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Re: Вопрос

По моему самый лучший совет.
Уверен, что мало кто возмется утверждать, что шлифовки и пилинги полезны
для здоровья. Особенно шлифовка, слышал не однократно, что шлифовка, может
в долгосрочной перспективе процировать рак кожи...

Я когда то слышал, что появились гормональные таблетки, которые помогают в
начальных стадиях облысения...

С ув., Роман.

11.05.2004 10:11:39 Дмитрий А. Рязанов wrote:

можно не


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Ответить   roman_she***@m*****.fr Tue, 11 May 2004 09:24:50 +0300 (#142244)



Привет всем!

привет Юра :)
не до конца ясно, вопросы можно присылать уже сейчас или..?
на всякий случай вот мой вопрос:
Уважаемый м-р Фрэйтас!
Некоторое время назад прошла информация, что при помощи самовосстанавливаемых
наночастиц, которые обезвреживают свободные радикалы, было достигнуто продление
клеток могзга (в культуре) в 4 раза.
Могли бы Вы привести несколько подобных примеров за последнее время, которые
бы показывали, что наномедицина реально работает на практике.

Также интересно Ваше мнение, когда будет осуществлён первый эксперимент на каком-либо
животном, который покажет способность наномедицины существенно продлевать жизнь
целого организма?
А возможно такие эксперименты уже были на червях, фруктовых мушках, мышах и т.п?

С уважением Рязанов Дмитрий.
Автор сайта о научном иммортализме - www.bessmertie.ru
Юра, если потребуется, подредактируйте вопрос, но без потери смысла естественно

С уважением, Рязанов Дмитрий.
Продление жизни, научный иммортализм и трансгуманизм.
www.bessmertie.ru www.transhumanism.ru Dmit***@b*****.ru

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Ответить   Tue, 11 May 2004 13:55:07 +0600 (#142272)


Hello, Дмитрий!
You wrote to "science.news.bessmertie (4027300)" <i_artyuh***@f*****.ru> on Tue,
11 May 2004 13:55:07 +0600:

[Sorry, skipped]

К сожалению, Р. Фрейтас (как мне доподлинно известно) не умеет
читать по-русски. Полагаю, что все вопросы к нему следует давать
in English.

Всем весёлой вечности!
Игорь Артюхов
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Ответить   "Igor Artyuhov" Tue, 11 May 2004 11:03:24 +0400 (#142282)


Posted on Fri, May. 21, 2004

Transhumanism takes technology to the level of faith
Transhumanists see future as more human than human

Humanity is on its way out. Post-humanity - technologically enhanced and
perhaps even immortal - is coming.

The stuff of science fiction? No, it's creed to transhumanists, a diverse
group of technological optimists who advocate the transformation of homo sapiens
into a new species, one "better than human."

Transhumanists see our era of rapid technological advance as the transitional
phase between our human past and post-human future. Cochlear implants, artificial
joints, genetic engineering, mood-altering and memory-enhancing drugs - all are
preludes to an era when people will routinely enhance their brains, improve their
bodies and perhaps live forever.

Critics, however, think this could be the worst calamity to befall us,
both as individuals and as a species.

Transhumanists come in a wide variety, said James J. Hughes, executive
director of the World Transhumanist Association based in Willington, Conn.

Some are interested in life extension. Some want to be immortal. Some think
nanotechnology - the emerging science of molecular machines - will someday repair
our bodies from the inside out. Others are convinced they'll someday extend their
memories with computer implants or upload their consciousness into a smarter-than-human
artificial intelligence.

What all share is the desire "to ethically use technology to become more
than human," said Hughes, whose organization has 3,000 members in 24 chapters
across 98 countries.

If transhumanism has a poster child, it's Steve Mann. A professor at the
University of Toronto, Mann is arguably a cyborg - a bionic human.

For more than 20 years, he has invented and worn electronic equipment through
which he experiences the world. Strolling the street, Mann can browse the Web
or monitor his heart rate, pulse and brain waves through sensors implanted in
his body. He can simultaneously videotape everything he sees. Glasses correct
his vision electronically - the prescription can be changed through software
- and help his memory by giving people virtual name tags. Mann next hopes to
implant the entire system, to give people a full-time "visual memory prosthesis,"
he said.

Not everyone is thrilled at the prospect of a post-human future populated
by cyborgs, designer children, conscious computers, immortals and disembodied
minds roaming the Internet. Some think we could engineer ourselves out of meaningful

"There is the thinking that we will get the 'real us,' the better, higher
us, from technology," said William B. Hurlbut, a Stanford biologist who serves
on the President's Council on Bioethics.

But Hurlbut argues that what makes us human depends on being in bodies
that aren't always perfect and that can fail.

Some transhumanists don't see what's so special about being human. Marvin
Minsky, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and pioneer in the
field of artificial intelligence, calls humans "meat machines" possessed of limited,
frail minds and mortal bodies.

Like other leading computer scientists, Minsky celebrates a future when
humans will be able to "upload" the contents of their brains into computers or
robot brains.

Ray Kurzweil, inventor of the first computer systems that could read aloud
to the blind, is a prominent transhumanist thinker. He has long predicted the
merging of humans and computers, and recently called for replacing the body's
often imperfect molecular blueprint, DNA, with software, which unlike DNA wouldn't
suffer mutations.

These visions of man-machine fusion have parallels in religion, said Anne
Foerst, professor of theology and computer science at St. Bonaventure University
in New York.

For one, they offer adherents the hope of an everlasting, perfect existence
that brings "solace to those struggling with the injustices of daily life," Foerst

Then there's immortality.

"Transhumanists want to use technology to enhance and fulfill human potential,"
said the World Transhumanist Association's Hughes. "That's very hard to do if
you die after only 70 years."

But living forever could rob life of its meaning, said Bill McKibben, author
of "Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age." In the book he argues that without
death, humans have no opportunity to sacrifice for their children, no reason
to pour out a life's work under the literal deadline of mortality.

"Human meaning is more vulnerable than they imagine," McKibben said.

Samantha Atkins, an avowed transhumanist employed as a software engineer
in San Jose, Calif., thinks we have little choice: Improving on humanity, in
her view, is the only way to save the species.

"A lot of us don't believe that the current model of humans is adequate
for solving the problems we face," Atkins said. "Holding onto the norm, the 'way
nature made us,' may condemn us."

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Ответить   "Igor Artyuhov" Wed, 26 May 2004 15:01:28 +0400 (#154726)