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Spain: 'Madrilenians for the Right to Decide' show solidarity with Catalan referendum

Spain: 'Madrilenians for the Right to Decide' show solidarity with Catalan referendum
2017-09-30 23:40
A group of Madrlienians held a rally in support of the Catalan independence referendum, in the Spanish capital, on Saturday, during which they spread a giant Catalan flag across a square. The participants also held placards reading «Madrid for democracy and the right to decide.» The group's spokesperson, Pedro Casas, stated, «There are many people here in Madrid, much more than they want us to think, who are in favour of democracy, a direct democracy, a democracy where people can decide about their future.» The Catalan government has called a referendum on October 1 that has been deemed “illegal” by the Spanish government. The Constitutional Court has suspended the Catalan referendum law, following an appeal from the Spanish government. It will be suspended until the court reaches a decision.

USA: Ruptly cameras gain access to Russian consular residence before deadline to vacate
2017-10-01 01:19
Porcelain dolls and Russian books stood in the vacated rooms in the Russian consular residence in San Francisco, Friday, two days before the deadline for its vacation, on Sunday. Russian diplomats were allowed to remain in the premises until this date, following the announcement on September 1 by the US State Department of the closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco, as well as a consular annex in New York City and a a chancery annex in Washington DC. The move comes in response to Moscow's decision to reduce US diplomatic staff in Russia as a response to the introduction of new US sanctions by the Trump administration.

Телефонной поддержки референдума в Каталонии не будет
2017-10-01 01:46
Телефонной поддержки референдума в Каталонии не будет. Гражданская гвардия Испании нагрянула в колл-центр, который обеспечивал техподдержку голосования. Кроме того, полиция закрыла и опечатала большинство участков на которых уже сегодня должны были отдать свои голоса каталонцы. 30 сентября для Каталонии официально был днем тишины, однако, тихим он точно не был.

Spain: Aragon rallies for Catalan 'right to decide'
2017-10-01 04:40
Scores of people rallied in Zaragoza (Saragossa), the regional capital of Aragon, Saturday, in support of Sunday's Catalan independence referendum. The rally was reportedly organised by the 'Marchas por la Dignidad' ('Marches of dignity') movement. The group's spokesperson, David Ubico, stated that «by defending Catalonia's right to decide, we are defending democratic liberty of all people in the country.» The demonstrators held placards reading «Voting is not a crime but a right,» demanding that the Catalan independence vote takes place. The Spanish government has deemed the Catalan referendum «illegal.» The Constitutional Court suspended the Catalan referendum law, following an appeal from the Spanish government. It will be suspended until the court reaches a decision.

Spain: Tractors roll into Barcelona to protect polling stations ahead of vote
2017-10-01 05:39
Farmers from Catalonia's Barbens parked some 20 tractors outside designated voting stations in Barcelona, Saturday, as part of an initiative to park near polling stations to show their support for the Catalan independence referendum. Some 163 schools, which are set to be used as polling stations, have been occupied by Barcelona residents in a bid to ensure that the vote takes place. The Spanish government has deemed the referendum, which is set to take place on October 1, «illegal.» The Constitutional Court suspended the Catalan referendum law, following an appeal from the Spanish government. It will be suspended until the court reaches a decision.

Spain: Voters gather outside polling station hours before Catalan referendum
2017-10-01 06:21
Voters gathered outside a polling station in Barcelona, Sunday morning, hours before the opening of the Catalan independence referendum, despite the Spanish government having deemed it an illegal ballot. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain’s Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Spain: Civil Guard raids Catalonia's Information Security Centre hours before vote
2017-10-01 08:03
The Spanish Civil Guard personnel raided Catalonia's Information Security Centre (CESICAT), Saturday, in an attempt to ensure all applications and computer services allowing electronic vote in the Catalan referendum have been blocked following a Supreme Court ruling the previous day. The Spanish Civil Guard personnel raided the Centre of Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Generalitat de Catalunya (CTTI) earlier in the day. The Spanish government has deemed the referendum, which is set to take place on October 1, «illegal.» The Constitutional Court suspended the Catalan referendum law, following an appeal from the Spanish government. It will be suspended until the court reaches a decision.

Haiti: Violence erupts as anti-government continues in Port-au-Prince
2017-10-01 08:05
Unrest continued in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince, Saturday, as protesters took to the streets calling onto President Jovenel Moise to step down following the publication of a national budget which demonstrators believe to have a negative impact on the country's poor. The unpopular budget plan is set to introduce tax hikes and is expected to come into effect on October 1. The Senate approved the national budget for fiscal year 2017-2018 despite overwhelming concerns over its adding to the country's debt. The new budget will come into effect on October 1 once fully ratified, according to Haitian law.

Spain: Basque throws support behind Catalan referendum in Bilbao
2017-10-01 08:07
Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Bilbao city in the Basque Country, Saturday, in support of Sunday's Catalan independence referendum. Some of the demonstrators also voiced their desire to follow Catalan's path to independence from Spain. General Coordinator of the Basque pro-independence coalition Euskal Herria Bildu (EH Bildu), Arnaldo Otegui, who attended the march, expressed that the demonstrators came «to support the Catalan people and their institutions, to say that tomorrow there is a referendum on the self-determination of Catalonia, with which we agree.» He went on to stress that while «it is good that there is solidarity» with the Catalan people, the Basque Country «also has to start its own path towards the recovery of sovereignty.» The Spanish government has deemed the Catalan referendum «illegal.» The Constitutional Court suspended the Catalan referendum law, following an appeal from the Spanish government. It will be suspended until the court reaches a decision.

Spain: Tension looms as police reinforces presence outside Barcelona polling station
2017-10-01 08:18
Police cars and ambulances made their way to a polling station in Barcelona, Sunday morning, hours before the opening of the Catalan independence referendum, which the Spanish government deemed an illegal ballot. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

USA: Russian consular residence vacated in San Francisco as deadline approaches *EXCLUSIVE*
2017-10-01 08:20
The moving operation was drawing to a close in the Russian consular residence in San Francisco, Saturday, two days before the deadline for its vacation on Sunday. Russian diplomats were allowed to remain in the premises until this date, following the announcement on September 1 by the US State Department of the closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco, as well as a consular annex in New York City and a chancery annex in Washington DC. The move comes in response to Moscow's decision to reduce US diplomatic staff in Russia as a response to the introduction of new US sanctions by the Trump administration.

Испания в истерике из-за возможного отделения Каталонии
2017-10-01 08:28
Сегодня в Каталонии пройдет референдум. Голосование будет проходить на фоне масштабных митингов по всей стране и давления со стороны властей. Стычки с полицией, драки. На один из избирательных участков даже трактора пригнали, чтобы заблокировать правоохранителей. Тем временем, полиция закрыла почти все участки для проведения референдума. Вероятность отделения довела Испанию буквально до истерики.

В Австрии вступает в силу запрет на ношение никаба и бурки в общественных местах
2017-10-01 08:29
С 1 октября на территории Австрии официально вступает в силу запрет на ношение в общественных местах мусульманской одежды, полностью закрывающей лицо, а также медицинских масок без предписаний врача и маскарадных масок не в праздничные дни.

Yemen: Thousands commemorate Ashura in Sanaa
2017-10-01 08:29
Thousands of people hit the streets of Yemen's capital of Sanaa to celebrate the Shia Muslim festival of Ashura, Saturday. Ashura, which takes place on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic Hijri calendar, is a day of mourning which commemorates the killing of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and companions at the Battle of Karbala on 10 Muharram, 61 AH (10 October, 680 AD).

UK: Police evacuate London's Old Street tube station following reports of man 'acting suspiciously'
2017-10-01 08:30
Armed police rushed to London's Old Street tube station, Saturday, following reports of a man «acting suspiciously.» The British Transport Police and firearms officers were also dispatched to the scene. Passengers were evacuated following the incident. Several people also reported hearing a bang at the station. No firearm was discovered at the scene. The tube station was later reopened after it was understood that nothing suspicious was found at the scene.

Canada: Anti-racism demo turns violent in Peterborough
2017-10-01 08:56
An anti-racism rally turned violent, after a man who is believed to belong to a white nationalist group, appeared at the rally which was taking place in the Confederation Park, in central Peterborough, Ontario, Saturday. The white nationalist member was attacked after he arrived at the rally. Following the incident, a female counter-protester was detained by the police, which led to scuffles between the police officers and the demonstrators. The police eventually released the demonstrator after the crowd surrounded the police car, chanting «Let them go.» The demonstration took place in response to a planned Canadian Nationalist Front rally. However, the white supremacist rally was cancelled earlier in the day due to public safety concerns, according to the rally organiser and chairman of the Canadian Nationalist Front, Kevin Goudreau.

Australia: Sydney's Shia Muslims join worldwide Ashura celebrations
2017-10-01 09:35
More than 5,000 people marched through the centre of Sydney to mark Ashura, Saturday, to celebrate the Shia Muslim festival of Ashura. Slapping their chests in a performance of self-flagellation, participants joined other devotees across the world in beating themselves, in some cases even drawing blood. Ashura, which takes place on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic Hijri calendar, is a day of mourning which commemorates the killing of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and companions at the Battle of Karbala on 10 Muharram, 61 AH (10 October, 680 AD).

Spain: Defiant Catalans flock to polling stations as vote gets underway
2017-10-01 10:48
Voters defied the drizzly weather with umbrellas and a determination to vote outside polling stations in Barcelona, Sunday, as polling stations opened their doors for an independence referendum the Spanish government deemed illegal. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Сотни человек собрались перед избирательными участками в Барселоне
2017-10-01 11:00
Ранее правительство Каталонии объявило, что подготовлены свыше двух тысяч участков, куда смогут прийти почти 5,5 миллиона избирателей

Главе Каталонии не дали проголосовать на референдуме о ее независимости
2017-10-01 11:04
Служащие Гражданской гвардии Испании выломали дверь на избирательном участке в Сан-Жульян-де-Рамис в провинции Жирона, где должен был голосовать на референдуме о независимости Каталонии глава автономии Карлес Пучдемон. По всей Каталонии правоохранители закрывают избирательные участки и изымают материалы, имеющие отношение к референдуму.

Spain: Clashes erupt outside Barcelona polling station as voters head to polls
2017-10-01 11:21
Police clashes with voters outside polling station located at the Ramon Llull School in Barcelona, Sunday, as voters hit the polls to cast their votes in an independence referendum the Spanish government deemed illegal. Scores of defiant voters gathered around the police contingent, chanting slogans in sign of protest as security forces climbed the school fence to prevent voters from advancing into the premises. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

В Каталонии открылись избирательные участки
2017-10-01 11:29
Голосование на референдуме о независимости от Испании началось в Каталонии. Избирательные участки открылись в 9 утра по местному времени. Ожидается, что они будут работать до 8 вечера.

В Барселоне желающие принять участие в референдуме выстроились в очередь
2017-10-01 11:38
Очередь выстроилась у избирательного участка в Барселоне, где должно проходить голосование о независимости Каталонии.

Spain: Several injured as police raid school polling station
2017-10-01 11:48
Several people were injured Sunday morning as riot police raided a school building where former Catalan President Artur was due to vote. Police dressed in full riot gear stormed Infant Jesus School in Barcelona using batons on the crowds. One woman suffered cuts to her head. Another was pushed to the ground. While some polling stations appear to be operating normally, many others have seen violent scenes as police try to stop the referendum taking place.

Этиленгликоль в детском питании: германская полиция задержала отравителя
2017-10-01 12:02
Открыл, добавил яд, принес в магазин и поставил на полку. В Германии мужчина, подозреваемый в отравлении детского питания, сознался в содеянном. За угрозу жизни детям и вымогательство ему грозит до 15 лет тюрьмы.

Бьют всех подряд: каталонцы рассказали, как действует полиция на референдуме
2017-10-01 12:04
Столкновения с полицией, митинги и первые задержания. В такой обстановке в Каталонии проходит референдум о независимости. Несмотря на запрет Мадрида и предупреждения испанских властей, люди с ночи ждали в очереди, чтобы отдать свой голос. И вот сейчас на улицах стычки, стреляют резиновыми пулями.

Spain: Clashes as police try to quell voting in Barcelona
2017-10-01 12:23
Spain’s oldest law enforcement agency, Guardia Civil, clashed with voters attempting to vote at Ramon Llull school in Barcelona on Sunday. The school is being used as a makeshift polling station for today’s Catalan referendum. Officers dressed in full riot gear prevented voters from entering the station as people chanted “let us vote”. Tensions are high, as supporters brace for a contentious day of voting in a referendum deemed illegal and unconstitutional by Madrid. The Spanish authorities have stepped up measures aimed to prevent the referendum from taking place, such as closing down websites and confiscating materials related to the referendum vote.

Spain: Catalan leader Puigdemont casts vote despite police crackdown
2017-10-01 12:29
Catalan President Carles Puigdemont cast his vote in the Catalan independence referendum at a polling station in Cornella del Terri, Sunday, in lieu of a polling station in Girona where he was originally expected. In a tactical move to avoid police raids, Puigdemont and other Catalan leaders cast their ballots in different polling stations from the ones they were assigned to. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia.

Стрельба по каталонцам: полицейские ранили 38 человек
2017-10-01 13:20
В Каталонии из-за действий полицейских пострадали 38 человек. Об этом сообщил в Twitter департамент здравоохранения автономии. По его информации, большинство пострадавших получили легкие травмы.

Spain: Spanish police confiscates ballot boxes in a move to halt Catalan referendum
2017-10-01 13:23
Spanish police seized ballot boxes in Cappont de Lleida, Sunday, as Madrid seeks to prevent Catalans from partaking in the independence referendum. Security forces and protesters have clashed in a number of polling stations, with reports of rubber bullets being used to disperse voters. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Испанская полиция начала стрелять по участникам референдума в Барселоне
2017-10-01 13:37
Помимо резиновых пуль, полицейские применили также шумовые гранаты. Местные СМИ сообщают о пострадавших, но официальной информации на этот счет пока нет.

Spain: Catalan leaders condemn violence, 73% polling stations open
2017-10-01 13:40
Catalan leaders have condemned the scenes of violence witnessed outside polling stations Sunday, but say 73 percent of polling stations are open. Government of Catalonia Spokesperson and Minister of the Presidency Jordi Turull called on the international community to take notice and said the bloody scenes witnessed were like the days of Francoist Spain. He asked the international community «realise the violation of rights that we are suffering in Catalonia» as well as the delegate of the government in Catalonia Enric Millo's demission, « for being responsible of repression and state violence that only the elder people remember, proper of the Franquism.» More than five million people are expected to cast their votes at more than four thousand polling stations across the region.

Spain: Scores injured as police clamps down on voters with rubber bullets and batons
2017-10-01 13:54
Scores of voters were injured in Barcelona, Sunday, as they clashed with security forces over the Catalan independence referendum. Emergency services reached the area near the polling station located at the Ramon Llull School and provided aid to the wounded, who were later transferred to nearby hospitals on board of ambulances. Several voters marched through the streets carrying a banner reading «Fascism advances if we don't fight it!» as others staged a sit-in near the Jesuitas Caspe School. A wounded voter, Joan, told the press that police fired rubber bullets on the voters and also used batons against them, including women and children. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Полиция разгоняет каталонцев на избирательных участках в Барселоне
2017-10-01 13:56
В регионе сегодня проходит референдум о независимости от Испании. Мадрид называет его незаконным. Первые столкновения жителей со спецназом начались сегодня рано утром в города Жирона.

Вести. Эфир от 01.10.2017 (14:00)
2017-10-01 14:00
Референдум в Каталонии: полиция блокирует избирательные участки, завязались потасовки. В Якутске авария на ГРЭС, город без электричества. Возвращение пассажиров «ВИМ-Авиа» идет по графику. Натерпелись страха: у самолета Air France в воздухе развалился двигатель.

Режиссера Олега Сенцова этапируют в Заполярье
2017-10-01 14:13
Об этом он сам написал в письме правозащитнице Зое Световой. Сенцов считает, что его переводят в самую северную колонию России - поселок харп на Ямале.

ФИФА может отстранить сборную Испании от чемпионата мира 2018
2017-10-01 14:13
Референдум в Каталонии может нанести болезненный удар по испанскому футболу. ФИФА не исключает возможности отстранения сборной Испании от международных соревнований, в том числе и чемпионата мира 2018 года.

40 человек пострадали в столкновениях с полицией в Каталонии
2017-10-01 14:18
Против участников референдума в Барселоне начали применять резиновые пули и шумовые гранаты.

Spain: Griona polling station mired in violence as police and voters face off
2017-10-01 14:25
Spanish Civil Guard police cracked down on voters assembled outside a polling station in Sant Julia de Ramis, near the Catalan city of Girona, Sunday, soon after polls opened in an independence referendum the Spanish government deemed illegal. Security forces and protesters clashed as security forces attempted to smash into the polling station to prevent voters from parking in the referendum. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Spain: Police storms into polling station as govt. tightens grip on Catalan vote
2017-10-01 14:30
Spanish civil guard smashed their way into a polling station in Sant Julia de Ramis, Sunday, as the Spanish government moves to counter the ongoing referendum on Catalan independence. Security forces broke into the glass façade of the station, while poll organisers attempted to flee with materials related to the referendum. The police continued to tour the building, conducting searches in numerous places and left securing a plastic bag stuffed with unverified materials. At least 38 people have reportedly sustained injuries as clashes between voters and security forces escalated, with reports of rubber pellets and batons used against protesters. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in more than 2,000 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Spain: Voters tossed outside polling station as anti-referendum measures take a violent turn
2017-10-01 15:00
Police clashed with voters outside a polling station in Barcelona's Guinardo Market, Sunday, as voters lined up to cast their votes in an independence referendum the Spanish government had deemed illegal. At least 38 people have reportedly sustained injuries as clashes between voters and security forces escalated, with reports of rubber pellets and batons used against protesters. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in more than 2,000 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Spain: Catalan leader visits school marred by violence
2017-10-01 15:08
Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont visited the polling station marred by violence earlier in the day where he was due to cast his vote. He witnessed firsthand the damage caused by police as they smashed their way into Sant Julià de Ramis school in Girona. Just before the polling station opened on Sunday, the Spanish Civil Guard police stormed the school injuring several people. One woman had to be treated by paramedics after being found unconscious on the ground. So far, 38 people have been injured in violent clashes with the police. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes at 2,315 polling stations across in the illegal referendum.

Spain: Screams rock Barcelona polling station as police beat and drag voters out
2017-10-01 15:23
Policemen dragged voters across a polling station in Barcelona's Carrer de Pau Claris, Sunday, in an attempt to clear the vicinity as the vote in the Catalan independence referendum continues. Voters crowded in a hallway, including many women, were flung across the stairs, beaten and dragged by hair by riot gear-equipped police. At least 38 people have reportedly sustained injuries as clashes between voters and security forces escalated, with reports of rubber pellets and batons used against voters. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in more than 2,000 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Spain: Far-right protest illegal Catalan vote
2017-10-01 15:28
A group of far-right protesters gathered in Barcelona’s Plaza Catalunya to protest the Catalan independence referendum on Sunday. Around 80 people, organised by the far-right party Democracia Nacional, held Spanish flags and signs shouting “take your dirty hands off our children”. At least 284 people have been injured, 53 serious, in clashes with police who fired rubber bullets at voters attempting to cast their ballot in the illegal referendum.

Каталонцы занимали очередь к участкам рано утром
2017-10-01 15:30
По последним данным, несмотря на приказ полицейским закрыть все избирательные участки, почти половина из них доступна для голосования каталонцев. Официальный Мадрид распорядился арестовать урны с бюллетенями и закрыть школы, оборудованные под участки. Организаторы референдума в ответ разрешили гражданам голосовать на любом открытом участке, а бюллетени распечатывать дома.

США направят авианосную ударную группу к берегам Северной Кореи
2017-10-01 15:43
Она прибудет туда к середине октября. Американские военные корабли возглавит авианосец «Рональд Рейнган».

Spain: Pellets fly as police and voters come to blows in Barcelona
2017-10-01 15:43
Police responded to assembled voters in Barcelona with rubber pellets and batons, Sunday, as clashes over the Catalan independence referendum continue to escalate. Shortly after police seized ballots and ballot boxes from the Ramon Lull School polling station, security forces faced scores of chanting voters, leading to a violent confrontation. According to the Spanish Ministry of Interior, 11 policemen were injured in Catalan referendum violence, while at least 38 protesters have reportedly sustained injuries. Referendum supporters have braced for a contentious day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

В столкновениях с полицией в Каталонии пострадали 337 человек
2017-10-01 16:00
Такие цифры приводят местные власти. Испанское правительство в свою очередь говорит, что пострадали еще 11 полицейских.

Агрессия полиции заставляет каталонцев пойти и проголосовать
2017-10-01 16:04
Несмотря на запрет Мадрида, более 70 процентов участков в Каталонии открыты для избирателей. Местные СМИ сообщают о столкновениях. Полиция Испании применила силу против активистов в Жироне. А в Барселоне в результате стычки со стражами порядка легкие ранения получили 13 человек.

Несколько избирателей пострадали при столкновении с полицией в Каталонии
2017-10-01 16:09
Полиция пытается ограничить доступ людей на избирательные участки.

Полиция Каталонии применила резиновые пули и дымовые шашки
2017-10-01 16:11
Власти Барселоны назвали происходящее репрессиями и потребовали отставки представителя испанского правительства.

Spain: Civil guard and protesters face off in Sant Carles de la Rapita, dozens reported injured.backup
2017-10-01 16:24
Spanish Civil Guards clashed with protesters in the Catalan town of Sant Carles de la Rapita, on Sunday. Dozens were reportedly injured after the Civil Guard arrived at the polling center where around 200 people were waiting to vote. Scuffles erupted after a Catalan police officer asked the Spanish Civil Guard to calm the crowd. Agents of the Civil Guard have reportedly taken away empty ballot boxes. Referendum supporters have braced themselves for a tense day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Резня в Марселе: преступник застрелен
2017-10-01 16:28
Мужчина, вооруженный ножом, начал нападать на прохожих, два человека получили ранения. Силами полиции преступник был ликвидирован.

Afghanistan: Hundreds partake in bloody Ashura procession
2017-10-01 16:48
Hundreds of Afghani Shiite Muslims partook in a mass self-flagellation to commemorate the Shia festival of Ashura, on Sunday, in Kabul. Ashura, which takes place on the 10th day of Muharram in the Islamic Hijri calendar, is a day of mourning which commemorates the killing of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and companions at the Battle of Karbala on 10 Muharram, 61 AH (10 October, 680 AD).

Власти Каталонии потребовали отставки представителя испанского правительства
2017-10-01 16:56
Полиция применила резиновые пули и дымовые шашки против сторонников независимости Каталонии.

Правительство Испании отвергает все обвинения в жестокости полиции
2017-10-01 17:00
В Мадриде заявляют, что действия стражей порядка в отношении участников референдума в Каталонии были оправданы.

Правительство Красноярского края ушло в отставку
2017-10-01 17:13
Временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Красноярского края Александр Усс отправил в отставку правительство региона. Министры продолжат исполнять свои обязанности в переходный период, пишет ТАСС.

Spain: Madrid unionists rally against Catalan independence on day of referendum vote
2017-10-01 17:23
Spanish unionists took to the streets of Madrid, Sunday, to protest against the Catalan independence referendum. The protesters exhibited numerous Spanish flags and sang patriotic songs and chants. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes at 2,315 polling stations across in the referendum, on Sunday, which has been deemed «illegal» by the Spanish government.

Spain: 'There has not been referendum,' insists Spanish Deputy PM
2017-10-01 17:30
Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria insisted that “there has not been referendum, nor even the appearance of one,” during a press conference on Sunday afternoon in Madrid. Saenz de Santamaria affirmed that the Catalan Generalitat has acted completely irresponsibly, while law enforcement units have “obeyed the orders of justice and have applied them with professionally and proportionally.” Despite reports of serious tensions and numerous injured in protests, Saenz de Santamaria maintained that the police were only interested in seizing election materials. «Their target has never been the people, but the voting material. They have always looked after the protection of rights and freedoms,» she maintained. Referendum supporters have braced themselves for a tense day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Spain: Voters build barricade outside polling station to prevent police from confiscating ballots
2017-10-01 17:33
Voters built a barricade outside the polling station located at the Industrial School of Barcelona, Sunday, to prevent security forces from seizing ballots and ballot boxes used for the Catalan independence referendum. Local resident Marta Menendez said that, as people saw that the police approaching the polling station, they ran to the school's entrance and constructed a barricade made out of bags and pallets. Referendum supporters have braced for a tense day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across Catalonia, with more than 200 stations in Barcelona alone.

Глава Каталонии: Безответственное насилие не помешает народу проголосовать
2017-10-01 17:44
В Каталонии, несмотря на запрет Мадрида, проводят референдум о независимости от Испании. По данным правительства Автономного сообщества, для избирателей сейчас открыты 96 процентов участков, явка уже составила около 50 процентов. Голосующих пытаются убрать силой. По данным организаторов референдума, в столкновениях с полицией пострадали более 300 человек.

Spain: Catalan govt. calls on EU to impose sanctions on Spanish state
2017-10-01 17:49
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Catalonia Raul Romeva announced that the Catalan government has begun contacting European institutions to impose sanction mechanisms on the Spanish state, during a press conference held Sunday afternoon in Barcelona. Romeva claimed that the actions of the Spanish State «are putting the image of the EU as a guarantor of democracy and human rights at risk.» Referendum supporters have braced themselves for a tense day, following crackdowns by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks.

Трое пострадавших в Барселоне — в тяжелом состоянии
2017-10-01 17:54
Основные травмы у пострадавших в Барселоне — от резиновых дубинок.Из 38 пострадавших в тяжелом состоянии находятся трое, рассказала «России 24» Анастасия Седова, медицинский переводчик, работающий на центральной станции скорой помощи в Барселоне. В Каталонии 1 октября проходит референдум о независимости.

Spain: Barcelona star Gerard Pique casts vote in Catalan referendum
2017-10-01 17:54
FC Barcelona and Spanish international defender Gerard Pique cast his vote in the Catalan independence referendum in the region’s capital, Sunday. The World Cup champion wrote «I've already voted. Together we are unstoppable defending democracy,» on his Instagram page in Catalan. Despite FC Barcelona's attempts to cancel their La Liga fixture with Las Palmas on Sunday, the match will go ahead behind closed doors with the club refusing to accept a potential points deduction. Barca released a statement condemning «the events which have taken place in many parts of Catalonia in order to prevent citizens exercising their democratic right to free expression.»

Violence proof of state losing control — Former Catalan President
2017-10-01 18:05
SOT, Journalist (Catalan): «How did you feel while voting?» SOT, Artur Mas, Former President of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Catalan): «I felt immensely happy, immensely happy.» Former President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Artur Mas stated that the measures taken by security forces to halt the Catalan independence referendum are the «proof that the Spanish state has completely lost control,» when speaking to the press in Barcelona, Sunday. Mas described the way the police treated the voters outside the numerous polling stations spread throughout the region as «pathetic», «dramatic» and «unacceptable.» «A democratic state in the 21st century cannot allow the police to act in a violent way when people here are simply willing to take a ballot and vote and decide the future of a country,» he concluded. Prompted by a journalist, who asked Mas how he felt as he cast his vote, the former Catalan leader said he «felt immensely happy.» Independence supporters have braced themselves for a tense day, following a crackdown by Spanish authorities on polling stations, arrests of Catalan officials and the suspension of the vote by Spain's Constitutional Court over the last weeks. More than 5 million Catalans are expected to cast their votes in 2,315 polling stations across the region.

Spain: Police separate groups protesting for and against referendum on Plaza Catalunya
2017-10-01 19:04
Police officers were forced to step in to separate groups protesting for and against the Catalan independence referendum on Barcelona's Plaza Catalunya, on Sunday. An anti-referendum protest was taking place in the square where, a few hours later, a pro-referendum rally was due to be held. At the conclusion of the anti-referendum protest, some demonstrators remained in the square, waving Spanish flags. They choice to stay provoked people gathering in support of the referendum, and scuffles between the groups ensued.

Spain: Unionists led away from Placa de Catalunya as referendum rally commences
2017-10-01 20:01
Thousands of Spanish unionists and Catalan separatists gathered in Placa de Catalunya in Barcelona as tensions mounted over the independence referendum, Sunday. Squadrons of police officers were deployed, with several protesters led away to diffuse potentional clashes. After weeks of unrest following a Spanish Constitutional Court decision to suspend the Catalan referendum law, Catalans in Barcelona have voted in an «illegal» ballot, as deemed by the Spanish government.

Ротация губернаторов: Путин дает дорогу молодым, но опытным
2017-10-01 21:21
Закончился сентябрь — месяц, за который в России появились 15 новых глав регионов. 11 избрались в Единый день голосования. Четверо назначены президентом временно исполняющими обязанности:

США проигрывают России в информационной войне
2017-10-01 21:22
Президент Путин провел совещание Совета Безопасности, где среди прочего затрагивалась и тема нарастающего давления на российские СМИ за рубежом. Понятно, о чем речь.

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