Argentina: Families fuming over govt. response to located ARA sub
Argentina: Families fuming over govt. response to located ARA sub 2018-11-18 07:18 Family and friends of the ARA San Juan submarine crew demanded to see the vessel's recently-discovered hull in Buenos Aires on Saturday, after the country's Defence Minister Oscar Aguad said there were no means of recovering it. «What we want to see are at least the bones of our children to bury them. This is the people's demand,» said the mother of one victims, Julia Chazarreta. Officials confirmed the ARA San Juan submarine was uncovered at a depth of 907m (2,975 feet) below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean a year after its disappearance. The ARA San Juan and its crew of 44 went missing on November 15 2017, shortly after reporting an electrical malfunction. It was 480km (380 miles) off the coast of Argentina, en route from Ushuaia to its base in Mar del Plata. Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 18.11.2018 (08:40) 2018-11-18 08:40 «Оно вам надо?»: Выпуск от 18.11.2018 2018-11-18 09:52 Президент США и «враги народа». Как телеканал CNN выиграл суд у Дональда Трампа. Выборы в Украине, которые никто не заметил. Зачем российской клептократии свои люди в руководстве Донбасса. Министр обороны Израиля — больше не фраер. Как молниеносную войну можно сделать политическим трамплином. МИД Кубы назвал агрессивной политику Соединенных Штатов Америки 2018-11-18 09:53 Истинные намерения США в отношении Кубы — ужесточить блокаду и задушить Остров свободы экономически. С таким заявлением выступило кубинское министерство иностранных дел. На саммите АТЭС Дмитрий Медведев встретился с Майклом Пенсом 2018-11-18 09:53 Премьер-министр России Дмитрий Медведев 18 ноября продолжит работу на саммите Азиатско-Тихоокеанского экономического сотрудничества, а затем отправится во Вьетнам на переговоры с руководством этой страны. Также Медведев провел на полях саммита АТЭС краткую встречу с вице-президентом США Майклом Пенсом. Papua New Guinea: Leaders finish up at APEC Summit 2018 2018-11-18 10:08 The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit 2018 drew to a close in Port Moresby on Sunday. Leaders and representatives such as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Chinese President Xi Jinping could be seen departing the venue. The 26th APEC summit was being held for the first time in the Pacific country of Papua New Guinea and will run until November 18. Representatives from the 21 APEC economies met to discuss trade and economic development in the region. Россию обвиняют в проблемах НАТО с GPS 2018-11-18 10:13 В Норвегии закончились крупные военные учения НАТО. Они стали ответом на маневры, которые российская армия проводила год назад у своих западных границ, а в этом году — у восточных. Финляндия и Норвегия заявили, что Россия специально создавала помехи в работе навигационной системы GPS. Олег Кожемяко побывал в Чугуевском районе Приморья 2018-11-18 10:38 Не обеспечил людей дровами: временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Приморья Олег Кожемяко уволил главу Приморского лесничества. Решение он принял во время рабочей поездки в Чугуевский район после встречи с руководителями лесопромышленного комплекса. Олег Кожемяко общался с местными жителями и посетил предприятия района. Евгения Осина похоронят на Троекуровском кладбище 2018-11-18 10:54 Певец Евгений Осин будет похоронен на Троекуровском кладбище. 17 ноября стало известно, что артист умер. Ему было 54 года. Тело обнаружили родственники музыканта. Они рассказали, что последние годы музыкант пил. По словам близких, последнюю неделю своей жизни он не покидал дом, а за сутки до смерти перестал выходить на связь. Papua New Guinea: APEC statement delayed after China-US debate 2018-11-18 11:15 Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill wrapped up the APEC 2018 summit in Port Moresby on Sunday, and said that a formal closing statement will be released in coming days. O’Neill thanked all leaders for participating in the summit and pointed out that through APEC they «are trying to ensure that we achieve free and open trade investment by 2020.» He added that APEC leaders «recognised» the «new challenges» the world is facing today, as well as «the rising tensions between the trading countries around the world, particularly on goods and services that are being traded between each other.» The formal written declaration has been delayed due to the APEC leaders’ failure to reach a consensus, thanks to competing visions of trade policy chiefly between China and the US. The 2019 APEC Summit will be hosted by Chile in 2019. В Печорах Путин побывал в монастыре и спустился в пещеры 2018-11-18 11:27 Владимир Путин посетил Свято-Успенский Псково-Печерский монастырь. Во время поездки его сопровождал митрополит Псковский Тихон. Они осмотрели комплекс монастыря. Затем митрополит провел службу, на которой присутствовал президент. После богослужения Путин с сопровождавшими его священнослужителями спустился в карстовые пещеры, расположенные под комплексом монастыря. Вести. Эфир от 18.11.2018 (11:00) 2018-11-18 11:34 Российские водолазы получают поздравления – наши моряки совершили рекордное погружение и установили российский флаг на глубине 416 метров. В Папуа – Новой Гвинее завершает работу саммит Азиатско-Тихоокеанского экономического сотрудничества. Украинские радикалы напали на резиденцию митрополита Канонической православной церкви. На Западе заявили, что главный герой популярного мультфильма занимается российской пропагандой. USA: 'It's devastating to see' — Trump tours wildfire-ravaged California 2018-11-18 11:38 Donald Trump, President of the United States: «Well, we'll be looking at everything. It is land management and it's forest management really is what you mean. We're going to be looking at every factor and we're going to get to the bottom of it and I think we can do it fairly quickly.» *JUMP CUT AT SOURCE* Officials: «Paradise.» *UPSOUND* Donald Trump, President of the United States: «Oh, Paradise. Well we just saw that Paradise is just, you know, it's just not acceptable.» US President Donald Trump visited the town of Paradise in the US conclave of Malibu on Saturday to see the damage inflicted by the recent deadly wildfires. He commended the firefighters who worked to evacuate thousands of people from their homes and fought to save properties. «It's devastating to see. I have to say the government officials have done an incredible job», Trump said. When asked whether climate change was the true catalyst to the natural disaster, Trump deflected the topic, instead answering: «It is land management and its forest management really is what you mean. We're going to be looking at every factor and we're going to get to the bottom of it and I think we can do it fairly quickly.» The 'Camp' wildfire, which started in the north of California on November 8, has caused 71 deaths and destroyed over 10,000 structures. It is reportedly the most deadly and destructive blaze in the state’s history, with over a thousand people still reported as missing. USA: 'HimToo' rally met with counter-protesters in Portland 2018-11-18 12:13 A rally called '#HimToo' was disrupted by counter-protesters in Portland, Oregon on Sunday. A known local Trump supporter, Haley Adams, organised the '#HimToo' rally, in direct reference to the #MeToo movement denouncing sexual violence against women. According to the organiser, men are «under attack» as they receive online abuse by women and are sometimes «wrongfully accused.» Tensions grew higher when counter-protesters chanting 'go home Nazis' disrupted the rally. A heavy police presence was on site blocking the counter-protesters from reaching the rally. В Германии прошли Дни Москвы 2018-11-18 12:33 Российские студенты архитектурного колледжа покорили немецкую столицу. Они оказались лучшими в номинации «кладка искусственного камня». Соревнования будущих архитекторов на знаменитой выставке Denkmal открывали московскую неделю. В городах Германии курсировал тематический автобус, в котором по пути рассказывали о Москве. USA: Trump calls CIA assessment of Khashoggi killing 'premature' 2018-11-18 12:37 Reporter: «Did the CIA assess that MbS (Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman) was behind it?» *UPSOUND* Donald Trump, President of the United States: «They haven't assessed anything yet. It's too early. That was a very premature a report but that's possible, we're going to see, we're going to have a report on Tuesday and it'll be very complete. In the meantime we're doing things to some people that we know for a fact were involved and we're being very tough on a lot of people.» A full report on the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi will be released early in the coming week, said US President Donald Trump while speaking to reporters in the Malibu area of California on Saturday, after touring the damage caused by wildfires in the state. Commenting on Friday night's reports about the CIA assessment of the murder, Trump noted that it was «premature.» «They haven't assessed anything yet. It's too early,» Trump said. «That was a very premature report but that's possible, we're going to see, we're going to have a report on Tuesday and it'll be very complete,» he added. The US leader also noted that in the meantime Washington is looking into «some people that we know for a fact were involved and we're being very tough on a lot of people.» Trump's remarks follow media reports published on Friday that claim American intelligence agencies have come to the conclusion that journalist Khashoggi's killing was ordered by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Саммит АТЭС: вместо итоговой декларации — урезанное заявление 2018-11-18 12:57 Саммит АТЭС впервые в своей истории не смог согласовать полноценную итоговую декларацию лидеров стран-участниц. Ситуацию журналистам пояснил канадский премьер Джастин Трюдо — якобы это произошло из-за противоречий между китайской и американской делегациями, а также торговой войны, которую Вашингтон ведет против Пекина. В Баку во время шествия задержали около 50 активистов 2018-11-18 13:26 После задержания лидеров оппозиции десятки людей собрались у отделения полиции, чтобы выразить протест действиям властей. Московские театралы устроили бунт на спектакле 2018-11-18 13:30 Бунт на спектакле устроили разочарованные и обманутые московские театралы. Постановка называлась «Все кончено, дорогой»! Собственно, похожая мысль возникла и у зрителей, которые не увидели на сцене ни Ренаты Литвиновой, ни Федора Добронравова, ни других известных актеров, которые улыбались им с афиш. Именно ради них люди шли в Дом кино и платили деньги. Теперь артисты вынуждены оправдываться. Мэр Москвы рассказал, как умные системы меняют жизнь города 2018-11-18 13:31 Современные технологии делают город более безопасным, дороги метеонезависимыми, влияют даже на суммы в наших коммунальных платежках. О том, как умные системы меняют жизнь столицы, рассказал мэр Сергей Собянин. В России хотят сделать бизнес билетной мафии убыточным 2018-11-18 13:35 Игра на повышение и штраф на сдачу — так предлагают бороться с билетной мафией. Сделать бизнес театральных спекулянтов рискованным и убыточным — основная цель нового законопроекта, который сейчас обсуждается в Госдуме. Пока, например, «лишний билетик», который не удалось сбыть по ломовой цене, можно сдать в кассу, хоть за час до мероприятия. И никаких потерь. Этим и пользуются перекупщики. Papua New Guinea: Trudeau says dissent on trade halted APEC consensus 2018-11-18 13:41 APEC leaders failed to reach a full consensus on the final communique because of their conflicting visions in terms of trade practices, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said from Port Moresby on Sunday, marking the end of the 2018 APEC summit. Trudeau explained that there were «differing visions” on trade and so there will now be a Chair consensus, meaning the chair country Papua New Guinea will publish a statement on behalf of the group. He also touched on Canada’s readiness to lead the way in signing “big trade deals”, even in an era of “uncertainty around trade and protectionism or unfair trade practices.” Trudeau concluded by stressing that Canada will continue to collaborate with its allies on the issues of international intelligence and safety. Трамп приехал в Калифорнию, чтобы остановить «огненного монстра» 2018-11-18 13:59 Число жертв лесных пожаров в Калифорнии приближается к отметке 80 человек. Свыше тысячи остаются пропавшими без вести. Накануне президент Дональд Трамп посетил пострадавший регион и признал, что стихийного бедствия такого масштаба в истории штата еще не было. Янукович не выступит в суде из-за травмы 2018-11-18 14:28 Сбежавший в Россию бывший президент Украины Виктор Янукович в обездвиженном состоянии был госпитализирован в Институт скорой помощи имени Склифосовского в Москве, сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на его адвоката. По его данным, Янукович получил травмы позвоночника и колена во время игры в теннис. По данным СМИ, 68-летний Янукович попал в больницу тремя ранее в пятницу и был выписан в тот же день. В Подмосковье медики удалили 15-килограммовую опухоль у пациентки 2018-11-18 15:28 Медики призвали регулярно проверять свое здоровье и близких. Поводом напомнить о необходимости ранней диагностики послужила уникальная операция врачей Королевской городской больницы, которые успешно удалили огромную 15-килограммовую опухоль у пациентки. Mexico: Caravan migrants stuck in limbo at US border in Tijuana 2018-11-18 15:33 Hundreds of Central American migrants were left stranded in the northern Mexican city of Tijuana on Saturday, as they waited for their applications for asylum in the US to be processed. According to reports, the Mexican government has made job offers to those who obtain legal status, expressing that there are thousands of vacancies for workers, particularly in factories. However, some remained skeptical and felt unsure about their next move. «We are going to wait a little, because people say that it is a lie, that they are not giving anything,» said a different caravan member. Some 2,000 migrants from the caravan, initially formed in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, arrived in Tijuana on Thursday after weeks of travelling northward through Central America. Meanwhile, US military bolstered border security at its frontier, installing barbed wire and dispatching helicopters to tour the area. Spain: Topless FEMEN activists crash Franco rally *GRAPHIC* 2018-11-18 16:02 Three topless FEMEN activists interrupted a commemorative event for the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco in Madrid on Sunday. The three women burst onto a stage where right-wing Falange Espanola leader Manuel Andrino was about to speak, before they were restrained by police. Demonstrators marched from Callao Square to Isabel II Square, shouting «National unity!» and waving the Flag of Spain which was used under Franco's rule. Franco ruled Spain as a military dictator from 1939, after winning a civil war against the forces of the democratically elected Spanish Republic, until his death in 1975. Коммунист Ищенко подал документы на участие в выборах главы Приморья 2018-11-18 16:35 В этот раз он будет баллотироваться в качестве самовыдвиженца. Всего документы в качестве кандидатов на регистрацию подали 11 человек. В Москве завершается хоровой фестиваль «С музыкой в сердце» 2018-11-18 16:36 В Москве завершается хоровой фестиваль медицинских и фармацевтических вузов «С музыкой в сердце». Его проводит РНИМУ имени Пирогова. Участники выступали не только на сцене, но и в больницах перед юными пациентами и их родителями. Iran: Cancer medication scarce due to re-imposed US sanctions 2018-11-18 16:37 Iranian children being treated for cancer are facing the consequences of a drug shortage due to the recently re-imposed US sanctions, footage filmed at the Mofid children's hospital in Tehran on Sunday reveals. For 38-year-old Maryam Haghverdilo, mother of Arshia who has been undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma over the past five months, the US-imposed sanctions on banks affect people's ability to purchase items abroad, including medication. «Mr. Trump says that he has not imposed sanctions on drugs, he has rather imposed sanctions on banks, these sanctions mean that we cannot buy medication. It means that we cannot pay European countries for medication to be imported,» she said. «We are worried about the next stage of chemotherapy about whether medication can be found or not,» Haghverdilo added. She went on to say that even though she might be able to travel to find medication, other less fortunate people may not have the same ability. For Maryam, it's the children that are suffering the consequences. «Children are innocent,» Haghverdilo said, and added «there are so many children here who really need these drugs.» The United States reinstated all of the sanctions it had previously lifted as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal, on November 5. The sanctions target Iran's oil, banking and shipping industries and the Trump administration has also promised to institute harsh penalties for any other states that continue to conduct trade with the country. Germany: Merkel, Macron, Steinmeier mark People's Day of Mourning in Berlin 2018-11-18 16:53 German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Frank Walter Steinmeier and French President Emmanuel Macron laid wreaths in the Neue Wache memorial in Berlin on Sunday, to honour the victims of war and dictatorship as part of the Volkstrauertag, or People's Day of Mourning. Footage shows the European leaders as they walk together through central Berlin carrying wreaths, before laying them at the Neue Wache memorial. Earlier in the week, Macron hosted Merkel and other global leaders in Paris, to mark the centenary of the end of First World War (WWI) at the Arc de Triomphe. Ukraine: Trans rights demonstrators attacked during Kiev march 2018-11-18 17:13 Two demonstrators for trans rights were attacked with pepper spray in Kiev after a transgender rights march was disrupted by far-right counter-protesters on Sunday. Around 40 people were taking part in the demonstration, holding rainbow flags and banners denouncing homo- and transphobia. Far-right counter-protesters reportedly threw smoke bombs into the crowd and attacked demonstrators with pepper spray. Footage shows the two injured women being treated by paramedics at the scene. Police reportedly ushered demonstrators into a subway station and blocked the entrance to far-right protesters to avoid additional clashes. One Canadian journalist was reportedly punched in the face by counter protesters near the subway station. The demonstration was held two days ahead of the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, which is observed on November 20. Путин и Абэ перешли на «вы» 2018-11-18 17:15 Сингапур стал центром мировой политики. Там проходил саммит стран АСЕАН — Ассоциации государств Юго-Восточной Азии и Восточноазиатский саммит, участие в котором приняли главы 18 государств, в том числе России, Индии, Китая, Японии. Переговоры с Токио: две новости от японского премьера 2018-11-18 17:18 Отдельной темой в Сингапуре стали две важных новости от премьер-министра Японии Синдзо Абэ. Первая: Япония готова вернуться к переговорам о заключении Мирного договора на основе нашей совместной декларации 1956 года. Israel: Netanyahu holds 'last effort' talks to save govt coalition over Gaza truce 2018-11-18 17:22 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting with his remaining coalition partners in Tel Aviv on Sunday, in a bid to prevent the collapse of his government following the withdrawal of the Yisrael Beitenu party from the ruling coalition. Netanyahu has come under heavy criticism for agreeing to a ceasefire with Hamas after two days of intense fighting. «Tonight I will meet with Finance Minister Kahlon in a last effort to prevent the toppling of the government. During such a sensitive time for Israeli security, we should not and it is not right to go to elections,» said Netanyahu. On Wednesday, Israel's hard-line Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman and his right-wing nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party withdrew from the ruling coalition in protest over the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire in Gaza. Mandatory Credit: GPO Полиция Мальты установила причастных к убийству журналистки 2018-11-18 17:23 Полиция Мальты установила причастных к убийству журналистки Дафне Каруаны Галиции, которая расследовала возможную причастность к коррупции премьер-министра страны, его семьи и окружения. Подозреваемыми в организации убийства названы два человека, исполнителями были трое. Имена подозреваемых не обнародованы. По данным следствия, соучастники преступления имели разные мотивы. В октябре прошлого года машина, за рулём которой находилась журналистка, была взорвана. Президент разбушевался: Порошенко психует вплоть до грубостей 2018-11-18 17:24 На прошедшей неделе мы пристально наблюдали за паникой Порошенко. Он психовал вплоть до грубостей — из-за того, что его церковный проект по созданию на Украине новой Церкви не выходит так, как ему хотелось. Germany: Macron calls for unity and 'more European sovereignty' during Bundestag speech 2018-11-18 17:41 French President Emmanuel Macron underlined the importance of the European unity while giving a speech at the Bundestag in Berlin on Sunday. «Today, there are so many forces that want to slow us down by attacking our public debates, our open democracies and trying to set us against each other. And in this world order, which we must take very seriously, our strength, our true strength, remains unity,» he said. Macron also pointed out that Europe needs more sovereignty, if it wants to protect its «citizens against new risks and to enjoy the freedom to decide our own future.» Macron arrived in Berlin to attend commemorations marking the Volkstrauertag, or People’s Day of Mourning. The public holiday is dedicated to members of the German armed forces and civilians who died in armed conflicts. Earlier in the day alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Macron participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Neue Wache memorial to remember those killed in war. Taiwan: Thousands rally for gay marriage in Taiwan ahead of referendum 2018-11-18 18:17 Thousands of people rallied for marriage equality in Taipei on Sunday, ahead of a crucial referendum on same sex marriage next week. «I hope marriage equality can be passed to avoid future discrimination. I don't want to see more deaths and injuries. Because gays and lesbians are still vulnerable groups after all and have no so-called protection in the civil law now,» demonstrator Wolf Bear said. Taiwan's top court legalised gay marriage last May and told the Taiwanese government the decision must be put into practice within two years. On November 24 a multi-question referendum will be held in Taiwan, with five out of ten questions relating to LGBT rights. If passed, Taiwan will become the first Asian country to legalise same sex marriage. Вести недели. Эфир от 18.11.2018. Оппозиционеры приглашают Америку вмешаться во внутренние дела России 2018-11-18 18:23 Создать российской власти как можно больше проблем — этой тактики придерживаются оппозиционеры, что полностью совпадает с целями американских властей. Germany: Merkel, Macron, Steinmeier lay wreaths at Berlin memorial 2018-11-18 18:23 German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Frank Walter Steinmeier, French President Emmanuel Macron and other officials laid wreaths inside the Neue Wache memorial in Berlin on Sunday, to honour the victims of war and dictatorship as part of the Volkstrauertag, or People's Day of Mourning. Footage shows the leaders and German Green Party Politician Claudia Roth laying wreaths inside the memorial. Earlier in the week, Macron hosted Merkel and other global leaders in Paris, to mark the centenary of the end of First World War (WWI) at the Arc de Triomphe. Moldova: Thousands protest against current government at socialist rally 2018-11-18 18:42 A massive socialist rally, which reportedly drew together tens of thousands of Moldavian citizens, took place in Chisinau on Sunday. The rally was organised by the Moldavian Party of Socialists, and was aimed at protesting against the policy of the current government. «We have endured for these two years. But it will never happen again. If you think that we will further tolerate you suspending or lifting the suspension on the president? Forget about it,» stated Moldavian President Igor Dodon speaking from the stage in front of the action's participants. Dodon, former leader of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova, hoped that the socialists will come out on top at the forthcoming parliamentarian elections and will «liberate» Moldova «from Euro-unionists.» The action culminated in adopting a resolution which lays out the principal goals of the socialists once they come to power. The expansion of the presidential mandate and shift to a presidential republic, the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict, and a bid for membership in the EurAsian Economic Union are among the key aims. Moldovan parliamentary elections will be held on February 24, 2019. Germany: ‘Deep’ Franco-German cooperation necessary for European progress — Macron 2018-11-18 18:59 French President Emmanuel Macron emphasised that Franco-German cooperation is key to European progress, at a press conference in Berlin alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday. «Europe is not only about the Franco-German partnership, but it is not possible to move forward without a deep agreement between these two countries,» Macron said. The French president earlier delivered an address to the Bundestag as part of commemorations marking the Volkstrauertag, or People's Day of Mourning. The public holiday is dedicated to members of the German armed forces and civilians who died in armed conflicts or due to violent oppression. Merkel added that she had agreed with comments in his speech to the German parliament, saying that she agreed that Europe stands at a «crossroads» and needs to answer «what role we will play.» Germany: Hundreds join far-right rally against UN migrant pact in Bonn 2018-11-18 19:48 Hundreds of people attended a far-right Generation Identity rally in Bonn on Sunday against Germany's signing onto the United Nations' migration pact. Protesters chanted «Fortress Europe, seal the borders» and held signs and placards attacking German Chancellor Angela Merkel and criticising the UN's Global Compact for Migration. Dozens of counter protesters rallied against the right-wing protest, with the two factions being held separate by police. The non-legally binding Global Compact for Migration was concluded in July and is expected to be adopted by UN member states in December. Вести недели. Эфир от 18.11.2018 2018-11-18 20:00 Spain: Antifascist groups protest Franco exhumation at Valley of the Fallen 2018-11-18 20:33 Dozens of people rallied in front of the gates of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco’s burial site in the Valley of the Fallen near Madrid on Sunday, in protest against the possible transfer of the Caudillo's remains to Madrid's Cathedral of the Almudena. Protesters held photographs of victims of Franco's regime and antifascist flags. Franco ruled Spain as a military dictator from 1939, after winning a civil war against the forces of the democratically elected Spanish Republic, until his death in 1975. The Spanish government is controversially planning to exhume and remove his remains from the tomb in the Valley of the Fallen near Madrid. The colossal landmark was built under Franco's orders, allegedly with the use of the forced labour of opponents to his regime, and has since become a pilgrimage site for his supporters. Latvia: Military parade celebrates Latvian 100th Independence Day anniversary 2018-11-18 21:39 Latvians marked the 100th anniversary of their country's independence with a military parade in Riga on Sunday. Over 1,000 soldiers took part in parade. They were joined by troops from the United States, Canada and other countries. The celebrations of the day were concluded with a torch procession. The Independence of the Republic of Latvia was proclaimed following WW1 on November 18, 1918. В Польше пассажиры скинулись на ремонт самолета, чтобы улететь 2018-11-18 21:49 Скинуться на ремонт самолета, чтобы улететь, пришлось пассажирам польской авиакомпании «ЛОТ». Serbia: Hundreds protest Kosovo negotiations outside parliament in Belgrade 2018-11-18 22:20 Hundreds of people rallied in front of the National Assembly building in Belgrade on Sunday to protest against government negotiations and deals with Kosovo. Tomislav Racic, a speaker at the rally and former Serbian army officer who served in Kosovo said “Kosovo and Metohija are not for sale. Our friends, comrades, soldiers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, families, lost their lives there.” Recent proposals to swap territory between Kosovo and Serbia as a means to settle the ongoing sovereignty dispute have been highly controversial. The proposed swap foresees the Presevo Valley in southern Serbia, populated mostly by ethnic Albanians, joining Kosovo. In exchange, politicians from both sides have reportedly suggested that Serbia might regain control over an area in north Kosovo, which is populated mostly by ethnic Serbs. Первый международный большой детский фестиваль стартовал в Москве 2018-11-18 22:45 Первый Международный Большой детский фестиваль открылся в московском Губернском театре. Спектакли будут проходить на восьми столичных и одиннадцати подмосковных площадках. На всех постановках-участниках конкурса будет работать независимое детское жюри. «Песня с историей»: Две гитары 2018-11-18 23:00 Никита Высоцкий: «У отца был период, когда он пел, он начал писать довольно поздно, в 61 году первая песня. И у него был период, когда он достаточно много пел и даже на публичных выступлениях вещей чужих.» Сегодня вспомним романс, новая волна популярности которого пришлась на 1967 год — время, которое запомнилось, не только музыкой. В это же время в Москве у Кремлевской стены открывают памятник «Могила неизвестного солдата», а Эдита Пьеха поет свой хит про очень музыкального соседа. Начинает свое вещание Останкинский телецентр, а Эдуард Хиль рассуждает о потребностях простого человека. На экраны выходит комедия Гайдая «Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика», а Владимир Высоцкий обращается в песне к своей гитаре. «Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым»: Стратегическое партнерство Украины и США 2018-11-18 23:00 Israel: Netanyahu assumes Defence Minister role amid govt coalition turmoil 2018-11-18 23:25 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he's assuming the position of Defence Minister, which was left vacant after Avigdor Lieberman’s Wednesday resignation, while speaking from Tel Aviv on Sunday. «We are in one of the most complex security situations and during a period like this, you don't topple a government. During a period like this you don't go to elections. It is irresponsible,» said Netanyahu. «The security of the state is beyond politics and the security of the state is beyond personal considerations and that's why you can see the effort I am making during the last days, I am making every possible effort to prevent unnecessary elections,» he added. Netanyahu has come under heavy criticism for agreeing to a ceasefire with Hamas after two days of intense fighting. Lieberman and his right-wing Yisrael Beitenu party withdrew from the ruling coalition in protest over the Egyptian-brokered ceasefire in Gaza. El Salvador: New US-bound migrant caravan of 150 leaves San Salvador 2018-11-18 23:58 Around 150 people left the El Salvadorian capital of San Salvador on Sunday, forming a new migrant caravan directed towards the United States. This is reportedly the fourth caravan to leave the Central American country. «All of us migrants who are looking for the American dream, we go for a reason, to get ahead. Because in El Salvador there is a lot of poverty, a lot of crime. For those reasons we are looking for this way to earn a little more money to help our families,» migrant Luis Ceron said. The first migrant caravan to reach the US-Mexico border arrived in Tijuana on Tuesday. US military bolstered border security at its frontier with Mexico, installing barbed wire and dispatching helicopters to tour the area. Russia: Howitzers, artillery and missiles blast off during St P'burg drills 2018-11-19 00:08 Russia’s Western Military District showed off their missile systems and artillery at the Luga testing range in the Saint Petersburg Oblast on Saturday. The drills coincided with the Day of Russia’s Missile and Artillery Forces. More than 1,000 soldiers, over 140 models of the artillery as well as the multi-use missile systems, such as the BM-27 Uragan, the BM-21 Grad, Smerch, the 2S19 Msta-S and the 2A65 Msta-B howitzers, as well as the 9K114 Shturm anti-tank missile system, were involved in the showcase. Spectators were treated to other military exercises, such as drone reconnaissance, a ground battle and flamethrowers. Вести недели. Эфир от 18.11.2018 2018-11-19 00:12 На Украине опять жгут покрышки, а детей в постельках греют бутылками с горячей водой. Зачем Макрону и Меркель единая европейская армия? Чего на самом деле боится Тереза Мэй? Зачем геи и лесбиянки из Гондураса штурмуют Америку? Почему не хватает лекарств, цены завышены, а система льготного обеспечения малопродуктивна? Чем уже гордится российская наука? Один за всех: кем был и кем стал израильский премьер Биньямин Нетаньяху 2018-11-19 01:24 Премьер-министр Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху неожиданно вступил еще и в должность министра обороны. Этот пост освободился после отставки Авигдора Либермана из-за политических разногласий. И это при том, что Нетаньяху сейчас является еще и министром иностранных дел Израиля. Как он со всем этим справится? Латвия отпраздновала свою независимость парадом войск НАТО 2018-11-19 01:25 Войска НАТО прошли маршем по Риге. Именно смотром чужих войск в Латвии решили отметили независимость своей страны. Расчленение журналиста WP: фасовка по чемоданам и «главный киллер» принца 2018-11-19 01:27 Тело убитого саудовского журналиста Джамаля Хашогги, возможно, было вывезено из Турции в чемоданах. Медведев прибыл во Вьетнам 2018-11-19 01:30 Премьер-министр России Дмитрий Медведев в воскресенье, 18 ноября, прибыл с официальным визитом во Вьетнам. Он прилетел в Ханой из Папуа-Новой Гвинеи, где принимал участие в саммите Азиатско-Тихоокеанского экономического сотрудничества (АТЭС). Haiti: Port-au-Prince protesters and police face off at corruption demo 2018-11-19 03:00 Thousands of Haitians protested in Port-au-Prince on Sunday to demand officials involved in the alleged misuse of PetroCaribe programme funds go on trial. Protesters set tire fires alight and marched through the streets, while police tried to put out the flames. The PetroCaribe programme was put in place by late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, and it allowed participating countries to purchase cheap petroleum products and the ability to pay their bills over an extended period of time at a one percent interest rate. Earlier Haitian investigations into the misuse of nearly $2 billion (1.7 billion Euros) pointed to several ministers in the current ruling party, but none have faced legal proceedings. Mexico: Clashes erupt as Tijuana demo protests 'avalanche' of migrants 2018-11-19 04:09 Hundreds of anti-migrant protesters gathered at the Monument to Cuauhtemoc in Tijuana on Sunday, demanding that the government denies support to migrants. Protesters waved Mexican flags and claimed that they are not against the migrants themselves, who are mostly from Honduras, but against the “way they entered the country.” «They are not migrants, it is a human avalanche. I am very surprised, all the people are very surprised,” one protester said. The protest turned violent when a pro-migrant activist tried to argue with the protesters who pushed her and then escorted her away from the demonstration. Protesters then marched to the shelters were over 2,000 migrants are currently housed, but were stopped by a police barricade. Clashes erupted as protesters pushed and shouted at the police. В Белграде протестуют против соглашений с Косово 2018-11-19 06:29 В Белграде прошли многотысячные протесты против мирных соглашений с Косово. Демонстранты собрались у здания парламента. По данным местных СМИ, пришло несколько тысяч человек. Представительству РПЦ в Сирии исполнилось 60 лет 2018-11-19 06:41 Исполнилось 60 лет представительству Русской православной церкви в Сирии. В честь этого митрополит Иларион и патриарх Антиохийский и всего Востока Иоанн Десятый совершили совместную литургию в Дамаске. Жители пограничного мексиканского города взбунтовались против мигрантов 2018-11-19 06:49 Беспорядками закончилась демонстрация против мигрантов из Центральной Америки в мексиканской Тихуане. Жители пограничного города, традиционно критикующие политику США в отношении беженцев, на этот раз сами стали жертвами наплыва мигрантов. Путин и Эрдоган будут вместе наблюдать за окончанием прокладки «Турецкого потока» 2018-11-19 06:51 Сегодня завершается строительство морского участка газопровода «Турецкий поток». В честь этого события в Стамбуле пройдет церемония, в которой примут участие Владимир Путин и Реджеп Эрдоган. |
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