and one woman has reportedly died after a driver surrounded by protesters panicked and hit the gas.

Iran: Rouhani seeks expanded trade with Iraq despite US sanctions
2018-11-17 19:05
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke about increasing economic links between his country and Iraq at a meeting with Iraqi President Barham Salih in Tehran on Saturday. Rouhani remarked that trade between the two nations stands at about «$12 billion (per year) and we could through bilateral efforts raise this figure to $20 billion.» Salih struck a similar tone saying that it was «time to create a new system in our region» to better serve the interests of the nations within it, and added that Iraq would not forget Iranian support in fighting the self-proclaimed Islamic State, saying that «Iran, with its support to us, performed a great role in defeating terrorists.» Salih's visit comes just weeks after the re-imposition of harsh sanctions on Iran by the United States on November 5. The US has granted the Iraqi government a 45-day temporary waiver to allow them to continue to purchase natural gas and electricity from Iran, while they seek alternative sources.

Как проходит суд над самым опасным наркобароном современности
2018-11-17 19:08
В США стартовал судебный процесс, который, еще даже не успев начаться, превратился в шоу. На скамье подсудимых — один из самых влиятельных мафиози — наркобарон Хоакин Гусман по прозвищу Коротышка.

UK: Police make several arrests at London climate change rally
2018-11-17 19:18
Several protesters were arrested at a climate change rally in London on Saturday, as they were blocking a number of bridges across London. The protesters managed to form a human chain by locking in their arms with tubes, which the police had to saw off before taking them away. The rally was organised by the group Extinction Rebellion, and were held across Westminster, Waterloo, and Blackfriars Bridge.

Программа «Дежурная часть» от 17 ноября 2018 года
2018-11-17 19:20
За что поплатилась жизнью подполковник МВД Евгения Шишкина? Супруга маньяка Сергея Ткача, умершего в колонии, исчезла. В Красноярске под следствием оказались чиновницы Министерства социальной политики. Главу Северо-Кавказского управления Ростехнадзора заподозрили в халатности.

France: Aerial footage shows traffic jams caused by petrol price protests
2018-11-17 19:49
Aerial footage filmed over Paris on Saturday shows some of the huge traffic jams being caused by demonstrations taking place all over the city over rising fuel prices and taxes. Protesters, dubbed the 'Yellow Vests' due to the high visibility jackets they wear, have been blocking roads and motorways throughout France and according to the French Interior Ministry over 200,000 people have taken part so far. Although the protests have been largely peaceful, injuries have occurred due to drivers attempting to force their way through the protesters' blockades. One woman was killed in the south-eastern department of Savoie after a driver reportedly panicked and accelerated into her, injuring multiple other protesters in the process. Fuel taxes have been increasing as part of French President Emmanuel Macron's long-term plan to decrease fossil fuel usage in line with climate change targets.

Serbia: Locals hooting mad over phallic owl statue
2018-11-17 20:05
Residents of Kikinda were critical of the appearance of a recently unveiled owl statue, which was supposed to be a symbol of the city renowned for being the largest urban winter house for owls in the world, footage from Saturday shows. The new statue, which was set up by Kikinda authorities in a bid to lure tourists, came under severe criticism on social media, with some critics going as far as comparing it to a penis. «I think he should have done something that would represent the city in the best possible light, and not cause ridicule from all sides, and Kikinda becoming popular on social media because of the owl which looks like everything else but like an owl,» said local resident Miodrag Jankov. «I am an artist myself, and I do not like the kind of contemporary art where under the veil of freedom, something is propagated which in my opinion, does not look like anything,» he added. His words were echoed by another local resident, Tatjana Kovalik, who said «this sculpture should've remained in some enclosed space — if the artist saw it the way he did — where there's people who understand what the artist wanted to say.» Local master sculptor Jovan Blato was the artist behind the 2.8 metre (9.1 feet) statue, who reportedly promised to make a new, «real owl» version of the statue. Kikinda is the largest urban wintering place for owls in the world and the only settlement that has a nature reserve in the centre of the city. In 2017, at least 238 owls were counted in the wider city area

Argentina: Missing sub found, ‘no means’ to recover it — Defence Minister Aguad
2018-11-17 20:27
Argentine Defence Minister Oscar Aguad said there were no means to recover the ARA San Juan submarine after it had been located one year after its disappearance, while speaking at a press conference with Argentine Navy Chief of Staff Jose Luis Villan and Argentine Navy spokesperson Enrique Balbi in Buenos Aires on Saturday. «We don't even have the means to descend to the depths of the sea. We don't even have equipment to extract a vessel that has these characteristics,» Aguad said. Villan confirmed the ARA San Juan submarine was located at a depth of 907m (2975 feet) below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, one year after it had disappeared in November 2017. «This is the area where we had assigned a 90 percent chance of finding it,» Villan said. «It may have imploded, collapsed very near the seabed,» Balbi said before showing images taken of the vessel's hull, tail and sail. Aguad said he was informed of the appearance of «a point of great interest» on the day of the anniversary of the ARA San Juan's disappearance, one day before its finding was announced on Friday. The ARA San Juan and its crew of 44 went missing on November 15 2017, shortly after reporting an electrical malfunction. It was 480km (380 miles) off the coast of Argentina, en route from Ushuaia to its base in Mar del Plata.

France: Protesters march against petrol price hikes in Paris
2018-11-17 20:36
Protesters and police clashed in Paris on Saturday, as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to protest against the recent spike in petrol and diesel prices. Footage shows protesters marching down Avenue des Champs Elysees and facing police. Emmanuel Macron's government raised the hydrocarbon tax in an effort to transition France from petroleum products to clean energy sources, which has resulted in higher prices and sparked a nationwide call for protests and road blocks. Rallies and roadblocks took place across the country on Saturday in protest over the price hikes, and one woman has reportedly died after a driver surrounded by protesters panicked and hit the gas.

Czech Republic: Protesters demand PM Babis's resignation on anniversary of Velvet Revolution
2018-11-17 21:02
Thousands of people marched through the streets of Prague to demand the resignation of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis on the 29th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution on Saturday. Footage shows protesters as they marched through the streets carrying placards bearing the image of Babis behind bars, and chanting «Resign! Resign!» Daniel Kroupa, a university professor and one of the speakers at the rally, said «Who is in power, who is ruling, he should rule in favour of the whole society, not in favour of his own interests. What is, I think, exactly the case of the prime minister Babis, who in his office works mainly for his private companies than for the favour of the whole.» The protests came a day after the Prime Minister vowed he would never resign, and in the wake of allegations of fraud and corruption which have been levied against him.

Russia: Woman blows herself up at Grozny police checkpoint *EXCLUSIVE*
2018-11-17 21:26
A woman blew herself up at a police checkpoint in the Chechen capital of Grozny on Saturday, in southern Russia. Footage shows Investigation team working at the scene following the blast. According to the reports, the unknown woman came to the 21st police post in the Staropromyslovski district in Grozny at 4 PM MSK (1 PM GMT). Police officers noticed her and stopped her for identification. The police reportedly fired a warning shot and the woman blew herself up with an improvised explosive device which she was carrying. No one else was injured, and her identity is being established.

UK: Hundreds block London bridges urging action on climate change
2018-11-17 22:16
agenda and to continue the Extinction Rebellion.” Hundreds of protesters blocked a number of bridges across London on Saturday to protest against the UK Government's climate change policies. Footage shows protesters holding banners against fracking and urging the UK government to take action on climate change. Protesters managed to form a human chain by blocking in their arms with tubes, which the police had to saw off before taking them away. Several protesters were later detained by police. The rally was organised by the group Extinction Rebellion, and were held across Westminster, Waterloo, and Blackfriars Bridge.

Iran: Hundreds of Shias hold ceremony in honour of Muhammad al-Mahdi
2018-11-17 22:19
Hundreds of Iranian Shia Twelver Muslims gathered in Tehran to celebrate the anniversary of what they believe is the beginning of the twelfth Shia Imamate on Saturday. Footage shows the ceremony attendees as they gather in the Iranian capital. Many of those in attendance called for greater solidarity between Muslims worldwide. Twelver Shiism is the state religion of Iran and adherents make up roughly 85 percent of all Shias worldwide. According to Twelver theology there have been 12 divinely ordained descendants and successors of the Prophet Muhammad who are known as the 'Twelve Imams'. They believe that the 12th Imam will be the 'Mahdi', or messiah, who will arrive on judgement day and get rid of all evil in the world. This Imam Mahdi, or Zaman, is said to have been born in the 9th century and is believed to still be alive, although disappeared from the face of the earth, waiting to return at the end of days. Other sects of Shia Islam disagree with this interpretation believing in different numbers of Imams and therefore differ as to who they believe is the Mahdi. Most followers of Sunni Islam, which includes around 85 percent of all Muslims, do not believe that the Mahdi has been born yet.

Greece: Protesters hurl Molotov cocktails at police on 45th Athens Polytechnic uprising anniversary
2018-11-17 23:20
Violent scuffles broke out between protesters and riot police on the streets of Thessaloniki on Saturday, after thousands marched to mark the 45th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising against Greece's military junta. About 150 anarchists and self-styled anti-state activists attacked the police with stones, Molotov cocktails, causing an undetermined damage across the city. The 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising occurred during the so-called Regime of the Colonels from 1967 to 1974. The uprising began on November 14, escalating into an open revolt that finished in bloodshed in the early morning of November 17. Twenty-four civilians were killed in clashes while hundreds were injured.

Netherlands: Dozens march against black-faced 'Zwarte Piet' in The Hague
2018-11-17 23:34
Dozens of people marched in The Hague on Saturday to protest against the Zwarte Piet ('Black Piet') caricature, accusing it of racism because of its employment of black-face painting. The march was organised by the Kick Out Zwarte Piet (KOZP) group, which has been hosting demonstrations to create awareness around the Sinterklaas (Dutch Santa Claus) helper, in a bid to get the character changed. The group demonstrated in around 10 different municipalities this weekend. Due to the presence of hooligans and right-wing extremists, KOZP had previously been revoked authorisation to demonstrate in The Hague, according to KOZP activist Mitchell Esajas. Although some claim the custom has its origin in European folklore, the modern tradition supposedly originates with the 'Black Moors' of Spain and Andalusia, with people donning blackface and Moorish 'renaissance' clothes to act as Zwarte Piet, a black 'slave-demon' forced to assist Santa Claus.

«Вести в субботу»: Эфир от 17.11.2018
2018-11-18 00:03
Как поднять русскую провинцию? Репортаж из русской провинции, города Галич Костромской области. Как в Третьяковской галерее упаковывали «Демона» и другие шедевры для ответной выставки в Ватикане? Папуасы из Новой Гвинеи наконец-то дождались у себя саммита АТЭС. Где закончилась Первая мировая война? Как получилось, что первый концлагерь в России построили англичане?

USA: Trump to visit California as wildfire death toll rises to 71
2018-11-18 00:07
US President Donald Trump said 'more people are missing than we ever thought possible' as he left the White House on Saturday morning to fly to California following the recent wildfires there. The president added that forest management was a «very expensive issue but very, very inexpensive when you compare it to even one of these horrible fires.» Wildfires occur often in California but this year has seen a spate of particularly ferocious fires. The 'Camp' wildfire, which started in the north of the state on November 8, has caused 71 deaths and destroyed over 10,000 structures, and is reportedly the most deadly and destructive blaze in California's history. Over a thousand people are also reported as missing due to the conflagrations. Responding to a question about his yet to be fulfilled campaign promise to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, Trump commented: «This would be a very good time to do a [government] shutdown» to obtain funding for the project, but added that he didn't think it would be «necessary» as he thinks the «Democrats will come to their senses.» He also dismissed allegations reported in the New York Times, that he has been questioning White House staff on the loyalty of Vice President Mike Pence, saying: «No I don't question his loyalty at all. He is 100 per cent loyal. It was a phoney story.»

В центре Афин бесчинствуют анархисты
2018-11-18 00:16
В Греции вспыхнули массовые беспорядки. В центре Афин анархисты били витрины, жгли мусорные баки и бросали в полицейских камни и бутылки с зажигательной смесью.

Маша, Медведь и «кремлевская пропаганда»: Лондону посоветовали создать «антимультипликационный центр»
2018-11-18 00:20
Комментировать высказывания западных критиков о политической пропаганде в мультсериале «Маша и Медведь» можно только с большой долей иронии.

Умер в одиночестве: у Евгения Осина отнимались ноги, были цирроз и нервное истощение
2018-11-18 00:20
У певца Евгения Осина был цирроз печени и нервное истощение, он очень плохо себя чувствовал, рассказал продюсер группы «Ласковый май» Андрей Разин. Он же рассказал, что Осина похоронят в предстоящий вторник, 20 ноября, на Троекуровском кладбище в Москве.

UK: Hundreds join anti-racism protest outside BBC’s London HQ
2018-11-18 00:30
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered outside the BBC headquarters in London on Saturday, to demonstrate against the racism and fascism that they claim is on the rise in the UK. The protest was part of a larger demonstration, dubbed the 'National Unity Demonstration against Racism and Fascism', which included a march across London that organisers claimed was attended by tens of thousands of people. Some demonstrators came dressed as Saudi officials, including Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, inside a fake prison cell with another demonstrator standing beyond the bars in costume as International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, in reference to the on-going investigations into the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2.

Формула власти. Эфир от 18.11.2018
2018-11-18 00:41
Джузеппе Конте — итальянский юрист и политик. На посту председателя Совета министров Италии с 1 июня 2018 года. В программе правительства Конте стоит такая важная повестка дня, как отмена антироссийских санкций. Конте убежден: надо поддерживать диалог с Россией и развивать этот диалог. И тут нужно смотреть на улучшение взаимоотношений со всем Евросоюзом. Премьер — большой поклонник русской культуры, литературы. В своей первой парламентской речи он цитировал Пушкина и Достоевского.

Сторонники автокефалии атаковали резиденцию архиерея Криворожской епархии
2018-11-18 01:09
В городе Кривой Рог десятки сторонников автокефалии Украинской церкви атаковали резиденцию митрополита Криворожского и Никопольского Ефрема. Он верен Украинской православной церкви.

Spain: Antifa march on Madrid ahead of anniversary of Franco's death
2018-11-18 01:25
Around a thousand anti-fascist protesters marched through downtown Madrid on Saturday, three days before the anniversary of the death of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. Demonstrators with anti-fascist banners and signs, shouted anti-fascist slogans and lit flares as they walked through the streets. Franco ruled Spain as a military dictator from 1939, after winning a civil war against the forces of the democratically elected Spanish Republic, until his death in 1975. The Spanish government is controversially planning to exhume and remove his remains from their tomb in the Valley of the Fallen near Madrid. The colossal landmark was built under Franco's orders, allegedly with the use of the forced labour of opponents to his regime, and has since become a pilgrimage site for his supporters.

USA: Trump sees Cali fire devastation up close and personal in Paradise
2018-11-18 02:12
US President Donald Trump joined California Governor Jerry Brown and the Governor-elect Gavin Newsom in Paradise, CA on Saturday to see the destruction left behind by wildfires which tore through the state last week. «It's going to work out well. But right now we want to take care of the people that are so badly hurt. The families where they've lost, there have been a lot of people who have been lost,» Trump said. «We have incredible people doing the job, so we'll get that done better than anybody else could do it.» Wildfires occur often in California but this year has seen a spate of particularly ferocious fires. The 'Camp' wildfire, which started in the north of the state on November 8, has caused 71 deaths and destroyed over 10,000 structures, and is reportedly the most deadly and destructive blaze in California's history. Over a thousand people are also reported as missing.

Papua New Guinea: Xi, Medvedev, Pence arrive for last day of APEC meet
2018-11-18 02:27
Leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit gathered in Port Moresby on Sunday for the last day of the summit. Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill received leaders including Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, US Vice President Mike Pence, Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, Canadian President Justin Trudeau, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The leaders then posed for a group photo ahead of the conference's final day. The 26th APEC summit is being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies are meeting to discuss trade and economic development in the region.

USA: 'Never seen anything like this' — Trump visits Chico fires op. centre
2018-11-18 02:44
US President Donald Trump visited an operations centre in Chico on Saturday to talk with local officials about the California wildfires. «We've never seen anything like this,» Trump said, calling it «total devastation.» The president, who was joined by California Governor Jerry Brown, then vowed to improve management practices in order to have «safe forests» and a «great climate.» The 'Camp' wildfire, which started in the north of the state on November 8, has caused 71 deaths and destroyed over 10,000 structures, and is reportedly the most deadly and destructive blaze in California's history. Over a thousand people are also reported as missing.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Hundreds join anti-migrant protest in Bihac
2018-11-18 03:21
Hundreds of people gathered in the north-western Bosnian town of Bihac on Saturday to protest against increasing numbers of migrants in the area and what they perceive as a lack of government action on the issue. Protesters demanded that the authorities should stop rail transport from Sarajevo as they believe this route is being used by migrants to reach the location. Bihac is located very close to border with Croatia and the EU, and it is facing an increasing number of migrants and refugees that get stuck in the city while passing through the so-called Balkan Route to reach Western Europe.

Greece: Molotovs scorch Athens on Polytechnic uprising anniversary
2018-11-18 03:51
Clashes broke out between protesters and riot police in Athens on Saturday, after thousands marched to mark the 45th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising against Greece's military junta. Protesters attacked the police with Molotov cocktails and firecrackers as well as set a Greek flag on fire. Police then dispersed the protesters with water cannons. The 1973 Athens Polytechnic uprising occurred during the so-called Regime of the Colonels from 1967 to 1974. The uprising began on November 14, escalating into an open revolt that finished in bloodshed in the early morning of November 17. Twenty-four civilians were killed in clashes while hundreds were injured.

Papua New Guinea: US, Japan, NZ, Aus sign up to bring power to PNG
2018-11-18 05:12
The United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand announced their commitment to bringing electricity to 70 percent of Papua New Guinea's people by 2030, during the APEC summit in Port Moresby on Sunday. The host country's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill thanked his four counterparts by saying «unlike many of our friends in the community, Papua New Guineans continue to live in the dark. With this partnership, we can be able to connect hundreds of thousands of families across the country for the first time.» Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated that the country is «conducting a project for strengthening power transmission network in the Morobe Province.» The two leaders then signed up the agreement with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and US Vice President Mike Pence.

USA: Four arrested after 'We The People' rally in Philly turns violent
2018-11-18 05:34
Violence broke at a 'We The People' rally in Philadelphia on Saturday, leading to four arrests. Fighting took place between conservative protesters and counter-demonstrators at the event, which attracted members from the so-called Alt-Right movement such as the Proud Boys. Skirmishes were a regular occurrence as the rally moved down 5th and 6th Street. «They've smeared us as something we aren't, as white supremacists, white nationalists, Nazis, when that's furthest from the truth,» said one of the demonstrators. «If you're anything right of Bernie Sanders, you're going to be destroyed and they're going to try and smear your name.» A police officer was reportedly taken to hospital after sustaining injuries during a scuffle.

USA: Two killed after WW2 fighter plane crashes near Texas apartments *STILLS*
2018-11-18 05:38
A World War II-era fighter plane crashed in the carpark of a Fredericksburg apartment complex on Saturday, killing two people. The Mustang P-51D crashed at around 15:15 local time and was destroyed in the process, as well as damaging several other vehicles. The National Museum of the Pacific War confirmed that one of the deceased was a US veteran. The Mustang was initially produced for combat in 1940, during the Second World War, and was later deployed in Korea. Mandatory credit: Glenn Kropat

В Папуа-Новой Гвинее начался второй день саммита АТЭС
2018-11-18 06:02
В столице Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, Порт-Морсби, стартовал второй день саммита Азиатско-Тихоокеанского экономического сотрудничества (АТЭС). Россию на саммите представляет делегация во главе с премьер-министром Дмитрием Медведевым.

Сотрудница совета нацбезопасности США уволена сразу после визита в Эр-Рияд
2018-11-18 06:10
Белый дом отправил в отставку Кирстен Фонтенроуз. Эта высокопоставленная сотрудница Совета национальной безопасности США как раз курировала политику в отношении Саудовской Аравии.

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