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Brazil: Cuban doctors fly home after Bolsonaro's win

Brazil: Cuban doctors fly home after Bolsonaro's win
2018-11-24 04:46
Cuban doctors boarded planes destined for home at Brasilia's International Airport on Friday, after island pulled out of the Mais Medicos programme. Chartered flights have been sent to fetch the health workers. There were reports of long queues as passengers brought televisions and other goods. Over a week ago, the Cuban Health Ministry announced its decision to withdraw from the programme due to the «unacceptable» threats and conditions imposed by Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, who threatened to cut relations with Cuba and change the terms of a five-year agreement between the two countries and the World Health Organization. Bolsonaro questioned the competence of Cuban specialists and made their permanence in Brazil conditional to a validation of their diplomas and to new contracts to be signed with the incoming government. About 30 million Brazilians in over 600 cities will be left without health assistance, after Havana's decision to pull out of the program.

Следят ли российские сервисы такси за пассажирами
2018-11-24 06:00
Литовское правительство подозревает, что сервис «Яндекс.Такси» может следить за пассажирами, и призывает жителей не пользоваться приложением. Насколько обоснованные опасения у властей Литвы, мы спросили специалиста в области IT-безопасности Александра Литреева

Mexico: Health concerns plague migrant caravan
2018-11-24 07:11
Sickness has begun to set in among Central American migrants in Tijuana as Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum declared a humanitarian crisis and asked for federal assistance. Cold and wet weather on the 4,400-km (2,700-mile) journey from San Pedro de Sula in Honduras has left many migrants exposed to flu and other infectious diseases. The man in charge of the local health department Dr. Oscar Jiner Aparicio was quick to reassure any fears. «We reiterate that we can rule out any contagious, infectious, illnesses with any danger for the migrants or the local population,» the doctor clarified. Around 70-80 per cent of visits to his clinic concern pulmonary infections and this figure has been constant since the migrant caravan arrived last week. One migrant Jose Raul blamed constant movement for his health problems. «We had to rest, but we go to one state and the next day we were already leaving.» While Ronnie Gabriel said the «climate» left him feeling sick. Tensions are running high in the border town. Some local residents remain fearful that the migrants, most of whom are from Northern Triangle countries — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, will bring crime and disease.

Индустриальное искусство: художница из Кливленда находит вдохновение в необычных предметах
2018-11-24 07:45
Сьюзи Фрейзер из Кливленда, штат Огайо, свое вдохновение находит в стройматериалах и старых выброшенных предметах.

В Литве подозревают «Яндекс.Такси» в слежке за пассажирами
2018-11-24 08:05
Литовское правительство подозревает, что сервис «Яндекс.Такси» может следить за пассажирами, и призывает жителей не пользоваться приложением. Российские сервисы, которые хотят работать в странах ближнего зарубежья, в последнее время сталкиваются с недоверием.

Караван мигрантов на границе с США: ситуация накаляется
2018-11-24 08:40
В мексиканской Тихуане прошли новые акции протеста мигрантов из Центральной Америки. Люди собрались возле КПП на границе с США и призвали власти обеих стран ускорить процесс предоставления убежища.

В Чехии митингующие требуют отставки действующего правительства
2018-11-24 08:41
Несколько тысяч человек вышли на демонстрацию в Праге. Главное требование митингующих — отставка правительства во главе с премьер-министром Чехии Андреем Бабишем.

Столкновения на границе сектора Газа: более 100 человек пострадали
2018-11-24 08:41
Более 100 человек пострадали на границе сектора Газа в результате столкновений палестинцев с израильскими военными.

Учения «Индра-2018»: спасение заложников
2018-11-24 08:43
Военные России и Индии на совместных учениях «Индра-2018» освободили заложников, которых террористы захватили в жилом доме.

Гормон роста — залог здоровья детей
2018-11-24 08:46
История юного бейсболиста Спенсера Бэймана.

«Мой маленький мир»: почти 30 детских рисунков стали одним целым
2018-11-24 09:38
Детский проект под названием «Мой маленький мир» завершился в Москве. Каждый ребенок создавал свой отдельный рисунок, который позже стал частью одной большой композиции. На ее создание ушло несколько месяцев.

Как итальянцы смогли оскорбить целый Китай
2018-11-24 09:43
В мире моды очередной расистский скандал. На этот раз с дизайнерами Доменико Дольче и Стефано Габбана. Как итальянцы смогли оскорбить целый Китай, что звезды выбрасывают одежду бренда.

Агитпроп. Эфир от 24.11.2018
2018-11-24 09:47
Украина, а также США, Канада и Франция с размахом отмечают 85-летие голода 30-х годов в Советском Союзе. Та трагедия затронула многие регионы страны — в том числе нынешней России, Казахстана и Белоруссии. Но в Киеве и на Западе говорят только о голоде на Украине. Почему?

В Вашингтоне открылась выставка модного дома Rodarte
2018-11-24 10:10
Rodarte в Вашингтоне: Национальный музей женского искусства открыл одну из главных выставок сезона.

Cuba: Spain may veto Brexit agreement over Gibraltar — Spanish PM
2018-11-24 11:06
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez threatened to «veto on the Brexit agreement» if the UK does not issue a written guarantee about the future of Gibraltar, at a press conference in Havana on Friday. Despite receiving private assurances from the UK that the disputed territory would not be covered by a future trade deal without the approval of Spain, the Prime Minister said he would not attend Brexit talks in Brussels on Sunday unless they were formally put into writing. «The guarantees are not yet sufficient and therefore Spain maintains the veto on the Brexit agreement,» Sanchez said. Although Spain has no power to formally veto Brexit, the EU would be unlikely to go ahead with the withdrawal agreement without Madrid's assent. Mandatory credit: Gobierno de Espana

Выставка Куинджи в Третьяковке станет бесплатной на один день
2018-11-24 11:38
В Третьяковской галерее можно будет посмотреть на работы одного из самых ярких русских художников 19-го столетия — Архипа Куинджи. В Инженерном корпусе собрали около двухсот этюдов и эскизов из коллекций разных музеев. Выставка будет работать с 10:00 до 18:30. Также всех приглашают посетить постоянные экспозиции Третьяковки. Вход в галерею сделают свободным в рамках акции «Культурный марафон», она пройдет в России впервые. Подробнее — на телеканале Москва 24.

Наталья Орейро сняла новый клип в России
2018-11-24 11:39
Звезда аргентинского сериала и певица Наталья Орейро выпустила новый клип, снятый в Балашихе. Видео на композицию To Russia with Love стремительно набирает лайки. Ролик сняли в стилистике 80-х годов. Местом действия выбрали территорию культурно-досугового центра «Заря», где появился вымышленный городок «Орейрово». По сюжету, Наталья Орейро приезжает домой к российской семье и устраивает праздник. Не обошлось без элементов, которые ассоциируются у иностранцев с Россией — аккордеона, ковра на стене, кокошников. Несколько строк песни Натальи Орейро спела на русском языке. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24.

К участию в выборах губернатора Приморья допущено 5 кандидатов
2018-11-24 11:41
Краевая избирательная комиссия Приморья приняла решение отказать в регистрации еще четырем выдвинутым кандидатам на пост губернатора края. В результате в выборах главы региона будут участвовать пять человек, сообщила на брифинге во Владивостоке председатель крайизбиркома Татьяна Гладких.

«Раскрывая мистические тайны»: Людмила Гурченко
2018-11-24 11:42
С детства она умела мечтать: о сцене и популярности, о своем слушателе и зрителе, о любви и принце на белом коне. Народная артистка СССР Людмила Гурченко, как говорят ее близкие, ни на секунду не сомневалась — ее мечтам суждено сбыться. Однако путь к ее звездам был слишком тернист. Ей пришлось пережить войну, голод, холод, оглушительный успех после первой же роли в кино и мгновенный провал в бездну. Множество раз она чувствовала себя неугодной, забытой, не нужной. Однако вновь и вновь поднимала голову вверх. Какую цену за свою мечту пришлось заплатить легендарной актрисе? Что скрывала Людмила Гурченко? Подробнее — в программе «Раскрывая мистические тайны».

Национальное измерение. Выпуск от 24 ноября 2018 года
2018-11-24 12:00
Что такое сказочный реализм?

Лавров: США спровоцировали конфликт в Европе и раскручивают гонку вооружений
2018-11-24 12:17
Министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров в интервью португальской газете «Публику» поделился мнением о причинах кризиса на Украине и ухудшении отношений РФ и стран Европы.

China: Same-sex marriage referendum begins in Taiwan
2018-11-24 12:31
Voters lined up across Taiwan to cast their votes on same-sex marriage and other major social issues in a series of 10 referendums on Saturday, footage from Taipei shows. One of the voters, Yongyu Wang, explained his view on the issue. «I am in favour of gay marriage because I think it's people's basic right. There is no reason why it should be opposed.» Taiwan's high court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage in May 2017, giving parliament two years to legislate on the issue and pass new laws. However, a recent survey by the Taiwan Public Opinions Foundation found that 77% of respondents were in favour of the traditional definition of marriage, between a man and a woman. Voters are also being asked whether the country should compete in the Olympics under the name Taiwan or Chinese Taipei, the latter being agreed upon with China and the International Olympic Committee in 1979 under the Nagoya Resolution, and ratified by Taiwan's government in 1981. A vote to move away from the name could inflame tensions with China. The results of the referendums are due by the end of Saturday. If the same-sex marriage referendum is successful, Taiwan will become the first Asian country to legalise the practice.

Великобритания назвала РФ большей угрозой, чем ИГИЛ
2018-11-24 13:00
Об этом заявили в Генштабе Соединенного королевства, критикуя роль, которую Россия играет в международных отношениях.

France: 'Yellow vest' protesters clash with police in Paris
2018-11-24 13:00
French anti-fuel tax protesters were seen clashing with police on the streets of Paris on Saturday, as people flooded the capital to rally against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax. Protesters were seen throwing stones at and scuffling with police who used water cannons and pepper spray to disperse them. Several protesters were seen being arrested. The «yellow vest» protest movement has grown over the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

Жертвами ударов международной коалиции стали 11 мирных сирийцев
2018-11-24 13:05
Международная коалиция во главе с США нанесла удар по деревне Шаафа в сирийской провинции Дейр-эз-Зор. Жертвами налета стали десять мирных жителей, включая женщин и детей.

В России станут жестче контролировать владельцев оружия
2018-11-24 13:09
На этой неделе было объявлено, что вице-спикер Госдумы Ирина Яровая разработала федеральный законопроект, который ужесточает правила приобретения огнестрельного гладкоствольного оружия для тех, кому от 18 до 21 года.

Iran: Rouhani calls Israel ‘cancerous tumour’ at Islamic Unity Conference
2018-11-24 13:14
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called Israel a «cancerous tumour» and a «fabricated regime» created by Western powers while speaking at a conference of Islamic scholars in Tehran on Saturday. «One of the ominous effects of World War Two was creating the cancerous tumour [Israel] in this region,» Rouhani said. In his speech, the President also addressed questions to Saudi Arabia as to why they co-operate financially with the United States, who «frequently insults» them. «We do not ask you (Saudi Arabia) for four hundred and fifty billion dollars, and we do not insult you — we see you as our brother,» Rouhani said. The comments came a few days after US President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday that the Kingdom had pledged to invest $450 billion dollars in the US.

India: Russian and Indian armed forces hold joint drills in Uttar Pradesh
2018-11-24 13:38
Russian and Indian armed forces carried out joint drills dubbed 'Indra-2018’ in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, footage released by Russian Ministry of Defense on Saturday shows. Footage shows various drills, including the storming of a building supposedly captured by terrorists. As well as soldiers working in collaboration with armoured vehicles and tanks. 250 soldiers from Russia’s Eastern Military District and 250 soldiers from the Indian military forces participated in the drills. Russian armed forces performed drills using the armour of host country. The drills will continue until November 28.

Британия выходит, Ирландия остается: Евросоюз ждут новые границы
2018-11-24 13:48
Город Петтиго расположен на границе двух Ирландий, граница проходит через город по реке. Как здесь будет, когда одна часть города останется в Евросоюзе, а другая выйдет?

France: Chaos in Paris as anti-fuel tax protest turns violent
2018-11-24 14:47
French police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse anti-fuel tax protesters who were rallying against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax in Paris on Saturday. A vehicle and a tent of a nearby café were set on fire, while people barricaded behind pieces of furniture as they tried to hide from water cannons and march further. Some were seen shaking a traffic light in a bid to break it, while others were turning what seemed to be a vehicle over to use as a barricade against police. The «yellow vest» movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

Евромайдан. Начало событий в 2013 году
2018-11-24 15:11
Пять лет назад, 21 ноября 2013 года, правительство Украины остановило работу над соглашением об ассоциации между Украиной и Евросоюзом. Какой была реакция оппозиции и Евросоюза, знает весь мир. Проследить всю хронологию событий, почувствовать живую атмосферу первых недель Евромайдана можно в репортажах тех дней от корреспондентов программы «Вести недели» и журналистов канала «Россия 24».

Первая рождественская ярмарка, выставки и катки: где в выходные почувствовать атмосферу праздника?
2018-11-24 15:26
С приближением новогодних праздников московская афиша становится все более разнообразной. В городе открываются рождественские ярмарки и катки. А для тех, кто предпочитает проводить выходные в тепле, на этой неделе открылись сразу три уникальные выставки.

Armenia: Hundreds of Pashinyan supporters rally in Yerevan
2018-11-24 15:36
Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Yerevan on Saturday, following the call of acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to protest. Demonstrators can be seen marching alongside Pashinyan, banging drums and chanting slogans. The protest was announced on November 21st as a way ‘to meet and talk to the people of Armenia.’ Pashinyan announced his resignation in Yerevan on October 10, which triggered new elections in the country, which are to take place on December 9.

В Приморье отказались регистрировать Ищенко на выборы в губернаторы
2018-11-24 15:41
Избирательная комиссия Приморского края в субботу завершила регистрацию кандидатов в губернаторы региона, в выборах будут участвовать пять из 11 претендентов, подавших документы для регистрации.

США хотят похоронить ДРСМД и свергнуть Асада при помощи ИГ
2018-11-24 15:50
Россия заинтересована в сохранении Договора о ракетах средней и меньшей дальности (ДРСМД), заявил глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров. Он указал также, что США используют террористическую организацию «Исламское государство» (ИГИЛ — запрещена в РФ) для свершения режима президента Сирии Башара Асада.

Portugal: Washington using IS like ‘an ally’ against Assad govt. — Lavrov
2018-11-24 15:58
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Washington is using the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) «almost as an ally in fighting against the Syrian regime,» while speaking at a press conference alongside his Portuguese counterpart Augusto Santos Silva in Lisbon on Saturday. «So, the main [US] aim now is to once again to change the Syrian regime, but not to defeat IS,» he concluded, adding that IS serves as an excuse for American presence in the region. Lavrov also responded to comments made by the British Chief of the General Staff Mark Carleton-Smith who said that Russia is a «far greater threat to the UK» than IS. «Does Russia have a red line for statements like those that the British Chief of the General Staff allowed himself to make? You know, we cannot forbid anyone to demonstrate their intellectual and political skills,» Lavrov said. The foreign minister also commented on the as-yet-unknown whereabouts of the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, saying: «The British government and the British intelligence services have something to hide.» Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva went on to speak about the case of RIA Novosti Ukraine head Kirill Vishinsky, who is currently awaiting trial in Ukraine, saying that he «condemns any attempts to arrest people for their political views.»

Шествие сторонников Никола Пашиняна в Ереване
2018-11-24 16:26
Никол Пашинян проводит марш сторонников в центре Еревана.

France: Trump featured in EU election campaign ads in Strasbourg
2018-11-24 17:06
Strasbourg's municipality has plastered US President's Donald Trump's face on EU elections campaign to encourage French citizens to vote, footage showed on Saturday. The posters show Trump's face covered with EU's flag while an inscription on the bottom reads: «This time, I will register and I will vote.» Reactions have reportedly been mixed. While some have criticised the posters as misusing Trump's unpopularity as an intimidation technique, others have applauded the campaign move. «I believe it's important to show that Europe can also have the power, especially versus Trump,» said a Strasbourg resident. «I believe this vote is also voting against the US,» another added. According to the Jean-Francois Lanneluc, head of communications for Strasbourg, the city stands firmly by its campaign move. «Europe remains a sort of model against the temptation of isolationism, which Trump embodies… We stand behind the message; we evaluated the risks,» Lanneluc have reportedly said. The EU elections will take place May 26 to 29, with 500 million people from 28 member states voting to choose 751 Members of European Parliament (MEPs).

В Украине отмечают годовщину памяти жертв голодомора
2018-11-24 17:25
Украина чтит память жертв Голодомора 1932-1933 годов, во время которого погибло около четырех миллионов украинцев.

France: Paris burns as police use tear gas and water cannon at anti-fuel protest
2018-11-24 17:32
French police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse anti-fuel tax protesters who were rallying against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax in Paris on Saturday. Police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters, while people barricaded behind pieces of furniture as they tried to march further. The «yellow vest» movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

«Дороги к свободе»: Майдан. 5 лет спустя
2018-11-24 17:36
Революция достоинства и достоинство современников. Как изменилась Украина за 5 лет после Майдана? Как повлияли украинские революции на постсоветское пространство? Виталий Портников беседует с депутатом Верховной Рады Украины Анной Гопко и публицистом Маратом Гельманом.

Spain: 'Stop Sanchez' — anti-government protesters flood Madrid
2018-11-24 17:39
People flooded Madrid on Saturday, to protest against the policy of the current government and the possible amnesty for jailed Catalan leaders. The protest was led by Albert Rivera, the leader of the Citizens party who also gave a speech in front of the crowd. «I am never going to govern with the separatists. I will never give up and surrender my country, nor humiliate my country so that some gentlemen support me with a few seats,» stated Rivera. People waved Spanish and EU flags and banners condemning current Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and reading 'Stop Sanchez'.

Italy: World leaders committed to act on Syria before December 31 — De Mistura
2018-11-24 17:53
There is no real military solution to the conflict in Syria and «only a political solution with the maximum convergence of positions can be done,» Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey Sedat Oenal said during the fourth edition of the MED — Mediterranean Dialogues in Rome on Saturday. UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura demanded a 'deadline' for the solution, adding that countries including Russia, Turkey, France and Germany had agreed earlier on a deadline by the end of this year. «I would say try to do something in Syria, it is not easy, it is difficult, but it might be a game changer which would allow a more general reconsideration between Moscow and Brussels, between Moscow and major European capitals,» Director General of Russian International Affairs Council Andrey Kortunov pointed out.

Spain: Sanchez withdraws Brexit veto threat after Gibraltar concessions
2018-11-24 17:56
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that he had reached a deal with the European Union regarding the status of post-Brexit Gibraltar during a briefing in Madrid on Saturday. The agreement means that British Prime Minister Theresa May can now have her Brexit deal approved by an EU summit, which is being held in Brussels on Sunday. «Europe and the UK have both accepted the demands made by Spain. This is important because it means Spain can now dismiss its veto and vote in favour of Brexit,» Sanchez said. Sanchez explained that Article 184, which had proved a sticking point, had been discarded in an 'historic' move. «Once the United Kingdom withdraws from the European Union, Gibraltar's legal, political and geographic relationship with the EU will pass through Spain,» he said. «Gibraltar will be excluded from general negotiations between the United Kingdom and the EU, this means Spain can have direct negotiations with the UK regarding Gibraltar.» Spain, Sanchez said, will now be able to talk to Westminster regarding Gibraltar's sovereignty. He added that he had received 'historic written confirmation' from the British government regarding Article 184. Madrid had previously threatened to veto any Brexit deals should it not receive concessions regarding Gibraltar's status. MANDATORY CREDIT: Moncloa

Portugal: London trying to build anti-Russian coalition with 'fake news' — Zhakharova
2018-11-24 18:16
Spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova commented on the discontent of some European countries with the lack of a sovereign foreign policy in the European Union, as well as accusations of propaganda against the Russian RT News Channel and Sputnik, speaking in Lisbon on Saturday. “What Angela Merkel is saying, it is not the future, it is even not the present, it is the past, they have already lost their sovereignty,” she said referring to the recent statement by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the European Union’s member-states have to be ready to renounce their sovereignty. According to Zakharova, during bilateral talks some EU countries admitted to «be tired of» of being forced to join the coalition-policy against Russia. «That is not their choice at all, that they are for cooperation, that they are for normalisation of the world international affairs and they are for resolving problems if we have ones in a normal way, using diplomacy,» explained Zakharova. Reacting to allegations by France accusing RT and Sputnik of spreading propaganda, she questioned the impartiality of the French media while covering events in Ukraine’s Donbass region and asked whether there are French reports on the ground at all. “I am not sure that there even couple of people work there and I want to stress one more time that RT and Sputnik are working there and they are making their reports and they are visiting that place,” concluded the spokesperson.

Japan: Shinzo Abe and IOC’s Bach visit Fukushima in anticipation of 2020 games
2018-11-24 18:55
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited Fukushima’s sports infrastructure on Saturday. The city has slowly made its recovery from the devastating 2011 earthquake, tsunami and its radioactive calamity in anticipation of the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan. «The 2020 Olympics and Paralympics is a wonderful chance for people around the world to get a sense of how much we have recovered in the last ten years,» said Governor of Fukushima Prefecture Masao Uchibori. «This is a day where you could experience the power of sport. The power of sport to give hope to people. The power of sport to give confidence in the future for people and their meeting athletes having been affected by the Fukushima natural disaster,» reflected Bach. Japan will host the 2020 Olympic Games from July 24 to August 9 and Fukushima will be the first city to stage the first leg of the Olympic torch relay.

France: Clashes continue as anti-fuel protests turn violent in Paris
2018-11-24 19:04
Tensions continued to rise in Paris on Saturday, as protesters flooded the capital to rally against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax. Police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters, while people barricaded behind pieces of furniture as they tried to march further. The «yellow vest» movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

Belgium: Juncker greets Theresa May in Brussels ahead of crucial Brexit talks
2018-11-24 19:41
United Kingdom Prime Minister Theresa May arrived in Brussels on Saturday evening, ahead of Sunday's summit on Brexit with the 27 European leaders. May was greeted by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, with the two leaders shaking hands and posing for photographs in front of the UK and EU flags. The Prime Minister is also due to meet EU Council President Donald Tusk in the evening. The parties will held talks on the withdrawal terms of the UK from the bloc next year, after Spain reached an agreement with both the EU and UK on Saturday, which clarifies the status of Gibraltar after Brexit.

Вести в субботу. Эфир от 24.11.2018 (20:00)
2018-11-24 20:00
В якутском селе десятилетний мальчик спас четырех малышей при пожаре. Ему всего 25 лет, а он — уже директор школы: чем живет эта школа и к какому будущему ее директор готовит учеников. В Татарстане предлагают ужесточить контроль за владельцами оружия во всей России после того, что пережила Керчь. Ирландия в ЕС остается, а Британия выходит: повторит ли Еврсоюз то, что случилось с Союзом Советским?

Ukraine: Hundreds commemorate Holodomor famine victims in Kiev
2018-11-24 20:44
Hundreds of Ukrainians gathered at Kiev's National Museum of Memorial to Holodomor Victims on Saturday to pay their respects to those who lost their lives during the period of famine across Ukraine in the 1930s. People laid wheat and lit candles around the 'Bitter Memories of Childhood' statue to commemorate victims. The Holodomor famine of 1932 and 1933 claimed the lives of an estimated 3.3-7.5 million during the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Kiev's museum was established in 2008 and further Holodomor memorials have been set up across the world, including in Chicago and Calgary, to honour the dead.

Egypt: Archaeologists unveil 3,000-year-old Ramesside tomb in Luxor
2018-11-24 21:09
The Egyptian Minister of Antiquities revealed that two sarcophagi which date back over 3,000 years had been discovered in a tomb located in Luxor on Saturday. According to General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Waziri, the name of the tomb owner was Thaw-Irkhet-if, which means «the wind behind him.» «More than one thousand Ushabti statues, some of them made out of terracotta, clay, some others are made out of faience, some others made of wood, and we found a couple of masks, well painted, well coloured masks,» he revealed. «We found a new Ramesside tomb with colour paintings, a depiction of the queen Ahmose-Nefertari and their son Amenhotep I,” said Minister of Antiquities Khaled El-Enany.

Belgium: 'UK's position on the sovereignty of Gibraltar has not changed' — May
2018-11-24 21:12
SOT, Theresa May, Prime Minister of the UK: «Well, let me just say a word about the position regarding Gibraltar. We have worked through the withdrawal issues for Gibraltar with Spain in a constructive and sensible way and I'd like to pay tribute to the statesmanship with which [Chief Minister of Gibraltar] Fabian Picardo has led the negotiations on behalf of Gibraltar and we have ensured that Gibraltar is covered by the whole withdrawal agreement and by the implementation period and we will always negotiate on behalf of the whole UK family, including Gibraltar. And in the future relationship we will stand up for their interests and the UK's position on the sovereignty of Gibraltar has not changed and will not change. I am proud that Gibraltar is British and I will always stand by Gibraltar.» UK Prime Minister Theresa May flatly rejected Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s claims regarding Gibraltar’s sovereignty in the post-Brexit era, speaking to reporters in Brussels on Saturday. «We will stand up for [Gibraltar’s] interests and the UK's position on the sovereignty of Gibraltar has not changed and will not change,» emphasized May after praising Chief Minister of Gibraltar Fabian Picardo. «I am proud that Gibraltar is British and I will always stand by Gibraltar,» added May. The remarks came after Sanchez claimed the UK had softened its stance on the sovereignty of Gibraltar in return for Spain’s approval vote for May’s Brexit’s deal, set to be finalised in Brussels on Sunday. Madrid had previously threatened to veto any Brexit deals should it not receive concessions regarding Gibraltar's status.

France: Tension remains high in Paris as clashes continue over anti-fuel protest
2018-11-24 21:40
Paris descended into chaos on Saturday, as clashes continued with protesters rallying against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax. Police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters and barricades, with clashes breaking out along Champs Elysees boulevard. The «yellow vest» movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

Belgium: Juncker meets Italian PM Conte ahead of Crucial Brexit talks
2018-11-24 22:15
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrived in Brussels on Saturday, for a working dinner, ahead of Sunday's summit on Brexit with the 27 European leaders. Conte was greeted by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, with the two leaders shaking hands and posing for photographs in front of the Italian and EU flags. During the dinner, the EU's top leader was reported to address the European Commission's rejection of Rome's 2019 budget.

Yemen: 'We look forward to a just and honourable peace' — Houthi official
2018-11-24 22:23
United Nations special envoy Martin Griffiths concluded talks with the Houthi leadership in Sanaa on Saturday, before leaving for Riyadh to hold talks with the Saudi-backed Yemeni authorities about ending the civil war in Yemen. Griffiths arrived in Sanaa on Wednesday to discuss details of December's planned peace talks in Sweden between the Houthi militia and Saudi-backed Yemeni government. «He knows very well that the suffering of the Yemeni people is a constant effort towards peace,» Chairman of the Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said, «We hope that his tour will end tomorrow in Riyadh with positive results.» Fighting between Saudi-led coalition forces and Houthi fighters flared up again around Hodeidah earlier in November despite the United Nations (UN) pushing for a resumption of peace talks.

UK: Police arrest 'Extinction Rebellion' climate protesters in London
2018-11-24 22:48
Police arrested several environmental activists who were protesting to demand action from the UK government on climate change, in London on Saturday. The arrests took place as around 1,000 protesters from the environmentalist group 'Extinction Rebellion' marched from Westminster’s Parliament square to Buckingham Palace. «We are beyond the period of half-measures, of asking nicely and requesting our leaders to do something,» said a protester who was demanding fundamental changes. The arrests included that of a protester who had spray-painted a war memorial in Whitehall. Another had glued her hands to the gates of Buckingham Palace in protest.

Lithuania: US Patriot missiles join Vilvius parade for 100 years of Armed Forces
2018-11-24 22:57
Lithuania marked the centenary anniversary of the re-established Lithuanian Armed Forces with a military parade in Vilnius on Saturday. Nearly 1,800 Lithuanian troops and 80 hardware as well as soldiers and military equipment from 14 NATO and partner countries engaged in the event. US soldiers also put the Patriot long-range air defence system on display during the parade.

Сирийцы и вооруженная оппозиция обменялись пленными
2018-11-24 23:00
24 ноября 2018 г. на территории Сирийской Арабской Республике в районе н.п. Тадэф (35 км северо-восточнее г. Алеппо) состоялся обмен 10 удерживаемых незаконными вооруженными формированиями граждан Сирии на 10 боевиков отрядов вооруженной оппозиции. Обмен организован с участием представителей минобороны России в Рабочей группе по освобождению заложников, передаче тел погибших и поиску пропавших без вести лиц, действующей в рамках Астанинского формата. Обмен производился в присутствии иранской и турецкой сторон, а также Сирийского арабского красного полумесяца.

В Сирии при посредничестве России прошел обмен пленными
2018-11-24 23:11
В сирийском районе Алеппо прошел обмен «временно удерживаемыми лицами». Организовали его при участии представителей минобороны России в рамках астанинских договоренностей. Сирийским военным удалось обменять 10 боевиков вооруженной оппозиции на 10 граждан Сирии, которых удерживали незаконные формирования.

Ukraine: Poroshenko blames Russia for 20th century Ukrainian famine
2018-11-24 23:17
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko put the blame for the Holodomor famine in Ukraine in the 1930s on Russia, as he spoke during the commemoration ceremony marking the 85th anniversary of the tragic events in Kiev on Saturday. «Historical responsibility for the Holodomor lies on the Russian Federation as a successor to the USSR, and that crime does not have a limitation period,» he stated. The Holodomor famine of 1932 and 1933 claimed the lives of an estimated 2.5-7.5 million Ukrainians in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic when it was part of the USSR. Ukraine considers the Holodomor famine as a genocide against the Ukrainian people, while Russia sees Kiev's position towards the tragic period as an attempt to politicize history and sow discord between the Russian and Ukrainian people. During his speech, Poroshenko confirmed Ukraine's strategic course to become part of NATO and the EU. On November 23, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted in the first reading amendments to the Constitution «which oblige the Ukrainian authorities to ensure Ukraine's accession to the European Union and NATO.» «Ukraine will definitely become a full member of NATO and a full member of the European Union!» he concluded.

«Новости США за 60 секунд»: 24.11.2018
2018-11-24 23:24
Пожары в Калифорнии. США почтили память жертв Голодомора. Запрет военной службы для трансгендеров.

Italy: Thousands of women take to the streets of Rome to stand against femicide
2018-11-24 23:34
Italian women staged a huge feminist demonstration in Rome on Saturday, to protest against gender-based violence which has seen a rise in recent years. The protest was organised by the 'Non Una Di Meno' (No one less) campaign group, which accuses the current right-wing government of being sexist and patriarchal. Thousands of women marched through the streets of the centre, holding banners and chanting slogans, as they reached San Giovanni Square. Women also stood for the 194 Law on abortion, after recent threats of changing the legislation by some right-wing politicians.

«Вести в субботу»: Эфир от 24.11.2018
2018-11-24 23:52
В якутском селе десятилетний мальчик спас четырех малышей при пожаре. Ему всего 25 лет, а он — директор школы: чем живет эта школа и к какому будущему ее директор готовит учеников. В Татарстане предлагают ужесточить контроль за владельцами оружия во всей России после того, что пережила Керчь. Ирландия в ЕС остается, а Британия выходит: повторит ли Евросоюз то, что случилось с Союзом Советским?

Совбез ООН сделал исключение в санкциях против Северной Кореи
2018-11-25 00:11
Совет Безопасности ООН предоставил Сеулу исключение по некоторым санкциям в отношении Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики в рамках проекта по соединению железных дорог Южной и Северной Корей.

Taiwan: 'Great beginning' — LGBT+ supporters after referendum rejects same-sex marriage
2018-11-25 01:56
Although same-sex marriage was rejected in Taiwan's referendum on Saturday, the LGBT+ supporters who gathered in Taipei remained positive and confident. According to the referendum's results, the number of support votes only accounted for around half of the opposition votes. But, the LGBTQI rights activist Dayway Chief said, «given the proportion of the homosexual and heterosexual population, we are still a big winner.» Same-sex marriage supporter Kate Cheng agreed on this point, that the LGBT+ community was seeing progress. «Although it seems that vote disparity is very wide, actually we have had dialogues with more people in this period. Starting the conversation is actually very important, because going from being afraid to mention this issue to slowly acknowledging it, is a great beginning», she said. Taiwan's high court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage in May 2017, giving parliament two years to legislate on the issue and pass new laws. However, a recent survey by the Taiwan Public Opinions Foundation found that 77 percent of respondents were in favour of the 'traditional' definition of marriage, between a man and a woman.

France: Water cannons unleashed at 'Yellow Vest' protesters in Paris
2018-11-25 02:36
French police blasted water cannons at protesters in Paris on Saturday, as demonstrations against rising fuel prices and a planned fuel tax continued to ripple across the country. Fires were left burning in the wake of the protests, which saw clashes erupt between police and the so-called yellow vests protesters. The «yellow vest» movement has grown in the past weeks, as the government plans a tax increase on fuel, including gasoline and diesel, beginning on January 1, 2019 to promote environmentally friendly practices.

В выборах главы Приморья будут участвовать 5 кандидатов, шестерых «забраковали»
2018-11-25 03:44
В выборах главы Приморья примут участие пять человек. Об этом сообщила на брифинге председатель краевой избирательной комиссии Татьяна Гладких. Еще шесть человек, в том числе коммунист-самовыдвиженец Андрей Ищенко, зарегистрированы не были.

Bulgaria: Nationalists hold torch-lit march on Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine anniversary
2018-11-25 03:53
Members of the Bulgarian neo-Nazi network ‘Blood and Honour’ held a torch-lit rally in the city of Plovdiv on Saturday, in retaliation to the in 99th anniversary of the Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Sein. The treaty, drawn up at the end of the First World War by the Triple Entente, is also known as the ‘Second National Catastrophe’, due to its crippling effect on the country’s economy and territory.

Российские военные прибыли в сирийский Алеппо, отравленный хлором
2018-11-25 06:10
Российские военные химики прибыли в сирийский город Алеппо, жилые районы которого боевики обстреляли снарядами, начиненными хлором. Огонь велся из 120 миллиметровых минометов. Пострадали 46 человек, в том числе восемь детей. Россия намерена обсудить инцидент с Турцией.

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